Always and Forever
Prologue: In the Beginning
The Originals x Reader
This was something that I thought of a while ago and I thought, “I need to write this down.” I want to try and make this into a series, so hopefully writer’s block doesn’t kick in and I never finish this story.
Also, this story does mention deaths of family.
Warnings: mentions of family deaths, spoilers (potentially, if you are still watching the TV series)
I hope you all enjoy! :)
See, I never thought I’d live past twenty.
Where I come from, some get half as many.
Nowadays, people are living to be a hundred years old.
If I’m being honest, I wish that is where I could have stopped.
One hundred good years and I would have been fine.
Living for eternity, that’s a different story.
It all started many years ago, a little over a thousand I believe?
The specifics of time don’t quite matter, at least not to me.
When you’ve got more than a thousand years behind you and millions more ahead, time doesn’t always come into mind.
Anyhow, I digress.
I guess I should tell you when it started.
A thousand years ago, I was but a weary traveler moving around from forest to forest. That was just the way that my family and I had lived life. We did not feel bound to one spot like another tribes or villages did. They kept the mentality of hunting and gathering in their minds and lifestyles. We were always moving. Always searching,
Although I loved my family, I came to hate this way of living, especially after what killed them. Looking back, I wish I had convinced all of them to find a place to settle down like the other families that we would pass by.
We had just traveled all day and night in order to follow a herd of buffalo when we came across a small village. You know it now as Mystic Falls. I call it Hell.
The people there had been kind to us. They let us stay for a night in order to get our strength back up for the next day’s travel. It was there where we met them.
Some call them legends. Others monsters.
But when I first met the children of the Mikaelson family, I knew them as human.
There was Mikael, the patriarch of the family and his wife, Esther. She was like me, a witch. She had always been a little more interested in me than other witches we had meet. I wasn’t like most witches, who drew their power from nature or ancestors. My magic always just seemed to flow through me, continuously running from a never-ending tap. Back then, I thought it was weird that I never learned any magic from her, but looking back now, I think I’m happy that I didn’t.
Then there were the children.
The oldest was Finn, who I often quarreled with whenever left in the same vicinity as him. Everyone said it was because Esther would keep an eye on me, which gave him the wrong impression, but I choose to believe it was because I was naturally better at performing magic than he was.
Next came Elijah, the first to greet my family we arrived. His charming looks and calm demeanor had my mother and sister swooning over him. Even my father was impressed with him.
Klaus was also a charmer when he met my family. His smile just seemed to pull everyone in except for me. Every smile sent my way was met with an eye roll. He tried his best to pull me into his mischievous, dare say, dark ways, but I chose to stay out of it. Why get pulled into something that would only last a day?
Kol was just as bad as Klaus. My sister was practically sewed into his arm from the way that she held onto him. Every words, every smile, every look, she was held tight by him, even though he looked like he wasn’t trying to catch her attention.
Rebekah had always been my favorite. Even though she had been the only female Mikaelson child that I had met that day, it felt like she understood me. While Klaus and Kol were persistent in their attempts to pull me into their troublemaking ways, Rebekah seemed to always be by my side to fend them off.
Then there was little Henrik. Sweet, innocent Henrik. When I had first met the youngest Mikaelson, he had surprised me with a flower he had found in the tree line right outside the village. His words had taken me aback with how direct they were. Thinking about it now makes me smile and laugh a little.
“One day, I’m going to marry you.”
Just as quickly as we had met the Mikaelson’s, my family and I were gone. Not even a day later, we were back on our feet and on our way to follow our herd of food.
It was when night fell did my family realize our mistake.
It wasn’t even supposed to happen. We were supposed to be safe. I had created a protection barrier around all of us, created by tracing a circle around our sleeping area and enchanted it. A barrier that only the hand of powerful magic could break.
It had happened so quickly. None of us had seen it coming. Where we had traveled from, we had only heard myths about the shapeshifters. The ones that only changed during a full moon. We never thought we would ever see one in real life.
The werewolf struck right when the moon was at it’s peak and leaves from the trees above us had opened to let in the pale moonlight. First, it took my father, who had been standing watch for us. He didn’t even have time to warn us before he was dragged into the night.
