hexedthorn · 5 years
“Actually I always knew you as Dipper, Don’t think you actually ever told me your first name, even your sister called you Dipper.” Wendy said to him thoughtfully as she actually looked back on it, it was strange to finally have that realization
“Mason might be an adjustment, I’ll do my best though.”
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It was a little disappointing that the first familiar face that Wendy got to see didn’t even know who she was, but she supposed she should take what she could get?
“Well that sucks,” she admitted putting her hands in her pockets before she smiled a little at him again  “Can’t be helped though, I’m Wendy.” she said it was weird introducing herself to someone she already knew but at least she still knew and who knew, maybe she could help him remember?
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“Wendy.”  He repeated.  Even the name sounded familiar, like it was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t quite get it.  Maybe something else would help in the future.  “Oh, I’m Mason.  But uh, you probably knew that already, didn’t you?”  He smiled, awkwardly holding his hand out for the woman to shake.
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hexedthorn · 5 years
Thorn shrugged a bit  “Beats me, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t witnessed it....well maybe if you and your friends had told me I would have but coming from anyone else i might have called them crazy.” Thorn said it was nice to be able to catch up with the familiar face, maybe Daphne would start remembering eventually but even if she didn’t at least Thorn knew she wasn’t here alone in this wacky place
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hexedthorn · 5 years
“It’s alright,” Dani said to her smiling as she glanced out at the rain “I like the rain it sort of makes everything around you calm.” 
She had always liked the rain, the sound was relaxing to her and she really did enjoy it.   “So any big plans for the day?” Danielle asked changing the subject and hoping to get Persephone’s mind off the rain outside and back to earth. Danielle leaned back in her seat and sipped her coffee looking around the little coffee shop and dreading when she would have to start her shift later on taht day, it was a pain but someone had to do it.
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persephone sighed to herself as she gazed out the window of the coffee shop, watching the rain fall along the window panes. there was one simple benefit to being stuck in this town, and that was that it meant she didn’t have to leave for olympus every six months; she didn’t have to deal with her mother or her multitude of relatives, and the peace that brought to her heart was a lot. however, it also meant she was separated from the ones she truly loved, a stark reminder of how powerless she felt. she glanced down at the sketchbook in front of her, not the marking she was meant to be doing but sketches of her beloved husband, hades, and her children. she feared how long she might remain, how long she would have to go without their faces

she was immortal, but it didn’t bear thinking about.
catching herself, she glanced up at the other person sharing her space, giving a small, soft smile. “my apologies. the change in weather always makes me nostalgic.” she looked away again, back down at her book, before closing it and putting it away. she had to keep busy until more information came to her, and if that meant ensuring someone’s children got the education they deserved, then she would.
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hexedthorn · 5 years
Thorn couldn’t help but laugh a little bit “yeah, his name was Ben Ravencroft, his ancestor Sara was a witch in salem and the town was using her name to attract tourists and he was upset and then someone was impersonating her ghost so you guys came to town to check it out, again why you thought I was a witch and a suspect.” Thorn explained to her she wondered if the rest of Daphne’s friends were in town as well, she supposed if anyone could figure out what was going on around here it was probably them.
“You also came and stopped a vampire from kidnapping us during one of our music video shoots....that was a weird one and of course it wasn’t actually a vampire just a guy from another band guy trying to stop us.” 
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Thorn smiled a little bit and motioned to a table near by  “Well I don’t want to tell you all the details because you might think me crazier than this town,” Thorn told her taking a seat  “The gist of it is, you’re from a place called Coolsville, you and a bunch of your friends were sort of like detectives and you guys went to my hometown of Salem chasing a mystery author that your friend Velma loved. You guys came across my band rehearsing for a concert and thought I was a witch, long story short once we cleared the air we’ve been friends ever since.” Thorn told her smiling as she took a sip of her coffee
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“So what do you do now?”
Daphne smiled, eagerly following the other woman to the table and sitting down.  “Oh come on, it can’t be that crazy.”  She grinned, crossing her legs in an attempt to get more comfortable.  Her logical side told her that Thorn could very easily be lying, and they might not actually know her, but for some reason she believed her.  It was as if she trusted her.  “Detective?  Wait, that’s so cool.  Totally not what I ever saw myself doing, but still, cool.”  She laughed.  “Wait, Salem?  As in the Salem Witch Trials?  Do we investigate spooky stuff like that?”  Her eyes were wide in excitement, but the question brought her back down to Earth.  “Oh, I’m in school.  Journalism major.  Oh, and I have a podcast, all about paranormal stuff and unexplained activity.”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
“Danielle, you can call me Dani if that’s easier.” Dani told him before taking a seat, she supposed she should have asked first but then again if he had a problem with her joining him he would voice it right?
