hexenberg · 9 years
The little girl coughed, she couldn't see, and she could barely move. What had just happened? She pushed something heavy off from her, and she heard the scattering of stone. What was that noise..? People? Sirens? It all sounded so far away. She blinked open her eyes as she shifted stone rubble from around her.
She couldn't move very fast, or shift very large stones, but it didn't take her too long to get free. Everything seemed so hazy- what had happened here? Why was everything so destroyed? Deep down, this scene felt eerily familiar. Her left leg felt a little numb, and so did her shoulder, but they didn't really hurt. She could shuffle slowly along almost fine.
Rounding a corner, her mouth fell agape and her eyes widened. There was a train in the road. Or at least, what was left of a train. The whole scene was destruction, through blurred vision she could make out fires, flashing lights and people trying to get free from the hellish situation.
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hexenberg · 9 years
Crazy Train [Sector 04]
How long had they been on this thing now? Surely, it couldn't be long. But the tension made it seem like a life time. The train coasted along its tracks, crossing the threshold to Sector 04
[Build up]
Now, this was her chance; that momentary distraction was all the prompt she needed. As soon as the girl turned her head to view the crowd that was starting to assemble in the carriage, she bolted.  Out from under her arm and straight through the door, running as fast as she could up the train. 
Fear and panic resounded through her being. That girl wanted to hurt her. She'd pulled out a gun in the middle of a crowded train, for reasons she was still struggling to grasp. And she'd only stopped when she realised people were watching... She had to leave. She had to get off this train.
But she didn't have anywhere to run but further up the carriages, and these were not infinite. She risked a glance over her shoulder, only to realise the girl was right behind her. How was she so fast?! The fleeing girl's eyes widened that much more, and she scrambled onwards, knocking people aside.
Her heart almost stopped. There was a door directly ahead. Was this it? She was at the front already?! But- One of the trainstaff was unlocking the door, intending on carrying something through for the drivers. The fleeing girl snatched the chance and dived headlong through the gap, the door locked shut with a click behind her. 
She was shaking, breathing heavily. This was a trapped cabin- nowhere to go. The drivers shared a pair of confused glances.
"Er- Miss? I'm sorry but-"
But the girl was already crying. What was she supposed to do now? There was a pounding at the door, and she almost leapt out of her skin. That girl, she was-
She dropped to her knees, the tears intensified and she grasped at the hat she wore, pulling it down over her head, attempting to hide by any means necessary. There was another loud knocking, more insistent. The girl screamed.
And with that scream a radiant blast of fire burst from the girl. An iridescent shower of shining colour, the beauty only belied the danger. In an instant the cabin was consumed, screams were briefly lost in the roaring torrent of fire. Control panels exploded, computers went haywire, and the train lost control.
Simultaneously trying to accelerate while the breaks attempted to clamp even harder played havoc with the trains mechanisms. Wheels locked in place only to snap completely, the trains components started coming loose in fragments and shards beneath its carriages. As the tracks neared the bend before a station, the train came free.
The metal shuttle tore itself from the tracks and crashed directly into the street below. More carriages followed, and the momentum forced them down onto the city, chewing up masonry, road, vehicles and pedestrians alike- any that were unfortunate to be caught in the death throes of a raging iron snake. The howl of tortured metal tore through the city air.
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hexenberg · 9 years
Now, this really was proving to be a strange day. Coming back to the same place more than once was odd enough, but seeing someone she actually recognised? It felt like a first, she even knew the girl's name. She was too excited to think about it further.
"Misaki! Oh my gosh!"
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The miniature girl wasted no time running right up to the taller one and throwing her arms around her and squeezing a waist high hug.
"It's me! Walpurgis! I didn't think I'd get to see you again! Are you-" But before she could finish, the girl's face flashed into further surprise as her eyes widened. "Ahh! I know! You're here to ride the ferris wheel too, right?! Come on!" And with that she grabbed the woman's sleeve, and started tugging her lightly in the direction of the queue.
