hestia-for-feminism · 6 years
my favourite thing is when people try to list every trait that makes a character diverse in a mockery of the idea of diversification, like “oooooohhhh maybe the special snowflakes need a black disabled lesbian trans woman in a wheelchair 🙄🙄” or “yeah let’s keep pandering to sjws and end up with a transgender dude who sexually identifies as a helicopter😂😂😂”  or spew shit like this:
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all in an effort to make diversifying media sound ridiculous and so extra. But it’s funny, because what they don’t realize is that they and many of their supposedly “default” characters have SO MANY labels themselves.
like, your “average” protagonist is:
not physically disabled
not mentally disabled
physically healthy
mentally healthy
and presumably christian
that’s 12. Twelve whole fucking labels and that’s barely scratching the surface of basic characteristics your character will have. 
And like. people don’t realize that. They don’t realize that there is is NO fucking reason these random, above-listed traits should be thought of and treated as “the standard” or “the norm” or the universal experience by people or the media. That characters with these traits are not an apolitical default.
That there is NO reason any traits besides these should be seen as frivolous, as unnecessary, as unimportant, as extra, ignorable, “niche” qualities. 
There is NO REASON any of these traits should be the default and anything else should be considered pandering to PC culture.
which is why making media more diverse will never, ever be ridiculous.
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hestia-for-feminism · 6 years
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“us girls must stick together.”           strong female characters are so important.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
It’s never been about health.
Don’t fucking pretend it’s about health if you only care about what someone does with their body when their body is fat. I’m an unhealthy fuck and nobody gives a shit. Hell, I’ve never even had a doctor tell me it’s a problem, and I don’t bother hiding it. Doctors treat whatever symptoms I present them and assume my baseline is “healthy”, even though I tell them the truth. I even know people who will invent excuses for my lazy ass (oh, it’s your mental health, you’re stressed cos you’re a single parent etc) so I don’t have to “feel bad” about my choices.
I have several friends who are fat. Every single one of them exercises daily, eats healthy, and generally takes better care of themselves than I do by a long long margin. (Although even if they weren’t, whose business is it anyway?!) Many of them suffer chronic health conditions completely unrelated to their weight that aren’t treated properly or were diagnosed late because fucking doctors couldn’t see past their size. People are always telling them about this new diet or exercise regime because they think someone else’s body is their business once it gets over a certain size.
You know why no one cares about my unhealthy af lifestyle? Because genetics handed me thinness. The kind of thinness that, when I’m actually taking care of my body, makes me look underweight. When I’m not taking care of myself, I’m still thinner than 90% of the population. I didn’t work for it, I didn’t “earn” it, it just got handed to me on a silver platter, and as a result nobody pokes their nose into my lifestyle.
I’m not advocating for unhealthy lifestyles. Loving your body makes sense. You have to live there, and figuring out what works best for your own unique body is a good thing. What I am doing is saying that your choices either way are none of my damn business. If you don’t live healthy, then that’s not my problem or my business. (I could talk about how our modern lives and culture make healthy living nigh impossible, but that’s a discussion for another day.)
So next time you want to say something along the lines of: “I think people should take better care of themselves”, ask yourself: would I care about their private decisions if they were thin? Do I care about any aspect of their health or body other than their weight? Do I care about how they treat their mental health? Do I care about whether they get a pap smear or prostate exam? Am I going to talk to them about whether they’re checking their breasts for cancer regularly? Do I care whether or not they saw a physio for that pain in their shoulder?
Then ask yourself: why the fuck is what someone else does any of my business? Would I like it if people started criticising all my unhealthy habits? And I’m not just talking about eating habits, but about mentally unhealthy habits, about drinking, drugs, whatever your unhealthy thing is because nobody is perfect. What double standards am I holding onto because society keeps reinforcing the idea that fat people are public property?
And then don’t say anything. Because no matter what you believe about fatness, thinness, and health, what other people do is none of your business. What other people feel about their body is also none of your business. And you do not have the right to make others feel like shit.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
I work at a daycare with infants.
One of our baby girls is fat, in the 99th percentile for her age. She is super cute and sweet. Lately, she has been sick with various breathing issues, so she has been reluctant to take her bottles. Normally, she’ll take 4 ounces of formula at lunch and 8 ounces in the afternoon. Today, I was lucky to get to her take 5 all day.
There was a substitute covering a lunch break in my classroom today. We emphasized to her that we need to keep trying to get the baby to drink her bottle until she finished it. She said, “Why are you guys so worried about taking her bottle?”
My coworker replied, “That’s where all her nutrients are. She needs the nutrients and the water.”
To which the substitute replied, “But she’s so fat. She doesn’t need it.”
