hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
A Team Matchmaking Effort: Barnaby Lee Headcanons
Request: “Would you write barnaby x reader headcanons where the rest of the mystery gang tries to get barnaby to confess by plotting something to get him to feel jealous? I really like your writing I hope I understood your rules right, I know headcanons are only for up to three people but I thought maybe its easier for you to pick which ones fit while you’re writing instead of me forcing them on you💛”
Word Count: 911
A/N: You’re totally, 100% good, anon!  My three character rule applies to the character being shipped with the Reader.  Thank you for the compliment and I hope this is to your liking.  <3
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Just about all of your friends get frustrated watching the two of you pine over each other, but being far too oblivious to notice you fancy each other.  They held a meeting in order to plan out what they’re finally going to do about it …
The Very Involved Squad
Rowan, Penny, Tonks and Tulip, Liz, and Diego
Rowan and Penny were the brains, Tonks and Tulip were the back ups, and Diego and Liz ended up being at the center of the scheme.
Basically, they planned that shortly after Care of Magical Creatures, for Diego to drop by and make a big deal about asking you to Hogsmeade right in front of Barnaby.
If that didn’t work, then Liz would step in and invite Barnaby to Hogsmeade, since they were good friends, in the hopes that it’d make you jealous.
If neither work, then Tulip and Tonks are there to generate some chaos as a distraction and enable Diego to put his duelling skills to a different use and knock you and Barnaby into a (hopefully) compromising position before everyone flees.  Hoping that would be enough to get you two together.
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
Smugglers was soo cute! Could I ask for a part 2? Or separate fic? With Charlie proposing to mc?
 Of course! Thank you for being my first ask and request! Like Smugglers, this is rather long 
Title: Together
This is a part 2 for Smugglers!
Somewhere in Romania. July, 1994
Charlie Weasley, renowned Dragonologist and a man known for actively adoring his long-term girlfriend, Master Curse-Breaker (Y/N) (L/N). 
The months after smuggling Norbert, now Norberta, out of Hogwarts were spent in Romania as Charlie and (Y/N) took care of the various species of Dragons in a secluded area protected by magic. The pair was currently celebrating their eight year anniversary by helping a very angry Peruvian Vipertooth go through labor. Peruvian Vipertooths are highly venomous so guiding it through labor was no simple task. After several hours, the Vipertooth had finally finished laying her eggs and had calmed down sufficiently for the couple to return to their temporary home on the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. 
“(Y/N)” Charlie called softly as his girlfriend walked over to the bathroom, “Let me help you” He said, walking over to wrap his arms around her, “It’s our anniversary and instead of having a romantic dinner, we helped a Dragon lay her eggs”  He muttered, moving a strand of her (H/C) hair from her forehead.
(Y/N) smiled and pressed a kiss against his freckled nose, “Charlie, just being with you is fine” She stated, pulling him into the bathroom, “But if you want to help” She grinned, locking their bathroom door, “Help me take a bath, I’m bloody tired”
Charlie smirked and pulled his shirt off revealing his muscular yet scarred chest, “Your wish is my command, love” He grinned, grabbing the hem of (Y/N)’s shirt and pealing it off her body. 
(Y/N) and Charlie spent a little over an hour in the bath, happily washing each other’s hair and just running their hands over each other’s bodies. 
After their bath, the pair snuggled up on their plush bed with Charlie holding (Y/N) against his bare chest. Charlie smiled as he played with (Y/N)’s hair as her soft breath hit his chest, “I can’t for you to be Mrs. Charlie Weasley” He spoke absentmindedly, knowing she couldn’t hear him. The day’s events has definitely tired her out and as soon as Charlie had her arms around her, she knocked out. 
With a sigh, Charlie’s eyes trailed towards the letter sitting on her nightstand with their names neatly written over the front. After placing a kiss against (Y/N)’s forehead, Charlie finally drifted to sleep. 
