hero-brittbritt · 9 years
We could make it work.  We deserve it.  I would be truly honored to be your date this Valentine’s day, Santana Lopez. 
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Ew, that’s kind of gross.  Is she trying to copy our blonde-brunette awesomeness? Maybe I could put a bug in Quinn’s ear about it, even if it was just them...hanging out as friends.  I mean, Q already knows Rachel feels like a third wheel to us, I don’t think she’d let her chill alone on Valentine’s Day.   
If you’re taking me out at night then you should expect some awesome surprises throughout the day, just so you know.
Definitely bad news. Yes, Britt…like a real date. It’s been way too long, that’s for sure. I know it might be hard to get away, but we’ll be careful right? It’s just a few hours.  What do you say, will you be my date for Valentine’s Brittany S. Pierce?
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Maybe she’ll finally get to take Fabray out on a date. You know she’s been wishing and hoping for that since she was in highschool? I don’t want to suggest it though, it’s a tough subject to approach. It’s not selfish to want some time away, I know she’d understand.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
I mean, it’s kinda adorable when you’re grumpy, but I guess when we’re both grumpy it’s bad news. I hate it too.  You mean like...a real date?  I would love that, Babe.  We could go to a movie...and maybe even some restaurant that no one would find us at.  When’s the last time we even got to go on a date?
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Ugh, I agree.  As much as I love her, I think spending so much time with her is wearing on my patience too.  It’d be nice if we could get someone to take her out too, wouldn’t it?  Just so she can’t complain about how disgustingly perfect we are together.  How do you think Artie would feel about it?
Uh–hey, it’s fine, Britt. I get it, trust me. This situation just makes us blow up over the tiniest things, y’know? And obviously I’m already prone to unpleasantness when it comes to arguing. It’s like putting fire and gasoline.
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I’m sorry about last night too. I hate that we’re stuck in this place for so long that it’s making us bicker about dumb crap. We really should get away somewhere, at least for Valentine’s. I know for sure I don’t wanna spend the day with Rachel sitting next to us third wheeling like her life depends on it. 
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Very smart, love.  That way maybe we could make calls more often.
You’re right.  They weren’t ones to keep quiet about what they were doing.  They were always very proud of it.  God, we’re so popular.  Barely a quarter of our lives are over and this is already the second group of people that wants nothing more than our untimely death.  Do you think we could get our hands on some bionic legs?  I’m sure he’d love that.   It definitely does, he’ll have to deal with just that for payment for now.  And maybe some pizza.
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Hey, I...I’m sorry about last night.  I don’t like to argue, and I know you really don’t either.  It’s just...everything is really hard here, you know?  I think we’re all going a little crazy.  It’d be a tragedy if we weren’t so beautiful.
I’m sure we can get Artie to help us out. Make sure no one’s able to track our calls or anything. We should do it, Britt.
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I’m sure there is. Though, if they were actually behind everything we’d be seeing sings of it already. This looks like a completely new threat. I’ll ask him to check anyway, that poor guy…we really should buy him something nice. He’s doing a lot of dirty work. But, he gets to hang out with hot girls, that’s gotta count for something, right?
You’ll be great, babe.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
You’re good!  It’s two girls I live with, actually, both with dark hair.  My friend and my fiance, who’s probably the one you’re smelling who hugged me just before I left.  I was really nervous to come here, to be honest.  
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Wasn’t weird to me. Don’t they though?  Who gets to decide what is normal?  You’re right, you are a teenager, and all you hear is all that stuff about how everyone is different right? And anyone who spends 10 minutes in a high school cafeteria can definitely prove that’s true.  So, if everyone’s different, then the very concept of normality doesn’t even exist.  It’s just something people say to make you feel bad about being yourself. 
I understand that. Trust me, I do. But the people that I know?  All the other people who have powers like you and I do?  They can help you control that.  And then your power won’t feel like a curse anymore, it’ll feel like a gift. I used to not be able to walk into a zoo without getting an unbearable headache from all of the animals trying to communicate with me.  Now? I own my own animal shelter in the city.  I never would have come that far if I never got help.
