It'll be fun! And are there any specific rules saying that patients are not to have tea?
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  I wouldn’t want us to get in trouble.
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Don't we all?
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I’m so tired of living here. I just wanna go home.
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Good. I would have missed you too much.
Did I die?
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Yes it is. Do I know you?
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I took the meds...
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I took the meds...
I feel so alone...
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Then why don't we go get some?
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  I’m gonna hold you to that. Yeah, I’m sure there is… for the staff, though.
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"Um, well..." For the first time in her life, Hermione Granger didn't know the answer to a question. "The medication works when I take it, it's just that it leaves so many blanks from when I was 11, whenever I try to think about what I actually did on those days... my head really hurts." She winced at the memory. "When I don't take it though, I don't know what's going on. Hogwarts and the Muggle world gets muddled up. I-I hurt Blaine last time. He won't talk to me when he's normal, even when I'm trying to explain he won't listen. Just shout at me."
"It was my birthday a few days ago." Hermione whispered. "The owls didn't come though. Mum and Dad said they would visit... but they didn't. Harry and Ron didn't even write." She didn't know why she was telling the Doctor this, it all just slipped out. No tears came to the young girl's eyes, she ran a hand through her wavy brown hair and sighed. "Sorry." She apologised, feeling embarrassed. "You probably don't want to hear about that."
Para with Carter// Hermione & Carter
  Dr. Carter slid the patient file closer to herself and ran the back side of the pen along the notes, reading them silently. 
"Yes, problems." She straightened her posture to sit upright in her desk chair and looked the young girl over. Carter had never had many issues with Hermione, none that she knew of. "I’m here to address any possible issues.” Her tone was calm, collected, ensuring that she didn’t raise any possible fears in the young girl. “If you are having any problems with medication, any of the other patients, anything you would like to discuss?” She rattled on, waiting for a reaction from Hermione. 
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We can leave a light on. And if you want I can stay with you. Blaine just please come with me.
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And the snakes start to sing
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No Blaine, trust me your bed is a lot comfier. I'll even grab some pillows from my room and make you really comfortable. Come with me.
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And the snakes start to sing
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No Blaine, You'll be stiff in the morning. Or Jax will be roaming about looking for Prey. Let's get you to bed.
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And the snakes start to sing
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Yes he is. Who's Kurt? Maybe we should get you to bed.
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And the snakes start to sing
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It's really cool. Has Jax done anything to you apart from injecting you?
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A cat? In here?
And the snakes start to sing
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No! No Blaine there's nothing wrong with you! You're perfect! You've been taking the meds though haven't you?
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No, it's a rare gift to be able to talk to snakes. Only Salazar Slytherin, V-Voldemort and Harry are the only Parselmouths I know of. People think of it as a bad thing, but it saved Hogwarts from shutting down when the Chamber of Secrets opened. It's impossible for somebody to speak to any other type of animal.
And the snakes start to sing
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What did they do to you?
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A little. But they actually speak snake language and don't just listen.
And the snakes start to sing
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Blaine?! I thought you hated me!
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No, it's what we call a person that can talk to snakes.
And the snakes start to sing
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And the snakes start to sing
If only I were a parselmouth, I may actually understand what you are saying.
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Hermione sat on the edge of the chair opposite Carter awkwardly, feeling like she was sitting in a room with Professor Dumbledore. She saw Jax in the corner of her eye and felt her heart race a little faster. "Problems?" Hermione asked, not sure if she should mention that the only two people that actually liked her were Allison and Stiles... though she wasn't even thoroughly sure about Allison.
Hermione's neck craned a little bit, trying discreetly to see what information Carter held on those pieces of paper but also keeping the Orderly in her field of view. She had seen the pen and her first initial thought had been 'Why isn't she using a quill?'
Para with Carter// Hermione & Carter
  Carter swiveled back and forth in her office chair, idly tapping her pen against the desk as she sorted through patient files. A knock at the door brought her attention up. She heard Hermione’s familiar accent float through the doorway. “Come in, Ms. Granger.” She said softly.
She thumbed through the stack of folders until she found the one labeled Hermione Granger. “You may have a seat.” Dr. Carter offered as she pulled the folder into view. 
"I’d like to discuss your current treatment plan with you, and also, go over some concerns or problems you may be having." 
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