heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 983 - 1000
983-Blue Fury™, 984-Gaslight™, 985-Chaos Face 2099™, 986-Arclight™, 987-Robotoad™, 989-Emancipator™, 990-Purple Panda™, 991-Caligulator™, 992-Red Hope™, 993-Furry-Us™, 994-Lady Thrush™, 995-Chip-Chop Cop™, 996-Blue Saturn™, 997-Black Sun™, 998-Homophagist™, 999-Androsaur™, 1000-Hero Zero™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 958 - 982
958-Spazzmo™, 959-Truncheon™, 960-Flashbang™, 961-Amalgaman™, 962-Metal Momma™, 963-Freak King™, 964-Giga Fighter™, 965-Playback™, 966-Black Gold™, 967-Spire™, 968-Dark Alloy™, 969-Guts Guy™, 970-Spigot™, 971-Ganglion™, 973-Impact™, 974-Stranger Danger™, 975-Succor™, 976-Slapstick™, 977-Diamondhead™, 978-Suppressor™, 979-Cyber-Savior™, 980-Alphaman™, 981-Miss Omega™, 982-Funnybones™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 933 - 957
933-Baron Von Bat™, 934-Cyber-Shield™, 935-Cyber-Sword™, 936-Tao™, 937-Rosetta Stone™, 938-Hobocules™, 939-Focus™, 940-Aquahawk™, 941-Power Jack™, 942-That Man™, 943-Source™, 944-Super Spectre™, 945-Mecha-Myte 3™, 946-Power Flower™, 947-Blue Cudgel™, 948-Fist King™ (aka Punch Rex™), 949-Django 2099™, 950-Space-Case™, 951-Brillianta™, 952-Pink Flamingo™, 953-Star Blade™, 954-Velvet Thuder™, 955-Pink Pharaoh™, 956-Megasonic™, 957-Ironwood™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 908 - 932
908-Jack Fortune™, 909-Shield Maiden™, 910-Gigaman™, 911-Dr. Weirdo™, 912-Dynamight™, 913-True Blue™, 914-Anchor™, 915-Buzz Kill™, 916-Sea Wyrm™, 917-Player One™, 918-Sparkler™, 919-Baba Rama™, 920-Trigger Warning™, 921-Sucker Punch™, 922-Night Nurse™, 923-Crime Stalker™, 924-Path Killer™, 925-Fly Girl™, 926-Black Wolf™, 927-Anti-Villain™, 928-Olympia™, 929-Sin Eater™, 930-Deadeye™, 931-Strike King™ (formerly Black Friday™)
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 883 - 907
883-Black Stag™, 884-Ocotpus Prime™, 885-Gaia™, 886-Jade Blade™, 887-Count Cobra™, 888-Mega Mummy™, 889-Purple Haze™, 890-Alien Mummy™, 891-Frankenstar™, 892-Mama Feelgood™, 893-Necronaut™, 894-Soul Cutlass™, 897-Talonheart™, 898-Steel Comet™, 899-Blue Fox™, 900-E.M.P.™, 901-Lightfoot™, 902-Cog Star™, 903-Silver Spur™, 904-Telecom™, 905-Star Courier™, 906-Black Blaze™, 907-Chaotica™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 858 - 882
859-Defenestrator™, 860-Sgt. Grunt™, 861-St. Blasto™, 862-Blacksheep™, 863-Soothe™, 864-Hot Diamond™, 865-Iron Skull™, 866-Oculus Eleven™, 867-Diamondcore™, 868-Thunder Fist™, 869-Black Mass™, 870-Blue Bull™, 871-Tin Star™, 872-Cyclophant™, 873-Dark Web™, 874-Blood Diamond™, 875-Blue Flame™, 876-Time Stopper™, 877-Crazy Ace™, 878-Legit™, 879-Full Clip™, 880-Potentate™, 881-Megastomp™, 882-Super Bob™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 833 - 857
833-Heartburst™, 834-Freefall™, 835-Major Patriot™, 836-Hammer King™, 837-Atom Splitter™, 838-Klawborg™, 839-Qualia™, 840-Swerve™, 841-Ms. Quick™, 842-Star King™, 843-Tendrill™, 844-Emerald Glaive™, 845-Trickshot™, 846-Blue Panther™, 847-Space Cricket™, 848-Hacksaw™, 849-The Conciliator™, 850-Aftermath™, 851-Conduit™, 852-Star Roach™, 853-Gold Cross™, 854-Gold Maus™, 855-Twister Sister™, 856-Silver Sliver™, 857-immolator™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 808 - 832
808-Dream Surfer™, 815-Steel Beam™, 816-Godhead™, 817-Chakra™, 818-Mega Lass™, 819-Missy Ching™, 820-Ivory Monkey™, 821-Atman™, 822-Shroom-Bot 5000™, 823-Blue Lotus™, 824-Ebony Ape™, 825-Star Thorn™, 826-Tiger Lily™, 827-Red Rook™ of The Chess Club™, 828-Cyber Bishop™, 829-Power Pawn™, 830-Crimson Knight™, 831-King Queen™, 832-Doc Hazard™ (Golden Age Edition)
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 783 - 807
783-White Dragon™, 784-Sea King™, 785-Army Man™, 786-Crime Cleaver™, 787-Repulsar™,788-Gronk™, 789-Secret Squirrel™ Agent of N.U.T.S.™, 790-Big Brother™, 791-Torrent™, 792-Agent Abraxas™, 793-Colonel Stuntz™, 794-Major Pranx™, 795-Union Joe™, 796-Saint Slice™, 797-Amputor™, 798-Plasma Girl™, 799-Ceramic Sam™, 800-Nega Rex™, 801-Powra™, 802-Steam Funk™, 803-Tex Latex™, 804-Cyberface™, 805-Spider-Bat™, 806-Slingshot™, 807-Dr. Y™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 758 - 782