Thin privilege is a small, pretty baby getting better childcare because the caretaker doesn’t think she’s too fat to be allowed to eat.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
congratulations, it’s a girl, says the doctor. congratulations, it’s a girl, and we have rose-tinted bubblegum-scented ultrasound gel for an extra 3 dollars. and the baby shower will have
frosted balloons, and pink ribbons, and red cake for the blood that has not left the womb for nine months,
red for life and for pain and for lipstick,
and when the blood and the life leaves the womb it will be swaddled in soft femininity and it will feed on the teat of patriarchy. they will say you’re a sinner for letting her touch that toy truck, you’re a sinner for teaching her to defend herself, you’re a sinner for
letting her leave the house like that, but all she knows now is how to
gnaw on barbie’s head until it’s chewed and slimy with saliva. you don’t claim to be god but
you won’t bind her hands with pages from the bible.
and today it’s the second day of kindergarten. when a boy steals her unmellow yellow crayon it’s because he likes her,
and tomorrow she passes through the freudian phallic stage without losing her sense of identity, and when she’s thirteen her dad’s friend slides his hand onto her thigh under the table
keeps it there the entire dinner because he likes her, and she still
can’t smell lasagna without gagging. when she’s sixteen she lets her friend’s brother kiss her
because the boys at school call her pancake chest
his tongue tastes like an ashtray limp and slimy in her mouth, and after she brushes her teeth three times she lies in her bed and cries. God, she says,
God why am i here? and he says one day you will make a penis erect and you will know.
the next day a suit on the subway undresses her with his empty eyes,
so when the barista asks for 3.99, her number, and half of her soul she complies. splits it down the middle where the bone is and hands it over in exchange for
a soy milk latte.
by seventeen she is tired of lugging god’s most precious gift to
school and work and back so she gives it to a boy in a walmart parking lot, cuts off her hair for good measure and
now she knows. men keep her hair long for easy grip. so she goes home:
how was your day/itwasfine i’m going out/not in that you’re not/whynot (she knows whynot) puts on a potato sack, packs a suitcase full of underwires and razor blades and tweezers
throws it in the pond for when the fishes say mommy will i be pretty one day?
but when the time comes for her to jump she changes her mind and gets on a greyhound bus
to new york city, it is dark when she arrives but the streetlights
float above her head like small suns and keep her warm. she walks past painted ladies with civilized but asymmetrical briefcases, walks past people eating each other’s faces in the shadows, walks until she arrives at the last flat building plugging the holes in the sky she enters the elevator and presses the top floor.
by the time she gets to the 35th floor she has swallowed 35 advils, and when she reaches
Not Heaven she has swallowed her tongue. it smells like old spice and clementines. the angels say don’t worry, we eat out of our collarbones here; try the clouds, they’re made out of windex and taste just like tacos; love is when you shoot smoke into your brain and it cooks your heart.
she hates steak so she lets her nails grow to the floor and sacrifices herself to the newtonian universe
lets gravity lower her back down to earth, to the middle of eighth avenue where suits walk around her until someone calls 911.
the next thing she remembers is white ceiling tiles. the hush hush of voices next to her.
doctors (nearly all her bones were shattered upon impact only god knows how she survived) mom (unintelligible)
she learns to walk again, to talk again, to live again
paints her eyelids with kohl to be beautiful for herself, to be strong for herself. uses judo on anyone who dares lay a hand on her. eats lasagna every wednesday night and loves it.
congratulations, it’s a girl, they say, and she will have to heal.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
This is the purest thing I've ever read 💕
My little brother
•loves to help me bake
•helps my mom clean up
•loves to ride my horse. He has his own set of little stirrups that go on the horn of my saddle so that he has something short enough for his feet
•just learned to fold his own laundry. His drawers look like the shelves of a retail store that hasn’t opened for the day- perfect squares of meticulously folded clothing lined up in perfect stacks. He is so very proud of it too
•loves to watch Sofia the first and Elena of avalor with me
•admits his faults without shame. He will happily tell you he cannot sing and often tells me that he wishes he was as good as I am at something.
•adoringly told me he learned how to draw by looking at my old pictures
•loves to wear my old t-shirts to bed
•listens to broadway musical soundtracks in my sisters car when she takes him to school or picks him up. The first time I heard him and my sister belting out “dear Evan Hansen” together, I almost died of cuteness overload.
