hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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ʚ 29th oct 2017 ɞ
here are some of my history notes!! the layout is inspired by @studyquill jasmine’s notes are AMAZING asjkdlfgajkal
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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So excited!❄️🌲
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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21/100 days of productivity · so happy that this semester is over! 😭  i didn’t have time to take pictures but this pretty much sums up my finals week.
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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Is chilling in your bed and thinking of ways to be more productive actually productive? 🤔
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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ʚ 9th dec 2017 ɞ
here is my december’s first spread! today, me and my dad went to buy some new plant friends♡ he got 3 big pots of giant squill and i got this tiny lil pot of miracle leaf which i named him freddie and tomorrow i’ll get another one and named him georgie anyway, i hope y’all are doing great!
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
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My history notes from a while ago⤴️
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hermionerd-studies · 6 years
How to create a study schedule for the holidays
Holidays are just that, holidays. However school and university doesn’t always stop for them. Whilst you’re supposed to be relaxing, there is usually a stack of work waiting to be finished before you go back. After a couple of requests, I’ve put together a small guide to setting up (and following) a holiday study schedule. Keep reading to find out more:
Start early - most students (myself included) generally leave all their work until the last few days of the holidays, then they panic about not having enough time. As soon as you’re able, get started with your schedule. The sooner you start, the sooner all your work is done and you’re free to have a study free holiday. Plus starting early means that you will remember things from your last few classes. If you’ve been off for two weeks and not thought about school, you’ll have to review everything you did before school finish in order to jog your memory!
Write down everything that needs to be done - create a list of everything that you need to finish before you go back to school. I find it easiest to write everything in chronological order and separated by subject. For example, I’d write ‘read chapter 2′, then ‘summarises chapter 2′, then ‘complete review questions’. This way you can see everything you need to cover in the study plan.
Decide how long it will take - estimate how much time all your to-dos will take - maybe a day to type up your class notes, an afternoon to write an essay or an hour to finish a worksheet you didn’t complete. Start fitting in each task around your holiday plans. If you have a spare hour, you could draft that essay you need to write. If you’re spending two hours in the car, print your notes and revise them. Before bed, read the flashcards that you made!
Plan it out - using a calendar or excel, make a schedule for your holiday. It could be daily, weekly, or monthly depending on which way you find it best to plan. Include all the tasks you’d want to complete in that time period. If you get bored easily, break it up into small time periods or change subjects after a few hours! Vary the tasks you need to complete. For instance, no-one wants to spend a day writing essay after essay. Spread them out across a few days and add other small, more fun tasks in between. Here is a study schedule I created which you can download and print! Here is an example of how to fill it out. Design it to what suits you the best, illustrate it or highlight it! Make it something you want to follow.
Take charge of improving your productivity - By planning out your time and setting up a schedule you’re attempting to improve your productivity. Since it is the holidays you don’t want to be spending hours on end finishing work or revising. Find ways to keep yourself accountable for your time. Applications such as Forest or RescueTime are great for helping you stay focused. I also created a post with 10 small tips to improve your productivity. Have a read and try to apply some of them to your studying!
Stick with it - the best way to actually follow your study plan is by being motivated to use it. Put it in a place you see often, for instance near your bed or above your desk. Each morning, see what you need to do and try to get it done. Reward yourself for completing the tasks you need to and cross them off your schedule. However, don’t be afraid to make changes to it. If you can get something do sooner, go ahead but if you miss a day, don’t fret. Either reprint or retype your schedule with new plan!
Take time out - remember that it is your holiday and you don’t need to work 24/7. Have a break, have ten. Take a day to binge watch your favourite show or read that book you’ve wanted too. Don’t feel bad about having some down time, you deserve it! 
I hope this helps and you have a lovely holiday! Enjoy the printable I added into the post as well. If you use it, please tag me in any photo you upload! x
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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im recording my flute auditions tomorrow aaaaah
currently listening to:
reputation - taylor swift
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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Loads and loads of econ notes. It’s the only class I have this year where I have to consistently take lots of notes every lecture >.< but I do enjoy it! I hope you all have a great week! Mine has been bad and sad (what a rhyme heh) but I’m glad the weekend is approaching! 
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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・✧ nsc: book I’m reading (I cheated) || 7/30✧・
so because of the nature of my program and the current courses I’m taking, I don’t get a lot of readings (or the time to do my own :’) so have some pics of this week’s spread?
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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🍑next week’s spread🍑
supplies used: + sarasa clip 0.3mm + mildliner (🍋 yellow) + a metal ruler + slim washi tape
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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— i rly need to catch up on the posts i have saved in my drafts aaaaaa. but guys i took my second bio exam and did well double aaaaaa. 
ig: merakinotes
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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10.29.2017 || sunshine themed spread 🌞 i hope everyone’s having a good day so far :)
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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🌻171015 - 171021 🌻 || well I am SUPER behind on posting these; October just got away from me. Expect posts of old spreads over the next few days! For now, this one is a flowery, plant inspired spread 🌵
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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🌻171015 - 171021 🌻 || well I am SUPER behind on posting these; October just got away from me. Expect posts of old spreads over the next few days! For now, this one is a flowery, plant inspired spread 🌵
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hermionerd-studies · 7 years
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“promise? promise.”
ig + youtube: @ journalmani
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