The letter addressed to them came from Charlie’s doting parents, Molly and Arthur Weasley requesting their presence for a very eventful family get-together
Dear, Charlie and (Y/N),
Arthur has obtained Quidditch World Cup tickets for the entire family and your friends! I’ve contacted your friends from Hogwarts and let them know we’re all attending so you two must come!
I’ve received confirmation from Penny, Rowan, Tulip, Merula, Ben, Barnaby, and Andre so it’s a chance for all of you to see each other again. 
I hope to see the two of you in August!
With Love,
Molly Weasley 
The Burrow. August, 1994
Charlie and (Y/N) had arrived at his family home a week before the Final Quidditch World Cup game. During their time there, (Y/N) had grown even closer to Molly Weasley, helping her with cooking and cleaning around the house, but simultaneously assisting Arthur with any sudden repairs. 
Inside the house, Fred and George were keen on teasing (Y/N) about Charlie, but it was something she was used to and found amusing
“Remember, Freddie” (Y/N) teased, “When you get a girlfriend, I’ll be teasing you” She warned and George began to laugh
“Fred? A girlfriend?” He exclaimed, “In a million years!” Before he could continue his joking, Fred’s elbow came in contact with George’s side. Outside, however, Ronald, Charlie, Harry, and Bill were playing a friendly game of Quidditch while Ginny and Percy watched from the ground. 
However, Percy wasn’t necessarily watching, he was reading a book on counter spells while his younger sister paid extra close attention to what the boys in the air were doing. 
Bill enjoyed the game, but he was keeping an eye on Charlie, who seemed to be in his own little world. Charlie, unfortunately for him, was knocked out of his trance when a bludger knocked him off his broom. Luckily, Bill swooped down and caught Charlie right before he hit the ground, setting him down on the bright green grass.
“What’s up with ya?” Bill asked, hoping off his broom. Once settled, he noticed a small black box against the grass. Squinting, he picked up the box and Charlie scrambled to take it back. 
“Give it!” He exclaimed, but Bill held him away until he finally opened the box. His eyes widened when he realized it was a rather expensive looking ring, “William!” Charlie yelled, snatching the box from his brother’s hands and shoving it in his pocket. 
“Bloody hell!” Bill shouted, “You’re proposing?!” Despite Charlie’s constant shushing, Bill’s excitement got the best of him alerting his youngest brother and his best friend much to Charlie’s dismay. 
Ron couldn’t believe his ears. He walked over to his brother, mouth agape, and looked around before whispering, “You’re proposing to (Y/N)?! Since when?!” 
Charlie’s blush took up most of his freckled face, “Be quiet you arse-hats!” He muttered, “Since a couple months ago, I just haven’t found the right time” He admitted and Harry walked over to him with a small smile
“How bout at the game?” Harry suggested, “The whole family will be there and I’m sure Mrs. Weasley wouldn’t want to miss it” 
Charlie was dumbfounded. Of course! The Quidditch game was the perfect way to propose! They would be surrounded by their friends and family, what a perfect occasion. 
August 18th, 1994. Quidditch World Cup
The morning of the game, Charlie and (Y/N) were up at five in the morning, preparing for the day. Charlie was packing their bags as (Y/N) took a warm shower, but as each minute passed by, Charlie grew even more nervous. Today was the day Charlie will be proposing to (Y/N) in front of all his family and friends. 
Even after the Cursed Vaults, the venomous and deadly creatures he had worked with could not prepare him for the nerve-wrecking task of proposing to his girlfriend. Holding the box in his hand, Charlie let out a sigh and placed it inside his pocket for safe-keeping and easy access. 
(Y/N) walked into their room with a towel wrapped around her and another wrapped around her hair, “Hey, love” She greeted as she picked her outfit from off the bed, “Are you okay? You look rather pale” She stated, placing a hand over his forehead to make sure he didn’t have a temperature. 
“Y-yes, darling” He smiled, “I’m perfectly fine” He reassured, placing a kiss against her forehead, “You better get dressed, we’re departing soon” He stated, putting the last of their belongings into their bags.