“So Alec, what do you do around town?”
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“Hey they gave me two by mistake you want one?” Dani asked offering him the cup of coffee, she didn’t really care that he was a total stranger, wasn’t her fault the barista had made a mistake after all may as well make someone else’s day since the coffee wasn’t going to stay warm forever.
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hexedthorn · 5 years
Thorn smiled a little bit and motioned to a table near by  “Well I don’t want to tell you all the details because you might think me crazier than this town,” Thorn told her taking a seat  “The gist of it is, you’re from a place called Coolsville, you and a bunch of your friends were sort of like detectives and you guys went to my hometown of Salem chasing a mystery author that your friend Velma loved. You guys came across my band rehearsing for a concert and thought I was a witch, long story short once we cleared the air we’ve been friends ever since.” Thorn told her smiling as she took a sip of her coffee
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“So what do you do now?”
How was it that someone could go from being so excited to see someone one second and disappointed the next? Daphne was obviously one of the ones who had forgotten but at least she was still a familiar face
“Thorn Mcknight, We’re from the same place
well we were friends at one point.” Thorne explained to her offering her hand as if she was meeting her for the first time 
“You and your friends used to come to all of our concerts,”
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“We’re from the same place?”  Daphne’s eyes went wide.  Her memory of things before ending up in Rivergate was a little fuzzy, but she’d just kind of accepted that she was gonna have to make a new life for herself here.  Now, maybe that wasn’t the case.  “Where are we from?  Tell me everything.”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
“Hey they gave me two by mistake you want one?” Dani asked offering him the cup of coffee, she didn’t really care that he was a total stranger, wasn’t her fault the barista had made a mistake after all may as well make someone else’s day since the coffee wasn’t going to stay warm forever.
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hexedthorn · 5 years
How was it that someone could go from being so excited to see someone one second and disappointed the next? Daphne was obviously one of the ones who had forgotten but at least she was still a familiar face
“Thorn Mcknight, We’re from the same place...well we were friends at one point.” Thorne explained to her offering her hand as if she was meeting her for the first time 
“You and your friends used to come to all of our concerts,”
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Thorn hummed softly to herself as she walked into the coffee shop and ordered her daily coffee and leaned back against the counter, it was a beautiful morning and Thorn couldn’t wait to get to work, she already had a design for a new tattoo that she couldn’t wait to tack up to the wall. 
Thorn almost didn’t notice when the familiar ginger entered the cafe with her, she was pleasantly surprised and looked over at her, for a moment she thought that she might have been just a little nostalgic for home but
it definitely was her right?
“Daphne?” Thorn asked a little unsure of herself “Daphne Blake?”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
It was a little disappointing that the first familiar face that Wendy got to see didn’t even know who she was, but she supposed she should take what she could get?
“Well that sucks,” she admitted putting her hands in her pockets before she smiled a little at him again  “Can’t be helped though, I’m Wendy.” she said it was weird introducing herself to someone she already knew but at least she still knew and who knew, maybe she could help him remember?
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The fact that he didn’t even know Mabel was frightening, when people came here and lost their memories they really lost everything didn’t they? It was a really scary thought, scarier if she thought about maybe her dad forgetting her or her brothers.
Wendy smiled when he pulled out the hat, he still had hers and she couldn’t help but place the cap on his head before taking her hat  “Yeah! man I haven’t seen this in forever!” Wendy said putting it on her head after wearing Dipper’s cap for so long it was weird the difference between the two of them but still she had missed her hat. 
“Any of this ring any bells?” Wendy asked him he still seemed so lost, she should probably be grateful that he didn’t think she was totally insane.
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Wendy placing the cap on his head caused Mason to let out a soft chuckle as he pulled down the brim.  It was a little tight on him, since he’d clearly grown since the last time he’d worn it, but it almost felt comforting to have it on.  “Well, I’m glad I could reunite the two of you.”  He chuckled softly before his smile faded slightly and he shook his head.  “I mean, maybe a little?  But no, none of it really sounds familiar.  I’m sorry.”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
The fact that he didn’t even know Mabel was frightening, when people came here and lost their memories they really lost everything didn’t they? It was a really scary thought, scarier if she thought about maybe her dad forgetting her or her brothers.
