hermionepweasley · 5 months
“ on love, friendship, and jane austen ”
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷   SYNOPSIS.  yn and hansol. hansol and yn. the inseparable duo. one name cannot come without immediately being followed by the other. a friendship that has stood the test of time. yn falls in love more times than they could count. hansol has stood by their side through every single one of those times. yn loves quoting jane austen. and hansol? well, hansol loves yn. 
PAIRING.  vernon x gn!reader
GENRES.  university au, fluff, angst, childhood friends to ???, pining, yearning, so much pining- i am so sorry.
CONTAINS.  swearing, food + alcohol mentions, and a bunch of out of context austen quotes.
MENTIONS OF / FEATURING.  mingyu, minghao, chan, seungkwan, soonyoung, and jihoon. 
WC.  4.3k
A/N.  yes, i saw netflix’s persuasion. yes, it made the austen lover in me cry (in the worst way). yes, i wrote this to cope. 
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i. persuasion
“I am half agony, half hope,” you groan, plopping yourself down on the bean bag next to Hansol’s. There’s a pout etched onto your face, soon covered by one of the pillows that adorned the his bed. 
Hansol paid no attention to your muffled screams, eyes still trained on the flat screen TV in front of him. His fingers moved frantically on the controller in his hands, blocking out your sounds of agony with the upbeat 8-bit melody of whatever fighting game he chose to procrastinate from packing for university. 
Which of course, pissed you off. 
Keep reading
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hermionepweasley · 8 months
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They won’t let any nightmares near Sam.
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hermionepweasley · 9 months
So, I had a thought.
In "The Husbands of River Song", River mentions that, on multiple occasions, she has stolen the TARDIS and returned it without the Doctor ever noticing. (I've always thought she meant in Eleven's era or when Twelve was teaching and guarding Missy.) She also recognizes Ten's face in the Library. (She doesn't recognize Donna though but knows her by name and she's implied that she knew Donna's future.)
Fourteen has Ten's face and is doing a touch less travelling, replacing it with more domestic errands.
5 times a member of the Noble family has caught River Song stealing the TARDIS + 1 time when the Doctor and Donna caught her.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Ben: “We call that a ‘traumatic event’.
Ben, turning to Jay: “Not a ‘bruh moment’.”
Ben, turning to Evie: “Not a ‘major L’.”
Ben, turning to Carlos: “Not a ‘shit fest’.”
Ben, turning to Mal: “And definitely not an ‘oof lmfao’.”
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
A Lovely Forest Swim (meta)
For starters, is it bad that I didn’t even think about the fact that they had to remove their clothes with handcuffs on? I see a lot of people questioning it and the thought didn’t even occur to me while watching…idk what that says about me.
But anyways: the forest swim scene. A.k.a., a moment of tenderness I was not expecting but was pleasantly surprised by. I think there’s surprisingly quite a bit to unpack here. 
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#1 most prominent characteristic of this scene? Playfulness. That pretty much characterizes the entire episode save for a few riveting conversations (and let’s not even talk about that ending…ouch). They giggle like little kids and genuinely seem to enjoy each other’s company. Yet again, I was so surprised by Kinn here, because this is the opposite of everything we’ve seen from him so far. It just goes to show how utterly transforming the mafia business is, and just how much of himself has been sacrificed because of it. 
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Kinn, ever the subtle man, suggests they hug for warmth. Why haven’t I seen anybody talk about the shoulder kisses? The definition of tender. I honestly don’t think they even realized what they were doing at this point; they were so wrapped up in each other that it didn’t matter. We’ve known since before the series aired that Kinn and Porsche have a very physical relationship, and we see that play out here. They’re on good terms as far as the playfulness/flirtation goes, but there’s still a lot of baggage to unpack. So when they naturally cave to physical touch like this, it brings my attention back to the concept of sex vs. intimacy. Sure they’re hugging “for warmth,” but their physical attraction is staggering, especially for Porsche. Porsche, who has been betrayed by Kinn on multiple occasions, leans into him so willingly here. It suggests that, while Kinn has broken Porsche’s trust, there’s still a level of unbreakable comfortability between them. The chemistry is undeniable. With the sweet guitar playing in the background, the entire scene feels appropriately woodsy and romantic. 
