here-i-write · 4 years
AU List A-Z
Made a list of all the AU’s I could think of. Used to help me when I have no ideas, decided it could help others and I should post it. It took a few weeks to fill it out this extensively and I have no more interest in adding to it, so please don’t bother suggesting anything (; ̄д ̄)
Accidental Marriage AU
Actor AU
Alien AU
Amnesia AU
Android AU
Angel/Demon AU
Animal AU
Apocalypse AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist AU
Art Student AU
Assassin AU
Athlete AU
Author AU
Avian (Bird People) AU
Babysitter AU
Bakery AU
Ballet AU
Band AU
Bartender/Bar AU
Beach AU
Blind AU
Blind Date AU
Bodyguard AU
Book Store AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Brothel AU
Caterer AU
Camp Counselor AU
Camping AU
Carnival AU
Castaway AU
Celebrity AU
Chef AU
Child AU
Choir AU
Circus AU
Clothing Shop AU
Club AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Conductor AU
Choreographer AU
Coworker AU
Criminal AU
Cult AU
Cyborg AU
Dancer AU
Dead/Death AU
Deaf AU
Demigod AU
Demon Hunter AU
Detective AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Doctor AU
Domestic AU
Dragon AU
Drama Class AU
Enemies AU
Fairy AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Fashion/Fashion Designer AU
Fire Fighter AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fugitive AU
Gang AU
Gardener/Gardening AU
Ghost AU
Hairstylist AU
Haunted House AU
Hero/Villain AU
High School AU
High School Reunion AU
Historical AU
Horror AU
Hospital AU
Hunger Games AU
Immortal AU
Judge AU
Jury Duty AU
Kidnapper/Kidnapped AU
Lawyer AU
Library AU
Lifeguard AU
Mafia AU
Maid AU
Magician AU
Magic AU
Marriage AU
Mechanic AU
Medieval AU
Mermaid AU
Military AU
Model AU
Modern AU
Monster/Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU
Murder Mystery AU
Musical AU
Musician AU
Neighbor AU
Ninja AU
Nurse AU
Office AU
Officer (Police) AU
Parallel Universe AU
Parametric AU
Paranormal Investigator AU
Parent AU
Pen Pal AU
Pet Store AU
Photographer AU
Pirate AU
Podcast AU
Porn Star AU
Prisoner AU
Prank War AU
Prostitute AU
Reality TV Show AU
Reporter AU
Restaurant AU
Resurrection AU
Road Trip AU
Roll Reversal AU
Room Mate AU
Rival AU
Royalty AU
Scientist AU
Serial Killer AU
Servant AU
Sick AU
Social Media AU
Soulmate AU
Space AU
Spy AU
Stalker AU
Stranger AU
Street Racing AU
Stripper AU
Student AU
Survival AU
Tattoo Shop AU
Teacher AU
Theater AU
Thief AU
Time Travel AU
Undead AU
Undercover Cop AU
Vacation AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Veterinarian AU
Waiter AU
War AU
Wedding Planner AU
Werewolf AU
Wild West AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Yandere AU
Youtuber AU
Zookeeper AU
Zombie AU
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here-i-write · 4 years
ive been working on this deku x reader fic for a while now, and im kinda stuck. Not super, just a tad, i dont know. I really need to just do small one shots to like warm up, but all my ideas are eithere mini series ideas or long ass fics. :/
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here-i-write · 4 years
Oblivious- Shoto Todoroki
A/n: My fingers hurt :(
Request: Can I request a Shoto one shot where the reader is more oblivious than Shoto about signals and stuff, and hes asked her out on numerous dates but she just thinks their “friend”/hang out dates and that no one would ever like her like that, ESPECIALLY Shoto, and because of that Shoto hasn’t made a move, but Shoto wants to go on a romantic date with her to Confess his feelings 😅
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I enter class 1A, ready to take my seat. I honestly just want to get class over with so I can take a nap at home. I stayed up all night finishing homework I forgot to do.
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here-i-write · 4 years
Truth or Dare
Izuku Midoriya x Reader ||| Fluff
Word Count: 2189
4.14.2020 12:38 am 
–this is my first one shot fan fic for MHA. :) –
It’s been a long day, due to all the extra extensive training you’ve been doing. You enter the UA dorms exhausted and plop on the lobby couch. ‘Thank god it’s friday’. Finally, a weekend to rest. You’d think after a whole year at UA you would have gotten used to it by now.
“Y/n!” You jump at the excessive volume of voice. You hadn’t realized anyone was around. You turn your head a bit to notice Mina. “Hey! Where have you been?”
“Oh- I’ve been out training.” You say sitting up from the plopped position on the couch. She walked around the couch to sit across from you. You notice she is already in her PJ’s.
“At 8 at night?” she asked baffled
“I must have lost track of the time…” You pull out my phone and check the time, 8:15.
