heronot · 6 years
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this is a mood
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heronot · 7 years
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heronot · 7 years
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heronot · 7 years
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          ❝            DID YOU DROP THIS ? not trying to be creepy or anything. it was           just chillin on the ground behind you, so...          ❞
@marsfam + ☆ !!
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heronot · 7 years
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did i match my old psd well ??? uhhhh, like for a one-liner while i’m making icons of ya boi !
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heronot · 7 years
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PERSONAL STORIES • Shadow of the Colossus Gameplay
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heronot · 7 years
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heronot · 7 years
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- an online dungeons and dragons session taking place in the 1980s. - follows the story of four teenagers with differing personalities and social statuses who must band together to uncover the truth behind the weird occurrences in the mall. - looking for two one other original heroes : a smart hero and a charisma hero. - player must be able to join the discord and talk with the other players, communicate effectively, and have a computer in order to participate in online sessions. - this session is being ran under amateurs. this session is also pre-dominantly comedy based. - this session should also be filed with a fair trigger warning regarding differing content.
to apply please send a message to @eightiesphone or @eightiesweed or @eightiesweights.
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heronot · 7 years
hi!! it’s kit dropping in to tell y’all that my laptop burned out so expect a slight drop in activity while i make new icons and psds. ill be using my aunts laptop until i can find a job and save up for a new one. sorry.
ill also be reblogging this onto my other blogs, so if you follow me on multiple and don’t want to see this post again, blacklist kits laptop.
mutuals can find me on discord: milkbag #9979
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heronot · 7 years
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           “Do you ever just feel like you could do about twenty cartwheels in a row? Because I feel that right now, but I can’t do a cartwheel.”
           She has this strange fear of her feet going above her head, and whenever she tries, it ends with her floating. If that weren’t weird enough, though, this is something she’s saying in the middle of the night. At least she can count on the stars for energy, as always.
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           ❝           NOT REALLY, i always feel like i don’t have enough energy to even            wake up in the mornings. could be due to the fact that i’m up all night looking            at the stars, though. they’re the coolest.           ❞ a laugh is freed from lungs, sun-kissed && full, almost energized for the first time. a refresh from the droopiness that typically entailed with his movements && mannerisms.
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heronot · 7 years
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      “   dude, don’t you trust me? — ditch your fucking dead as fuck body? i’m not a savage. i thought you knew me better than that. i might, like, use all your money to fly us both to hawaii, but i think it’s below even me to throw you somewhere & use your cash on just myself. maybe i could burn some of it for you to use in the afterlife, like the ancient egyptians used to do, and you could use that. for your time-share with your eighty other ghosts while i’m  — oh, shit, man, what’s the name of the girl in ‘casper’? that’s me. burying you under a palm tree while sipping apina colada. ”
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           ❝          FAIR POINT. i think you’re pretty trustworthy, for the most part. you           haven’t really fucked me over just yet. plus, you’re pretty much my only... actual           friend, so i have no choice but to trust my dead body && my riches with you.           oh, good idea ! i gotta be ballin’ in the afterlife, too ! what would i do without            you ?? probably die && have no money. i forgot her name, she wasn’t that            iconic. but, yeah ! that’s totally us. living it up, even if i’m dead. well, that            doesn’t really make sense, does it ?? whatever. you get what i mean.           ❞
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heronot · 7 years
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        ❝          i’m sure. && no.          ❞ it sounds definitive, && in that moment it is. for that one moment she believes she’s not lost. but then heather looks around && sees that she’s not where she thought she was. silent hill still controls some element of her mind.         ❝          maybe ? a little.          ❞
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          ❝          ... i’m not really the best with directions or anything, but i can kinda           help you out. i guess.          ❞ he’s not the most welcoming or outgoing, as told by the anxiety that’s in his veins: nervous twitches of his fingers that toy with the ends of his sleeves. he offers a perked smile && a warm laugh that ties to his words.           ❝          where are you trying to go ?          ❞
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heronot · 7 years
“i can’t sleep.” !
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           ❝          YOU TOO ?          ❞his gaze scans twisting fingers that jut into one another when he prods with anxiety,&& he hesitates before glancing up, tired eyes showing subtle darkness of bags underneaththem. he lifts one shoulder into a shrug.           ❝          i’m used to it, a little. i’m more of a night owl, even though i kind of have           shit to do in the mornings. i don’t think i have any work tomorrow, though. unless           there’s, like, some kind of emergency call-in… what’s keeping you up ?          ❞
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heronot · 7 years
“i can’t sleep.”
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          ❝          SAME. but i can’t ever sleep without taking a hit anymore.           ❞there’s honesty behind his words, a dry laugh flutters past his lips soon after. he drawsout a sigh briefly, hazel eyes darting to the floors beneath him. he’s too trusting withhis issues, sometimes. a cough, he clears his throat.          ❝          it’s kind of fucked, i guess. what’s keeping you up ?          ❞ 
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heronot · 7 years
“please look at me.”
“is s/he really just a friend?”
“i’m just disappointed.”
“you know i’m not like that.”
“don’t give me space. that’s the last thing i want with you.”
“i know you still love me.”
“i can’t think straight with you.”
“why are you so stubborn?”
“don’t do this here.”
“trust me on this.”
“please don’t misunderstand me.”
“you… you never had a problem with it before.”
“i know i shouldn’t be here.”
“what do you mean by that?”
“you deserve more.”
“can you just kiss me? one last time? that’s all i ask.”
“i’m scared.”
“i swear i’ll do things different this time.”
“s/he’s beautiful. i hope s/he makes you happy.”
“i want to believe you, i do.”
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“i’m… i’m trying. i really am.”
“i can’t sleep.”
“how long will this go on for?”
“can i hug you?”
“do you ever mean the things you say?”
“you won’t understand.”
“you’re making me think that what they told me about you was right.”
“am i too late?”
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heronot · 7 years
honestly,, buzzfeed unsolved is the life I wanna lead tbh just going around to haunted places with my best friend and being an idiot while also looking for spooks is just so appealing and I love it
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heronot · 7 years
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MUSCLE SHOCK THERAPY • Dead By Daylight Gameplay
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