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Kinn instigates the kiss, but Porsche is a willing (notably SOBER!) participant. It’s soft and tender, just like their first kiss on the dock. It’s them giving into the moment, leaning in to the chemistry between them. If Kinn hadn’t stopped it, I think Porsche was ready for a full on make out. It’s interesting to think about how it would’ve played out if Kinn hadn’t cut it off so soon.
For some reason, I wasn’t able to find gifs of the moment when Kinn pulls away, so I’ll just post screenshots:
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What I like about moments like these are the elements of contrast. Despite the fantasy world they appear to be living in, reality still creeps in. From my perspective, Kinn is contending with guilt here. It reminds me a lot of The Scene in Ep4. We see Kinn reject Porsche in a similar way there, but not for the same reason. Here, I would argue that he pulls back out of guilt more than anything else. There is probably part of Papa Korn’s warning/lecture creeping in as well, but I see it as Kinn “catching himself” in a way he did not with drugged Porsche. He knows he made a mistake, and we know he feels awful about it, so to go on kissing Porsche before they’ve acknowledged the elephant in the room would only add to his shame (and forget the fact that Porsche is sober here and clearly wants/consents to the kiss). 
I was actually quite surprised that Porsche was willing to smooch after everything, but like the pier kiss scene, it seems like a product of the moment. The trust, comfortability, and desire between them, while threatened, is still very much alive. I do wonder if Porsche is surprised by himself at all here, but his facial expressions make it hard to tell. He frowns a bit afterwards, as if taking it all in, perhaps fully realizing what‘s going on; like Kinn, he’s coming back to reality, and he doesn’t like it. I’m going to assume that this moment plays into Kinn’s second apology at the end of the episode, as I believe it’s at least part of the reason why Porsche later tells Kinn that he had already forgiven him. He kisses Kinn despite the tension in their relationship, and he shocks himself for doing that, because it proves how much he’s already forgiven. From how I see it, there isn’t a conscious moment when Porsche forgives Kinn, but moments like these gradually reform the trust they had lost. 
On this same note, I think it’s imperative that we look at this moment from both perspectives. I’ve noticed while reading (and re-reading) this post that thus far, I’ve elected to look at the waterfall kiss almost exclusively from Kinn’s perspective since he is the one doing the pulling away. But when I think about it from Porsche’s perspective, I’m reminded that Porsche could’ve interpreted Kinn’s hesitation very differently. As the audience, we can assume that Kinn pulls back out of guilt, but Porsche doesn’t have that same vantage point, so it makes sense that this would make him question Kinn’s feelings. From that perspective, it makes more sense why he would have some reservations about clearing the slate between them later, so to speak. I do think this moment plays into one of their conversations at the end of the episode, which I detail more here.
Ok. That was a lot. But at its most basic, we gotta love a good wet smooch when we see one. 
I guess this isn’t so much a meta as it is just me rambling. But psychologically, there’s a lot to think about. The contrast between reality and fantasy is intriguing, as it could also represent the difference between the mafia life and the non-mafia life (for lack of better descriptors); it’s a distinction which will surely weigh on Kinn even more heavily after their time in the forest. Now he knows what he could have, which will make it all the more heartbreaking when it is suddenly stripped away again (as the final shootout scene indicates). In the context of KP’s relationship, I think the swimming scene represents their strong pull to each other. Their attraction persists, despite all the obstacles challenging it. 
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
BigB watches Grian for a while. He’s gotten good, lately, at just watching everyone around him; it’s fun. People don’t normally even mind he’s doing it. Okay, they do mind a little. Or steal his frog. She’d deserved better than that, man, that frog deserved better.
Anyway, he’s watching Grian. Grian is sitting outside, staring at the place where no one is buried, because their bodies have just been vanishing when time runs out. It’s morbid in a way BigB isn’t really used to. Not the whole death thing—he’s used to that—but the lack of much to show for it.