It was when my mother screamed in agony and pain did I wake up. By then, it was already too late. I had opened my eyes to see my mother get thrown to the side, my family already laying dead around me.
I was the last one left.
When the werewolf attacked me, I... did nothing. 
I did not fight back. I did not run away. I had sat there as the monster came racing towards me. I could feel the tears of pain running down my face, but could not seem to scream as the monster started to tear me apart. I cried even when I started to lose feeling in my body. As I laid on my back, eyes open and gazing at the stars, I wait for the sweet release of death to come and take me. I could not live in this world without my family. I would not. They were all I had.
But death never came. Even after the werewolf had finished attacking us and wandered back into the dark curtains of the forest, death never came. And it still didn't come as the dark canvas of the sky started to ombré into a beautiful shade of red, then orange, and finally a light blue.
Even when I tried to will it, I could not die. It was like life and death had decided to play a sick joke on me. Death would not allow me to cross over but life would let me continue on with a permanent reminder of one of the most devastating moments of my life.
When I finally closed my eyes, I could hear faint footsteps coming closer. Then I could hear Elijah’s voice call out for his brothers as those footsteps became louder and faster. I could hear Klaus call my name as I was lifted into the air, strong arms carrying me back in the direction of their village. I assume it was Klaus holding me, but I guess I’ll never be certain as I had kept my eyes closed the entire time.
I could hear Rebekah’s pained cries and Henrik’s confused speech as the Mikaelson brothers and myself reached the village. But still, I did not open my eyes.
I believe I was finally able to sleep when I heard Esther’s voice beckoning her sons to bring my family into a small hut, but it still did not mean death.
I awoke a week later, my skin riddled with scars, some wounds opening again when I finally moved. I was the only survivor.
Having no where else to go, I stayed with the Mikaelsons, growing closer with Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. They became more than just friends to me. They were now my family. 
But where there is happiness, tragedy lurks behind it, hiding in its shadow.
It wasn’t even a month later that the Mikaelsons lost Henrik to another werewolf attack. 
The family was never the same after that.
I assume you know the rest of the story from here, but if not, I guess I can summarize it a little.
Mikael asked Esther to perform dark magic to ensure that none of his children died ever again, thus creating the first vampires, The Originals.
They became creatures that could never be killed, the strongest of them all. The ones that would live for eternity.
After a thousands years on this Earth, I blame myself for not stopping Esther. The Mikaelson children were forced to become something so monstrous, so destructive, in order to protect themselves. Over the years, I watched this curse break their souls, pull bits of humanity from them as their hunger for blood and protectiveness for each other danced in circles around them.
The night that the Mikaelsons became immortal was the same night I became immortal as well, except, this was for a different reason.
You could say it was like a page out of a horror movie. The young girl longing to have magic to make her life better or more interesting is visited by the Devil and trades her soul to have everything she could every want.
That night, after the Mikaelsons were turned, I was approached by a man. He emerged from the darkness of the forest, his demeanor calm and collected, his hands behind his back as he came closer.
“I have a proposition for you, young witch. Take a walk with me.”
This man led me away from the village and further into the forest. We walked for what felt like eternity when he finally stopped. The only light in the forest was provided by the moon.
“This is the very spot you and your family were attacked, young witch. Now, it seems as though your new family is facing a similar predicament. Do you want to try and save them?”
Of course I agreed. I had come to fallen in love with the Mikaelson siblings.. They were the only things I had left.
“I only need one thing.”
“My soul?”
“Your life.”
I was, confused. My life?
“I can see that you are perplexed. Let me explain.You see, Esther is performing a spell that can make her children become immortal. They can never die. What purpose does you growing old serve when you want to be able to be there to help them. I guess, in a way, I am asking for your soul, but what I really want is that life force that makes you tick. That makes you grow old. That pushes the blood through your veins and causes your heart to beat.”
All it took was hearing ‘help the Mikaelsons’ for me to agree. I should have put some more thought into it.
I will always remember his smile when he made me immortal that night, right after he took my soul, my life force as he called it, away from me. And I would always remember his name.
From there on, I tried to be there for the Mikaelson children whenever I could. That was until we were forced out of the village by Mikael. I had gotten separated from the others when I stayed behind to protect them, using my magic to ward Mikael off.
