hesmylou Ā· 7 months
soooooo since omegle shut down, iā€™m coming here if thereā€™s anyone who would like to roleplay! i currently lost my prompts so we could work on something together or if you have prompts, id be down to try! my telegram is @ lwtscrown !!
i donā€™t really check here as much but iā€™m always on telegram :) 18+ please!!
also check my pinned for my likes and dislikes if youā€™re curious x
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hesmylou Ā· 4 years
reblog if you care about your rp partners health, mental state or worry about them if they are no online.
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hesmylou Ā· 5 years
Iā€™m always looking so donā€™t be afraid! :) 6/26/19
honestly omegle sucks anymore trying to find roleplayers so, i am posting this! i typically do third person but if youā€™re use to something else, ill try it! must be literate. medium/long length though i understand it may be hard at times! ill put as much effort as you do!
i can play top or bottom!
likes (im alright with pretty much anything. these are just some favorites!)
- alpha/omega/beta
- supernatural
- famous/nonfamous
- genderswap (fxf, bxb)
- fluff/smut
- prompts inspired by shows, fics, songs or movies
- text to paragraph type prompts
- im sure thereā€™s more but i canā€™t think of them right now, heh
- age gaps (anything 5+ years is a no)
- CEO-esque prompts
- hybrid
- teacherxstudent
im currently working on prompts but we can always do yours (if you have any) or create our own! :)
kik me @ hesmylou anytime! šŸ˜Š
posted 2/17/19
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hesmylou Ā· 5 years
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okay, so just because we like doing relatively the same types of rps, doesnā€™t mean we always have to play the same types of characters. thereā€™s always the same recycled jobs throughout, which are musicians, djā€™s, strippers, drug dealers, etc. etc., you get where Iā€™m going. to hopefully add some diversity to our lives and have tons of muse, I created a list of 120 used and underused jobs. you can find them below:
Keep reading
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hesmylou Ā· 5 years
REBLOG IF YOU ARE OKAY WITH JUMPING AROUND IN THREADS/PLOTS. sometimes it can take ages to get from point a to point b and half the fun is the journey. but sometimes it fun to explore different aspects of a plot. flashfowards, flashbacks, parts of the plot you have discussed but havenā€™t reached yet. Itā€™s so fun to explore every part of a plot and have multiple threads in different places in a plot. Or sometimes different memes you sent/receive may not fit the point in the plot you are at right now, but fit a flashback or flashfoward. So reblog if you are okay with having different threads in different points in the plot.
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hesmylou Ā· 5 years
basically when I find an RP partner with similar interests and writing style and everything works perfectly: mine. mine forever. go away other people. you canā€™t have.
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