Grian scoffs quietly to himself.
“I thought you cut your losses,” BigB says.
“I did,” Grian says. “I tried, but it wasn’t worth it in the end.”
“Yeah, I get that. It’s hard to care about people who aren’t yourself.”
Grian looks at BigB sharply. “I—what gives you the right—”
“Hey, I’m not—you can be as bad at caring about people as you want, man, I won’t stop you,” BigB says. “It’s just, like, man, it’s good to know ahead of time, now.”
“You—you don’t get it,” Grian says. “No one ever—no one. Gets it.”
BigB thinks of the sudden splitting pain of a phantom dripstone, and then nothing.
“I have an idea? I’ve been watching a while,” BigB says.
“No, you don’t,” Grian says.
BigB looks over the place that the two other Bad Boys aren’t buried. Paradoxically, for a moment, he misses arguing about Judge Judy and Executioner with Jimmy. It had been very upsetting at the time, of course, but now both of them are dead, so it’s hard to be mad about it. It’s easiest to just be empty about it. To go with the flow. To keep an eye out.
To remember what these people are.
They are what they’ve always been. And Grian, newest member of the easy-uneasy alliance BigB has found himself in, is the same as he’s always been, and doesn’t seem to know it.
Ah, well. That’s why BigB and Pearl keep an eye out. To know things others don’t.
“Okay,” BigB says, a phantom headache splitting him in half. “I have no idea what it’s like, when you have trouble caring for people. Uh, we made soup, by the way. Pearl insists it’s a family recipe? I didn’t know she had a family until she said it, but I believe her.”
“…okay,” Grian says, sighing. “Yeah. It’s not like we were that close, anyway.”
“Sure,” BigB says, and takes him inside.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Sometimes fanon-only tropes or ideas can be very odd and completely separate from canon, and some of them are rock solid, more rock solid than the original media.
In Between Us, the most common Fanon-only thing I've read has been Win calling Team "baby". Admittedly I haven't read hemp rope so idk if it's in there...
Anyway, Win never calls him baby in the show but the fandom has written it into his dialogue in almost every fic I've seen and I, for one, am all about that. Win absolutely definitely just WOULD call him baby, I'm sure of it. It's in his dna, his destiny.
1. It works with Win's desire to compliment Team with specific, cute nicknames
2. It feeds into Team's praise kink (don't @ me you know I'm right)
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Do you ever think about Team sitting down on Win’s bed in the morning before class? Putting Win’s hair up for him while Win just silently and fondly watches Team’s nose crinkle in concentration? And then, when Win starts to stand up in a glowing haze of absolutely ruined adoration, Team is like, “Hia, wait,” and tugs Win back down by the hand so he can carefully, meticulously pull the little strand in front loose the way Win always has it?
I do.
I do.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
team teerayu 🤝 seo jaewon sit on the same table of mentally ill elite water sportsmen that are grieving over the loss of their dead brother who died in front of their eyes and have carried that survivor's guilt and blame with them ever since.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Could you please write 33 or 34 from the kiss prompt list for sky and pai please?
Of course!! Since I already have a whole PrapaiSky “I missed you” fic—complete with office sex and butt plugs!—I did #33 instead.
#33. soft kisses while cuddling in bed
Prapai had been watching the clock for an hour, scared that if he looked away, he might miss it. The anticipation was building inside of him like water against a dam and he was practically vibrating with excitement as he counted down the last few seconds until midnight. Then, as one day slipped effortlessly into the next, he threw himself onto his sleeping boyfriend, placing kisses all over his face.
Sky woke immediately, letting out a groan of protest, but even half-asleep and under attack, he stubbornly refused to open his eyes.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled, reaching out blindly to push Prapai away. “I’m sleeping.”
“It’s your birthday!” Prapai cried, hugging him tighter. “Happy Birthday!”