I wasn’t as strong back then, so Mikael was able to defeat me easily, pushing the white oak stake he had created through my heart before pursuing Klaus and his siblings with it.
I thought death would come for me then too, but it did not. After I could not hear Mikael’s footsteps, I stood up, my clothes stained with blood. That was then when I realized just what deal I had made.
For many years, I would search for the Mikaelsons, but it was as though I was one step behind Mikael and two behind the siblings. Everywhere I went, they were either gone after I arrived or would settle down after I left. To the rest of the world, the Mikaelsons were but a whisper, a figment of imagination. They were myths. But they were all too real to me.
I found myself traveling alone for two hundred years. For two hundred years, I did not give up on them. I called out to each and every Mikaelson sibling using my mind, hoping, waiting for a response. I would cry out into the world, telling them where I was, wanting them to come and find me. I was always met with silence. A silence so deafening at times I would scream to the dark midnight sky in order to not feel crushed.
And still, there was no answer from any of them. For two hundred years, the only answer I received that they were still alive was the trail of bodies left behind at each and every settlement they had managed to land in. 
Then one day, I could not take it anymore. I did the one thing I said I wouldn’t.
I turned my back on the Mikaelsons and I started to walk the opposite way from them. The deal I had made with Cade became a curse. I was left alone with the demons in my head and the nightmares behind my eyelids. 
I had failed Elijah. 
‘Always and Forever.’
That is what we all promised each other when Mikael drove us out of Mystic Falls. What a broken promise it is now.
I would not find the Mikaelsons until many, many years later. Not until I, myself, became something so unrecognizable, so much so that my own reflection doesn’t even know who I am.
I am on my way back to Hell.
That is where my story begins.
New Orleans. Some things never change. (Y/n) hadn’t been back in New Orleans for more than eighty years, having gotten there in the 1920â€Čs after the Mikaelson siblings were forced to leave. It was specular to see again, looking at everything Marcel had done. 
It was night by the time (Y/n) came strolling into New Orleans. After many years of traveling across the globe, she was ready to lay down again for about a hundred years before setting off again. She needed a break from all the plane rides and carpool adventures. It was good to be back in a place that she knew.
However, as much as she wanted to stay in the town she once called her favorite home, (Y/n) was merely passing though. She would only be in New Orleans for a night before heading on her way to Mystic Falls.
While she never wanted to return to that place again, she had heard a whisper, one so faint even she was convinced it wasn't real. It called out to her, begging her to come back to Mystic Falls. This plea, she could not ignore.
Her house keys in her pocket, (Y/n) walked down the middle of the street. She could hear music and partying faintly in the distance. She didn’t have a care in the world as she walked through the streets. She took her time as she placed one foot in front of the other. The night was peaceful and all she wanted to do was savor it before going to bed and leaving in the morning.
“Well look here, boys. This one doesn't look like a local.”
And the peace was lost.
Turning around, (Y/n) saw three vampires lined up behind her. One of them had their fangs bared already, the dark viens in their face popping out.
“Mhm, you must be new to all this vampire stuff,” the witch spoke.
The three men were taken aback by what she had said. Shrugging her shoulders, (Y/n) turned back around and started to make her way back down the street.
“Go home, boys. I’m sure there is easier prey for you to catch at some party Marcel is holding.”
Now the vampires were even more confused, but they were not about to let some new tourist tell them what to do. Within seconds, all three raced in front of the witch and bared their fangs. They hissed at her as she continued to walk towards them, an amused look on her face.
The next thing they knew, a head splitting pain took over all of them. It was as if their heads were getting ripped off of their shoulders. Their blood boiled and their skin felt like it would melt right off their bodies. As they withered on the street, clutching their heads, (Y/n) continued to stroll past them, not even breaking a sweat as she induced pain and suffering on Marcel’s nightwalkers.
“Goodnight, boys. Don’t let any werewolves bite.”
Continuing down the street, (Y/n) held her head high as witches hiding in the dark spotted the scene that had been caused, their eyes growing wide in fear of what Marcel would do when he found out this witch had performed magic. Did this witch have a death wish?
It didn’t matter to (Y/n). She would not be staying for long.
(Y/n) (L/n) was back on her way to Hell.
