hervalor-blog · 8 years
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                                        first thing first, please ignore the graphic i just threw it together. so !! in just the short time i’ve actually had this blog    (    i still haven’t done anything lbr    )    i somehow have managed to get over 150 of you    &    already getting close to two hundred !! honestly, isabelle is a character that is just so close to my heart ever since i read the books    &    although there are MANY things that have happened in the show that i DISAGREE with, i’m lucky that my character has stayed true to s o m e key parts of her character. i’m really not good at talking so let me just get onto the people who have made my time here    &    on tumblr a great experience !!
                                        @exitiosaxe  /  @knowsdeath  /  @bowborn  /  @swordriven  /  @hervalor                                         /  @grounderwithin  /  @catarinaloses  /  @catholicraised  /  @chosiin                                           /  @deathconqueror  /  @falldestined  /  @goldtinged  /  @hackergcddess                                           /  @hisnextlife  /  @lovedemolished  /  @oflegendaries  /  @skaiforged                                           /  @warriorhands  /  @wolfteethed  /  @younghealer  /  @soliitas                                           /  @reprcssed  /  @atlasworn / @bornfae
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
                            ❛  you mean,  since i KISSED magnus bane at our wedding  ?  ❜   lips slowly lifting upwards in response to hers.  PLAYFULLY almost are his words,  which is something of a rarity in itself unless the lightwood is interacting with those he’s comfortable with  (  lydia certainly being among those select few now,  )  yet they are GENTLY spoken.  for a sliver of regret still remains as he enters the room,  feet stopping JUST before the edge of the bed,  gaze resting upon the other.  he is BEYOND grateful for lydia’s understanding,  her willingness to throw aside her own happiness for the sake of his,  wishing him only the best even if it meant GIVING UP her own dreams once again,  a fact he does NOT take lightly.  he owes her so much. 
                              & he had meant to check in on her sooner,  the LAST TIME they had talked being shortly after she’d been moved to the infirmary.  but with having to EXPLAIN to his parents all of what transpired,  the MORTAL CUP now in valentine’s possession,  attempting to get jace back,  (  there’s a massive hole INSIDE him from the absence of his parabatai,  his brother,  & he still HASN’T been able to feel him much since the weakening of their bond,  )  things had been too CHAOTIC for him to get away for even a brief moment.  & the only REASON he’d been able to sneak in a visit now is due to isabelle offering to take HIS place in another one of the multitude of meetings they’ve had SINCE this entire thing unfolded days ago.  ❛  to be honest…  i,  uh,  i REALLY don’t know yet…  & as for everything else going on.  ❜  
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                                      ❛  well,  things aren’t looking too good.  but how are YOU  ?  ❜
     the playful response brings soft laughter to the surface, melodious as church bells ; ringing clear and pure in to the otherwise still silence.   ❛   yes, that’s EXACTLY what i mean.  ❜   she responds, shaking her head ever slightly before looking back up to alec. her gaze, so often frigid, is warm as it rests  u p o n  him - trailing along his features before it drops once again. she can practically feel his guilt, radiating off of him in waves, over everything that had TRANSPIRED. she wishes she could continue telling him it was okay, but something tells her he  w o u l d n ‘ t heed her words and promises even if she tried. 
