hexrts-bxne · 8 months
"Well," he began, his fight to keep a straight face evident by the twitch of his mouth, "to claim as such would be incredibly self-indulgent of me. I would, in such a case as this, need another to vouch for my intellect as to not break the rules of etiquette by being able to see reality for what it is and call it as such." His eyebrows rose, his pride unscathed and his curiosity piqued by the flippant dismissal. "I knew I had been correct in my assessment of your ability to judge the character of others," he pressed, "you've already determined me to be a smart man, but would a smart man not rely on the wise council of others?" He scoffed at the notion, "I do not waffle, and I could not judge the truth of what members of the ton said to my face even if I wanted to. No one is truthful to a prince. Most see us as nothing more than a stepping stone to wealth or power, or, god help us all, whatever fairytale they were fed as children. It's dreadfully tiring and often quite insulting. I prefer to be insulted directly to my face, as God intended."
He could not help but smile at her attempt to dismiss him once more, though he noted that she had remained in place, speaking to him regardless of what she said. "I would expect that you could very well find your way home on your own. If you could not I would be obligated to insist I accompany you to your door and I would resent that very much. As it is I am not insisting, I am asking, and you should decline, and yet you have not."
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his    laugh    irked    her    for    some    reason    ,    arms    now    folded    inelegantly    (    as    her    mother    would    reprimand    her    for    many    a    time    .    )        ❛    &    is    it    yourself    that    is    deemed    to    offer    more    than    self - indulgent    waffling    as    you    put    it    ?    ❜    she    questions    boldly    ,    face    almost    stoic    .    &    if    her    mama    &    daphne    would    see    her    now    ,    she    was    sure    that    they    would    be    frowning    at    her    .    eloise    was    certainly    not    here    for    the    likes    of    any    man    ,    she    had    no    interest    in    marriage    &    certainly    not    the    season    ,    thankfully    ,    she’d    been    spared    of    this    years    debacle    .    ❛    you    seem    a    smart    enough    man    to    work    it    out    for    yourself    ,    unless    your    words    are    simply    of    false    waffling    .    ❜    she    counters    ,    for    she    would    rather    spend    her    time    in    her    stories    ,    or    writing    letters    to    that    of    a    person    who    held    her    interests    ,    not    some    strange    man    that    she’d    yet    to    name    .    ❛    i    am    quite    capable    of    making    my    own    way    home    ,    sir    ,    i    should    decline    the    offer    .    ❜    safe    herself    the    grilling    of    the    gentleman    you    were    with    from    the    bridgertons    ,    she    would    rather    not    bother    with    the    dalliance    at    all    .
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
He could not help but offer a mirroring smile in return as he took in the sight of hers, the curve of it sending his heart racing and making his entire body buzzing with anticipation. He had found that he had an almost unrestrainable desire to please her and the clear affection in her voice only made that desire grow even larger in his chest. She was so easily read, which he found himself adoring more and more as the days went on, and so he was quick to duck his head out of fond embarrassment as a blush ran up his neck and painted his cheeks a delicate pink.
He glanced around at her request, unsure but desperately wanting to agree. "It's not proper," he said, his bottom lip catching between his teeth as he worried the skin there, "for us to be alone. You're a lady and I'm a gentleman. I would never be able to forgive myself if someone were to see us and it damaged your reputation," he explained, "no matter how very much I would like to join you."
