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Revamping this blog, don’t look
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When he leaned her against his chest, she giggled. He was soft and warm~ She quite liked it. His heart was beating loudly, so Wadnohara nuzzled against his chest to hear it more. It was nice, it was comforting. It made her feel safe. Samekichi usually made her feel safe. She didn’t want to go home yet, but she supposed they had to. She was indeed tired. Closing her eyes a bit, she yawned. She blinked occassionally to look at the stars.
They were really pretty. Almost as pretty as Samekichi, haha~
She liked seeing his smile.  “  Your smile is really pretty~  “  She commented, a little embarassed. But it was the truth  !  It really was pretty  !  She giggled softly. It was a shame they already had to go back.
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“  Yeah.. !  That’s why I picked it  !  “
Wadanohara chuckled softly, closing her eyes for a moment. Samekichi was really comfy.. just laying there on his lap, curled up under his jacket that was really almost like a blanket compared to her made her really sleepy. She yawned softly, nuzzling against him when he said that they should probably go back. Maybe they should. She was really tired and if they stayed like this for any longer, she’d probably pass out.
“  I dun’ wanna get up tho~ You’re comfy  !   “
She hummed, pouting a little. How rude  !  Wanting to make her get up  !  How could he  !
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          “Okay okay okay! Sheesh!”
    Samekichi panicked a tad due to her making that look. No he didn’t want to disappoint her in any way. Just he cared about her health and such. Plus the fact that she seems like she was going to fall asleep in his lap. Then again he could just carry her. She was light as a feather compared to the other things that he picked up. Plus the fact that Samekichi was rather strong. The shark hesitated till he picked her up. Cradling her in his jacket, he didn’t want her to be cold. Thus he brought the girl up to his chest and smiled a tad.
           “Come on sleepy head…~
  The shark hummed as he started to walk. Though slowly since he didn’t want to take in the atmosphere one last time. And he was pretty sure that Wadda wanted to gaze up at the beautiful stars above. There was slight blush on his face. Usually he just drape her over his shoulder. But he wanted something different this time around. And he knew that she was enjoying the moments with him. He closed his eyes just a tad as he felt his heart beating a tad faster. Dammit… Hopefully that wont drawn any attention.
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Since I’m certainly not patient enough to make the theme first!! This is a fandomless oc multimuse blog!! Please like or reblog this if you wanna rp with a bunch of assholes! Please support my problem! Dash-only for now and semi-selective!
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“  ..Do you  ?  “  Felix blinked at the adult. He didn’t really know any difference. His parents were always like this. And he didn’t know many others. The cons of not having any friends. He didn’t know any difference. He probably thought it was just normal.
“  You..shared food with me, though..  “  He probably felt more like he took it away than anything. He didn’t deserve it after all.
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“  ..yeah.  “
He nodded. He didn’t want to really finish the entire thing, but somehow ended up doing it anyways. His stomach did hurt. But he didn’t exactly voice it. It’d be fine. Just as long as his parents wouldn’t notice.
“  ..sorry. I caused you trouble..  “
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“Isn’t that kinda backwards? I’m the one that flagged you down.”
Doll didn’t really care if someone bothered her, especially not a kid that she had approached first. How was that even his fault? She sighed, shaking her head and standing to her full height again.
“I just know what it’s like to have crappy adults in your life.”
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“  ..yeah.  “
He nodded. He didn’t want to really finish the entire thing, but somehow ended up doing it anyways. His stomach did hurt. But he didn’t exactly voice it. It’d be fine. Just as long as his parents wouldn’t notice.
“  ..sorry. I caused you trouble..  “
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“  …  “
He stayed quiet as he continued taking small bites. He didn’t feel like talking. He wasn’t sure he was even allowed to talk. But she didn’t seem like she’d object. His stomach hurt. He could feel that it really need it. But it still hurt.
Like something was burning him.
“  ..t-thanks.  “
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“I know it’s kinda rough, but it’s good.”
She was sure he wasn’t used to eating much, if that figure was anything to go by. If that was the case she hoped something so rich and sweet wouldn’t end up making him sick. She knew those pains, and they were never fun.
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“  ...  “
He stayed quiet as he continued taking small bites. He didn’t feel like talking. He wasn’t sure he was even allowed to talk. But she didn’t seem like she’d object. His stomach hurt. He could feel that it really need it. But it still hurt.