Hermione had woken up Harry and Ron, but she still roamed around the house attempting to help Mrs. Weasley with everything she could. After about an hour, Arthur Weasley called for everyone and the group headed out to the meeting place within the forest.
(Y/N) leaned over to her boyfriend. “Why are all meeting places inside a forest?” she smirked, sliding her hand into Charlie’s, holding it tightly. Charlie chuckled and gave a shrug in response
“Because they’re dark and secluded” Charlie whispered into her ear, placing a kiss against it, clearly sneaking an innuendo in his words. (Y/N) giggled, throwing Charlie a subtle wink, but of course, one of his many brothers happened to be paying attention.
“Y’know, Georgie” Fred started, “I heard Charlie and (Y/N) had some fun times in the forbidden forest” He grinned, speaking loud enough for the couple to hear.
“Really, Fred?” George played along, subtly glancing back at their older brother, smirks on both their faces. Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, reaching into his pocket for his wand.
“Watch this” He whispered, aiming his wand at his twin brothers. Before Fred could continue his teasing, Charlie uttered out, “Jellylegs Jinx” and his twin brothers fell forward onto the pile of leaves.
“Charlie!” Fred exclaimed as Ron and Harry bursted out into fits of laughter. Bill looked back and saw his brothers in a pile of leaves, letting out a sigh, he uttered the counter-spell and the two were up and at em. Turning around with a smile, Bill followed behind his Father and the rest of the group kept making jokes and singing songs with each other until they met up with the Diggorys.
They introduced themselves respectively and after Mr. Diggory fawning over Harry, they were on their way to the port-key which happened to be an old boot. 
Most of them had already traveled by port-key before, but for the younger kids, it was their first time utilizing this method of travel. Grabbing the old boot at once, they were all transported to the field where the game was being held. 
Once they arrived, Arthur set up their enchanted tent and everyone went inside. Everyone except for (Y/N) and Charlie, who were waiting for their friends to come around. 
“Charlie!” Ben exclaimed, leading the group to where the couple was standing, “You guys are finally here!” Ben hugged both of them, letting the others say their greetings. The girls quickly pulled (Y/N) into the tent, gossiping and discussing their latest adventures. 
Andre Egwu placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, “Did you do it yet?” He asked. Unbeknownst to the others, Andre knew about the proposal and he even helped Charlie obtain a ring because all the ones he looked at ran rather expensive, more than the poor Weasley family could afford. The night of Norberta’s smuggle, a very drunk Charlie had spoken to his dear friend Andre about proposing to (Y/N), but the next day when Andre mentioned his request, Charlie did not remember anything he had said. 
Andre, being the great friend he was, told Charlie not to worry about it and that he would take care for everything he asked for the night before. Despite Charlie’s protests, Andre purchased the ring Charlie had been eyeing for the past five months and handed it to him so he could finally propose to his girlfriend. 
Charlie, being as stubborn as he was, began paying Andre back for the ring, but Andre would always refuse the sickles, knuts, and galleons Charlie would offer, reassuring Charlie that he wanted to help him out no matter what it took. 
Charlie finally gave in, thanking Andre for what he had done and kept the ring safe and more importantly, out of (Y/N)’s sight. 
“Do what?” Barnaby asked, crossing his arms and Charlie smiled sheepishly, pulling the black box from his pocket. Ben let out a small gasp and Barnaby’s eyes widened, “You’re proposing?!” Barnaby shouted, but Ben quickly shushed him.
“Yes, Barnaby!” Charlie exclaimed, “But I’m bloody nervous! What if she says no?!”
Andre rolled his eyes and smacked Charlie upside the head, “Are you mad? She’d never say no!” 
While the boys reassured Charlie outside, Tulip had grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, quickly examining it, “He hasn’t proposed yet” She groaned and Merula rolled her eyes. 
“Maybe if I have a talk with him, he’ll finally do it” Merula stated, crossing her arms and Penny shook her head at that threat sounding statement. 