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In Every Drop of Falling Rain
Jack Kline x Reader
Based on the episode 15x19 so there will be spoilers if you haven’t watched! I had this idea after finishing the episode. This show is my favorite and I am sad that it’s ending :’(
I was kind of nervous to post this but I decided “why not?” I hope you all enjoy :)
Warning: Spoilers for 15x19 will be ahead! Read with caution.
“Dean, I’m not coming back home.”
The bunker was silent that night when the three Winchesters returned from their peaceful drive. For once, they didn't have to worry about going out and hunting anything. They didn’t have to worry about monsters coming out of the shadows and they didn’t have to worry about Chuck anymore.
It was peaceful.
“In a way, I’m already there.”
They had done it. Everything was right in the world and the Winchesters could live happy and normal lives.
So why didn't it feel right for (Y/n) Winchester?
Her brothers seemed fine with everything that had happened. Not to say that (Y/n) wasn’t, but it didn’t feel right without Jack by her side. Even in those peaceful moments when her arm was hanging out the Impala’s window, the wind blowing through her hair.
“Where?” Dean asked.
Sitting on her bed, (Y/n) pulled her headphones above her head and listened to her music. Laying down, (Y/n) stared into the tiny crack in the ceiling above her pillows, tracing it with her eyes as her mind wandered towards Jack.
Where was he now? Was he undoing everything Chuck had caused?
“So you are, him?”
A small smile perked onto Jack’s lips as he thought of his answer.
“I’m me,” he finally answered. “But, I know what you mean.”
“What if we want to see you? You know, have a beer or whatever?”
“I’m around,” Jack simply replied. His eyes bounced between each Winchester as he thought of his next words. This wasn’t going to be easy for any of them, but all of them knew it was for the best.
“I’ll be in every drop of falling rain. Every speck of dust the wind blows. And in the sand, the rocks, and the sea.”
Jack’s words echoed over and over in the young Winchester’s head. They came in louder than the music playing through her headphones, no matter how loud she blasted them. They were still there, rattling in her head and reminding her that he was gone. That Cas was gone.
Finding that music was unhelpful, (Y/n) pulled her headphones off and laid silently in her bed. Closing her eyes, she pictured the last time she saw Cas’ face. She pictured Jack’s smile. She pictured her brothers wrapping their arms around her because for the first time in their lives, they felt that they could actually be okay. There was no need to go back to the family business. They could live normal lives now.
Warm tears spilled from (Y/n)’s eyes, gravitating towards her pillow as she cried silently to herself. There was no need to bother her brothers who were probably getting the best night sleep they could have ever asked for. They didn't need to know what was going through her mind right now.
Pulling herself off her bed, (Y/n) began to make her way through the bunker as silently as a mouse. She had practiced it millions of times with the amount of surprise guests that can to the bunker, either to not wake them or alert them of her presence. After an hour, her feet led her right to the library.
This was where she knew she was in love with Jack. They had been researching for the brothers. The day leading up to that night hadn’t even been eventful. It was just another normal hunter’s day.
“Jack, have you found it yet?”
“No, still looking.”
Rummaging around the mountain of books on the table, (Y/n) and Jack were looking for her tablet that had all the information that Sam and Dean needed for their case.
“It was right here! I know it! It’s not like it had the time to sprout legs and run off.”
They had been searching for the tablet for thirty minutes when the boys needed the information ten minutes ago.
“(Y/n), we need to know what we’re dealing with,” Dean said, his voice coming through the phone’s speaker.
“Just a second!”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, (Y/n) ran her hands through her hair trying to think of any place it could be.
“Found it!” Jack’s head popped up from the other side of the desk, his hand holding the precious technology that they had needed. His smile was huge as he looked at the female Winchester with puppy eyes. 
(Y/n) found herself getting lost in that adorable puppy look and amazing smile. She didn’t even pay attention when Jack gave the Winchester brothers the information they needed. She was too focused on her the boy in front of her could be the most dangerous thing on Earth and look like a puppy.
(Y/n) didn’t even notice when Jack came right up to the chair she was slouched in until he was in her face, startling her right out of her chair.
“(Y/n), I’m so sorry!”
