hetianlover Ā· 14 days
missed calls and white cosmos
[ao3] - set during chapter 452 Guan Shan will never say it, because heā€™s a lot less brave than He Tian is, but he hopes He Tian knows he feels the same way.
Mo Guan Shan will be the first to admit that he tends to get absorbed in his work. He canā€™t help it. Itā€™s a job that he actually enjoys, pays ridiculously really well, and lets him express his artistic side. Of course, heā€™d get bouts of hyperfixation.
He really didnā€™t mean to blow off He Tian and he really did intend to call when heā€™s done. Itā€™s just that he got done late. Really late. And on a night when He Tian said he had some good news to share too.
ā€˜Ah, shit,ā€™ Mo Guan Shan thinks, sighing to himself. ā€˜Heā€™s gonna throw a bitchfit. I just know it.ā€™
10 missed calls and 20 messages though, really?
He doesnā€™t bother going through each of them now as he hurriedly dresses himself while trying to ring back He Tian.
ā€œCā€™mon, chicken dick pick up,ā€ Guan Shan mutters, cursing when he nearly busts his nose on the floor as he hastily changes out of his overalls and into his pants. ā€œI know you know Iā€™m calling, asshole. Fucking pick up already.ā€
ā€˜sorry. late. where r u?ā€™ he types with one hand as he shoves his feet into his sneakers.
ā€œFuck,ā€ Guan Shan growls as he revs the engine of his scooter. In his head, heā€™s frantically thinking of a way to make it up to He Tian but heā€™s drawing up blank. In the years heā€™s known He Tian ignoring him is just about the worst thing you could do to him.
He passes by a flower shop and thinks about buying a bouquet but his skin is not thick enough to carry one around while heā€™s on his Vespa trying to find a stupidly unresponsive He Tian. He knows itā€™s probably the kind of gesture He Tian will be surprised at coming from him, would likely get him instantly forgiven for being late and not checking his phone just because He Tian is easy like that when it comes to him for some reason, but it seems so insincere and very obviously pandering and Mo Guan Shan does not do insincere or pandering, especially not with He Tian.
Instead, he stops by the road when he sees something that catches his eye. He plucks a single stem of white cosmos from the plotted plants on the sidewalk because it reminds him of He Tian. He tucks it in his pocket, careful not to squish it as he cruises the streets to find his no-doubt sulking boyfriend.
Blessedly, he finds him soon enough by the bridge near the restaurant they agreed to meet. Heā€™s leaning on his parked car and even from the distance Guan Shan can feel his bad mood, can just imagine the pout on his face and the tantrum heā€™s gonna throw.Ā 
ā€œHey, there you are. How long have you been waiting? Have you eaten?ā€ Guan Shan prods even though he already knows He Tian has been waiting for him for three hours and he likely hasnā€™t eaten because heā€™s always hated eating alone.
Silence. Mo Guan Shan tries a different tactic.
ā€œYou look pretty handsome in that suit.ā€ The compliment comes easily to him because itā€™s the truth. He Tian really does look handsome in his suit which is why it makes Guan Shan all the more sorry and the guilt in his gut much heavier that he didnā€™t come to meet him sooner. ā€œSay something. I really was busy.ā€
Mo Guan Shan has long shaken off the habit of ignoring He Tian. How could he when the man is so stubbornly persistent in making sure Mo Guan Shanā€™s thoughts are never devoid of him? Not for long anyway. And itā€™s not like Mo Guan Shan has ever had any success in keeping his thoughts free of He Tian either.
Yet right now He Tian is making a valiant attempt at ignoring him and Mo Guan Shan finds that he does not care for it. He does not care for it at all.
ā€˜Fuck. Heā€™s even giving me attitude.ā€™ Mo Guan Shan canā€™t help it. Heā€™s so irritated his hand comes up on its own to snatch at the cigarette dangling from He Tianā€™s lips because he knows for a fact heā€™ll hate it.