Like something was burning him.
“  ..t-thanks.  “
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“  …sometimes. Not usually.  “
He shrugged softly. He was mostly an obedient kid. So his parents never truly did end up hitting him. Of course a slap then and there was usual. But he didn’t really count that. It was what it was. He stared down at the food, biting his lip just for a little longer before finally biting down, even as small as the bite was. At least he was trying.
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She didn’t push further. Even if she was curious it really wasn’t her business. She knew that those things were hard to talk about. It had never gotten any easier for her, anyways. She barely remembered her birth family, but none of it was pleasant. She couldn’t imagine how he must have felt, really. She may have been projecting a bit, but still.
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“  ...sometimes. Not usually.  “
He shrugged softly. He was mostly an obedient kid. So his parents never truly did end up hitting him. Of course a slap then and there was usual. But he didn’t really count that. It was what it was. He stared down at the food, biting his lip just for a little longer before finally biting down, even as small as the bite was. At least he was trying.
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“  …f-fine.  “
He didn’t deserve it. But it didn’t seem like she was gonna back down. So he would just try as less as he could. He was never able to finish any meal, anyways. It just made his stomach ache. 
He sure wasn’t a plaything. But he sure wasn’t his own person as well. He might as well just be a slave.
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“There we go.”
She gave him the offered food item, seemingly pleased. She knew it was hard to accept help sometimes, but a kid his size really needed to eat.
“…They ain’t, like, hittin’ ya or somethin’, are they?”
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“  ...f-fine.  “
He didn’t deserve it. But it didn’t seem like she was gonna back down. So he would just try as less as he could. He was never able to finish any meal, anyways. It just made his stomach ache. 
He sure wasn’t a plaything. But he sure wasn’t his own person as well. He might as well just be a slave.
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“  …  “
Could it harm to accept it  ?  Was it okay ?  He wondered if his parents would notice. Maybe he could just make it up by trying to do more work.. but the work he already did seemed to be already nearly enough. He hadn’t slept last night because of it.
“  Why…  “
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“Cause yer a kid. Yer obviously hungry.”
She sighs, shaking her head again and keeping the food held out. This one seemed really hesitant to take it. Did his parents convince him he didn’t deserve food? How sick could someone get. Children were not playthings, after all.
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“  ...  “
Could it harm to accept it  ?  Was it okay  ?  He wondered if his parents would notice. Maybe he could just make it up by trying to do more work.. but the work he already did seemed to be already nearly enough. He hadn’t slept last night because of it.
“  Why...  “
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“  …  “
Well, he couldn’t really object to that. He was small. Both in terms of how young he was and in height. He didn’t look like his age anyways. He sighed out, still clinging to his bag. Mmh.. Was he supposed to say anything else  ?  Was he allowed to speak  ?  She didn’t seem to have said anything to him that he should answer, so he decided to stay quiet.
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“Exactly. Come on now, just a lil bit?”
She rips a part of the treat off, holding it out in offering. She really wasn’t going to take no for an answer in this case. Not with a kid this small and obviously starving. There were some things Doll could let go, but not that. Not when she remembered so clearly what it was like to go hungry for extended periods of time.
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“  ...  “
Well, he couldn’t really object to that. He was small. Both in terms of how young he was and in height. He didn’t look like his age anyways. He sighed out, still clinging to his bag. Mmh.. Was he supposed to say anything else  ?  Was he allowed to speak  ?  She didn’t seem to have said anything to him that he should answer, so he decided to stay quiet.
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“  I’m not that small… I’m 9.  “
Even if he didn’t look it. At all. His growth got stunted a long while ago from the lack of nutritions in his body. But he needed to work for his food. And even then he needed his parents to allow him to eat. So he can’t. Even if he wanted to.
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“That’s still small.”
The fact that he looked younger than he was concerned her even more. What kinda people was this poor kid living with that he looked like this? She felt her temper begin to raise, but forced it down. No need to scare him off.
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“  I’m not that small... I’m 9.  “
Even if he didn’t look it. At all. His growth got stunted a long while ago from the lack of nutritions in his body. But he needed to work for his food. And even then he needed his parents to allow him to eat. So he can’t. Even if he wanted to.