I’m not asking you to live in pain.  I’m asking you to embrace who you are, and help a whole bunch of people who really need it in the process.
closed || Brittany
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
I hope they’re not all too worried, our families. It’s weird not to talk to them all the time.  I don’t think it’s a bad idea to give her a quick call, you know?  To let her know that we’re a lot closer to her being able to be all excited and nosey about planning again.  I’d really like to call my mom too... dad’s birthday’s coming up!
He’s honored you’d refer to him by his first name.
After what we’ve been through with them, I’d be concerned if you weren’t a little paranoid.  I wonder if there’s a way Artie could do some hacking and look into it for us.  There has to be some information about the Purists in Divisions database somewhere...right?
You’re sweet. And right. I just gotta tap into my inner teenager, something old ladies Lopez and Berry have lost in their journey to adulthood.
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Well that’s good to know, at least. It’s been a couple of weeks since I last called my mother, I should probably make sure she knows everything’s still okay. Not being able to contact us must be killing her. You know how excited and nosey she was about the whole wedding planning.
One raccoon too many, Britt. Let’s forget about Richard.
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I dunno, those purists have been quiet for years, it’s unlike them. I’m just probably being paranoid.
You’re great with kids, babe. I’m sure you’ll know how to convince her. No way in hell Berry and I could’ve done it. 
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
That’s scary, Quinn.  What if someone sees you?  Mostly about world domination, cockroaches like to talk about how they’re the only creatures who’d survive a nuclear apocalypse. It’s sex, and it’s as great as ever, if you’re wondering.  Nothing’s wrong with her, I just feel bad that she has to like, be a third wheel to us sometimes, I guess.  It can’t be easy to watch two totally in love people and not feel a little left out.  And Santana’s totally not down for her joining in on sweet lady kisses, I’ve asked.
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I wish all the Division bigwigs weren’t all MIA right now.  Maybe they could help you with this.  
Did you guys miss me?
No, I didn’t get sick. I don’t actually know what happened. One minute I was practicing, you know just slowing time, the next I was just not here. Oh, wow. What do insects talk about? I…yeah, I believe I did. It’s kind of a feeling, that I watched something terrible happen without even remembering what the terrible thing was that happened. Should I even ask what that fun way is? What’s wrong with Berry? Why do you feel bad for her? Yeah, and the more people that we lose, the more the mind wanders into what could have happened. Britt, as much as I want to promise not to do it again, I don’t know what’s going on with my powers so I can’t really say that I won’t disappear. It’s something I haven’t learned to control yet. But I’m here now, and I don’t plan on disappearing. 
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Probably.  And then how would I feed my dogs?
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I have one of those things, too. It made me think I was crazy when I was your age.  But, then someone else with a thing helped me out, and introduced me to a whole bunch of people with things, and I realized that I’m not even close to alone.  They also helped me...learn how to use my thing to my advantage.
Listen, I want...I need to be honest with you.  We don’t have much time, okay? Your thing?  It doesn’t make you weird, or different, or crazy, or gross.  It makes you strong and awesome and part of this wonderful family that you never want to leave.  Except, people like you and me?  People with things?  We’re all in trouble.  Look past how crazy this all sounds and just...hear me out, okay?  Then you can decide if you want to slap me in the face and run away and never think about this again.
closed || Brittany
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Actually, I love my job.  I didn’t like school because I wasn’t any good at it and I really hated the way people treated me because of it. It sucks feeling different.  But I also learned really quickly that...as crazy as my situation may have seemed, I was never, ever alone. But talking to people is pretty much my third favorite thing to do, so there’s no where I’d rather be right now.  Plus, you’re like, my first student.  If you leave now, I might lose my job for failing so early on.  It’d be a shame, really.
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Being homeschooled for the next 6 months doesn’t automatically erase the school you’ve been missing, though, Melanie, and I think you and I both know that. And until your mom actually turns in that paperwork, you’re under our charge. They’re probably gonna want you to explain those absences either way.  And look, I get it.  Talking to school administrators about personal problems is like... really gross.  But maybe if you want to talk to me about it?  I can arrange something so you can swtich to homeschooling without having to even step foot in their office.
closed || Brittany
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
One of the most useful things I ever learned in life are that all the best people are insane, Melanie.  Look, I’m sorry.  I didn’t even get a chance to introduce myself.  I’m Susan, a new guidance Counselor at your school.  I was kind of...looking over your file, and it concerns me, because I know you’re a smart kid.