“Anyways” she started a little more upbeat “The girls and I were trying to find some people to join in a game of truth or dare, you up for it?” She asked, smiling wide. Truth or dare? Honestly, you haven’t had what you would call ‘Normal Teenage Fun’ since you got accepted into this school. So, this opportunity sounded nice.
“Sure sounds fun!”
“Great! We are meeting in my room in about 20 minutes!” as the words left her mouth she stood up and turned around to leave. But then she stopped and looked back at me with a smirk. “And Midoriya will be there.”
You looked at her, trying to mask your embarrassment with a neutral facial expression and a ‘Why would I care’ attitude. “What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, crossing your hands over your chest.
“Oh nothing” She sang and skipped off. “See you in 20!” she yelled back in your direction. As soon she was out of sight you let out a huge breath that you hadn’t even noticed you were holding. ‘Midoriya will be there’ you smiled at that thought, then quickly shook your head to try to shove the thought away. ‘Just friends. We are Just friends, JUST friends. Nothing more. I don’t even like him that way, nope, NOPE’  You tried to repeat those thoughts over and over attempting to convince yourself these words were true. He’s your best friend and you wouldn’t jeopardize your relationship with him. But who were you kidding? Every time he was brought up in conversation or when he happened to cross your mind or show up out of nowhere, you couldn’t keep your heart from fluttering.
Next thing you know it’s 8:23 and you only had 12 minutes to go change and freshen up before you were expected to be in Minas room. You quickly stood up and headed to your room. Once you get there your mind is hectic. “What do I wear? Should I leave my hair up or do I put it down?” You stared at your closet for a solid 3 minutes trying to decide what to wear. You finally decided on a baggy sweatshirt that said “This is my too tired to function sweatshirt” and a pair of cute shorts that hugged your curves in all the right places. You then walked over to the mirror to decide what to do with your hair. After messing with it for some time you decided on a half up half down look. You sprayed your favorite perfume on, swiped on some deodorant and put on your slippers. After you decided you were finally ready, you headed out of your room and down to Minas. You opened her door to notice everyone already sat down around the room and that you were late.
“Y/n you showed! Okay let’s get this party started!” Mina cheered. You went to sit on the floor in front of Mina’s bed and looked around to see who was here. Mina then started off the game by asking Jiro a truth. You then space out to check out everyone who’s here. You noticed Mina, obviously, then Aoyama who grinned at you, ‘What was that about?’ you wondered but ignored him and continued to look, next to Aoyama was Jiro, then you noticed Kaminari and Minneta were here, you then spotted Sero, Toru, Kirishima, Bakugou, Uraraka and last but not least, right across the room form you sat Midoriya. Once your eyes laid on him, your stomach was filled with butterflies. You hate to admit it but you’ve had a crush on him for the past year, EXCEPT you were too chicken to do anything about it. You talk the talk but never walk the walk, pathetic. You were then snapped back into reality by Minas abrupt voice. “Earth to y/n”
“Huh? What?” You ask while adjusting your focus back to her.
“Aoyama asked you truth or dare.”
“Oh! Uh” you say, looking at Aoyama. You remember his weird grin from earlier so you’re too scared to say dare. “Uh, truth”. He smiles wide. ‘Oh no’ you thought, sure that somehow, someway this was going to end badly.
“Do you like Midoriya?” Your eyes widen. You look at the green haired boy and notice the pink in his cheeks. You try not to show any signs of how flustered you are.
“Uh- yeah, of course I do, he’s my best friend, and I mean,come on, who doesn’t?” I try to say nonchalantly with a nervous chuckle here and there. The room was dead silent and before Aoyama could open his mouth to try to get you to talk more you immediately tried to continue the game by shouting “KIRISHIMA! Truth or dare??” you asked with a slight crack in your voice.
“Dare!” he says confidently.
“I dare you to run to the school’s pool and jump in!”
“But it’s late! And it’s probably all locked up!” he protested.
“Ah-ah-ah! You chose dare! You gotta do it! Someone go with him!” Mina interrupted.
“Awe man.” Kirishima whined
“Come on shitty hair” Bakugo exclaimed standing up and dragging the red hair out of the room, followed by Uraraka, Sero, Minneta, and Kaminari who all wanted to watch how the pool dare would turn out. After they left you knew you could relax and sighed of relief that the attention was off of you. You looked across the room and noticed your green haired friend was staring at you. That just made your butterflies do some cartwheels, you quickly look down to hide the fact you were blushing. The game went on for a while longer before people started to check out. Kirishima had come back frowning while soaking wet and Bakugou making fun of him more than usual. After everyone had left you fell back onto the floor.
“I don’t know why you just don’t tell him” Mina commented while flopping onto her bed.
“Because!” you protested.
“Because why?” she asked.
