herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Babe is always telling me how cute I am now. I'm falling in love, every single day.. I bought him 1 Million and he's getting excited cos he wants to wear it now. We were supposed to meet up today, but he ended up having to stay with his family. I didn't mind though. Family always come first.
My friend and I were talking to each other on BBM and as a joke, she said, "your boyfriend told me that you're a shit kisser." So, as a joke, I told her, "OMG, I'm going to ask him now." And then, she was like, "no, I was joking. Don't say anything. He's going to hate me!" LOL but I ended up saying something to him, as a joke, but he didn't find it funny and then, we had another argument.
Fuck him though. He can be a right asshole, sometimes. I won't let anyone talk to me like a mug. Not him. Not my friends and especially, not my family. As much as I love them, I won't be treated like shit!
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Today was utter madness at work. But what made it even worse was that there was a booking of 18 people, and they were from my area! My area and the shame that I felt as soon as I clocked it. They were drinking and some of them were even under-age. Some ended up getting drunk somehow and ended up having to leave. It was embarrassing, seriously. And then, I had to end up talking to one of them because they wanted a balloon! It was an 18th birthday, and they wanted a fuckin balloon. Immature shit. And you know what else? One of them had been drinking alcohol and was asking us for a paracetemol. What kinda BS is that? Bait Hounslow people for you..
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
As soon as my boyfriend woke up today, he messaged me. "Goodmorning :) I miss you." - There are seriously the moments, where I feel in love with him. Simple words but with so much meaning behind it *sigh*
Oh, and I have an unconditional offer from Bedfordshire now. Hurray!
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
I had two dreams about my boyfriend and when I woke up, it made me happy. I was excited to be seeing him today. I couldn't wait.
The first dream was when my boyfriend and I were at his house because his parents were away on holiday. We were just chilling and his older brother came in and that was the first time we met. I was a little scared though, haha.
The second dream was like a predicton about what was going to happen today. And it made me hella happy. My boyfriend and I were together, at last. Finally in each other's arms. Aw, I love him so much..
But sad news came into context. My boyfriend had to make me wait to see him until the evening, which isn't his fault but it's so unfair. Nothing ever goes right, when we plan to see each other anymore and it hella sucks. He had to go in for his induction because he was offered a job! Yeah, I'm proud of him though :) He ended up, finishing about 5pm and I was at work, having dinner. Because my colleague called me up to come in because one of the girls hadn't showed up for work yet.
All in all, I had a shit day and I didn't see my boyfriend and we had an argument. We ended up making up, a few hours later, and it showed how much I mean to him and how much he means to me.. We're constantly being tested and every single time, we're pulling through.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Aw, the day finally came. I went to Croydon to see my boys :) James picked me up at the station, and then we headed to the town centre to see Ericson. Aw, I love these two boys so much. They really do have a place in my heart. No matter what happens, we still talk like we spoke yesterday, and we're still there for each other. Yeah, we might not be as close as we were before but we're all still homies. I love that about us. It was mad cold, in their ends though. And we bumped into so many people we knew too. How bait of us. I enjoyed myself though. We ended up just chilled and going to Nando's for dinner. And omg, the way James and Ericson left me at the table to go and chirps the cashier #SMH
And bless them. When it was time for me to go home, James wanted to see my train ticket, so I showed it to him and he shoved it down his trousers! WTF. I spent 10 minutes of my life trying to get my ticket, without touching anything that would seem wrong, haha. And Ericson was just there, waiting to hit that record button! Aw, I love these boys so much!
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
It's weird. When my boyfriend and I seem like we're in some sort of slight trouble, Sohail is always there to talk to. And if he doesn't like what he's hearing, he'll stop talking to me "/ He randomly started talking to me today, and he told me that he's moving to Manchester, in a couple of days. MANCHESTER! In a few days?! What kinda friend springs this on you, at the last minute? I'm not gonna lie. It hurt to hear this news because he'll be a few hours away from me and unreachable. I care so much about this boy, but he doesn't even know *sigh*
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Irfan and I went to work together, this morning. As usual, he was late and I had to end up waiting for him. I was so pissed off cos he made me wait for ages. When he saw me, he leaned in for a hug and I was like, "no, I'm mad at you" as a joke. We're friends. Sure, we have a history, but that's all in the past. There's nothing going on with us, although some people assume there is. There is absolutely nothing there anymore. He ended up sleeping on my shoulder on the tube, for a bit though, and everyone was looking at me! LOL. I was so embarrassed, but it was kinda cute. Anyway, work was boring as fuck. Barely anyone came into the restaurant and then, we had a function of 100 people, which is nothing, yet I was still there at 10:30pm. That's a 12 hour stupid shift. How annoying.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
You know, I don't mind when my sisters are experimenting but don't lie about it and don't do it when it's dangerous. So, I found out they went to their friend's house and had the intention of getting drunk. Normally, I would be okay, but they didn't say fuck all to my parents about where they were going. My parents were fuming and worrying, at the same time. I was fuming. Because 1) I absolutely dislike the girl 2) There was no supervision 3) They were all underage 4) They all think that they are mature etc. It's disappointing and sad but whatever. Not bothered.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
So, I was on the tube home from work, when I received a call from my lovely boyfriend. We're meant to be seeing each other on Thursday, because we're both free. At last. He started telling me that he's changed. Physically. He's not as skinny as he was before. He's started taking protein shakes and working out a lot. I don't know why, but he wants to become "wedge." If that's what makes him happy, so be it. It doesn't make a difference to me. I'll still love him, no matter what (:
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Alotta dudes holla but alotta dudes ain't you. It's ya world, boy, do what you want to, long as you know who you comin home to.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Just because you’re talking in another fuckin language, doesn’t mean I don’t understand what you're fuckin talking about. If you were remotely interested in our lives, you would know a lot more about us. But since you’re too busy with your other letting houses, sleeping and your technology, then fuck it. I don’t care what you have to say. I’m living my life the way I want it, not the way you want it. Deuces.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
I haven’t enjoyed myself like today in a long time. I spent the day with James and it was utter amazing. He’s an amazing friend. Nuff said.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
I hate it when I want to wake up early because I have a lot of things to do, but I end up sleeping in. It’s the most annoying thing ever because you wanna do so many things and get everything done but you can’t. Anyway, there was another function at work today. And it was going good until some drunk lost his ticket number for his jacket. There were around 400 coats and I wasn’t going to rummage through all of them for his coat nor did I want to because of how he was speaking to me. I know he was drunk but it doesn’t give him the right to talk to me like I’m shit and threaten me. “Either deal with it now or deal with me later.” Like what the fuck? It really upset me and it made me so mad that I cried lol. When my boyfriend heard, he was so mad. He wished that he was there to protect me and knock the guy out but with everything that’s going on, I wasn’t going to let my boyfriend get into trouble because of me. Fuck, I’d feel so bad, if something went from bad to worse. And someone asked me out but obviously, I turned him down. It’s funny, because he didn’t believe that I had a boyfriend. And he’s right, why would you? So many girls use the “I have a boyfriend” line to get out of these situations, but in my case, it was true. He was cute and sweet but he wasn’t my type. I rate guys who are brave enough to ask a girl out :)
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
Word of advice: If you decide to start a conversation with me, you best be ready to have a proper conversation with me and not just leave me hanging, leaving me waiting for a reply from you.
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herdiaryx-blog · 14 years
I find Jake from Tool Academy hot :)
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