Offering his hand, Jack helped (Y/n) back onto her feet. Suddenly, the air in the room became almost nonexistent as (Y/n) felt her body naturally pull itself into Jack. Her heart was racing and she knew that a blush was coming over her face as she looked down at her hands that Jack was still holding. Jack noticed this and awkwardly pulled away from her.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay, Jack.”
Jack shuffled his feet as he looked around the room, looking everywhere but (Y/n).
“There’s something on your mind, Jack. You know you can tell me.” Jack’s jaw opened and closed as he thought of the words to say. After a couple more awkward moments of silence, Jack finally took a deep breath.
“Lately, I’ve been feeling really weird.”
“Weird how?”
“Well, my heart feels like its beating really fast and sometimes, it even feels like its jumping around in my chest. And my lungs feel like they don’t know how to work properly.”
“Could it be because of the training the brothers are giving you?” “No, this is different. I talked to Sam about it.” “And what did he say?”
Taking another deep breath, Jack finally locked eyes with (Y/n).
“He asked when I feel it most, and I said it was around you.”
(Y/n)’s breath seemed to catch in her throat as Jack took a hesitant step forward.
“He asked what I feel when I’m around you. I feel happy whenever you’re around and when you leave, I feel incomplete and empty.”
Reaching forward, Jack took one of (Y/n)’s hands in his own, feeling more and more comfortable as he confessed his feelings.
“He said-” Jack gulped before continuing. Once again, he was nervous because (Y/n) meant a lot to him and he didn't know what he would do if she left him.
“What did he say, Jack?”
“He said that I may have feelings for you.”
“And do you?”
Looking into (Y/n)’s eyes, Jack didn't know what to say. Shuffling between his feet again, Jack thought of the only thing that he could think to say.
“I love you,” he whispered.
Jack’s heart started to race again as (Y/n) remained quiet.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n). I took this too far. I’ll just-”
“I love you too, Jack.”
Jack’s eyes grew wide as he heard those words. He knew that they were sincere. He felt it with every bone in his body. A smile graced his face as he pulled (Y/n) into a hug, his heart skipping beats, when he felt her wrap her arms around his torso and laugh.
“Jack, I love you.”
Pulling herself out of her memory, (Y/n) glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was now one in the morning and she was running on no sleep.
Standing up from her chair, (Y/n) began to make her way back to her room when she heard it.
It was incredibly faint, but she could hear it. The little pitter patters as they hit the ground above.
Forgetting about sleep, (Y/n) made her way up the bunker’s stairs and outside the front door. Quietly closing the door behind her, (Y/n) stood outside in the rain. She let it wash over her as she felt a wave of relief come over her.
“In a way, I’m already there.”
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) felt the rain slide down her face and run through her hair. She felt it start to weigh down the clothes she wore, but she didn’t care. She closed her eyes and let her other senses take over.
“I’m around.”
She could feel him. Just like how he promised. She felt every feeling he felt in the rain hitting her face, falling into the palms of her hands. She could feel him there.
“I’ll be in every drop of falling rain.”
Soft hands reached out and touched (Y/n)’s face. Opening her eyes, (Y/n) found her love standing in front of her, wearing the same clothes that the Winchesters had last saw her in. Each hair on his head was perfectly in place, the rain refusing to affect him.
“You’re going to catch a cold, (Y/n).”
“It was worth it to see you.”
Jack smiled as the rain continued to pour around them.
“You kept your promise.”
“Always for you.”
Pulling (Y/n) closer, Jack pressed his lips against her’s, feeling that same happiness that he always felt when she was around. As his hands traveled down to hold her waist, Jack felt like he was back in the library when he first said ‘I love you.’ Even as an all mighty creature, he got chills down his spine when (Y/n) took his face in her hands and pulled him closer.
The world was at peace when Jack held (Y/n) in his arms, and even though he knew he couldn’t stay long, Jack felt like he had an eternity to spend with (Y/n). Even as they pulled apart, Jack could still feel her on his lips and as she walked back into the bunker, he could feel her hand on his heart.
Turning away from the bunker door, Jack walked away from the Winchesters, alone once again. But he didn't feel alone. Just like how he was in everything, the Winchesters would always be in his heart. They were set right next to his mother, right next to Castiel.
And in that moment, Jack Kline knew that he would never feel a love more powerful than the love of his family.
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