Except He Tian unexpectedly turns to him, thin eyebrows drawn down into a frown, eyes full of annoyance and a touch of anger.
ā€˜Fuck me. This handsome face,ā€™ Mo Guan Shan furiously thinks even as he appreciates the view. ā€˜I swear to god your stupidly handsome mug is gonna be the death of me one day. Fuck!ā€™
ā€œYouā€¦really forgot about me?ā€ He Tian finally speaks and Mo Guan Shan blushes at the slight whine in his voice and the almost imperceptible pout on his lips even as the bastard blows smoke directly at his face.
Guan Shan coughs and pulls back as He Tian turns away from him again, still sulking. He digs into his pocket for his peace offering, wincing slightly when he sees that itā€™s wilted and bent in the bud but still offers it in all sincerity.
ā€œHe Tianā€¦ā€ Guan Shan holds the small flower up and it immediately catches He Tianā€™s eyes. ā€œDonā€™t be madā€¦okay?ā€
The crease in He Tianā€™s brow vanishes and an arm reaches out to pull Guan Shan by the waist. Guan Shan easily goes, wanting to be close the moment he found He Tian. His hand fists at Guan Shanā€™s shirt as if heā€™ll disappear if he doesnā€™t hold tight so he wounds an arm around He Tianā€™s shoulder and leans down to plant a featherlight kiss on his temple, an apology and an assurance in a single gesture.
ā€œFineā€¦ā€ He Tian sighs, sagging against Mo Guan Shan in what feels like surrender. ā€œItā€™s my fault I canā€™t live without you.ā€
Mo Guan Shan will never say it, because heā€™s a lot less brave than He Tian is, but he hopes He Tian knows he feels the same way.
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hetianlover Ā· 20 days
It's always "I love you" and never "you can come here and have soup whenever you feel like it, my mom doesn't seem to dislike you that much"
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hetianlover Ā· 26 days
After ch450 :
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hetianlover Ā· 29 days
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please any fellow artist draw this as he tian and mo guan shan please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
please don't follow me im just horny and sad most of the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
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please any fellow artist draw this as he tian and mo guan shan please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
sooo i wrote this messy fic if someone is interested ā€¼ļø
it's basically mo guan shan being in a toxic relationship with she li and he tian trying to get him out of here
it's my first fic since 4 years... so i'm sorry if it's kinda ass ..
and there is cute chapter coming with jian yi and zhan zhengxi going to the beach !!
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
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I love shy Mo, i love shy Mo so fucking much. Kill me
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
Obviously he tian and mo guan shan have their own toxic yaoi thing going on in 19 days but the inclusion of he tian in the general friend group is so funny. They literally hang out with this evil hot guy. Heā€™s like notoriously the hottest guy in school and he only wants to hang out with these two gay idiot boners and the school bully (who he is inexplicably in love with)
263 notes Ā· View notes
hetianlover Ā· 1 month
Obviously he tian and mo guan shan have their own toxic yaoi thing going on in 19 days but the inclusion of he tian in the general friend group is so funny. They literally hang out with this evil hot guy. Heā€™s like notoriously the hottest guy in school and he only wants to hang out with these two gay idiot boners and the school bully (who he is inexplicably in love with)
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
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hetianlover Ā· 1 month
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Then >>> Now
I like Hetian's change a lotšŸ˜‚
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hetianlover Ā· 2 months
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I wanted a new header so I made this quick, thought iā€™d post it too :)
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hetianlover Ā· 2 months
im actually very bad at living
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hetianlover Ā· 2 months
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by old先
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hetianlover Ā· 2 months
Mo Guan Shanā€™s Big Feelings
Mo Guan Shan, resident tsundere of 19 Days, pretends to be tough and hard-hearted.Ā  But heā€™s easily and frequently reduced to tears, as we soon realize.Ā  In fact, he cries so often in the story that this post is pretty massive.