Sky, seeming to realize he wouldn’t be allowed to go back to sleep until he responded, finally opened his eyes to glare at Prapai, but try as he might to pretend to be aggravated, Prapai knew him well enough to see the smile hiding behind lips. “Are you serious right now?”
“Happy Birthday!” Prapai repeated, placing a peck directly on his lips this time, and it must have taken Sky by surprise because after a brief pause, he started laughing—which, of course, only egged Prapai on further. He resumed his kiss-attack as Sky laughed at his ridiculousness and it wasn’t until Sky grabbed his face and physically stopped him that he finally gave it up.
“I get it!” Sky cried, still laughing. “Thank you.”
Satisfied, Prapai collapsed back down onto the mattress next to him and nuzzled into his chest, wanting to hold. Wanting to be held. 
“Is that it?” Sky taunted, running his fingers through Prapai’s hair gently. “You woke me up just for that?”  
“For now,” Prapai agreed. Sky didn’t need to know about the hourly flower deliveries he’d scheduled, the restaurant he’d rented out for dinner, or the vacation to Bali he’d planned. At least not yet. But he did sit up so that he could look his boyfriend in the eyes as he said, “I hope you have a year filled with happiness and good sex”—Sky snorted—”and I hope you wake up every morning knowing just how loved you are.”
Sky’s face softened as he pulled Prapai down and kissed him slowly. “I really love you, you know that?”
Prapai smiled and kissed him again, but when he tried to pull away, Sky stopped him. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re the one that woke me up. I want a present.”
And so, with a smirk, Prapai deepened the kiss and gave it to him.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
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SHAMELESS 5.01 ― “Milk of the Gods”
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Doc really looked at his inner Kermit ,took in his words of possible forgiveness, and then laughed as Evil Kermit body slammed him and took the wheel before saying peace was never an option. It's about the principal at this point.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Headcanons for that dragon!Ram 'verse
That I might write once Despacito (Moon Knight) is done.
And I need to write this out before it makes my head explode.
Dragon-hybrids are born from eggs. This is important for later.
The British empire has been methodically killing every dragon and dragon hybrid in their territory since forever, as they don't want anyone more powerful than the Empire getting ideas. So they attacked the Dragon villages first, fast and not leaving any survivor.
Ram is a fire-dragon hybrid, and was rescued from the dragon massacre by Venkatarama's wife, who hid his egg by pretending it was her pregnant belly. While neither her nor Venkatarama knew exactly how to take care of a dragon hybrid, they did their best to encourage him to embrace both sides of his nature, while at the same time teaching him to keep his dragon side hidden from anyone outside of the family for his own safety.
Dragon hybrids usually shift when feeling great emotion or under great duress. Ram has taught himself not to shift no matter what, as he is the king of supressing emotion. All that shifts when he's starting to lose control of those are his eyes, which turn gold/red, and his eyelids that start showing his gold scales. HE is quick to hide those, and usually throwing water on himself or deep breaths calm him enough to shift to full human. In full hybrid form, when he's angry, his hair turns white. Very Super-saiyan.
His first book from his hoard was a fairy tale book that his mother gave to him as a gift. He keeps that book with him always, when he needs to move and create a new hoard for himself.
He has wings and can fly, both in hybrid and full dragon form. But he doesn't really like it as he feels that he could forget his mission because he feels so much joy when flying.
Dragon hybrids have an instinct to protect those weaker than them. This has made Ram very conflicted when he is undercover as all his instincts yell at him to help those he's fighting at all times. (This is also why he absolutely forgets all about chasing Lachuu in order to save the boy in the river)
Ram can breathe fire, but he never did it until Akthar found out he was an hybrid and started using it to make smoke figures to make Akthar laugh.