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hexenberg · 9 years
Marbles were pretty, and they could also be fun! You could roll them around, knock them about, or even just look into them. It was amazing how entertained one girl could be over colourful glass spheres. So what's better than a couple of marbles? A great big box of marbles, basically as much as she could carry. She was going to hand them out, then other people could love marbles too. It was a great idea.
That was until, she exited the store and turned smack into a red haired gentleman on the sidewalk. The box was dropped.
To say the cascade was only large would be to do injustice to the great rolling torrent of glass that exploded onto the sidewalk, balls of all colours fell into a skittering frenzy. There was marbles everywhere, people where already slipping. There was a car horn- was that a crash?
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"My marbles..."
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hexenberg · 9 years
Argh! What a frustrating Sector this was! How were you supposed to find anything you wanted when it moved around all the time! The little witch was not happy. Only yesterday had she seen something amazing, something beautiful. Something she just knew she had to get for a... Friend; it was just too perfect. But she'd been hopelessly trudging around all day without any luck, only feeling worse each time the buildings switched. Until...
No way- could it be? The girl's face lit up as she turned a corner, catching sight of the store she sought. Excitedly the girl ran headlong towards the door-
-Only for the buildings to completely shift themselves once more, her prize disappearing from sight.
"Ahhh! No way!! That's not fair! This is so stupid! Aaaahhh!!"
Amidst the cries of her tantrum, a few licks of rainbow shaded fire slipped into her breaths. Nothing caught, but it certainly looked dazzling. 
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hexenberg · 9 years
Sephiroth... What a person to greet her back to this city. Was it coincidence, or something else? It was almost like she was drawn to him when she was here last, she wouldn't be surprised. He was different, after all, and he was convinced she was too...
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"It's pretty weird, right? I can't ever remember coming back to the same place more than once! And it felt like I was just here!" In fact, she couldn't really remember where she'd been in the interim. She remembered waking up somewhere that certainly wasn't this city, but not much after that... She wasn't going to dwell on it. 
But here he was. Had he even left? She supposed not, from his wording. Someone who was worryingly bitter for one that supposedly didn't feel... Well, if he was here, and she was here too, she was more than ready to try again.
"A lecture? Hmm. Is that what you thought it was? Did you think I was scolding you? I suppose that's not completely wrong...
...And I don't exactly want to stand here and tell you off or anything, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't care if I did, but... That's- well, it's the opposite of what I want to do! It doesn't make me happy to tell you you're wrong, I just want to see you happy, and I don't want you to think it has to come at a terrible cost... 
And if you're going to tell me you can't, well; I don't believe it."
Study Hall || CA Closed
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hexenberg · 9 years
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[So I'm going to go off the rails later and return with a bang, but until then you can like this post for a mini starter! Varying in length but between one liners and a paragraph. Capping at 3!]
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hexenberg · 9 years
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they’ll confirm or deny it.
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hexenberg · 9 years
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hexenberg · 9 years
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moschettiere likes this
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hexenberg · 10 years
"Witches again?"
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"Black cats and big ugly noses! At least it's closer to Halloween!"
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hexenberg · 10 years
Send me a "旦" If our muses haven't interacted yet and but you want us to change that.
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hexenberg · 10 years
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hexenberg · 10 years
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hexenberg · 10 years
"Evil… Well, bad stuff! People hurting each other, wars would be the worst."
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"Why are you looking at me like that?"
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hexenberg · 10 years
Let's play the 'Word Association Game'! Send my muse a word { or name } & they'll respond with the first word that comes into their head.
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hexenberg · 10 years
"So... Thank you..?"
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"...Or not, I guess. Well! I don't know, you looked a little more out there... You must have held her in some regard, right? Because you say there's a lot not worth mentioning. It's okay to miss things."
“Heh. And here I was, thinking you’d say something so disgustingly typical of humankind. So worthlessly altruistic.”
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“…What in the world would make you think I did? You’re more than completely hopeless, you’re moronic. Have I not given enough hints already?”
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