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MGS cries as a child, of course.Ā  Heā€™s in a clinic in his momā€™s arms when She Li first becomes obsessed with him (ch 294).
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MGS has a bad dream about the day his dad told little Guan Shan he couldnā€™t come to the schoolā€™s robot fair (ch 392).
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MGS cries in other dreams too.Ā  Soon after meeting He Tian, he has a sensual dream of being comforted in He Tianā€™s arms after being bullied.Ā  Look closely ā€“ there are little tears falling as He Tian assures him heā€™s the ā€œmost invincible badass.ā€ (ch 250)
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True to form, he cries in the Santa fantasy extra when his house is destroyed (ch 345).
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MGS cries when heā€™s frustrated, like in this episode after the play when he canā€™t untie himself to pee (ch 359).
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MGS is a weepy drunk as well. Ā After accidentally destroying Brother Qiuā€™s bike (ch 427), he drunkenly sobs in bed as he vows to somehow repay him.Ā 
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Later, while MGS is still drunk, He Tian slips and falls while carrying him, ripping Moā€™s pants in front of He Cheng (ch 429).Ā  MGS cries from embarrassment.
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Unsurprisingly, MGS cries over his dad.Ā  After He Tian unknowingly brings him to dinner at what is probably his fatherā€™s former restaurant, we see a young MGS in flashback crying in fear at the chaos around him.Ā  Present-day MGS flees and He Tian finds him crying in the parking lot (ch 217)
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One of the more moving chapters shows MGS breaking down as he visits his father in prison for the first time (ch 240).
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MGS cries from sheer anger in several chapters.Ā  The earliest is when He Tian forces an unwanted kiss on him as a misplayed joke (ch 174-175).Ā  He Tian is taken aback by Moā€™s strong, tearful reaction.Ā  Itā€™s probably the first time someone doesnā€™t try to placate He Tian when heā€™s being a jerk, and he begins to take MGS more seriously after this.
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MGS tries to end his friendship with He Tian after the school play that indirectly causes him to lose his meager job.Ā  He Tian doesnā€™t help matters by waving money at him as they quarrel.Ā  MGS weeps with anger and says, ā€œStanding with you makes me feel like a failure.ā€Ā  (ch 364)
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He cries in anger once more as he watches incredulously as She Li incinerates his backpack (ch 368).Ā  (She Li seems to walk around carrying gasoline like itā€™s no big deal ā€“ whatā€™s up with that?)
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MGS cries when heā€™s worried.Ā  When he digs frantically through the mudslide during their ill-fated mountain hike, he thinks He Tian has been buried alive.Ā  When He Tian calls out, MGS throws his teary self into He Tianā€™s arms (ch 329).
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MGSā€™s worry is clear when the last violent fight with She Li is finally over and He Tian has won (ch 408).Ā  The battle was so fierce that by the end He Tian is crying too, and soon theyā€™re embracing (I sense a pattern here!)
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MGS often cries when his emotions overwhelm him.Ā  Early on, after MGS is rescued from the fiasco of agreeing to take the blame for a serious crime, He Tian tells him, ā€œDonā€™t try to shoulder everything yourself.ā€ (ch 188).Ā  MGS tears up at the thought that someone like He Tian has his back.
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MGS ends up full-on sobbing in He Tianā€™s arms (again) when he finally admits why She Li has a hold over him: because of the homeless man who tried to kill him (ch 319).
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In one of the most traumatic scenes (and a personal favorite), both guys shed a lot of tears when He Tian finds him after She Li has tortured and burned him (ch 369-370).Ā  These chapters mark a turning point in their relationship from friends to more.
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MGS is shown when heā€™s happy only once, and that memorable event will happen in their future: that Christmas night when He Tian returns and proposes with matching rings (ch 412).Ā  Cue the waterworks!
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Thanks to all of the translators who provide the English versions of the story!
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hetianlover Ā· 2 months
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