hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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I asked my friend to be my stand in. After taking a look at Erwin Wurm's one-minute sculptures I felt inspired by ordinary stuff around me. Let's face it some of the buildings and rooms therein on campus are old, dry, and don't do much to inspire creative inspiration. However, when I looked at Wurm's photographs he was able to convey so much emotion and meaning through people and the ordinary objects they interacted with: suitcase, pens, a chair, a cardboard box ,etc. So it challenged me to look at my surroundings and see the possibilities. I knew I waned to carry some type of emotion through interaction in my photograph. I made my friend sit in front of an empty chair and basically told him to , "Go." I didn't want to dictate his impromptu interpretation of my directions and tried to capture what came to the surface. I was surprised when he started conveying anger in his interaction with the chair. I will let that speak for itself and hope that it does like Wurm's art work.
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
Net Neutrality
CONGRATULATIONS, everybody! We only have 10 days to fight the FCC & the repeal of #NetNeutrality!
Thanks to John Oliver there’s a SUPER easy way to do this Do you enjoy Netflix? Do you find yourself spending too much time on FB? If net neutrality goes away, our Internet bills go up and we give power to companies like Comcast and Spectrum.
Here’s what you can do - takes less than a minute: 1. Go to gofccyourself.com (the shortcut John Oliver made to the hard-to-find FCC comment page) 2. Click on the 17-108 link (Restoring Internet Freedom) 2. Click on “express” 3. Be sure to hit “ENTER” after you put in your name & info so it registers. 4. In the comment section write, “I strongly support net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISPs.” 5. Click to submit, done. - Make sure you hit submit at the end! **Feel free to share this**
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
Exercise #5
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to feel
to  think
to be
to see
to say
to express
to set in motion
to reciprocate
to roar
to be steadfast
to instill
to subvert
to survive
to show
to live
to laugh
to question
to refuse
to escape
to be still
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
I am sorry someone loved you badly, and that they made you feel like you take up more space than you deserve. I am sorry they abandoned you when you need them the most and it has made you believe that love is an awful thing that hurts.
Nikita Gill (via quotemadness)
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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It’s like being in love: giving somebody the power to hurt you and trusting (or hoping) they won’t.
Marina Abramović, Rest Energy
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
Reading and Response #5
I have always looked at performance art as totally random and abstract, impossible to understand, and definitely does not connect with an audience. This reading has challenged my thinking. I am not an art major, nor do I consider myself the creative type, so this class has been a challenging, but learning experience. Somethings I took away from the researching performace art readings and video:
Performance is live, in the here and now. 
The energy and atmosphere of the present moment seems to be an indespensible character in performance art. Its the life blood. 
It seems to be such a rebeliious act even within the rebellion tht exists in art and artists already. 
Tapping into emotions, good or bad, is the power of it. Some performance art seems to bring out the artist and art within the person that exists inherently.
There is something so raw, unguarded, stripped down about performace art. 
I think similiar to all art, performace art popularity seems to ebb and flow. I like to think it comes and goes depending on how much or little society needs its expression. Art often asks the hard questions, society doesn’t know how to process or deal with and finds a creative outlet for it.
 It’s a living form of art. 
How many people lik to escape themselves or others on a regular basis?Crossbreeding of art, free to artist and audience to interpret and play with. 
Even if it doesn’t take place in a confined art space-which its the point to not-the public still reaches out and is receptive to it.
Each performer makes his or her own definition of performance in the very manner and process of execution, so that each work becomes an entirely unexpected combination of events. 
Intense collaboration, crossbreeding of art and artists from different disciplines and backgrounds. insisting instead that art is primarily a matter of ideas and actions. 
Each performance calls on the audience to experience the making of an artwork rather than contemplating static objects within an exhibition framework. 
Essentially : what can you do with pure energy?
This reading really made me question my preconceived notions about performance art and really comtemporary art in general. I have a new appreciation for it and understanding. Half od me thinks that Marina Abramovic is crazy and other half makes me think she may be completely sane and others are the crazy ones. I think she demonstrates whats important and appealing about performance art: raw emotion, raw energy, being present, sharing life experiences and emotions, relegating all of your time and energy into the moment, here, now, with the people around you. I think Marina as an artist is using performance art for her own therapy but also sees this need to connect and be vulnerable in that place.  She wants her audience to do this so much that she has offered her own body and mind as a means in which to accompolish it for others. Very Interesting. 