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Trust me, I of all people know that school is a total drag, like no fun at all.  Like...when I was 12? Lots of...really strange things were happening around me, and school was just the last place I wanted to be, you know? But it seems like, up until a few months ago, you were the kind of girl who loved school.  And if you miss any more...there’s a possibility you won’t be eligible to graduate.  Do you want to...talk to be about what’s been going on?
closed || Brittany
Okay. You’re definitely insane. 
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I don’t know what you’re talking about and no, don’t try to explain. You shouldn’t go around telling crazy stories, what if they send you to the asylum?
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
I was worried for a little while that they might close down the shelter, since we sorta disappeared off the face of the earth, you know?  But I sent that pigeon I’ve been feeding to go check it out last week, and apparently everything’s still running really smoothly.  Which is awesome, there’s not many shelters in the city that houses raccoons and squirrels.  Hey! There was only 1 shower raccoon, and he only did it cause he knew he was stinking up the apartment!
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Exactly, have you seen those dancer’s bodies?!  Anyone who takes that up has to be jacked.  That’s passed my mind a few times as well, they seem like a group that wouldn’t give up in their goal. And really...who else could it be?
A little.  The problem is, I really want them to help us cause like...helping us could help save them, you know?  And mine is so young...I really hope I get to her.  I’m gonna think of it like my very first mentoring job.
That is exactly what the shelter was for. And it’s working great, the animals are being taken care of, and I don’t have to suffer with raccoons in my shower anymore.
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That is definitely useful. I’m sure whoever does poledancing is a mad gymnast anyway.
I wonder if that bitch and her old pals are behind this whole thing again. Wouldn’t be a surprise. Are you nervous about it? I think you could charm anyone but, I think if someone doesn’t want our help it won’t matter how well we do. I’ve accepted that tons of people will say “no” to us.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
To be fair, if I had it my way, I’d have a tiny zoo in our house now, even with you.  Guess that’s what the shelter was supposed to be for.  Yes!  That I can agree with.  I guess having the best fiance ever makes up for you and your horrible beards.
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The chair? Definitely.  She’s not very strong, so it’d give us at least a few minutes of solid uninterrupted makeout time. Ew, that’s right.  She claims she has a sense for that sort of thing. I’ve been highlighting if their hobbies seem useful, like if they’re into boxing or pole dancing.  Right?!  That’s what I told Rachel! I’m only trying to help them. Whatever.  We can just give all the ugly people to her. 
Yea, I agree.  After the whole purist incident with Franky in high school, I feel like we need to be super careful about who we share our powers with.  Damn, Macaroni is so much more interesting than Susan though.   But whatever, ...I guess it works for now.  Especially with someone who seems as badass and distant as my interviewee does.
Probably. You’d have a tiny zoo in your house without me. No need to rub it in, Britt. Anyway, we can both agree that my taste in women is pretty flawless.
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You think that’d help? I don’t know she’s kind of a light sleeper. You just know she’d wake up and feel there’s indecency going on in the apartment. I mostly just check if they’re old or young, and then if they’re close enough for us to go to them. There are some really ugly people in these files. It wouldn’t hurt to draw some stuff on them.
You think so? speaking of that, maybe we shouldn’t reveal our names until we know for sure they’re gonna help. I’m not sure Macaroni is gonna convince anyone though, Britt. Maybe stick to Susan or something.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Do you think I’d be a crazy cat lady by now, without your undying love?  Don’t worry, Sweetie.  This stupid place is gonna owe everything to us once we save everyone’s asses with our super army.  Gross, that’s so sad.  You always chose the worst beards.
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We’ll put a chair under the door, or do it while she’s sleeping. Good.  Some people who’s powers aren’t exactly useful are total badasses, all like strong and stuff.  That’s the kind of people I look for when I go through these papers.  It’s too bad Rachel won’t let me draw mustaches on these pictures.  It would make the time pass a lot faster.
I think you’re right, the faster we get to them the better.  I have a feeling mine is gonna take a lot of convincing.  I need to think of a cool, hip, young fake name, like Macaroni.  Wanna help?
You know when I think about it, Division was one of the big reasons I finally decided to accept my feelings for you, so really I pretty much owe everything to this stupid place. Our lives could’ve been wildly different without it. Maybe I’d still be bearding.