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confusion     washes     pale     features     as     he     departs     with     very     few     words     ,     leaving     her     with     a     worry     that     she     had     spoken     too     brazenly     &     he’d     left     ,     but     she     just     didn’t     know     .     teeth     bite     tongue     as     a     form     of     punishment     almost    ,     until     iron     can     be     tasted     .     she     doesn’t     move     ,     just     in     case     ,     𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃     was     a     rarity     &     even     if     she     were     alone     ,     she     would     rather     be     so     then     without     her     brothers     lurking     .     but     it’s     barely     even     an     hour     ,     the     sun     still     warm     on     skin     ,     dotting     her     nose     with     the     palest     of     freckles     ,     before     irving     is     by     her     side     again     ,     and     that     confusion     &     cycle     of     thoughts     that     wash     her     mind     clear     ,     teeth     peeking     through     widened     lips     that     break     into     the     most     infectious     of     smiles     .     ❛     i     . . .     ❜     far     too     stunned     to     speak     ,     she’d     not     meant     for     this     to     happen     ,     she     hadn’t     asked     &     yet     ,     he     stood     before     her     with     treats     and     sweets     laden     in     his     grasp     &     her     heart     could     only     rattle     in     it’s     bony     cage     .     ❛     mister     abberton     !     ❜     exclamations     are     filled     with     a     bright     affection     .     ❛     i     ,     you     ,     thank     you     ,     you     shouldn’t     have     done     this     !     ❜     but     flattered     she     was     ,     what     other     lady     of     the     ton     could     say     they     had     a     gentleman     rush     off     to     do     things     ,     on     a     wayward     comment     at     that     .     ❛     i     couldn’t     never     eat     all     of     this     ,     you     are     to     join     me    ,     yes     ?     ❜
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
"Your sarcasm is noted and most becoming of a queen, would you not agree?" He hummed, his lips thinning into a straight line before they rose into a practiced smile as a group of ladies passed, his head dipping in greeting before he turned back to the queen with a glare. "And so you admit that you do, in fact, think of me," he laughed briskly, "Regardless of your obsession with my whereabouts I have places to be. The queen has gotten it into her mind that she will play matchmaker and have me escort whatever poor doe-eyed girl she's decided would make a good wife for me through her menagerie." He huffed, his eyes once again rolling, "And though I find it ridiculous to spend my time doing such a thing I would rather not upset the delicate balance between England and Spain because you could not help but interrupt my path."
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there was something about the spanish prince that truly and utterly vexed the swedish queen. there were very few individuals that cecilia did not find, one way or the other, to get along with. she had always prided herself on her calm demeanour and neutrality but when it came to luis, it all went out the door. " oh how i have missed our conversations, " her tone was filled with sarcasm as she placed her hands on her hips. " do not flatter yourself. the only time i ever think of you is when i am travelling to another country at an invitation and wish for our paths not to cross. "
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
He laughed softly at her raised brow, the expression unexpected from a lady who was surely out in society and, presumably, looking for a husband, but not wholly unwelcome, with how obviously genuine it was. In fact, it seemed that everything about her was inexplicably authentic which he found to be a breath of fresh air, however fleeting it would surely prove to be.
His eyes followed hers but found nothing and he turned back to her with searching eyes, his head tilting to the side as he took off his hat and tucked it under his arm. "Is that so?" He chuckled, "I suppose that much is to be expected, though I would hope to find that small minority who has more to offer than self-indulgent waffling, otherwise I should think my trip a rather expensive waste of time." He grinned. "I would appreciate a guide in such matters," he suggested, "you seem to be rather informed on who would and would not be worth speaking to at all during my time here. In return I could escort you to wherever it was that you were heading."
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there     is     a     strange     familiarity     in     the     way     he     talks     ,     perhaps     it’s     her     unbridled     annoyance     ,     or     rather     her     lack     of     care     for     his     word     ,     even     if     just     for     a     moment     ,     that     has     her     ignoring     the     feeling     ,     instead     she     turns     on     the     male     ,     brow     ticked     upwards     in     response     .     ❛     what     a     pretty     analogy     for     such     a     sour     time     .     ❜     there     was     no     hiding     that     eloise     bridgerton     was     certainly     not     some     pretty     rose     bud     waiting     to     be     plucked     from     a     crowd     ,     nor     was     she     some     prized     calf     for     auction     ,     she     hated     the     entire     idea     of     this     marriage     market     .     she     gave     a     sour     huff     as     she     adjusted     her     glove     inelegantly     ,     adjusting     her     pin     purse     on     her     wrist     ,     eyes     searching     for     her     mother     but     the     elder     bridgertons     had     disappeared     from     view     .     𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓     !     ❛     most     of     the     ton     ,     think     only     of     themselves     ,     sir     ,     this     season     is     no     different     .     ❜
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
"No," he answered truthfully, his head shaking gently as he fought the urge to look away from her, "I simply draw whoever catches my eye, see? I've meant no harm, miss, I swear it on my honor." He said handing over the notebook so she could see that he did, in fact, sinply draw whoever he could. She seemed... amused, but he had misread situations before and the last thing he wanted was to cause a scandal because the ladies and gentlemen of the ton were endlessly confusing to him.