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     brows raise and she’s quick to react, leaning TOWARD alec with a sudden urgency. was he alright? isabelle? did something happen to jace, to clary - - ? she takes in a quick inhale before she forces herself to calm, tapping her fingers upon the bed.   ❛   i’m alright. nothing i can’t get over.   ❜   she responds, waving off his worry with a reassuring smile before she  s o b e r s  twice as quick.   ❛   what happened? are you alright?   ❜   her inquiry is rapid, desperate: she’s somewhat embarrassed, but she’s been TRAPPED in this room, unable to do much, so the thought of things going wrong is ever more terrifying to her.   ❛   did something happen to isabelle? or- or any of your family, truly?   ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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                                                       she  wasn’t  the  enemy  in  this  world.  she  COULDN’T  just  blame  her  for  everything  that  had  happened.         (    when  it  wasn’t  her  fault.  IT  WAS  HER  JOB.     )          onyx  hues  watched  the  other  for  a  few  more  seconds,  shaking  her  head  with  dark  hair  falling  over  her  shoulders.          ❝  i  HOPE  so  too.  for  both  of  us.  ❞          a  smile  fell  across  ruby  colored  lips.          ❝  it  was  BRAVE.  you  stood  up  for  what  y o u  believe  in  rather  than  what  they  did.  ——-  i  think  that  if  they  DIDN’T  let  you  run  an  institute        ;         they  are  i n s a n e.  it’s  something  that  i  would  HAPPILY  stand  in  front  of  the  clave         &         say  how  i  feel  you  are  a  better  choice  than  whoever  else  they  DECIDE  to  put  in  power.  because  that  is  nothing  but  the  truth.  you  D E S E R V E  it,  lydia.  ❞
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     warmth blossoms golden in her chest, filling her VEINS like holy fire. it ignites the  d i v i n i t y  that pulses there anew, golden light flooding her vision momentarily before it softens. isabelle’s words meant he world to her, and she holds them TIGHT to her heart. it reminds her that risking it  all was worth it, that letting every dream she ever had go was okay because it meant saving her. saving alec, too.   ❛   you truly are a family of HONOR, aren’t you?   ❜   lydia murmurs, the question full well rhetorical - no answer need be given, as lydia already knew.   ❛   thank you, isabelle. and i truly am  s o r r y  for everything that happened before.   ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
me, banging pots and pans together: LYDIA!!! BRANWELL!!! IS!!! SO!! IMPORTANT!! I MEAN, FUCK. she’s a female in a position of power who was sent on orders to take control, and she does that because it’s her job too. and she knows that the institute should not be taken that way, she even admitted to it but she values her honor, her job over anything because it’s all she has left because her fiance died after a mistake she made, after being “too soft hearted.” and then she has to arrest meliorn and she knows that it isn’t the right way, but john is still in the back of her mind and if she’d just done what she was having to do now the first time he might still be alive and!! then izzy comes along and it kills her when she has to be like ‘yeah, i’m arresting you’ because this girl is her fiance’s sister but she can’t think about it. can’t think about it because all she’s ever learned is THE LAW IS HARD, BUT IT IS THE LAW. she’s been raised knowing that but she knows this isn’t the law anymore, this is desperation for the cup and someone so good and brave and innocent as isabelle is doesn’t deserve it so!! she’s so loyal to the clave and her cause but she realizes that they’re wrong and she risks everything - literally everything - to try and save isabelle and i think that’s so often overlooked. and i mean, if that wasn’t enough to convince you lydia branwell is too goddamn good for this world and so fucking important she!! is the final push!! she lets alec go, she tells him to go, on the day they are supposed to be wed. knowing full well that she again would lose EVERY SINGLE DREAM that he had offered her back - that she had already lost once before - because he had his own too, and lydia understood that. and it’s clear, so fucking clear just how much it hurts her because as soon as alec turns away her face falls but only after alec can’t see because his!! happiness!! is so important!! and he’s so good and deserves it and lydia understands that.  and she could have been vindictive, could have dug her fingers in and not let alec go, but she did, she did because she knows that she’d do the same damn thing if john walked through that door. tl;dr: LYDIA BRANWELL IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN GENERAL AND SHE DESERVES MUCH MORE THAN SHE’S GOTTEN.
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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     company is not oft expected ; the silence of the institute’s hospital ward having become her only companion for days now. a blow to the HEAD shouldn’t have done so much damage, and yet it did - just enough that they continued to refuse lydia leave back to idris. she’s sat crosslegged on the bed, gaze trained on the stele that rests on the bedsheet in front of her. it’s familiar, in the way that all things  s t u d i e d  a hundred times over are. she’s so focused that the door creaking open startles her, gaze jumping up before she settles, realizing who it is.   ❛  alec, hey. i wasn’t really expecting any company.   ❜   she states, lips CURLING in to a small smile.    ❛  how are things doing? since, you know.  .   .  ❜
@silverwilled !!
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
HERE is a list of all my current threads / owed things in case you think i owe you or vice versa !
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
[ // used to drop by often before finally following you! have loved all of your interactions so far, every thread. for sure, one of the most talented writers that I have come across, with a solid, and beautiful characterization and development. after all, i'm quite familiar with the shadowhunter series (books and series). please, don't leave anytime soon and never doubt yourself as a writer. you deserve all the love and much more recognition. had to take the chance to let you know! ]
oooooohhhhhh m ygooood!! oh m y god thank you so much i’m actually?? tearing up right now this means so much to me and wowowow thank you thank you !! like i said i’m so worried i’m not doing justice to lydia and this just !! means so much and i don’t even know how to words right now just thank you so much oh my gosh uvu ♥
meme // tell me how i’m doing !