Wendy smiled when he pulled out the hat, he still had hers and she couldn’t help but place the cap on his head before taking her hat  “Yeah! man I haven’t seen this in forever!” Wendy said putting it on her head after wearing Dipper’s cap for so long it was weird the difference between the two of them but still she had missed her hat. 
“Any of this ring any bells?” Wendy asked him he still seemed so lost, she should probably be grateful that he didn’t think she was totally insane.
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It was definitely him, who else could it really be? Wendy would recognize him anywhere but just as easily as she’d been excited it quickly faded into dread, she’d heard about people not remembering but she wasn’t sure if that was just a rumor but seeing this? That definitely was enough to put a stop in her
“Wendy, Wendy Corduroy? I worked for your Great Uncle’s gift shop
.spent practically your entire summer with you and your sister Mabel when you were twelve?” Wendy asked hoping to spark a memory she even took the hat off and held it out to him  “We swapped hats, you know hoping that we would be able to do it the next summer?” Wendy said to him hoping to spark some kind of memory though the tinge to his cheeks was hopefully a good sign
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“Dude you had a massive crush on me the entire summer,”
If he didn’t remember, bringing up fighting a psycho triangle demon in what was almost the end of the world probably wasn’t a good thing to bring up, if it did spark any memories they’d all be traumatic and if they didn’t
.well then she was the psychopath
Mason’s eyes were wide.  Nothing that the woman was saying sounded even remotely familiar to him, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to not believe her. After all, there were a lot of things, he didn’t remember.  “M-My sister?”  He didn’t even know he had a sister, let a great uncle who owned a gift shop.  “In love with you?”  His voice cracked, causing his hand to dart up to his throat.  He couldn’t remember the last time his voice had cracked like that since he was twelve.  Could that have been the explanation for the butterflies in his stomach?  His eyes trailed down to the hat in the woman’s hand and his brows knitted together ever so slightly.  Something about it seemed really familiar, and his lips turned slightly upward when he saw it, as if he were looking at an important heirloom from his childhood.  Then it hit him.  They swapped hats.  Without a word he reached into his backpack and pulled out a fur trapper hat.  He’d had it with him when he got to town, but he’d just assumed it was his.  Now, he wasn’t so sure.  “Is this
  Is this yours?”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
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“Youre not the smartest grunkle, but always the best at hugs”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
It was definitely him, who else could it really be? Wendy would recognize him anywhere but just as easily as she’d been excited it quickly faded into dread, she’d heard about people not remembering but she wasn’t sure if that was just a rumor but seeing this? That definitely was enough to put a stop in her
“Wendy, Wendy Corduroy? I worked for your Great Uncle’s gift shop....spent practically your entire summer with you and your sister Mabel when you were twelve?” Wendy asked hoping to spark a memory she even took the hat off and held it out to him  “We swapped hats, you know hoping that we would be able to do it the next summer?” Wendy said to him hoping to spark some kind of memory though the tinge to his cheeks was hopefully a good sign
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“Dude you had a massive crush on me the entire summer,”
If he didn’t remember, bringing up fighting a psycho triangle demon in what was almost the end of the world probably wasn’t a good thing to bring up, if it did spark any memories they’d all be traumatic and if they didn’t....well then she was the psychopath
{Wendy/Dipper} Pine tree!
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Wendy had just been headed to the grocery store, her favorite cap was on her head after all the summers she’d spent going on adventures and trading off the hat with Dipper it really was her only memory of Gravity Falls, at least that was what she thought. Wendy wasn’t used to seeing him now that she was older but
that was definitely Dipper wasn’t it? It had to be.
“Hey,” Wendy asked hurrying over to him once she was closer there was no doubt in her mind, it had to be him. “Hey! Dipper!” Wendy said smiling excitedly, finally a familiar face! “What are you doing here Man? Are you here with your Grunkles?”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
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Thorn hummed softly to herself as she walked into the coffee shop and ordered her daily coffee and leaned back against the counter, it was a beautiful morning and Thorn couldn’t wait to get to work, she already had a design for a new tattoo that she couldn’t wait to tack up to the wall. 
