can you tell i dont like Feliciano Vargas??? istg he is so annoying (ik that's the point) but he is just...
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Representative Round-Up Pt. 2!
There were some main players of Hetalia that I didn't add to limit the length of the first post (you can find here.)
This is a continuation of the first, and is again, only quick reviews of the characters I missed. If you have any concerns about the names, or concerns about the characterizations please let me know. Thank you.
Ludwig Haberlin (Germany)
He has essentially appointed himself the leader. Aside from Arthur he is the first person in the building and the last one to leave after work. Ludwig tries not to spend so much time doing frivolous things when there is paperwork to look over and research to look into. If he were to spend time outside the office he shares his company with Kiku and Feliciano since a majority of the others find him too uptight and annoying.
Sebastian Mechitbayeva (Romania)
A few of the other delegates make fun of him for seeming like a vampire. He squabbles quite often with Elizabeta but overall finds her resolve and will admirable. Since he is seen as a vampire the others tend to avoid him, which upset him to no end but whenever he tries to approach the others they run away in fear or brush him off completely. Due to this he stays home quite often, which doesn't help the vampire accusations. He does get to spend more time with his brother which is always a plus.
Zachary Bennett (Australia)
As Eloise' older brother he is very overprotective, but at times he can come off as a "white knight." The women are infuriated by him because he believes women are fragile and should be protected from everything, including their own shadow. Despite being against sexualization against women his only companion at work is Feliciano, although he scolds him almost every moment of the day.
Kiku Honda (Japan)
Kiku is soft spoken, but that does not mean he is taken down easily. He is one of the few who get truly angry, and if you're on his bad side then you're fucked. He likes to stay active with soccer or tennis, or basketball but also likes to train his mind with chess or maybe a puzzle. He spends his free time at museums and taking in the sights during a leisurely walk. Kiku enjoys spending time with Ludwig because they can have knowledgable conversations but gets very irritated by Feliciano.
Tolys Laurinaitis (Lithuania)
Tolys is easily scared, and has requested his seat be moved from Ivan multiple times, but that isn't the reason why he's scared. Or it just might be... But being easily scared of frightened with added anxiety doesn't mean he's a pushover or a doormat. His co-workers tend to take him for granted or speak over him, which has taught him that it doesn't matter what he says if no one will listen to him. Funnily enough, Ivan listens to him the most which freaks him out.
Antonio Fernández Carriedo (Spain)
Antonio, in a way, is similar to Feliciano. He is rather perverted but it isn't the only thing on his mind. He cares about his work, and what being a delegate means so he is less likely to have his mind wander if someone mentioned something about a pretty girl. In the same vein, Antonio tries to be a good role model for Feliciano and help the younger man learn to calm down and take a step back. It doesn't work. It never works. So, Antonio follows him around like a lost puppy at his heels to make sure Feli doesn't succumb to his perverted ways.
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Representative Round-up!
This post talks about the cast in this AU, if you're looking for the general overview I've posted it here.
Mind you, this will go over character that will be seen numerous times but does not limit how many characters are actually in this universe. Some may be mentioned that do not have their own review.
Alfred F. Jones (North America)
The titular "main character" and newest face in the building. He has big shoes to fill, but it can't be that hard, right? The last delegate for North America was old as shit and had horrible memory! No, but seriously, it's daunting to be the only person who doesn't know their co-workers and it makes Alfred nervous. The only way he knows how to break the ice is by inviting people out after work, only, most of his new co-workers decline. But, his brother Arthur is always there when he needs him!
Arthur Kirland (England/Britain)
Secondary protagonist, often coming to the rescue even when he doesn't need to. Arthur frets over his brothers Peter and Alfred a bit too much, probably because he's over-compensating for not being around when they were growing up. Being the delegate of England doesn't effect his relationships as much as one would think, he has no qualms with his co-workers, well, maybe the only exception is Francis. Arthur isn't really known to go out with friends after work, and instead coops himself up inside to curl up with a good book but that doesn't mean he can't be a social butterfly if his social battery is charged.
Matthew Williams (Canada)
Often overlooked, not because he is the delegate for Canada but because he speaks quietly. Matthew keeps to himself, and doesn't speak up during meetings. After work he tries his best to invite others along to go out drinking or to watch a movie but it seems as though his co-workers just aren't interested in doing either of those things. Or might not be interested in spending time with him. Though, once he's out of his shell he's never been louder in his lifetime.
