heroandhusband · 2 years
I didn’t know the camping cookware was suppose to be hand washed. I hand washed all the pots and pans.
I simply said they were in the washer so when I do the dishes tonight I will involve them and hand wash them as well.
At the moment I’m getting the silent treatment as he empties and slams around dishes in and out of the dishwasher.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
Is it my fault for being somewhat salty with comments since when I express myself simply and calmly it’s not heard.
So sometimes I stir the pot and fight back to see if you can realize how I feel.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
Now you’re mad that I’m mad….
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heroandhusband · 2 years
When you say you’re uncomfortable watching a ID Series that entails narcissistic behaviors every episode.
But you blame it on being a EMT and VA (just like the two men who killed their wives in the show)
But continue to watch it….
Guilty? 🤔
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heroandhusband · 2 years
I swear. I never do anything right. I don’t get praised. I feel like my love language is being unfulfilled
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heroandhusband · 2 years
You just asked me what the weather was outside when I ran to the store.
I was in and out so quick I didn’t know. I didn’t look at the temp gauge. But I mentioned how I adjusted the air in the truck.
You asked what changes I made. Why the fuck would I recall that.
Then you (calmly actually) mentioned the announce because you like to have it set before work for when you wake up.
I mentioned going out and fixing it for you. Then also said it’s really no fucking big deal. Because if he knows his setting he can instantly adjust it in 2 seconds.
It’s not even like we have an auto start or anything in the fucking car.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
I just mentioned how my package comes tomorrow. It’s a sexy dress for him.
I wanted it as a surprise. And all he did was bark about spending money.
It was $15.
And I never buy anything lately. Except my nails and basic hygiene products. But he spends it all the time. Camp gear, blah blah. Everything we buy is useful, we aren’t spending on anything cray.
I told him what it was and how it was a surprise.
Now he’s talkative and trying to be funny. Asshole. I hope you feel like shit.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
We fucking argued about me wanting a new IPhone as my new phone.
He wants me to be Samsung. Because he doesn’t wanna pay for something that’s a piece of shit.
He argued about that. Despite me explaining how all my items are synced. And I’ve had Apple products since 2005
Who the fuck does that?
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heroandhusband · 2 years
Sooooo you’re upset I’m on “social media again”
I explained I just mosey through bulldog and makeup videos and crap and TikTok. I don’t scroll much through my Facebook anymore at all. And I deleted about 300 friends.
He mentioned taking selfies and making videos.
I told him if I do post it’s 90% the time our bulldog or something funny. I showed him my social media since he doesn’t have one to PROVE to him what I have posted recently.
He didn’t like that I proved him wrong…
So he went and gaslighted me - switching gears (because he is a control freak). Turning it into a bullshit discussion about how “Gronks photos need to be on GRONKS social media. Not yours”
Are you fucking kidding me. 😐 his reason “it’s unfair because he won’t see them”
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heroandhusband · 2 years
And for some reason last night when I said I didn’t want to drink anymore alcohol after the new year you instantly jump to conclusions that I would also have to quit everything and you thought I was also asking you to be sober so of course he threw it in my face I can smoke a little marijuana and you can’t but I never asked him to go drive
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heroandhusband · 2 years
When I told him I didn’t wanna have such an emotional conversation while driving on the freeway on Christmas Day at midnight.
I go to get off the freeway to pull into a parking lot. Just to park and talk.
He flipped out. Saying how I would call domestic violence on him (then it turned into OTHER people might call in). Then even said he doesn’t do domestic and that’s how I got the dui. How those blend. I have no idea.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
I have to say. This notebook of random rants - helps me realize i am dealing with a narc.
Time to play.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
I told him I’m going dry this year. He didn’t like that comment.
Especially when I said, I’ll be clear headed for these bullshit fights. And be prepared for a fight when I’m 100% on point and can’t be gaslighted since I had one drink and things could be cloudy.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
He yelled at me for not going 10+ over the speed limit. When I drove his drunk ass home.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
He’s been looking for a 3rd yeti from our wedding for 30 min.
It’s 1:48 am. I have to wake up in 4 hours.
I tell him I’m tired and I wanna go to bed.
“Well fine. My feelings don’t matter I’ll sleep on the couch”
Uhhh no. I’m saying logistical wise, I have to wake in 4 hours. A yeti, being here at home you say, can be found in the morning.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
I used the word ignorant - and you went on a 30 min rampage that I called you a nigger. Per the dictionary old term.
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heroandhusband · 2 years
Narcissistic seems the be the trend.
At first I was bombarded with love bombing… “please I want to be with you all the time!” - feeling adored and admired. “No we need to spend time together”
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