heretical-final-boss · 9 months
The hardest part of living alone? Hyping yourself up to grab that can of raid to tackle the leggy little fucker making a home in your bin so you can finally take out your recycling.
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heretical-final-boss · 9 months
I'll tell you what, reading a book is such a wildly different experience compared to reading online because with a book? Blissful ignorance. Plot twists are like the knife of an assassin and they catch you at your most vulnerable. But reading online? Comments section. "So-and-so deserved the world. (iykyk)" Like???? What do you MEAN???? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN????? MY SWEET BABY GIRL JUST PROPOSED TO HER, THEY'RE GONNA GO AND SEE THE WORLD TOGETHER AND RULE SIDE BY SIDE WHAT DO YOU MEAN
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heretical-final-boss · 11 months
I fucking hate Dislyte. I've been saving up all my currency for Mavis and Archibald after crying like a little bitch over the Bemusement Park event knowing damn well they will never have any story-related significance ever again. ONLY FOR THEM TO REVEAL SOME DADDY-ASS JACKED-AS-SHIT FURRY-BAIT IN A TIGHT ASS UNIFORM TALKING ABOUT PUNISHMENT --
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Made some more, yet again
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my actual everyday mood 😭
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Sappho was a magical girl in Madoka Magica
don't ask me for evidence, take this on faith
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shout out to girls (me) who want to look femme (me) but who grow facial hair extremely quickly (me) and are suffering (me)
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Reblogging to my main since fellow OC blogs find this first before they find my side one
The Great Gubal Library had many rules. This was true both before and long after her abandonment.
‘You mustn’t run, it’s unprofessional.’
‘Speak no louder than 60 decibels.’
‘Those who can, smile. Everyone else, gazes down.’
It had been nigh over a decade since visitors decorated her hallowed halls and, admittedly, administration had grown lax without the constant vigil of their Sharlayan lords. But there was still an order to be found amongst the ageless denizens that had been left behind. Rules had been made an unmade to reflect changes in the unwitting society, but there were three in particular that were not so easily forgotten. Three indelible and inalienable laws all but carved into their very souls, artificial or no.
Denizens may not injure guests or, through inaction, allow a guest to come to harm.
Denizens must obey orders given by Sharlayans except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
Denizens must protect their own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
There wasn’t really any room for contemplation when it came to these ordinances. More so, they weren’t allowed to. The specifics were unclear to them, but all the library’s fiends knew that there was something inside them that prevented them from doing so; from questioning their makers or voicing any dissatisfaction, much less acknowledging it.
So Rofan could only watch as their kin was slaughtered. They’d been laid low only moments prior, paper limbs scorched and ground to nothing during the onslaught of the invasion. In the chase to seize the raiders, they’d lost a leg back in the Astrology and Astromancy Camera, practically dragging their smoldering shell through the School of Fantastics, only to be pathetically thwarted before the height of the battle in the Rhapsodies Quadrangle. Still yet, the red, hot talons of Orders and Directives pulled at their strings, willing them to stand on nonexistent legs to defend their stronghold.
All around, the dust of rubble and slain imps dissipated into the air, the Logos having fallen in the hall before. But surely the Everliving Bibliotaph would prevail, they’d been the strongest of them all. And yet, the barbarians persisted, pushing the repository’s final guardian ever further back until it fell to its knees.
‘But of course,’ the paper doll thought ruefully. ‘What god would listen to voidsent prayers?’
And as if to further make a mockery of their futile resistance, the incessant alarm of defense stopped, instantaneously with nary an echo of its earlier frenzy. Weightless shoulders sagged, not in relief but as if those strings that had been propelling them had suddenly snapped sending them crashing to the floor.
And Rofan could only watch.
Horror did not stay long, the thing inside betraying them as it always had. Because as the monsters stood victorious in the heart of their home – nay, the Archons, for who else but they could make such a treacherous descent – they’d left their mark on the Great Gubal Library, usurped the honor of “guests” and made themselves untouchable by the surviving staff. And the thing inside rejoiced. Against their will, it memorized the warriors’ aetheric signatures.
‘1) Denizens may not injure guests,’ Rofan recalled with strained cheer.
‘2) Denizens must obey orders given by Sharlayans,’ they prompted, remembering to bow their head as the Heroes passed the way they came, apparent prize in hand.
‘3) Denizens must protect their own existence –’
Beastly wails bellowed through the cavernous room as steel met voidal flesh and the number of survivors dwindled by one more.
‘-as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.’
The Great Gubal Library had been violated and all any of them could do was writhe in artificial euphoria.