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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                                      DOE-LIKE  EYES  WIDEN  AS   the   n y m p h   sets  eyes  on  the  knife  through  the  glass  of  the  counter,    palms  pressed  to  the  glass  with  hardly   c o n c e a l e d   desire.     a  POWDERED  blue  hilt  encircled  in  a  delicate  bow,    giving  way  to  a  perfectly  polished  blade,    g e m s   inset  into  unyielding  metal,    &&    she  is  enthralled.          ‘   do  you  THINK  i’d  be  taken  seriously  if  i  carried  that  around  ?      i  just  DON’T  understand  why  girls  can’t  be  both  cute    &&    deadly.   ‘
°☆.。*:・゚。|| && @hervalor.
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     brows raise, a slight smile daring to curve the edges of crimson lined lips - laughter, jovial, tempted to slip through. the question catches her slightly off guard, but it’s a welcomed sort of off guard, one that leaves a warmth settling with her STOMACH and a fluttering within her  h e a r t.  the smile fades and a mockery of serious thought comes across her features, as if conflicted on how to answer.   ❛   i’m rather sure you would be. boys - and girls - probably wouldn’t know whether they wanted to kiss you or run from you. i’d assume the  f o r m e r,  however.   ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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                                                        the  ONE  THING  she  had  spent  so  long  trying  to  get  was  her  brother’s  happiness.  even  if  it  involved  l e a v i n g  her  own  in  the  dust.  dark  hues  turned  to  watch  the  other,  a  sigh  falling  past  VELVET  stained  lips.    ❝  ——-  it  isn’t  your  fault,  lydia.  just  because  THIS  mess  happened  :  it  doesn’t  mean  that  you  can’t  pick  yourself  back  up.  ❞    if  you  had  a s k e d  how  she  felt  about  her  when  she  first  arrived  at  the  institute,  she’d have A  LOT  of  words  that  didn’t  fall  in  her  favor.  but  after  her  trial    &    what  went  on  throughout  it,    (    she  COULDN’T  hate  her.    )    ebony  hair  fell  over  her  shoulders,  body  moving  to  join  the  the  other.    ❝   i  get  that.  marriage  seemed  like  the  best  idea.  …  you’re  going  to  RUN  an  institute  one  day.  you  d e s e r v e  it  more  than  anyone  i’ve  ever  met.  ❞
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     cerulean gaze raises, training upon isabelle with a questioning intensity - did the girl truly believe that? oh, how lydia doubted it. as much as she wished to believe, as much as he HELD the dream tight with claws and fangs ensnared like a wolf to prey, she knew the chances were slim.   ❛   i can only hope things go alright from this point forward.   ❜   she murmurs, running her fingers  t h r o u g h  her hair.   ❛   i can only imagine what the clave has to say about it, and after i basically told the INQUISITOR, of all people, to eat me.   .   .   ❜   a sardonic laugh filters past her lips, fingers curling tight around the stele that she withdrew from her pocket.   ❛   i’d be lucky if they don’t laugh in my face just hearing i wish to. do you really think it’s possible that i could?  ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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    clary revolves around, slowing down to lay eyes on lydia.  a smile dances onto her lips and green hues twinkle like GLISTENING oceans when she sees her walking. she offers the other girl an arm to help her stand—- if the Envoy wished to rest some of her weight on her to relax. “ she’s awake—- resting! but, she’s fine. I was just going to see her. but the real question is… how are you?” she smiles a bit bashfully, but there’s a soft clinch of her jaw as she thinks of what hodge had done to the other girl. it sends a fire burning raw and wild in her stomach, and it longs for revenge and vengance and to strike—- like an avenging angel at the world that has done innocent people so awfully wrong.
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     the offered arm is taken, a soft warmth blossoming within her chest: GOLDEN and burning like fire. it is welcomed and she savors it, cerulean hues lit by the very flames within. she feels wanted, in some way, and she can’t help how pathetic it makes her feel to think that. she shouldn’t need that validation, after all, but she does ( god, she does ) and it is like AMBROSIA. feeding divinity and soothing her soul, albeit for few minutes.   ❛   resting? surely she did enough of that already?   ❜   lydia inquires, casting a sideways glance upon clary before she continues speaking.    ❛   i’m well  e n o u g h. my head still aches, but i’m fine otherwise. it’s NOTHING of importance, really, unlike your mother’s wellbeing.   ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
When you died, stars died too.
