Role of Herbal Remedies in Curing Piles, Constipation and Hernia
In this age of globalization and modernization, do you know that around 80% of the Asian and African population still uses traditional herbal medicines rather than modern medicines, when it comes to primary healthcare? It’s a fact proven in a global level survey, which also highlights that more number of developed nations are moving towards adopting traditional medicine system. This not only underlines sheer effectiveness and popularity of herbal remedies but also raises the question – do herbal remedies really play an important role in treating various ailments? The answer is YES.
Let’s now emphasize the use of traditional herbal medicines in India. Being known best for its traditional medicinal systems — Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani; India has been successfully using herbal remedies since ages. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is “science of life”, rather “science of longevity”. Traditional ayurvedic medicines are proved to play a vital role in curing a large number diseases till date. As far as anorectal diseases are concerned, herbal remedies turn out to be excellent over painful surgical treatments.
Herbal Remedies for Piles
• Triphala – a compound of three fruits • Chamomile or calendula – a topical herbal compress • Aloe Vera – a common medicinal plant for topical or oral usage • Raddish – can be effective in any form
Herbal Remedies for Constipation
• Constac – a clinically proven effective, non habit forming, high-fibre herbal laxative developed by Healing Hands Clinic • Aloe Vera – Fresh juice or gel • Dandelion – dried leaves or powder in a cup of hot water • Flaxseeds – crushed seeds • Barley • Fenugreek
Herbal Remedies for Hernia
• Licorice root • Ginger root • Chamomile • Marshmallow root • Hawthornia – mixed with citrus seeds and fennel • Shepherd’s purse
“Ensuring Wellness through Nature’s Mystery” is the zeal that Healing Hands Clinic is involved in. Our “Healing Hands Herbs” is actively involved in innovation of Herbal formulations. Our herbal formulations have been playing a pioneering role in revolutionizing the ancient knowledge with modern research and techniques. Under the guidance of highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic scientists, Healing Hands Herbs offers a wide range of Pure and 100% safe herbal products.
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