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“  I’m fine.  “
He bit his lip, only moving back more. He probably did look way too thin. Even he himself knew that. He was studying biology after all. At the fine age of 9. He shouldn’t eat. He wasn’t allowed to. Didn’t deserve to.
“  I didn’t work yet. So I shouldn’t eat.  “
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“Yeah? You’re small, you shouldn’t have t’work for your meals.”
She sighed at that, shaking her head. She knew what it was like to fight to make sure you didn’t go hungry. She never understood how someone could leave their child in a situation that left them to fend for themself like that. It was evil.
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“  I’m fine.  “
He bit his lip, only moving back more. He probably did look way too thin. Even he himself knew that. He was studying biology after all. At the fine age of 9. He shouldn’t eat. He wasn’t allowed to. Didn’t deserve to.
“  I didn’t work yet. So I shouldn’t eat.  “
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“  No. I’m not hungry.  “
He shook his head, quickly. As if it’d be bad if he accepted it. For a moment, he looked up. Wondering if his parents would be looking for him. But they never have. So of course, they weren’t around.
Felix rubbed his tired eyes.
“  I don’t want to eat.  “
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“Come on, I don’t believe that.”
She shook her head, not caring that she was shoving her way into some strangers business. Doll had always been rather intrusive, and if she felt like she could help? She’d gladly get involved with someone else.
“Yer thin as can be.”
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I really wanna give Felix his own blog again...
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“  No. I’m not hungry.  “
He shook his head, quickly. As if it’d be bad if he accepted it. For a moment, he looked up. Wondering if his parents would be looking for him. But they never have. So of course, they weren’t around.
Felix rubbed his tired eyes.
“  I don’t want to eat.  “
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“  No.  “
He moved back a little when she pulled out the food. He shouldn’t be eating yet. He wasn’t allowed to. Didn’t deserve it yet. He didn’t deserve it for instead of working or at least doing his homework, he sat around here doing nothing much but observe.
That wasn’t worthy of being rewarded with food.
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“S’okay, I won’t be tellin’ no one if you won’t be.”
She seems oblivious, but she felt a cold pit in her stomach. He obviously needed food, so why was he denying it? She watched with a careful expression, but the smile never left her face. This was.. troubling.
“Consider it’a gift.”
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“  No.  “
He moved back a little when she pulled out the food. He shouldn’t be eating yet. He wasn’t allowed to. Didn’t deserve it yet. He didn’t deserve it for instead of working or at least doing his homework, he sat around here doing nothing much but observe.
That wasn’t worthy of being rewarded with food.
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“  …No.  “
The child replied, hopefully sounding convincing. Truth be told, he was hungry. He wasn’t sure if he had even eaten just yesterday. He didn’t have anything for breakfast and his parents sure didn’t give him anything for school. So the answer to if he was hungry was yes.
But he won’t reply that.
“  I’m not hungry.  “
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“Nonsense! I already pulled it out!”
She produced a cinnamon bun in a small bag, pulling it out from the bag with a pleased hum. She had been planning on saving it for later, but if it was for a kid? She could gladly part with it in that case!
“Come on, here ya are.”
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“  ...No.  “
The child replied, hopefully sounding convincing. Truth be told, he was hungry. He wasn’t sure if he had even eaten just yesterday. He didn’t have anything for breakfast and his parents sure didn’t give him anything for school. So the answer to if he was hungry was yes.
But he won’t reply that.
“  I’m not hungry.  “
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He pulled on the mask under his mouth, letting out a sigh. It was very obvious he was lying, he guessed. He wasn’t an exactly good liar. The 9 year old looked up at the girl. Then back down.
“  ..home.  “
He admitted, reaching for his school bag, pulling it closer to him. Mmh.. The child was..small. Very small. Very small for his age. He looked like he might be 5 at most.
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“Thought so.”
She sighs, looking around for a moment. It was rather rare to find kids like this, but it had happened before. He was pretty thin-looking too, if she did say so herself. Normal parents didn’t just let their kids get like this.
“…Are ya hungry?”
She may as well ask, but she’s already digging through her bag to find the food she had just put in there for later.
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I have a bunch of muse for this child  !!  So please like this for a starter  !  His about is here(I’m gonna use the normal au in many cases) in case you need it. Would love some crossovers. Please specify your muse if you’re a multi.
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