Feliciano Voltolini (North Italy)
Feli... isn't well liked within his work group. The only other people that tolerate him are Ludwig and Kiku. He's lazy, and often forks all the work off to his twin brother Romano. After work he almost always is the first to suggest going out for drinks or somewhere to eat. Although Arthur dislikes Francis, he comes nowhere close to Feliciano's perverse personality.
Romano Voltolini (South Italy)
If his brother has no hates, then he is dead. They may be twins and may have grown up together, but Romano wants to go his separate ways. Working with his brother hasn't been as much of a deterrante to quit his job, but he often comes close to those moments. Out of everyone in the room he is the most hot headed but not necessarily intimidating, that role has been taken by someone already. After work, when no one else wants to spend time with Feli he is usually dragged into his brothers stupid shenangins.
Francis Bonnefoy (France)
During meetings he is part of the reserved and calm group. He sits back while others argue and waits for a moment to raise his hand and speak. He is always the last one through the door, but that's because his morning routine consists of skincare with too many steps, stopping for breakfast at a nearby cafe and then flirting with whoever is working the front desk. And everytime Ludwig lectures him. His co-workers are endearing, but at the end of the day he wants nothing to do with any of them, especially Arthur. Their teenage rivalry has lasted quite a while, and it isn't going to end anytime soon.
Yào Wáng (China)
He is the most brotherly in the group. Often times he supplies the meeting room with snacks and finger foods just incase a meeting is running longer than expected. Always reminds people to drink water if they haven't, and carries water bottles for such an occasion. At times his brotherly attitude can be a bit overbearing and some of his co-workers may mock him by calling him mom but it's all in good fun! He doesn't try to pester anyone if they are feeling down or unwell, and will give people space if they need it.
Ivan Braginsky (Russia)
The strong but silent type. Almsot too mysterious. He is also one of the more calm and reserved members. The others know that there is something about him that is unnerving but they can't seem to figure out what it is. Ivan notices that people don't listen to Matthew as much as they should, and on a few occasions after work he's expressed he would love to go out drinking with him or to see a movie, but the way he said it made the latter run away. He's rather oblivious to the fear in everyone's eyes, and thinks of himself as cuddly as a bear.
Tomás Carreiro (Portgual)
Known for being the best of friends with Arthur, and the miniature chicken statues he gives out for good luck on New Year's Eve. Tomás is social, and loud, and carefree. He joins many of his co-workers and even tries to put together events for work as team bonding excersises, sparing no expense to make Alfred feel a little more included with the close knit office. Everyone knows he abstains from alcohol yet has insider knowledge of the best bars and drinks to order.
Elizabeta Héderváry (Hungary)
Headstrong and passionate, she runs self-defense classes and participates in a book club. She's part of the much more outspoken group at work, and even picks fights with the other delegates if they do something she doesn't like. Most notably, Sebastian who always seems to rub her the wrong way. But, as dignified as she holds herself, she's learned to take her fights outside instead of handling them in front of everyone else. As such, she holds herself and her co-workers to certain standards.
Kateryna Braginski (Ukraine)
No one in meetings takes her seriously, which drives the fire within her. After work she turns down invitations to hang out with others so she can research and go over the notes she takes during the current meetings. Her brother and sister often worry about her because she shuts herself in and doesn't come out until she is satisfied. Her hard work often goes unnoticed by a majority of people in the room, but the few who do notice bring it up to her privately afterwards, like Matthew or Tolys.
Natalia Arlovskaya (Belarus)
Much like Feliciano, no one wants to hang out with her either but it might just be because she terrifies them all. The metal detector in the lobby always goes off when she passes through because she forgets the knife she strapped to her thigh, just incase she needs to defend herself if someone tries to get too close. Her love of the occult has always terrified many people, and no one can tell that she's joking about summoning demons to do her bidding. It's mostly just an act because she doesn't want to be like her sister in which everyone walks all over her. In some cases, she thinks she's acting like her brother Ivan. Pretending to be cute and soft, but really a violent and destructive mess. No one has the guts to tell her she's violent on the outside too.
