herbskartthings · 4 years
Kabasura Kudineer Choornam
Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam is a traditional formulation to treat common respiratory conditions, including flu and cold, in an efficient way. This herbal concoction relieves respiratory symptoms, including an extreme flag, dry and wet cough, and fever.
Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam Ingredients
Kabasura Kudineer is a well-known Siddha medication consisting of 15 herbal compounds, each with its own unique features. Kabasura Kudineer Choornam is herbal cooking composed of dry ginger, pippali, clove, cirukancori root, mulli-root, Ajwain, Akarakarabha, Haritaki, Malabar nut, Kusta, Guduchi, Bharani, Kalamegha, Raja Pata, Musta, Water.
Benefits of Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam
But this Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam is meant to reinforce the lungs, improve breathing mechanisms, and treat infectious disorders such as toxicity, colds, fever, and other respiratory diseases. During flu due to its medicinal and curative qualities, this KabasuraKudineerChooranam became well-known.
 More active Phyto components were found in Kabasura Kudineer Choornam, the higher activity in silicon evidence for Corona viral drug was observed than in Thonthasurakudineer.
 Several studies have shown that Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam helps minimize swelling in the air passages due to its anti-inflammatory properties, while antibacterial and antipyretic properties relieve fever.
 The report, which was numbered 84 by the nearby Vellore, on two groups of COVID 19 positives, could be taken as preliminary evidence for safety and prophylactic impact of the herbal drink in high-risk cases COVID-19.
 After all, due to starting it, it is always best to seek the advice of an Ayurveda practitioner. When used in conjunction with homeopathic medication, this formulation is safe. When taken along with multivitamin and mineral supplements, it also displays no harmful effects.
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herbskartthings · 4 years
Herbs for menstruation
The menstruation of a woman is a natural component of her menstrual period. There is generally no reason for alarm about occasional changes in symptoms, menstrual flow, and overall length.
Diet, exercise, and stress can all impact the glands that control the hormone balance of your body, influencing your monthly cycles in turn.
 We can lose essential nutrients in the blood period as our bodies menstruate. Plants' nourishing power (especially herbs) can help replenish these important vitamins and minerals that are crucial to keeping our bodies at their best!
 3 Most Powerful Herbs for Menstruation
1.     Cinnamon
Cinnamon can help control the body's insulin levels, which can affect other hormones and the menstrual cycle. Cinnamon may induce a more stable menstrual cycle in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who often have high insulin and irregular periods. In women who have painful menstrual cycles, cinnamon supplements can also minimize pain.
2.     Turmeric
Turmeric root contains curcumin, which has been shown to have many beneficial effects on wellbeing, including inflammation reduction and mood enhancement. Because of these effects, taking curcumin-containing supplements can reduce PMS symptoms. Turmeric can have estrogen hormone-like effects as well. This suggests that controlling your menstrual cycle will also aid.
3.     Evening primrose oil
Evening primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an inflammation-reducing omega-6 fatty acid. For many women's health issues, like hot flashes, breast pain, and symptoms of PMS, evening primrose oil is used. Some older studies indicate that evening primrose oil can minimize the symptoms of PMS.
 Herbs are commonly available as dried extracts, teas, tinctures, or liquid extracts that are standardized. Combine the liquid extracts with a favorite cocktail.
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herbskartthings · 4 years
Herbs to increase fertility
The statements and possibilities seem infinite when it comes to improving herbalto increase fertility. The groundwork starts with washing, as far as possible, on all these frontlines, if you and your wife seek to conceive.
 How do herbs to increase fertility?
Some herbs help the body detoxify, others modulate the immune system, and others help stimulate the endocrine system, which controls hormone development.
 Most 5 Top Fertility Herbs to boost fertility
Explore some of the common and successful plants that affect fertility and how they can give you a better understanding of treatment.
1.       Castor Oil
Castor oil, extracted from the plant seeds. It facilitates hormonal balance and protects it. It also improves energy, power, and libido.
2.       Cinnamon
You may pull the cinnamon bark to create capsules or extract a tincture from its root. Like other natural herbs in this list of increase fertility, cinnamon also has a number of beneficial effects that help to improve its fertility.
3.       Shatavari
Shatavari is ingested as a capsule or in an extract. Shatavari has historically been used in India for centuries as an herbal remedy for infertility. Their intervention to improve fertility has many positive results.
4.       Ashwagandha
It helps boost the body's stress control ability, supports the endocrine system, and helps normalize the immune system all these may lead to increase fertility disorders if they are compromised.
5.       Damiana
The nerves are activated and the blood supply to sexual organs increases. Damiana may enable men to overcome impotence and also to modulate the condition of spermatorrhea that causes excessive accidental ejaculation.
  Be sure to tell your doctor prior to choosing a daily course in herbal medicine if you are taking the drug for any disease.
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