hetalia-rarepairs · 1 year
Mikkel looked at the different sweets there are. He always had a hard time choosing just one he wanted to eat. This always resulted in Berwald or Tino choosing for him and it always resulted in the Dane filling himself on sweets. He always got cuddles and belly rubs afterwards. Or a head on his belly listening to the sounds his stuffed belly made. Whenever this happened, it brought a smile to Mikkel's face. Today, however, was a different story. It would seem Mikkel has fallen ill and wasn't allowed to get out of bed. Anytime he'd tried, Berwald or Tino would make him lay back down. Each time that happened Mikkel would let out a whine. He didn't like not being able to do anything.
"I brought you some soup," Tino said as he walked in carrying a bowl. Purple eyes of Mikkel blink awake. When had he fallen asleep? Nonetheless, he looked at his Finnish boyfriend and sat up with a bit of help from the other. There was soon the distinct sound of Mikkel's stomach rumbling. Half from hunger, half upset. "Here, let me feed you," Tino said. Without a complaint from the Dane, Tino patiently fed Mikkel until all the soup was gone. "Berwald will be in soon for cuddles." A nod from Mikkel, then Tino got up and left. Mikkel laid back down and pulled his green blanket close. He's had it since he was a child. Nothing could make him give it up. There's movement on the bed. Mikkel woke again to find arms wrapped around his body. Looking over, he found Berwald laying there spooning him. A soft, happy sound escaped him and he snuggled close to the Swede.
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hetalia-rarepairs · 2 years
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hetalia-rarepairs · 2 years
more to be added
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hetalia-rarepairs · 2 years
Send me rare or polyships and a prompt and ill try to write them
please make the prompt clear because one word prompts can go all over the place and my interpretation is incredibly wonky
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