”Where do you think we’ll be in 50 years?” Alyssa asked her friend Melanie. ”I don’t know, dead I hope.” Melanie responded.
Alyssa laughed but she wanted real answers. ”I think Queen Elizabeth will still be alive.” Melanie suddenly said. Alyssa laughed again, a little louder this time.
”Probably flying cars and all that stuff.” Alyssa said. ”Sure they thought there would be flying cars in 2000, but we can think like that again, just a different year.
They talked for a while, really getting into it. ”I just hope there’s no wars or anything,” Alyssa said. ”There’s always wars,” Melanie sighed.
They talked about wars too, and came to the conclusion that the future president of United States will protect them.
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so weekend was a while ago
The weekend was MOSTLY really fun, the nights were not as great but oh well. I spent Friday and Saturday with Lili and Vilja, it was really fun and we had a good time.
Yesterday (Sunday) it was my grandpa’s 80th birthday and it was SO GREAT. He did a speech and it was really moving and he complimented all of us and talked about my grandparents’ 50th anniversary and that was REALLY CUTE.
I got to meet up with my cousins again, and they’re SUPER adorable. Of course they were a little wild, but they’re toddlers so it would be weird if they weren’t wild.
Also my mom said that I was really nice to everyone and complimented them, and I think that was really nice to hear.
After my grandpa’s birthday, I decided to ignore all my school problems and I went for a bikeride. At first it was SO FUN and I had a really cool main character moment. But then I had to go up a few hills, and I ran out of breath because I have asthma, and then my ears started hurting (???).
I ended up in Keskuspuisto, but then I realized that I didn’t want to go, so I turned around and somehow ended up in the other side of Töölö. Well, I started going home but then my stomach started hurting so I put the bike away (Alepa fillari) and then I started walking home.
I was so tired and I didn’t smile exactly. Well everyone looked at me kind of weirded out but I guess I just looked angry. I didn’t intend to but oh well.
When I got home, I remembered all my school problems and I started to do all my homework. It kind of sucked, but I got them done.
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My freetime
I often like to not think about school when I’m not there, but it’s just really hard to do so. I guess I am constantly at school, so it’s hard not to think about it constantly.
So, I decided to start writing like a sort of a ”diary” in my notes app on my computer. It’s not a diary in particular, but it’s like a free therapist where I write all the shit that’s going on and my computer just listens.
Sometimes I like to think that someone is actually listening, to feel sane. I like to think that I’m talking to someone, and that they’re helping. I don’t think I even need help, but it’s nice when someone listens.
I don’t like opening up to my parents, it’s weird. So I guess it’s easy to talk to my notes app and just thinking that someone is there, I guess all I do there is complain, not really open up.
I have really nothing to say like ”opening up”, so I keep complaining about school and stress and stuff and I like to do that at night when no one is interrupting.
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Hi again
I’ve been feeling a lot of stress lately and it has not been very fun. I’ve felt really anxious and we only have like two days of distance learning before like ACTUAL school and it’s making me really nervous.
I literally cried for like 30 minutes the other night because all my stress is piling up and it’s hard to do anything, I keep procastinating again and again to the point where I can’t do it anymore.
I’ve tried to clean my room, but I simply cannot get out of bed and do anything. I don’t know why, but it’s just too difficult. I do hang out with Lili and Vilja at times, and that’s fun of course.
But like my mom said, when I’m at home it ALWAYS feels like I’m at school, because I go to school from home. But I guess like my parents say, I should just ”not worry about it”. Trashy advice yes, but that’s the only thing I can do.
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distant learning
I don’t think I’ve learned a lot over the past month from distant learning, it’s really difficult to learn anything while just staring at a computer.
It stresses me out, whenever we have exams and I think I cannot do it, because I don’t know anything, no matter what I do. I’m trying, I guess not enough.
It’s really hard and my parents don’t make it any easier exactly. But oh well I can’t do anything about it.
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I don’t really know if I want to go back to school. I don’t really like online school, but at least I don’t gave to wake up that early.
Sure, I can meet friends and stuff but things are already difficult to do from home, now all the interacting with teachers comes back and ughh, it’s already stressful enough.
Some subjects are fine, but some are just too stressful, like biology for example. But also when I’m doing school from home, I can’t relax here anymore.
Also I simply cannot fall asleep at night, and it’s okay when I go to online school, but if I go to ”real” school, it will be harder to wake up and I HATE waking up.
oops, sorry this was long :)
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Hello again
So I haven’t really written anything, sorry about that. Things have been very boring, I haven’t done anything for days. I just always sit on my bed for the entire day and go to school, and at night I do my homework in like midnight.
I think it’s safe to say that this pandemic and ”lockdown” is making everyone feel anxious and stressed.
Sometimes my mom tells me to go outside, get some air. But it takes so much energy and the only thing I have energy to do is lay on my bed all day, doing nothing.
Sometimes I do hang out with my friends, and I have fun with them. Still, it always feels like we don’t have enough time to do anything with them.
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This is my journal for English class. It’s Sunday today and I didn’t wake up very early. I woke up at 12pm, and I fell asleep at 5am because I dyed my hair again. I’ve just been feeling a lot of stress lately because of school.
I don’t know, I just sleep a lot on weekends because I don’t get enough sleep on other week days. Like I just can’t fall asleep. So I try to do other stuff like redecorating my room or listening to music. The idea always sounds nice but soon enough I start stressing about everything and I can’t clean my room because I get too tired. And this goes on and on and on.
I don’t like the idea of school either in the actual building, because I have to wake up early and stuff. I just wish it was summer.
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What am I going to do during distance learning? How am I going to keep up my motivation for school? It’s hard to keep any interest in school, when I can sleep all day.
Woah, it’s going to be difficult. But I intend to do my homework and other assigments in the daytime, so I get enough sleep at night.
I will try to eat healthy and eat lunch at the same time I eat lunch at school, and not at 4pm.
I will try my best to focus in class and understand the things that teachers say, and ask questions if I don’t know what to do. Hopefully I will have time to go outside and get some fresh air.
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