“Because, what if he doesn’t feel the same? What if I ruin our friendship? What If I tell him and he never looks at me the same? ” You asked shyly. Being rejected feared you more than a battle with Bakugo. Bakugo wasn’t that scary anyways, but you get the idea.
“Then you get to be sad for a bit and move on!” She says, thinking she makes good points “You know I’m right.”
“Yeah, I wish it were that easy. I can’t imagine him not around me everyday if things were to go wrong. And even if I did, what am I supposed to do? Walk up to him and be like ‘Hey Midoriya! I just thought you should know I’ve been crushing on you like crazy for the past year! Date me?” you shout sarcastically. Next thing you know the door burst wide open. You turned around terrified of who it could be
“I KNEW IT!!” the person shouted. Your eyes adjust and you realize it’s Aoyama.
“And I’m out of here” you say annoyed and walk past Aoyama to head back to your room. He follows you anyways.
“Oh come on! Let me in on all the JUICY details!” he pleads. You roll your eyes and continue walking.
“No.” You finally get to your room and slam the door shut. “Ugggghhhhh” you screech in a pillow and fall back onto your bed. ‘Why am I such a pathetic wimp?’ You lie there for a few moments before you hear knocking on your door. Your turn over and yell muffled “Go away!” The knocking continues despite your protests. You stand up to march over to open the door knowing it’s probably Aoyama, you grab the handle annoyed and swing the door open while exclaiming “I already told you! I’m not telling you how I feel about Midori-” you cut yourself off as quick as you possibly can once you see the person standing in front of you.
“How you feel about what?” the green hair boy asked with his eyebrow quirked up.
“How I feel about uh…” you say scratching your head thinking of an excuse. “Midori… um it’s a type of alcohol” You say while motioning for him to come into the room.
“I didn’t think you drank?” he asked confused walking in.
“Uh- I don't” You say while face palming yourself feeling like an idiot, which you are. “Anyways, what did I do to deserve a visit from my best-est friend?” you asked, trying to change the subject.
“I just came to check up on you, you didn’t seem quite like yourself earlier.” He asks sitting on your bed making himself comfortable.
“Oh yeah, I guess I over trained and I haven’t been able to fully relax yet..” You said making up some bullshit excuse.
“Well I was thinking, how about we hang out for the rest of the night, watch some movies? Eat some snacks?” He says motioning to the snacks on your desk. You look over to notice the bag of popcorn and airheads he must have brought. Your favorite. Your face softens and you smile. He knew you best.
“That sounds great,” you say, grabbing the popcorn and air heads then climbing on the bed to sit next to him. You scroll through Netflix to pick a Rom Com you both thought sounded interesting and started to focus on the screen.
30 minutes into the movie Midoriya sits up and adjusts himself and clears his throat. You look up at him. “You okay?” you ask.
“Oh, yeah” he responds hoping you don’t realize how nervous he is. He takes a few heavy breaths, you try to ignore it and continue to stare at the screen. A few more moments pass by and he speaks up again. “Truth or dare?”
“What?” you ask confused.
“Truth or dare?” he repeats himself.
“Uhh, truth?” you say cautious. ‘What is going on?’ you ask yourself.
“How DO you feel about me?” he asks, not taking his eyes off you. Which is frightening, because he reads you better than anyone else. You try to remain staring at the TV screen though you are completely focused on his breath gently hitting your face, the way his body feels next to yours, how hot your cheeks are, how the butterflies are fluttering faster than they ever have before. You can’t think clearly, your head has gone into a complete fog. You swallow hard.
“W-what do you mean?” You stutter.
“You know exactly what I mean” he emphasized the word ‘exactly’ and for some reason that made your whole body shiver. You were afraid of what would happen if you were to look into those emerald eyes of his. He then caressed your cheek and turned your face toward his. He took a brief pause before he slowly leaned in and brushed his lips with yours. He pulls away leaving you shocked. Were you sure this was the Midoriya you knew? What had gotten into him to pull something like that? He looks at you and chuckles and bit, leaving you speechless. You didn’t know what to think. Was he playing with you? Has he known this whole time? He should know better than to ask you something like that. He knows you’re too stubborn to admit your feelings. “So?” he asked with a small grin. He was still in such close proximity that you could feel his warm breath against your lips.
“I- i uh.” Your mind went blank. Mouth dry. Breathless. He chuckles and before he lets you respond he leans back in again and kisses you gently but passionately. Your arm reaches to his face and travels to the back of his neck pulling him closer to you. He then wraps his arms around your waist pulling you onto his lap. You straddle his lap, engulfing your hands in his messy green girls. He starts to smile in the kiss which causes you to smile as well. He pulls away to look in your eyes and he breathes out “Are you relaxed yet?” You chuckle and nod.
The rest of that night consisted of kisses, cuddles, sweet conversations. An endless night of the perfect scenario. The green haired boy was finally yours.
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