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Well it can be just like that now, Britt. Just gotta make sure Rachel doesn’t walk in on us. She’s not getting a free show. I know, and trust me, we’re not gonna choose those with “useful” powers. We’ll make sure to mix it up a bit.
Since all of us have picked a subject already, I think it’s time to start going out after them, what do you think?
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Can you imagine how different our lives had been if it weren’t for Division?  We’d be like...all sad and confused about ourselves still.  We’re very lucky.  Especially that we got to go through all of it together.
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I believe in High School it was more like: Sweet lady kisses, boring homework, then fun stuff.  Maybe we should use that formula now.  He’s right...it wouldn’t be fair, like at all.  I wish we could kinda train all of them, you know?  Like Division did with us.  What would have happened if Division decided not to train me because my power’s not useful?
I just can’t wait for this all to be over. I can’t wait to kick these asses’ asses.
We were kind of lucky, I suppose. All things considered. I’m not sure what they were doing in a boring town in Ohio, but I guess I’m glad they were there at the right time.
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Always been like that. Even in highschool. Yeah–We will, Britt. Artie pointed out it wasn’t fair to let people go about their lives not knowing what’s going on or something, so he’ll make sure to message everyone we don’t consider. He can get the machines to work so he’ll be able to mass-message everyone with proof, after that…it’s up to everyone to do what they think is right.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
What’s going on with your powers, did you get sick or something?  Sometimes when I get sick, mine get really wonky, like I can understand insects and that’s more scary than it is interesting, trust me.  Oh my gosh, did you watch someone die?  We’ve been okay.  Kinda bored, but Santana and I find really fun ways to keep busy and warm. I feel bad for Rachel though.  Things are pretty much the same, you know?  We keep loosing contact with more people and we just thought...it’s really great you’re okay, Quinn.  Don’t do that again, okay?
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Did you guys miss me?
I’m here, I’m in one piece. Happy that I’m back actually!  I’m not upset at all. Better the 60s than kidnapped and worse. I can’t remember, but the 60s may have had their own dangers. No, no it wasn’t amazing. I met a guy, that for some reason I couldn’t save. Someone really wanted to end this person’s life. I did get to dance a little. I borrowed clothes, or rather stole them and wound up very Audrey Hepburn-ish in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Had I not seen the movie I may have given away that I was from another time. No, no souvenirs. Just the dress that I’m currently wearing.  How have you been, what’s the situation like? I’ve been missing for months I’m guessing? 
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
It’s kind of scary how many of these people are running around and like, thinking they’re freaks and having no one to train them or anything.  Makes me really thankful that Division found us so early. They’re gonna keep growing, too, regardless of who tries to stop it.  Makes me feel kind of invincible, like  Tardigrades.  They’re the toughest animal on the planet!
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Ugh, okay.  Boring homework stuff first, then the fun stuff.  Are we...not even gonna warn the people who’s powers aren’t useful?
I think we really underestimated the extent of the original experiment. Most of those people  already had kids, and those kids are already adults, it makes sense our numbers keep growing.
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Not for now, Britts. First we gotta sort out all the files. Figure out who’s useful and who’s not. Then we can start thinking about stake-outs.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Quinn!  Are you alright?  You’re alright, right?  
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I think the three of us thought maybe you disappeared for another, scarier reason, so don’t be offended that I’m glad you were stuck in the 60′s.  
Let’s focus on the positives.  Was it amazing?  Was the dancing cool?  And, most importantly, did you bring back any souvenirs?
Did you guys miss me?
Because I sure missed you. And then you’ll never guess where I was…stuck in the 60s. Imagine, not knowing how to travel back. Not even knowing that you’ve travelled in time, and not knowing how the hell it happened…To be honest, I don’t even know how I’m back! I just want to sleep for days on end.
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hero-brittbritt · 9 years
Amazing, we’ll have a real super army in no time!  It’s surprising how many of us are around, right?  Do you think...that’s why they’re trying to get rid of us?
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Ugh, yes.  I’m so ready to do one of those cliche movie stake-outs...is that part of our plan?  I’ll bring the snacks and the binoculars.  
And…I’ve just hit the mutant jackpot. You would not believe how many of us are around.
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Time for some good ‘ol stalking now.
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