“He’ll do it when he’s ready” Penny smiled, placing her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder, “I’m sure (Y/N) is happy with him either way, something like marriage shouldn’t be rushed” 
(Y/N) smiled at Penny’s words, “Penny’s right, I know you lot have been waiting for this practically from the beginning of our relationship and it’s not like I don’t want to marry him, but everything is hectic right now so I’m not even sure marriage is in his head right now”
Rowan let out a sigh, “This is Charlie we’re talking about, I’m sure he’s always thinking about marrying you, but he’s just too nervous to ask” 
Before their conversation could continue, Arthur called everyone out for the game which would begin in about twenty minutes and maneuvering  through the large crowds would take a couple of minutes. 
Once in their seats, Charlie took (Y/N)’s hand nervously and it immediately became sweaty against hers. Charlie removed his hand and shot her a sheepish smile, “Sorry” He muttered and she shook her head, taking his calloused hand in hers again 
“Charlie, we’ve been together for eight years, sweat doesn’t bother me” She stated happily. Their friends were standing behind them with Andre, Ben, and Barnaby watching intently. Tulip and Merula noticed their gazes, the two girls looked at each other and back at the boys. 
Clearing her throat, Tulip got Ben’s attention and she shot him a smile, “So, what’s up with you three?” She asked with Merula actively listening in order to get information out of Ben. Although he had shed most of his insecurities, Ben still felt somewhat uneasy around Tulip and Merula so he felt obligated to tell them
Ben leaned in, “Charlie’s proposing, but don’t say anything” He whispered and before Tulip could scream, Merula slapped a hand over her mouth and told her to keep quiet.
Amos Diggory, Bill, Molly and Arthur Weasley sat on Charlie’s right side, Percy and Ginny were on (Y/N)’s left, and Cedric, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on the very top row, behind the group that found the Cursed Vaults. Harry and Ron were also keeping a close eye on Charlie since the two were aware he would be proposing at any moment. 
The players began flying onto the field and everyone began to cheer. Well, everyone except for Charlie who’s nerves were consuming him. Suddenly, the whistle blew and the players began to whiz by, the game had commenced. 
However, the whistle had frightened Charlie and he jumped, clutching his pocket in order to protect the box. (Y/N) noticed his uneasiness and glanced over at him with a worried look, “Charlie?” (Y/N) called and Charlie gulped, his palms growing sweatier by the moment. 
“Darling, what’s wrong?” She asked, speaking loud enough for him to hear. Closing his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath before turning to face her, “Charlie?”
Harry began to slap Ron on the arm as he subtly pointed at his older brother who was now nervously facing his girlfriend, “Ron! Look!” Harry exclaimed, catching Hermione’s attention as well.
“Listen, (Y/N)” Charlie started, “I’m not quite sure how to say this” He muttered and she looked up at him with a questioning look. The crowds kept getting louder and louder by the moment and it was growing harder for Charlie to speak his mind. However, Bill had noticed what Charlie was attempting to do and gave him a subtle reassuring nudge. 
“Listen, we’ve been together for a long time…” Charlie said, grabbing one of her hands with a sheepish smile
“Yes, we have” (Y/N) smiled, “Charlie, just say what you want to say, I’m listening” She said, obviously not catching on to his intentions. Rowan, however, glanced over at the two of them and noticed how Charlie’s other hand was in his pocket. The nervous expression, the hand in the pocket, and the inability to get his words out, Rowan caught on before her best friend and she wasn’t even being proposed to! 
“Oh, Merlin” Rowan whispered and grabbed Penny by the arm, telling her to look at the couple. Charlie took another deep breath and furrowed his eyebrows, “Dammit! What I’m trying to say is that I’m bloody in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life exploring with you and just being with you!” 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened, “Charlie” She muttered and at this point, the two had caught the attention of their friends and family, except for Charlie’s parents, Ginny, and Percy who were invested in the game. 