My little brother is seven years old and part of the reason I am a feminist. He is the reason I will keep fighting toxic masculinity till the day I die. I will not let it corrupt him. I cannot. Because he is sweet and beautiful and perfect and I don’t want to see him grow up into someone who thinks that stereotypical masculinity is his road to happiness and acceptance.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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Mythomagic is a Demigod-owned company that loves Nico back.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
If your feminism does not include the LGBT+ community, then it's not feminism. • It is a widely discussed and debated topic - LGBT+ rights. But I think it shouldn't have to be discussed or debated about, the answer is pretty damn obvious - the LGBT+ community deserves to be treated with respect and they deserve basic human rights. In actuality, people who belong to the LGBT+ community are being harassed, tortured and even killed. Most of the adults would rather have no children than have a trans child. For many people, being homoosexual is an abomination - freak of nature. For many, pansexuality, asexuality, polysexuality, demisexuality etc don't even exist. According to them these are all "made up stuff by the millennials" . For many, there are only 2 genders - male and female and they refuse to accept the fact that there are more than two. Leave the old generation! Most of the teens ( cis-het teens ) are also against the LGBT+ community. But why though? It's been engraved into their minds that anything or anyone that does not fit into the societal norms are "freaks". They're rejects, outcasts. They're hated and they're bullied. 90% of the people belonging to the LGBT+ community has either been bullied or harassed or been called names atleast once in their life. They would've witnessed atleast one form of hate or denial. Why is this so? Why do people ( society ) find it so hard to accept things that do not - according to them - fit into the category of "normal"? This is absolute b*llshit. Millions are being tortured or killed because of society's narrowmindedness! LGBT+ kids are terrified to come out of the closet because they fear being rejected or hated by their loved ones! Religious LGBT+ kids are disgusted with themselves thinking that God hates them! All this pain, all this hurt - and for what? What good does all this hate bring? Personally, I think society is sadist. I think it gets off on kids commiting suicide and hurting themselves. It's f*cking messed up! I'm so f*cking pissed!!!! It's time that people stop being so damn judgemental and narrow-minded! It's the 21st century for God's sake! Keep the f*ck up!!! • Sorry about all those curse words 😌😌
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
Follow my Instagram -
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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Independence has a variety of definitions to different people. For me, it means to live in my country, without fear, without having to look behind my back every single second, for a possible threat. For me, independence is safety. It is the freedom to live, love and express ourselves with no fear or punishment. Sadly, that is not the case. Even though our country is free from Britain's clutches, I don't believe we have gained independence until each and every citizen of India feels safe and secure. We'd have achieved independence when the hundreds and thousands of murders occuring daily come to a complete stop. We'd have achieved independence when the thousands of rape cases and domestic violence against women, the majority of which don't even get solved, stop happening. We'd take a step towards independence when the culprits who walk freely are imprisoned and the victim families who are currently suffering, are able to look towards the future with hope. We'd be truly independent when section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, that can throw people into prison for being married to someone of the same gender, is abolished. We'd be an independent country when every human being, irrespective of their caste, gender, sexuality or any other characteristic is treated equally. Till then, we are all slaves - slaves to ourselves, our narrow mindedness and thought processes. • •
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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ooooh my god oh my god ohh god  (h/t)
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
replied to your post
“ntamw says he watches porn all the time, like everyday or even more…”
May I ask what kinds of negative effects? I have some girl friends who watch porn too, so what about them? I’m sorry if this is phrased wrong and sounds rude or something, I’m just curious
What I have read into either focuses on men and boys, or doesn’t mention the sex of those studied, but I’m sure that things like low self-esteem and devaluing women can affect girls and women who regularly watch porn too. I also know many women who have stated they were once or are addicted to porn, which is a common side-effect. Below are some others:
Porn use leads to infidelity and divorce (look at the sources at the bottom of the article)
Men who watch porn can have a higher tolerance for images of violence like rape (Zillman, 2000)
The more you watch porn, the more you consider rape a trivial crime (Zillman & Bryant, 1988) [x] [x]
Watching porn leads children to commit sexual assault (sources just from UK) [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]
Teen/Adolescents who regularly watch porn have low self-esteem and depressive symptoms
People who watch porn have a greater desire for sex without emotional involvement and are more callous (Zillman & Bryant, 1984; 1988)
You are more likely to view people as sexual objects (Violato et al., 2002)
Prolonged use can interfere with working memory (a part of the short term memory function that helps you filter information and retain it)
Watching violent porn can lead to sexually aggressive behaviour [x] [x]
This is just stuff I found in 30 minutes. There is plenty more evidence out there, all peer reviewed, not even counting the stories of teen girls who have reported feeling more and more pressured to have anal sex and have less emotionally intimate relations. If you want to look into it yourself (and I welcome you to do so!) I recommend starting here and here, looking at what they source, and going from there.
- Mod Ava
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
NTAMW calls all women bitches, whores or sluts.
Absolutely. Behaviour like that is outdated and disgusting.
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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Controversies, Controversies, Controversies everywhere • • •
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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❕❗❕❗ • • •
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hestia-for-feminism · 7 years
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😒😒 • • •
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