Dragon hybrids mate for life, and have a pre-destined mate. In order to find them, a small section of their scales -usually where they are to be touched by their mate for the first time- are the color of his mate's. Ram has a circle of green-blue scales, the color of the seas, in his right arm so he knows his future mate is a water dragon. (Yeah, I decided to go angsty and yes, Bheem is a hybrid too. More on him below, but he obviously has a circle of gold-scales in his right arm too, just that he has never seen it)
Dragons hybrids are not easy to kill, as they heal faster than humans (Ram's uncle insists that Ram shifts every night in the privacy of his apartment so that he can heal from the punishment he gives his body), and usually would be immortal. However, they can die from a broken heart if their pre-destined mate rejects them for any reason (The mate doesn't die, just never finds a new mate) or dies after the hybrid has accepted them as mates.
Because Ram is a young dragon-hybrid, his full dragon form is still small. He's about the size of a wolf, which is why he can curl easily in a nest of books or on top of his desk.
Once Akthar discovered Ram being a dragon-hybrid, Ram's favorite place to sleep when shifted is on Akthar's chest. He also likes to curl up around his shoulders. Akthar/Bheem is the only one outside Ram's adopted human family who has ever seen him in his full dragon form, and the only one outside his adopted human village who has seen him in hybrid form.
Sita is Ram's adopted sister. He loves her a lot, but he doesn't love her romantically as dragon hybrids only fall in love with other dragon hybrids.
Here's the angsty part because we need MORE angst besides the whole betrayal thing from the plot: While Bheem IS a dragon hybrid, AND Ram's destined mate... He also has no idea he's a dragon hybrid. In order to protect him (And also, a bit selfishly), the Gonds who found his egg and adopted him as part of the tribe have been feeding him a medicine that suppresses his dragon side completely, and rising him to ignore some of his dragon instincts, such as hoarding, while taking advantage of his protection instincts to have an immortal protector of the tribe. He has never shifted, so he has no idea he can.
SO... Ram instinctively knows that Bheem is his mate, and doesn't get why, if Ram has been so open about his dragon side, Bheem won't even show him his real eyes (By the way, they go blue with a green halo). Bheem, for his side, loves Ram but knows that since Ram is a dragon, he can't love Bheem, so he's trying hard to hide his feelings and pretend he's in love with Jenny, even if he only sees her as a nice british lady and a way to save Maili. Bheem also thinks that the reason why Ram is so affectionate with him is because he's the only one who knows the secret, and so, the only one with whom Ram can be himself.
Lacchu is the one who knows how to make the medicine for Bheem, and at some point may have to decide between telling the truth to Bheem to save Ram's life... or let his torturer die knowing that Bheem might survive the broken heart as he never acknowledged Ram as his mate.
Bheem discovered Ram being a hybrid one day when he just went to his apartment late at night to have dinner with him (notice how when he goes there in the movie after the market with Jenny he just goes to the kitchen and grabs food? He's so used to be there it's home), when Ram was already asleep in his hybrid form. Because Ram already had decided Bheem was his mate (Before Bheem convinced him he was human) he just felt so safe he never woke up nor shifted to human instinctively (as he had gotten in the habit whenever he sensed danger)
Bheem at first thinks Sita is a dragon, the way Ram talks about her as his fiancee (As part of his cover with the Empire). He is VERY surprised when he finds out she's human and thus, can't really be his fiancee.
Bheem can breathe underwater. He has never figured out that that's not something other protectors could do.
Before meeting Ram, due to how the Gond tribe raised him, Bheem never had a hoard. But the day he met Ram, he picked up a small pebble from the river where they rescued the boy, as it reminded him of Ram's human eyes. After that, any pretty rock or crystal that called his attention ended up in his hands. He doesn't realize he is creating a hoard until someone else (Sita or Jenny maybe?) point it to him, and he can already sleep on it in human form.
Jenny is a sort of expert in dragons, as she has collected books about them (Some of which at some point would end up in Ram's hoard if she can find a way to give them to him, when she finds out he's a dragon) She hates that the Empire has killed them and is trying to find one alive to see if it's possible to bring them back from extintion. She also is not that blind to how British people treat natives, and in secret she had also been helping revolutionaries escape. No one ever suspected her as she always acts so innocent. She also speaks Telugu, but pretends not to in order to keep her status (This is why she invites Bheem so quickly to the house. She KNOWS he wants to go, but needs to pretend to be completely oblivious in case her uncle's spies are watching. It is also why she has no angst at her uncle and aunt dying. She was actually thinking of doing the deed herself given how cruel they were.)