"Oh?" He said, not knowing what else he could say in this strange situation he had found himself in. "Well, no? I- I would need to know his reasoning, of course, to know if I agreed or disagreed, but I think anyone could model, should they wish?" It was more a question than a statement and he could feel his fustered blush work its way to the tips of his ears. "I've never had anyone model for me, exactly, I've only just drawn sketches of passers-by from afar. To capture the moment." He explained. "And not just people, of course, that would be strange. Houses and landscapes, animals too, mostly. I like to draw birds."
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hyacinth could not help but watch in amusement as the male before her stuttered and stumbled over his words. she could be nice and interrupt his ramblings but she enjoyed making those of the opposite sex scramble to regain control of a conversation. " do you prefer to have all your muses seem contemplative before you draw them, sir ? " she questioned with a singular raised eyebrow. if it weren't for the mischievous glint in her hues, one would think she was personally affronted by the whole situation. " you may keep your drawing of me. my older brother is an aspiring artist himself. i do often inform him that i am the perfect model but he seems to strongly disagree. do you agree with him ? "
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
"I could think of at least three," he paused, thinking, "No. Four things more boring than this particular gathering." He stated matter of factly, his wide, genuine expression the only sign that he was not teasing the man. "But I apologize if that is the case for you. Perhaps dancing would help? Or some say drinking makes the time pass more quickly, although it's never done much more than make me nervous, myself. I prefer the dancing." He said with a single firm nod of his head.
Dancing had steps to follow and rules that were easily navigated, drinking had no such safeguards and often left him unsure of what, if anything to say or do. "But," he continued, rocking back on his heels as he looked out at the crowds of the garden party, "if I may ask, why have you come if it displeases you so?"
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closed starter: oliver fitzwilliam & irving abberton
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oliver sighed ❝i can not think of anything more boring than these social gatherings❞ oliver would rather be in his observatory, or in his garden, but sadly his mother had guilted him into coming here, to look for a wife.
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
"Bridgerton!" Michael greeted with a wide smile around his cigar. He had always had a soft spot for Colin, given their mutual love of travel, and so he wasted no time to take a seat and pour himself a glass of brandy. "It was a spur of the momemt decision, in truth," he admitted, "I had planned on traveling to New York, but was summoned for business dealings in the city," he shrugged, "besides, who will warm Mayfair's beds if not I?" He joked, his head tilting back in a boisterous laugh.
"Now tell me, have you any exciting tales to share? You've been traveling, have you not?"
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closed starter: colin bridgerton & michael sterling
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colin smiled ❝sterling!❞ he motioned for his friend to join him at his table. colin was at his club, enjoying some peace and quite. ❝i didn't know you were coming in for the season.❞
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
The prince's almost ever present smirk did not falter as he glanced down at the the young lady, one Miss Penelope Featherington, if he was not mistaken. He had been looking for her amongst those at the ton since his arrival in Mayfair in an attempt to bring him closer to unveiling the identity of his mystery pen-pal, given that they had spoken about her wit, charm, and observational skills with high regard. He did find himself at ease in her presence, though whether that was due to the openness she exuded or the kind, friendly smile she shot toward him was yet another mystery to him.
"I care little for the matches made for political and monetary gain, of which I'm certain there will be many," he drawled, "I find more entertainment in watching these so called 'love matches' I hear so much about." He fought the urge to roll his eyes. Love was a child's game, one he had no interest in himself, much less with the flaunting debutantes who were paraded about like livestock by their mothers. "Have you any opinions on which fool will be the first to declare their intentions and to whom they will declare them, Miss Featherington?"
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PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON - closed starter ft @hexrts-bxne ( anyone )
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" you know, " pausing she glanced to the person on her left and gave a small smile, " i'll be curious to see who will end up with a match and married off when the season is fully up and running. "
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
His lips tugged unevenly into the ghost of an amused smirk as he approached the irritated lady, his eyes following after the man and his prized debutante who had pushed past her without remorse or care before they flickered back to the redhead. "Too many, I fear, allow their smallest head to lead them blindly as soon as the flowers begin to bloom," he huffed a laugh, "and in return too many rosebuds take such attentions as proof they're far more interesting and important than they have any right to believe themselves to be." A bold statement, and one that any other gentleman would never utter in the presence of a lady, but Luis had never been like other gentlemen.
