hevergreeenideas · 3 years
GetResponse is an all-in-one marketing platform that, as well as email marketing, offers landing pages, a CRM, and advanced automation.
In my experience, I will say getresponse is the best because it gives you all you need to succeed as a digital marker.
Lead collection:
GetResponse is one of the few newsletter tools designed specifically for inbound marketing that has been tested and proven. It includes customizable forms, a landing page editor, Google Analytics integration, and sophisticated automation for segmentation and emails, helping you to capture and nurture new leads. Furthermore, they can be used to host both live and on-demand webinars.
Their Conversion Funnel feature allows you to do all of this in a standardized manner while also easily tracking where is converting the best.
In e-commerce:
If you run an online store, GetResponse has a slew of features to help you expand sales, including integrations with platforms like Magento and Shopify, abandoned cart campaigns, dynamic email content (based on purchases, for example), and sales tracking.
You will benefit from GetResponse's Conversion funnel feature, which allows you to set up your e-commerce site and begin building your sales funnels with landing pages, social media campaigns, webinars, and other tools.
Advanced automation:
I'm impressed by GetResponse's workflow builder, which allows you to create automations for a variety of tasks such as sending emails, assigning lead scores, contact tagging, segmentation, and data updates (available on higher-tier plans only).
There are a lot more features of getresponse. But I think The above are key to any successful business that runs digitally, which makes me suggest that getresponse is the best.
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hevergreeenideas · 3 years
5 EFFECTIVE EMAIL MARKETING TIPS: how to succeed in email marketing.
Did you know that 77% of Internet users surveyed prefer email messages over any other form of communication? In fact, email has a higher ROI than other channels. As a marker With this survey, you know now that email is so valuable to your business and it deserves the necessary resources.
Now, how do you ensure that you are getting the best out of this awesome channel? Before you start email marketing, you need an effective email hosting provider such as convertkit or MailChimp to help you collect emails and also automate your messages. Can see how cool is this business model?.
1. know your goals
Ask yourself why are you sending this email? Who are you sending this email to?. Answer to these questions will enable you to craft your message to the right person. For Eg, you can't send an email to a doctor to register for your construction webinar, why? Because is not going be to relevant to him, these are non-related professions.
It could be you want to re-engage past customers, build trust with active customers, or boost short-term ROI with a promotion. Once your goals are defined, your strategy can follow suit and ensure your emails stay on track.
2. Start a dialogue
Here, always write your emails in a conversational tone and also find out what your readers want to hear and speak to that. You must not sell to them all the time, give them values, reply to emails send to and also encourage them. By doing so you will build lasting trust and relationships with your readers and they will love you.
3. Test your email campaign
A simple test of your email campaign will you with the data you need to send emails that perform. Instead of relying on what you think will work, you can run tests for measurable and actionable results.
testing your emails will help you determine the optimal combination of email elements and inform you what your next email should contain. Test each element at a time to know what exactly is working or not.
These elements are copy, subject lines, calls-to-action, email length, style, tone, order, and even design! Don't be afraid to change these elements. Testing them gives you the idea of which elements flow together. This sometimes is not easy so will recommend a book secret email system to give you in-depth about email marketing
4. Segment your audience
sometimes, not all content is meant for or appropriate for all subscribers. For example, if you’re offering a special deal for loyal customers only, you’ll want to send that campaign to the list that consists of just your loyal patrons.
Actively monitoring your subscribers and categorizing them into various lists should be an integral and routine part of your email marketing strategy. Doing so can also help improve your email campaigns and achieve better results.
It’s easy to get hung up on email list growth and having a large audience but it doesn’t always prove to be beneficial. Pay careful attention to emails that bounce back and remove them from your lists accordingly. The most important part of your list measurement is engagement. What good does it do you if have 50,000 subscribers but only 50 who open your emails or click on your content? Think quality over quantity.
5. Make emails mobile-friendly
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Many people reach for their phones. 66% of email opens occur on smartphones or tablets. If your emails aren’t optimized for viewing on these devices, you’re potentially missing out on a huge number of clicks.
Apply these tips to grow your audience. Always try to carry your readers with you in each email you send to them.
Get the "SECRET EMAIL SYSTEM" for an in-depth step-by-step guide on email marketing.
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