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
Project #4 
I interpreted the reading of vanishing and becoming in terms of reality-ones we have a faulty construction of and the true one-the one we come to realize once we are exposed to truth. I mainly focused on Plato’s Cave. I pulled audio from my favorite YA book, “The Truth About Forever” by Sarah Dessen. This excerpt is from the beginning. Macy is the protagonist and her reality is focused around her boyfriend Jason and being everything he needs her to be-it’s where she gets her identity from. As the story continues Macy realizes that maybe this isn’t true to who she really is and in events that spark self discovery finally comes into the light, i.e. out of the cave of her faulty reality and sees herself and the world around her for what it really is. The visuals are pulled from a video I found online. I liked it because it seems to play with shadows, half images, vanishing and becoming. I wanted the visuals to drive home that Macy really only exists in the shadow from the all the light shinning on Jason. As Jason becomes, Macy vanishes because thats they only way their relationship works-for Macy really not live the fullness of who she is. She thinks this is exactly what she wants (in the cave) because she hasn’t been exposed to the fullness of light yet-not breaking free from the things blocking her path to the sun( light from outside the cave).
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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“I moved to Havana after September 11th. I opened up the first English language bookstore. It’s been great, but living there has been a major challenge to my introversion. When I lived in New York, I could choose to not interact with people. But that’s not really an option in Cuba. Introversion isn’t really ‘a thing.’ If you’re alone, then something must be wrong. Birthdays are the worst. My friends make me have a party every year. I’ve got to have one slice of cake before I’m allowed to go home. And I have this 86-year-old neighbor named Terasita that always assumes I’m lonely and brings me fritters. I resisted at first because I really value my alone time. I’d lock the doors. I’d turn off the lights. But resistance is futile. They’re so persistent.”
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x22ymZZ1L90)
Exercise #4 
I decided to use one of my favorite artist’s songs, Memories by Petit Biscuit. Whenever I listen to it, I think of black and white New York City at night and the first thing that came to mind was, The 1975. I used their music video Chocolate, to convey the mood. I wanted to combine like clips to convey their mood more-so so that it makes sense and so that it went along with the song Memories better. 
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
I decided to use a a scene from the Social Network. Its one of my favorite movies by one of my favorite directors, David Fincher. The Winkelvoss twins characters is a great subplot in the storyline. I picked this scene because I most notably the Harvard team lost which doesn’t seem to be something these Harvard characters know much about. I picked Frank SInatra’s “Thats Life” because I think it represented aurally the story the scene tells visually. I also think that Fincher imbued a theme of not rooting for these characters in his film, the song is just a re echoing of that sentiment.
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
Reading #4
Chap 6:
What speaks to me most about the chapter in the book is that its important for an artist to be aware of elements of apiece that can enhance its message. Time, motion, pace, tempo are all elements that can contribute to an artist piece of work and how it is received. Sometimes the artist subjects themselves to actual time like Chris Burden did in his piece entitled, Five-Day Locker Piece,  to test the limits of his body with actual chronology and contribute to the “body art movement”. In other cases dimensions of time are manipulated and pieced together, like implied time as seen in motion pictures, music videos, and TV series. In the end of all these elements become a part of the narrative story or art work, namely what to focus on and how to focus on it. A good artist can move the viewers eyes and emotions in the space and length they want.
Vanishing and Becoming:
This reading is one of my favorite pieces in my undergrad experience. Some philosophies really resonated with me. The idea that to project any media is illusionistic was eye opening for me. This media is an attempt at reality, conniving our senses to fall for it as reality because it aims to resemble reality. In, short it’s constructed media that ‘fools’ us in a sense by our senses. I remember reading Plato's cave bit a long time ago and I was never quite able to make sense of it. However, in this context I grasped its meaning. The projected image is like the scene on the wall of the cave that we are mistaking for reality. I also really liked the idea that cinema is a “kingdom of shadows…A world without sound or color...the world is dipped in monotonous grey. Its not life but its shadow.” I imagine this is the reaction some people had to Hollywood as it was rolling out its silent films and black and white films. Back then, the line between reality and cinema wasn’t as blurred I imagine, because it was projected so unlike real life. There was no sound, no color, our senses knew on some level this isn’t real life. But now, however, technology has progressed so much that all of our senses are expertly manipulated to see, hear, feel, the projected image in a convincing way.  I do like thinking of the idea that media is a way of generating being instead of focusing its existence on morbidity and death. In other words, media can be used for positive and very good things and its being done in such fashion all the time. I do have a question to pose for any of my classmates. What did you gather from the reading when it stated that, “Privacy was a privilege of the wealthy,”?
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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Project #3 The Loop (Forever) A series of ten animated gifs Theme: Internets; Social networks; Exhibition/distribution systems
For this project I choose to focus on the internet, social networks, and their transformations over the years of technological development. I choose visuals from two documentaries I found online about the internet. I also wanted to incorporate the movie Social Network as I think its a great narrative and point of reference about how relevant online social networking, namely Facebook, has become in our lives.
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hercoffeeanon-blog · 7 years
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Project #3 The Loop (Forever) A series of ten animated gifs Theme: Internets; Social networks; Exhibition/distribution systems
For this project I choose to focus on the internet, social networks, and their transformations over the years of technological development. I choose visuals from two documentaries I found online about the internet. I also wanted to incorporate the movie Social Network as I think its a great narrative and point of reference about how relevant online social networking, namely Facebook, has become in our lives.
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