"I would not plan on anyone within Mayfair to think of anyone but themselves until such flowers begin to be plucked or wedding bells begin to ring, unfortunately."
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♯ 𝐄. 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐍        -        𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑    𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟        ft        @hexrts-bxne !
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❛     why     can’t     anybody     simply     𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇     where     they     are     headed     ?     ❜     the     young     woman     huffed     ,     having     side     stepped     another     body     ,     violet     &     daphne    already     half     a     yard     ahead     as     she     unwillingly     trailed     behind     .    
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
Irving's eyes widened as he looked down at the girl and drew his bottom lip into his mouth to worry it between his teeth as he rung his hands together nervously. "Very well then." He said curtly, turning on his heel to rush toward the closest bakery.
When he returned the sun had barely moved in the sky but his arms were filled with treats of all kinds from a slice of a rich coconut cream cake to the most decadent choclate topped with vibrant raspberries.
"I-I did not know which you would like, as I forgot to ask," he cringed, "and the baker had so many reccomendations that I could not choose only one. I hope they are to you liking, Miss Halston." He managed with a small, hopeful smile.
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♯ 𝐕. 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍        -        𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑    𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟        ft        @hexrts-bxne !
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❛     all     i     want     to     do     is     :     lay     here     &     𝐄𝐀𝐓     𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄     .     ❜
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
The prince's jaw clenched tightly, his eyes narrowing slightly at the queen as he fought to keep his smile as pleasant as it could be while talking to such an aggravating woman. "Your majesty," he greeted, "Hello, how are you? The war was fine, thank you for asking. I'm pleased to say the winds were kind on our travels." He said, ignoring her barbs with a quick roll of his eyes.
"I've come to Mayfair on the invitation of the queen, if you must know," which was not entirely a lie but not entirely the truth, "but I regret to inform you that I do not think of you often enough to have given any consideration to your whereabouts at all."
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𝙲𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙻𝙸𝙰   -   CLOSED    STARTER   !! @hexrts-bxne ( luis )
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" what exactly are you doing in mayfair ? it would seem that i was foolish for hoping that you were somewhere out at sea or back in spain. you seem to have a habit of turning up when i least wish you to. "
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
Irving startled, the sudden movement causing a dark line of charcoal to run through the middle of the portrait he had been sketching. People, he had found, were easier to understand through art. The way they moved, the way they spoke, the way they simply were. So he watched, and he drew, and he tried to understand. The small notebook he had was already almost a third full of such sketches of lords and ladies promanading, mammas talking in hushed tones to their wide-eyed daughters, ladies giggling over a passing suitor perched high upon his horse, but none had so much as noticed his presence until now and he found himself woefully unprepared for the accusation in her voice.
"No! Well, yes, in a manner of speaking." He stuttered, his eyebrows drawing together out of frustration at himself, "I was drawing is all. You looked contemplative, I think." He trailed off, his eyes finding his now ruined drawing of the woman. "I apologize, miss. I can destroy it if you'd prefer as much."
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𝙷𝚈𝙰𝙲𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙷   -   CLOSED    STARTER   !! @hexrts-bxne ( anyone )
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" are you watching me ? "
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
He was simply wasting time, as he so often was, inside the bakery. He'd never been one for sweets, in truth, the sickly sugary taste of them usually sending his stomach into a rolling bout of nausea, but he can't help but raise an eyebrow at the lady as she speaks to him, her voice delicate and almost musical to his ears.
"And what, pray tell, would I recieve in return for allowing you such a delicacy? I'm all but starved for such a thing myself, after all." He drawled, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
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with: michael striling ( @hexrts-bxne ) where: fortnum & mason
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ROWS AND ROWS of expensive teas and delightful treats surround hero . her eyes , of course , fall immediately onto the richly decorated marzipan , barely noticing someone else was already reaching for the box . she raises an eyebrow . ❛ i'm afraid you absolutely must let me have this one , as i become a perfect beast without my sugary treats . ❜
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
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THE WHITE LOTUS Season 2 | Episode 5
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
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hexrts-bxne · 8 months
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Jose Ramón Barreto as young Simón Bolívar in Netflix’s Bolívar – Episode 6
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