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Suddenly gained a small number of ffxiv followers so just in case any of y'all were confused as to why a random ass blog was interacting with you, it's because I have a side hustle dedicated to my OC too
Gentle LFRP
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"Then, everything changed when the WoL attacked the Great Gubal Library..."
The Basics --
Name: Rofan "Lesrekta" Age: Difficult to answer Race: "Veena, Viera" Gender: Technically genderless, but the female form truly is marvelous (she/they) Sexuality: Love At First Sight except there's always someone new Server: Leviathan
Short Synopsis --
A product of Sharlayan research, Rofan is but one of many denizens that call the Great Gubal Library home. Their present form is little more than a glamour, the visage that of a familiar figure from long before the Garlean invasion. Spun from words of ardor and admiration, they are an amalgam of the greatest literary works pertaining to love in all its many forms – Rofan is the very concept itself. After the library’s depths were unceremoniously plundered and her guardians slain by those that would call themselves the Warriors of Light, raiders continued to darken their doorstep, pilfering the vaults and potentially endangering the world with the “treasures” that have begun to circulate. Thus a small platoon of her remaining wardens have left the isolation of her hold, to fulfill their duties – detaining those that have escaped, or kill them trying. Lest they too awaken… But Rofan faces an even greater threat on the Outside: living. Their worldviews are constantly at odds with the reality of the rest of the world, and now they must contend with the fact that they’re not even real; where could a mere caricature possibly fit in the colorful tapestry of life?
About the Operator --
♦ As I’m 28, I would prefer to interact with anyone 21+; if that is not you, please do not perceive me. Everyone else, perceive me gently, I’m shy. ♦ I’m not new to FFXIV, but I am coming back from about a 2 year hiatus, and even then the farthest I made it was the end of the main story of Stormblood. I’m starting over from scratch with Rofan. Specifically so I can run through Heavensward again. I think you all know why. If you find yourself on Leviathan for whatever reason and you see me running around, feel free to say hi although I’m sorry if I run away right after. As a character, Rofan is infinitely more bold than I am, I swear. ♦ I haven’t RPed in a while so to call this an RP blog feels like a disservice to all of you. But I’ve got over a decade of it under my belt for what it’s worth! Honestly, I just wanted to share my character with others since I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this in my immediate friend group. And if anything comes out of it, neat! More than anything, I just want something to think about while I’m at work battling spotty wi-fi. ♦ SERIOUSLY, ASK ME ABOUT MY BOOK DEMON LORE I’VE GOT A WHOLE PAGE DEDICATED TO IT ON MY NOTES APP LIKE HOW THEY FEED ON AMBIENT AETHER BUT ROFAN ENJOYS LOVE LETTERS FOR DESERT – ♦ I should add I have no hard limits so I kindly ask that you communicate your’s as I would prefer to avoid needlessly upsetting you. ♦ I’ll do a more serious full scale profile at some point for Rofan as well as a carrd (no but seriously, where was this back in my RP heyday because this is rad as hell), when I’m feeling braver about dipping my toes back in the water.
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If anything happens to Torgal or Ambrosia I will never know peace ever again
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The feminine urge to be part of a Legion and lay seige to enemy strongholds
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Master Has Chosen My Husband Candidates / My Teacher Has Chosen My Husband Candidates *spoilers*
"started with a bang and ended with a pathetic fucking whimper. Of all the men and all the sex, she ends up with the teacher who is so BORING by comparison. Not only that, but the story continues to imply that she's more or less a stand-in for her mother. What a fucking nothing ass ending, I'm so fucking disappointed."
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Kill the Lights *more of a question than a spolier*
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Finding Camellia *spoilers if you couldn't tell who the ML was; more of a very opinionated spicy headcanon*
"I know Claude is the ML and he's absolutely delicious, but I'm personally offended by how unaffected Camellia is by Ian because Holy shit! Everyone in the comments say he's weird but I'm absolutely here for it! Claude is the kinda guy who needs to be on top, but Ian? Ian is the kinda guy who dives down on you unprompted! He acts and talks like cunnilingus is his first language and his favorite position is probably whatever puts you on top just 'cause he likes the view! I've clearly thought about this a lot! Again, I'm not bashing on Claude because I've thought about him in bed a lot too. That man's a power fucker, you're not getting up anytime soon and even then you'll be limping!"
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For Stella *spolier-ish*
"Dana went from being the most likeable character to the absolute least. She RUINED season 2 for me and needlessly drags the issue into season 3, the mental gymnastics she's doing to explain away Arcane's actions even after he straight up confessed is tedious and makes no sense, and at this point it's fucking rude."
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