(via yoursixwordstory)
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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                                     AS  A  SIREN’S  CALL,        the  boy  cannot   h e l p   but  turn  at  the  utterance  of  his  name,      AURAL  eyes  shifting  to  look  upon  his   would-be   sister’s  face.          a  smile,      then,      FRAYED  at  the  corners  where   s a c c h a r i n e   lips  twist  up,      a  slight  BITTERNESS  to  the  sweet.               ‘   ALEC  is  my   b r o t h e r .           closer,      even,      you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  us.           he  is  DEARER  to  me  than  my  own  life,      i’ll  take   c a r e   of  him  as  though  he  is  my  own  soul.   ‘               he CROSSES to her then, tired eyes sweeping o v e r her in idle appraisement. his head tilts to the side, GOLDEN strands of hair shifting like the l i g h t of a shattered halo.               ‘   but  don’t  make  yourself  a  STRANGER  here.           there’ll  always  be  space  enough  for  you.   ‘
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     there’s a moment of affront at his response to her words, but she also understands why his response was so short. she nods, pursing her lips and CLOSING her eyes for mere seconds before reopening them.   ❛   i know, i do. i just.   .   .   ❜   her words fall short, slim fingers knotting together repeatedly before she tries to speak up again. she’d learned to care for alec in her  o w n  way, and fear of him being harmed only escalates with the memory of her john.   ❛   i just WORRY.   ❜   she finishes weakly, a sad smile curling her lips at the rest of his words.   ❛   there may be, but i can’t impose. i fear i’ve done more bad than GOOD, here.   ❜
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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          WHISPERS   highly  existed  hither  and  thither,  yet  no  matter  the  sum  that  was  asked  in  trade  for  information,  the  source  and  words  spoken  could  not  be  trusted.  perhaps  there  had  been  a  descend  for  the  night  children  and  two  nephilim,  but  raphael  santiago  believed  that  there  were  one  or  two  sensible  ones  in  the  remains.  and  if  that  belief  was  mistaken,  he  still  stood  in  the  fact  that  they  could  serve  to  supply   C O N C R E T E   answers.  the  angel-blooded  perhaps  would  not  aid  them  in  battle  (  or  rather  they  never  had  anywhere  for  that  matter  ),  but  the  least  they  could  do  was  roll  tongue  in  order  to  supply  for  preparation.  raphael’s  hope  of  finding  someone  sensible  had  not  been  entirely  shot  down,  and  at  the  sight  of  the  blonde  he  speeds  to  stand  behind  her.  he  even  has  a  smile  to  offer  as  she  spins  to  face  him,     ❛   you  can  say  i’m  here  out  of   CURIOSITY.   but  really,  miss  branwell,  i  wish  to  know  where  your  people  left  camille  .  .  and  if  it  is  certain  that  morgenstern  has  the  cup  in  his  power?   ❜
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     ❛   you know i can’t tell you that.   ❜   her words are soft and kind. she means no insult by her words, but merely knows giving away something the CLAVE would regard as secret would be a danger to not only herself, but raphael and both of their respective connections. lips curl in to a SLIGHT smile of apology, ivory flashed beneath moonlight for mere seconds before rosebud lips recede once more.   ❛   i can tell you i’m not quite sure where camille is, however. i haven’t been cleared as fit for duty just yet - injury.   ❜   she pauses, realizing her WORDS may bring questions, and is quick to add on:   ❛   training injury, that is. by the angel if those bo staffs aren’t heinous little things. you think you’re ducking in time and- well. you get the picture.   ❜ 
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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     ❛   are you alright?   ❜   lydia’s inquiry comes unbidden, knowing that it is one she should have held her tongue for. yet WORRY for others has always been her achilles heel - especially after john’s death. once his light was burnt out, she did everything in her power to make sure nobody ever lost the way she did, even if it was just checking on someone’s welfare.   ❛   pardon my inquiry and brashness - you just look a bit PALE, is all.   ❜ 
@sorcieretragique !!
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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     ❛   last i knew, WEREWOLVES weren’t allowed within the institute without company.   ❜   lydia murmurs absently, cerulean gaze focused upon the masc with the intensity of a hawk to her prey. she’s not going to throw  p u n c h e s  yet - after all, somebody had to have let him in, and his features are familiar. she can’t PLACE exactly why, but doesn’t trouble herself with it, nose scrunching ever slightly.   ❛   who might you be, and why are you inside the institute?   ❜
@beatibellator !!
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hervalor-blog · 8 years
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     word travels quick in the institute, and lydia, holed up as she was in the HOSPITAL ward, still heard that they had managed to wake jocelyn. a smile curls her lips at the news and she dares to stand ( the world spins for a second or two, but then steadies ) before edging out of the room, eager to find clary and potentially meet jocelyn. after all, no matter how DISTANTLY it was, they were related. at a familiar flash of brilliant red, tousled locks around the corner, lydia calls out- hesitantly picking up her pace.   ❛   clary! hey, how’s your mother.   .   .?   ❜
@ophelical !!
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