As Charlie pulled the box out of his pocket, he began bending down on one knee. (Y/N) covered her mouth and tears began prickling at the corners of her eyes. Charlie slowly open the box to reveal a glittering silver ring with a small diamond in the middle, “(Y/N) (L/N), curse breaker extrodinare,“ He started, "Would you make me the happiest bloke on earth and will you give me the honor and the joy of being your husband?” Charlie asked with a large grin. 
Bill nudged his Mother in order to get her to turn her head towards Charlie’s direction and instead of reprimanding her eldest son, she noticed her second-born on one knee in front of his girlfriend, “Arthur!” She called, “Arthur, look!” She exclaimed happily, pointing at the scene next to them. 
Tulip began to cheer happily and so did the rest of their friends, Ron couldn’t believe Charlie had actually done it and Hermione almost cried out of happiness. Ginny heard her mother screaming and turned to see Charlie proposing to his long-term girlfriend. Ginny pulled of Percy’s suit coat and forced him to turn, his eyes widening at his brother.
“Bloody Hell” Fred and George said simultaneously, cheering their nervous brother on. 
(Y/N) began to cry as Charlie held the ring in front of her. Violently nodding, she wiped her tears away, “Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” She exclaimed and Charlie’s smile somehow grew wider. Slipping the ring onto her finger, Charlie grabbed (Y/N) and kissed held deeply, holding her tightly against his body. 
Andre was patting Charlie on the back as Ben and Barnaby clapped in congratulations, the girls minus Merula were screaming and crying out of happiness, but although she wasn’t screaming, Merula was still excited to see her friends engaged. The Weasleys were ecstatic, but no one could top Molly Weasley, who was now crying, holding Charlie tightly
“Oh, my boy!” She cried. running her hands through his bright hair, “I always thought Bill would get engaged first, but I was wrong, oh I’m so happy!”
Admiring the ring, (Y/N) looked up at Charlie “I love you so much” (Y/N) said, leaning up to kiss her now fianceé. Charlie smiled into the kiss and took a hold of her hand
“I love you more” He stated and wrapped his arm around her waist as they all turned their attention back to the game. Ireland won the Quidditch World Cup and the group moved to celebrate the victory, Victor Krum’s catch, and, of course, Charlie and (Y/N)’s engagement. 
But, their celebration was short-lived. Suddenly, a riot sparked and Arthur noticed the Death Eaters apparating and disapparating, stunning and casting the killing curse on the crowd. Among the chaos, the group split up. (Y/N) ended up by herself while Charlie frantically looked for her while simultaneously protecting his younger siblings. 
A Death Eater had aimed his wand at (Y/N), but she wasn’t about to go down without a fight, “Bombarda Maxima!” (Y/N) shouted, sending a hoard of Death Eaters flying away with the explosion. On the other side, Merula and Penny were fighting off Death Eaters with ease. Barnaby and Ben were nearby, moving lost children to safe spaces while fighting off more Death Eaters. 
Suddenly, all the Death Eaters disapparated and the Dark Mark appeared against the dark sky. 
Charlie looked up and ran through the crowds, yelling for his fianceé, “(Y/N)!” He yelled, pushing through all the wizards and witches, “(Y/N)!” He was growing frustrated, he couldn’t see her, he couldn’t hear her, and he couldn’t find her. Charlie refused to assume the worst, but he couldn’t help scan the fallen bodies, hoping she wasn’t among them.
“Charlie!” (Y/N) called and Charlie suddenly turned to see her standing a few feet away, “You’re okay!” She exclaimed, running up to him and jumping into his arms. 
“Oh, Merlin!” Charlie cried, holding (Y/N)’s head against his chest, “You’re okay” He choked out, tears streaming down his face, “You’re bloody okay” Charlie grabbed her face and pressed a rough kiss against her lips. Once he pulled away, he pressed his forehead against her’s and let out cries of relief.
“I’m definitely not leaving you when we just got engaged” (Y/N) joked, hugging Charlie tightly, “We’re alright, everyone’s alright”
Penny, Rowan, Merula, Tulip, Andre, Barnaby, and Ben had gathered where Charlie and (Y/N) were, making sure they were all safe. Together, they found the rest of the Weasleys along with Harry and Hermione. Everyone was shocked and nervous, but these events wouldn’t stop them from celebrating the engagement when they returned to The Burrow. 