The very first time Ram loses control of himself, and needs to run to his place to hide, shift and manage to bring his emotions back under control before anyone sees him is when he sees Bheem leave with Jenny for the market.
Edward and Scott have boasted that they have killed dragons single handedly. This is not true, Edward has never faced a dragon, and Scott only saw the dead bodies after the attack on the Village where Ram would have lived if he had been raised by dragons.
Dragon-hybrids are very, very single minded once they got a prey. That is why Ram's uncle was very surprised that Ram was content with just showing the sketch around instead of looking for more clues to find Lacchu, but then, he meets Bheem and understands why his nephew's focus is so divided.
Snake venom usually does nothing to dragon-hybrids. The reason why the bite of the banded krite almost killed Ram was because he was already fighting his broken heart, thinking that Bheem would rather be friends with a human than accept him as a mate and realizing that Bheem had to be the man he was chasing. He just wanted to be wrong about the second thing and die in Akthar's arms, skipping the whole heartache process.
At the same rate, the only reason why his body fought the venom in the end was because the antidote had been given to him by Bheem. Even if his mind wanted to die before hurting his mate, his body wouldn't let him because Bheem wanted him to live.
Before dying from a broken heart, Dragon-hybrids can go completely feral. Despite knowing his dragon form was too small to cause too much damage, Ram was counting on that happening during his execution -that wouldn't take, as you can't kill a dragon-hybrid by hanging- so that he might kill Scott and as many british soldiers he could, hoping that he'd retain enough of his old self not to kill any more of his people.
If Bheem could shift to his half-form, he could have talked to the animals and explained them why he needed them. Then the massacre would've been a lot bigger.
During the whole fight for his arrest, Ram's eyes were in his dragon form as he couldn't control himself. The anger and betrayal that Bheem felt was so great that his eyes ALMOST shifted, fighting the medicine of the Gonds.
Dragon-hybrid's skin reacts to their element. Ram's is always a higher temperature from humans, so those who don't know his secret think he's running a small fever. Bheem's is always cold to the touch, like a river.
The first time Bheem's eyes shifted was when he saw Ram again, in the solitary cage. The shock of seeing Bheem again, looking at him with love, with his true eyes, brought back Ram from the edge of going feral. Bheem, from his part, was too overtaken by emotions to notice that he was seeing more colors and more clearly than usual (Dragon-hybrids can see in the dark)
Once they get the weapons to Ram's village, Ram starts skulking again because Bheem STILL insists he's human and can't be Ram's mate. It falls on Sita, Jenny and yes, Lacchu who has now started to see why Ram and Bheem belong to each other, to bring Bheem's instincts back up so that he will realize who he is (When told directly, he laughs and tells them to stop joking, so more extreme measures are needed.)
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
Sita: I just met Bheem
Ram: And?
Sita: *waits five seconds, and then bursts out laughing*
Ram: Stoooooop
Sita: Of course you fell for the one man made of literal sunshine, this is so funny
Ram: I am glad my misery brings you such joy
Sita *snorts*: You're not miserable because you're in love with Bheem. You are miserable because that's your personality.
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
The idea of Ram being a dragon hybrid doesn't leave my mind. I mean, he has a book hoard! And there's the fire motif that is a lot stronger for him than Bheem's motif of water, and dragons are very, very focused on just one task and seriously brain, stop plotting this heartbreaking fic because it's NOT going to be a one shot since we both know I can't write one shots, and I already have to finish TWO fics with my inhuman but very human main characters!
(I still haven't decided if Bheem should also be a dragon hybrid, only a water dragon rather than a fire dragon or not)
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hermionepweasley · 1 year
[fic] WinTeam, rated E
Bonjour! I have a new fic for you. Apologies in advance. It's not plotty at all. :P
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46634581
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