758-Captain Awe™, 759-Sargeant Shock™, 760-Iron Lion™, 761-Spyder-Byte™ (created 6/2016), 762-Kung Pow™, 763-Arachnuke™, 764-Portal X™, 765-Mamba Jamba™, 766-The Slammer™, 767-Fasty™, 768-Grindhouse™, 769-Caldera™, 770-Soar™, 771-Snake Fist™, 772-Solo Squad™, 773-Blue Cat™, 774-Diamond Brand™, 775-Hot  Pockets™, 776-Hot Damn™, 777-Mr. Unreal™, 778-Vampyro™, 779-Phantasy Dancer™, 780-Devil Dog™, 781-Frizzle Fry™, 782-Strongbow™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 733 - 757
733-Pixor™, 734-Superlativia™, 735-Sorcerella™, 736-Atlas™, 737-Slayer X™, 738-Sgt. Badass™, 739-Ooze™, 740-Kung Foot™, 741-Technocutioner™, 742-Megastar™, 743-Blasterine™, 744-Glacier™, 745-Psiborg™, 746-Fusion™, 747-Rhinocerator™, 748-Captain Goodheart™, 749-King Cock™, 750-Clobber Fly™, 751-Flagellus™, 752-Spinner™, 753-Gust™, 754-Power Lord™, 755-Clutch™, 756-Super Cuffs™, 757-Diamond Heart™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 708 - 732
708-Crowbot™, 709-Cut Throat™, 710-Rock Solid™, 711-Missile Man™, 712-Chaos™, 713-Riff Raff™, 714-Tough Guy™, 715-Ace Noir™, 716-Smoke™, 717-Gat Guy™, 718-Ms. Heater™, 719-Dr. Dame™, 720-Levitatrix™, 721-The Freakshow™, 722-Stormbrand™, 723-Wonder Monkey™, 724-Golden Boy™, 725-Purplexia™, 726-Super Freak™, 727-Starfall™, 728-Clusterfuge™, 729-King Crusher™, 730-The Silence™, 731-Hardline™, 732-Solocide™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 683 - 707
683-Epic™, 684-Chief Justice™, 685-Justice Supreme™, 686-Hot Poker™, 687-Track Star™, 688-The Beholder™, 689-Hood™ of The Hangmen™, 690-Noose™, 691-Deadpan™, 692-Lethal Injection™, 693-The Happy Headsman™, 694-Firing Squad™, 695-Guillotine™, 696-Backlash™, 697-Drone Strike™, 698-La Navaja™, 699-Mohawk™, 700-Hardcore™, 701-Crossfire™, 702-El Muertador™, 703-Dominito™, 704-Batcat™, 705-Bass Canon™, 706-110™ aka Pluggy™, 707-Eagleman™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 658 - 682
658-Pussy Riot™, 659-Star King™, 660-Power Cell™, 661-Thug Honey™, 662-Spine™, 663-Four Eyes™, 664-Breeze™, 665-Prometheus™, 666-Rock Heart™, 667-Undertow™, 668-Takedown™, 669-Victory™, 670-Dr. Delta™, 671-Quetzalcoatla™, 672-Tough Love™, 673-Hard Heart™, 674-Dr. Decompressor™, 675-Try Hard™, 676-Iron Maiden™, 677-Primus™, 678-Thorbot™, 679-Inquisitor-9™, 680-Marathon Man™, 681-Captain Camper™, 682-Class Action™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 633 - 657
633-Nuklastar™, 634-Sidekick™, 635-Meltdown™, 636-Snap Dragon™, 637-Groovy Cat™, 638-Bulkalina™, 639-King of Hearts™, 640-Soul Blaster™, 641-Birthday Boy™, 642-Snarl™, 643-Blue Crackle™, 644-Tek-12™, 645-Muggle Buster™, 646-Motorhead™, 647-Head Banger™, 648-Crime Bug™, 649-Roulette™, 650-Cue Ball™, 651-Dragon Blade™, 652-Robot Kid™, 653-Kill Kill™, 654-Cheshirella™, 655-Una™ of Triple Threat™, 656-Dosi™, 657-Trese™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 608 - 632
608-Buddy™, 609-Fang™, 610-Sister Slick™ of The Soul Sisters™, 611-Sister Sledge™, 612-Sister Sunshine™, 613-White Trash™, 614-Super Runner™, 615-The Green Knight™, 616-Sleeperella™, 617-Karate Zombie™, 618-Super Glueman™, 619-Agent 53X™, 620-Solar Flare™, 621-Animus™ a.k.a. Zed™ and The Gimp™, 622-Annavishnapandi™, 623-Crime Stabber™, 624-Dracola™, 625-Bonzai™, 626-Octagon™, 627-Airstrike™, 628-The Abyssmal Ram Jam™, 629-Illuminato™, 630-Artistica™, 631-Red Light™, 632-Black Metal™
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heroesfightheroes · 1 year
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 583 - 607
583-Clock Face™, 584-Mistress Thorne™, 585-Alpha Hog™, 586-Google™, 587-Fire Diamond™, 595-Super Cuts™, 596-Blockhead™, 597-Polyhedron™, 598-Shadow™ of the Furious Feline Force™, 599-Santaman™, 600-Pinball™, 601-King Klaw™, 602-Big Bob™ and Mittens™, 603-Ol’ Tom Whiskers™, 604-Colonel Hank™ of the Dimension Hopping Time Traveling Intergalactic Space Rabbits™, 605-Daisy Hopper™, 606-Laser Hopper™, 607-Angel™
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