Thorn almost didn’t notice when the familiar ginger entered the cafe with her, she was pleasantly surprised and looked over at her, for a moment she thought that she might have been just a little nostalgic for home but...it definitely was her right?
“Daphne?” Thorn asked a little unsure of herself “Daphne Blake?”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
{Wendy/Dipper} Pine tree!
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Wendy had just been headed to the grocery store, her favorite cap was on her head after all the summers she’d spent going on adventures and trading off the hat with Dipper it really was her only memory of Gravity Falls, at least that was what she thought. Wendy wasn’t used to seeing him now that she was older but...that was definitely Dipper wasn’t it? It had to be.
“Hey,” Wendy asked hurrying over to him once she was closer there was no doubt in her mind, it had to be him. “Hey! Dipper!” Wendy said smiling excitedly, finally a familiar face! “What are you doing here Man? Are you here with your Grunkles?”
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hexedthorn · 5 years
Last but not least Dani!
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( Danielle Campbell, Cis female, she/her, Danny Phantom ) WOAH, what’s DANIELLE “DANI” PHANTOM doing walking around rivergate? what do you mean they WORK AS A DINER WAITRESS here? oh, well that’s crazy! now that i think of it, i hear that they’re known as the 20 year old CLONE because they’re so + CHEERFUL, but can also be pretty - IMMATURE. rumor has it that they DO remember who they are, but who knows? ( Sam, 24, EST, she/her )
Danielle is still new to the city, she hasn’t been here long but she at least knows she remembers everything and that’s better than most people she supposes.
Danielle works as a waitress while she tries to figure everything out, she’s still trying to wrap her head around how one day she was in the ghost zone and now she’s here and still has no idea what happened in between.
Dani still has all of her powers though she very rarely uses them, she’s still kind of afraid of the whole ‘turning to goo’ thing, she still wants to help with the whole ghost situation but she is more of picking and choosing her battles right now.
Dani is trying really hard not to be to trusting, she’s been a victim of this in the past and every time it’s come back to bite her in the butt she doesn’t want that to happen again especially in a place where she knows her friends can’t save her.
Dani likes her diner job so far, at least until she can find something that has a steadier paycheck that takes....almost no experience Dani definitely misses the ghost zone where everything was a million and a half times easier.
Dani likes to hang out in book stores and enjoys wandering around the town trying to get her bearings a little better, it’s the best she can do until she can come up with another plan or figure anything out.
More to come as i think of it
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hexedthorn · 5 years
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( Jane Levy, Cis female, she/her, Gravity Falls ) WOAH, what’s WENDY CORDUROY doing walking around rivergate? what do you mean they WORK AT AN ADVENURE PARK here? oh, well that’s crazy! now that i think of it, i hear that they’re known as the 24 year old LUMBERJACK because they’re so + CHILL, but can also be pretty - RECKLESS. rumor has it that they DO remember who they are, but who knows? ( Sam, 24, EST, She/her)
Wendy is so not used to being on her own, even though Gravity Falls was a small town in the middle of no where, Wendy was still used to having her dad, her brothers or her friends with her. Wendy loves the space but she does miss knowing her family.
Wendy got a job at an adventure park in town, basically this is doing a ropes course, zip lines, and hiking trails it’s right up her alley and reminds her of home, Gravity falls was small but at least there was some fun and weird stuff to do.
Wendy still likes hanging out around own and is still kind of mischievous, exploring where she shouldn’t and graffiting things and other small pranks around town just for the hell of it.
Wendy still has Dipper’s pine tree hat, she wonders what he would think of this place and the memory wiping power that it seems to have, the whole thing would be right up his and Ford’s ally hell she thinks that Stan would get a kick out of it to though she thinks it might also bring back some bad memories seeing as what happened with Bill (Wendy also wonders if he might be around too)
Wendy hopes that eventually she’ll be able to save up enough to go to school, or figure out a way to get back to Gravity falls whatever comes first.
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hexedthorn · 5 years
Under the cut, you will find #197, small/medium, HQ gifs of the gorgeous Emeraude Toubia. Best known for her role as Isabelle Lightwood in Shadwohunters. None of these gifs were made by me. A huge thank you goes to the awesome makers. All the credits go to them and I don’t claim any of their work as my own. A like or a reblog would make me very happy because it took me hours to finish this hunt.
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