Annelise Baert (Belgium)
She is often pushed around by her siblings, and doesn't stand out very much. Annelise is often in charge of the office morale, cheering others up when she can and supporting them from the sidelines. Although, her coworkers annoy her to no end because they often forget her name or who she is. She loves Gourmet food, something her and Alfred have in common.
Brigitte Rosabrunetto(Monaco)
Raised by her grandparents, she is very well spoken but extremely shy. Brigitte has quite a serious face which can be mistaken as her judging others earning her the title of "mean girl" appointed by a select few afraid to talk to her, namely Tolys. Despite her outward appearance she is quite kind, and after work she either goes to see the ballet or takes her dog on walks.
Li-hua Tsai (Taiwan)
Li-hua is quite the adventurous girl, and is never found sitting down. She often goes on coffee runs, and explores the building on her break. In her spare time she plays soccer and badminton at her local gym, very rarely does Kiku accompany her but when he does she makes him into a loser rather quickly.
Giang Ngô (Vietnam)
One of the more reserved members of the UN, she knows when the time is right to say something. Like Li-hua she is rather energetic, but lets the other delegates have their fun in the conference room. In her spare time she plays soccer and almost always asks the others if they would like to join her. Ludwig seems to be the only one to accompany her much to Feli's dismay.
Veronique Peyat (Seychelles)
Aside from Alfred, she feels most like a fish out of water. The others are loud and overbearing which makes it harder to find an opportunity to share her piece and it gets really upsetting. She has no short fuse by any means, but the other delegates (mainly the men) can get so annoying sometimes! It just happens, and the next thing she knows she's yelling at them. Despite them being annoying, she doesn't like being alone and would rather sit through the arguments than sit in the silence of her own home.
Building Employees
Scarlet Is the nice lady who runs the front desk downstairs, every morning and night she checks in each delegate and runs them through security. Arthur brings her a coffee when he can, and Ludwig grabs a pastry or two but she isn't bribed easily.
Liang Is the head security officer who inspects any and every item that comes into the UN building. He's thorough with his job even if the delegates complain and whine about it taking too long, you can never be too careful. He also double checks every ID and carries a binder of fake IDs with him if the chance were ever to arise.
Jean-Michael He is your IT guy. If anything is broken in the building he's the person to call. What he lacks in social skills he makes up for with his talent in fixing tech. He's only a last resort though, if something can get fixed by restarting it then whoever called him is getting an earful.
Norin The cafe chef. He prepares the gourmet meals and dinners if the building if ever a host to an outside country leader. His domain is the kitchen, and if you step foot inside you best remember to be respectful. Never tempt the man with the knives, it will not end well.
Layla Deputy of the security detail. Makes her rounds while Liang stays at the front door. Once in a while she's caught a delegate lurking where they aren't supposed to go and has gotten close to tazing them, although Feliciano gets too happy about being taxed. She isn't afraid of getting demoted if it just so happened.
Peter Kirkland
Younger brother of Arthurt and Alfred, he often tries to sneak into the UN building but almost always gest caught by Liang or Scarlet. He wishes to be a part of the meetings and represent a country that doesn't have a delegate but everyone tells him he's too young. Which, is the most annoying thing that could be said to him.
Eloise Foster
The serious younger sister of the delegate of Australia, she often makes visits to the UN building in hopes she can become a delegate herself one day. Despite being in the same situation Peter is in, she dislikes him and calls him childish quite often even though she herself is also a child.
Servidio Bartolomei
The younger cousin of the Voltolini twins and the delegate for Spain, he is quite the womanizer like Feliciano. He has a flirtatious attitude and doesn't mind flirting with the lady at the front desk to get past her into the building. He likes to surprise and annoy Romano because he is currently under his care and staying at his house, causing a lot of trouble for him.
Andrei Donici
The younger brother of Sebastian, the delegate for Romania, he is a happy child and loves spending time with his big brother. Despite how intimidating Ivan can be, he considers him a big brother as well. He doesn't like when his brother has to go to work, and cries when he leaves and there is no solution other than bringing him but instead he stays at school. If Ivan is around and Sebastian isn't, he cries regardless.
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i find it really freeing that the hetalia characters can exist out of "canon" and that there is no true canon
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Au introduction post pending, I promise
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