The Wizarding World was currently under threat, but as long as they were together, everything would be perfectly fine.   
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
They are right, you are cute (Hogwarts Mystery Imagine - fem!reader x Barnaby Lee)
Masterlist  (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Request: So, please excuse me if you don’t really take prompts but imagine: pre becoming friends Barnaby end up crushing on oblivious femMC because someone pointed out how cute she was and the idiot is a little weak to suggestion.
A/N: I have used some of the dialogue that is used in the game, especially in the beginning, because that way it would somewhat follow the canon of befriending Barnaby. I hope you will enjoy it.
Words: 3.0k
Pairing: fem!reader x Barnaby Lee
“If you mess with Merula, I’ll vanish all the bones in your body.” Barnaby told you. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Why are you friends with her? She’s terrible to everyone.” You told him, just not understand why he would even consider being friends with her. She always seemed to insult and look down at everyone. You just couldn’t stand that kind of behaviour. 
“If what’s inside the vaults will make me stronger, then I want it.” He said seriously. “Merula is the most cunning witch in Hogwarts. The only way I will ever get into the vaults is to do exactly what she says.” He told you. 
You rolled your eyes. That just sounded like something Merula would say. “Is that what she told you?” You asked. 
“Yeah.” He said simply. You shook your head and sighed. “Did you ever think she might be lying to manipulate you?” You asked. 
He looked a little taken aback, thinking about your words for a moment. “Don’t try to make me think, Y/L/N...” He said angrily, before he walked away. 
You watched him walk away and shook your head again.
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
Dance with me
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Gryffindor reader
Warning/Genre: Fluff and passion
Word count:  2k words
Summary: It’s time for a ball at Hogwarts and Y/N’s crush Charlie Weasley asked her to be his date! Some jealousy ensues and Charlie pulls out all his tricks to impress Jacob’s sibling.
A/N: Okay so I can’t wait for a Hogwarts ball anymore so I just had to write it myself…whoops! Also after @wispila​ ‘s jealous!Charlie headcanons I just had to include it somehow. I hope you enjoy it!
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Tonight was the night you and your friends waited for for so long. You were all looking forward to the big ball that was held in honor of the summer solstice as you and your girl friends got ready in your dormitories.
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
getting food poisoning is a sick irony. sandwich, you were supposed to nourish my fragile meat body, not conspire with one section of it to kill the rest. you edible brutus, you fredo, you fucking intestinal quisling
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
“Ew you’re a guy and like the color pink are you gay?”
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
Black Lake Masterlist
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(Sam Heughan is 100% Charlie Weasley, okay?)
In chronological order:
• I’m Sorry
• Comfort
• A Walk Around Black Lake
• Romania
In order of release
• A Walk Around Black Lake
• I’m Sorry
• Comfort
• Romania
Full masterlist here.
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
I rewatched Lord of the Rings the other day and you know what I really appreciate?
The men are so tender.
They cry, and kiss each other’s foreheads, and hug, and call each other ‘my friend’ and ‘my dear’; they’re respectful to women and faithful to their partners; they have banter without being creepy and sleazy, and literally none of that stops them from being considered “manly”.
More Lord of the Rings men please.
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
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Harry Potter - Charlie Weasley x Reader
Summary: Breaking up with Charlie was the hardest thing you ever had to do. But it was what was required for the latest mission Moody had assigned to you, his best auror: joining the death eaters and destroying them from the inside. But Charlie knows you too well and can tell something is amiss. And he isn’t about to let the love of his life go so easily.
Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3 
Part 4 
Part 5 - To Be Posted November 1
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
thinking about how much more sinister zootopia wouldve been if theyd rolled with that idea of making the predators wear shock collars so they couldn’t experience emotions
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hetastuckanimefreak ¡ 6 years
I cannot believe it…
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They just made a Game of Thrones reference.
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