heyheylol · 9 days
I love people. You can learn something from anyone, even if they cant speak. The problem comes when youre so hyper aware of the world problems and how attainable the solutions would be if things were just a little different. So many people are content. Blissfully unaware of the problems this world faces. Ignorance is bliss. But when youre no longer ignorant, it can be a heavy burden to bear.
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heyheylol · 9 days
People are so.... unintelligent
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heyheylol · 16 days
Most people spend their days and lives being run by their basilar instincts. Their want for love, sex, money, attention, joy, excitement, acceptance. When I gave my life to God, He slowly but surely began showing me that only He can provide for my needs in a way that actually satisfies. What happens when you don't need people to provide for you anymore? I don't need people so I started living FOR people. And don't get it twisted, I have a general dislike for people. They are disappointing, basic, annoying, unstimulating, and just overall lacking. But I have a deep love for humanity. Which is why my life revolves around making the world a better place and doing all I can to provide for the needs of my fellow man. Not because they deserve it, not because "it's just in me to do". But because we are all God's creation. May God continue to fulfill my needs so I don't search for fulfillment in people and things that can't do or provide a damn thing for me. But let me never lose the love I have for all of God's creature and never lose sight of my purpose on this earth.
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heyheylol · 30 days
Sometimes I still think your alive. Like Ive been punked. Like Im part of an elaborate rouse.
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heyheylol · 30 days
Why do I want to be a pathologist? Because I'm not interested in the day to day management of diabetes and hypertension. I dont want to spend the next 20 years of my life tending to sore throats, itchy rashes, and chronic disease. I am interested in diagnostics, not management.
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heyheylol · 1 month
I'd like to do something in the future that has real impact in peoples lives. I've done a lot that looks good on paper. I've participated in marches, volunteered, held summits, lead student organizations, etc and I'm sure on some level I've left people inspired or was part of something bigger than myself but I'd like to do something that actually has a real, measurable, positive impact on peoples lives in a tangible way. Hopefully something I can see because I selfishly want to know that what I'm doing matters. I just feel like my activism, community service, and various initiatives have been so superficial when I'm looking to make a deep and meaningful change in peoples lives.
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heyheylol · 1 month
im not attracted to men because im not attracted to weakness. Men are weak in character. Weak in morals. Weak in values. Weak in wisdom. Weak spiritually. Weak in their capacity to be vulnerable. They have no honor, no integrity. they're a phallic attached to a headache and i want no part of it.
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heyheylol · 3 months
I've lost everyone I care about and I'm not good at acquiring new friends. I guess I'll leave it in Gods hands. Now that I've gotten closure, I pray that He opens new doors for me into new, life long, fulfilling relationships
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heyheylol · 3 months
I need a community
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heyheylol · 3 months
Hello. Imagine a meadow.
Now, look closer. There. Enjoy @mushiniwa​’s aesthetic insects traversing leaves, petals, and fingertips: nature in its tiny places.
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@lindagoesmushrooming and takes excellent photos of the ones she encounters. Step into Linda’s office.
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@happy-geology takes pictures of empty places, whether it’s the moon, the earth’s crust, or a calm forest, there simply are no humans. Bliss.
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@nature-hiking also enjoys the vast and empty spaces, which, when you think about it, aren’t really that empty at all, are they?
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heyheylol · 3 months
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heyheylol · 3 months
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heyheylol · 3 months
i would do anything for beautiful women except texting them back
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heyheylol · 3 months
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heyheylol · 3 months
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heyheylol · 3 months
no one can make you feel like a mid bitch without your consent eleanor roosevelt said that
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heyheylol · 3 months
"your credit card statement is now available" make it unavailable brother
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