heymcconaughey · 7 years
for anybody who missed it yesterday :)
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THE BOOK MADE IT! IT’S THERE, HE HAS IT, HE LOVED IT, I’M SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF ALL OF YOU WHO CONTRIBUTED AND HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN 💖💖💖 it took three long years on the grind but the @heymcconaughey project is complete my friends! thank you!!!!
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
(PSA for anybody who is unaware, this was one of the entries for the fanbook that really impressed Matthew--he loved the analysis!)
Booklet about TD and Matthew’s performance
Full work (including pics) is here: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3546440861?pn=2
Here’s AB and me’s major work:
老实说,直到第3集我才觉得进入到Rust的Locked Room(被锁住的房间)。而在我看了你的许多电影作品之后,再次重看真探,才发现你的表演是如此细腻和深沉。
To be honest, I can’ t get close to 95Rust’s locked room until episode three. And after I had seem a lot of films and rewatch TD, I found how your performance was incredibly delicate and innovative is.
But I’m obsessed with 12Rust the first second he showed up. “I loved your face of a young man less than the one you have now, devastated.”
Every single tiny expression in your eyes, your body, your voice showed such unbelievable freedom and power. When I was first watching the first two episodes, I can’t wait to see 12Rust show up and continue his monologue. Such a totally different voice from your own! And only such voice can command such lines, Which are Incredibly divine and extremely earthly, dreamlike but solid,like the sound of truth.
Your command of words is unfuckingbelievable. Your voice delivers intensive and delicate emotions that moves audience. The way you describe an event is so vivid, enable audience create a picture of the event without watching it. What a a great storyteller you are!You give words and sentences lives, andestablish a specific world of a man by means of voice.
In the draft script of the first episode (May Nic release the final version?) There are some flashback about Rust’s family and his undercover life. I don’t know why Nic and Cary decided to cut them all, maybe they want to focus on two spacetime.
It is right to delete all those flashback. Audience got enough information from your voice, eyes, body and face already. They can picture those events in their mind, and understand how the events influenced Rust by your solo. Your performance provided an even “realer” experience than showing the actual scenes. It would be a disgrace to let those flashback interrupt your enchanted performance.
Nic once said “If we’d had a lesser actor than Matthew playing Cohle, I would have had to rewrite the role.”. He write even more and stranger lines for you instead, he really count on you, and you did not let him down.
例如原剧本中“在另一些时刻,我认为我是在直视事物的本来面貌”变为了“绝大部分时刻我认为我已经摆脱了那感受,但在另一些时刻,我觉得自己仍沉溺于探索宇宙的神秘真相中”。后者更有cosmic humor的感觉,世界观也更恢弘,同时暗示了《真探》的两个大主题:“幻象与真实”和“主客位的错觉”。这句话要是出自弱一些的演员之口会非常荒唐可笑,但天啊你完美地驾驭到了,让第二集“Seeing Thing”在庄严神秘的气氛中终结。
For example, “And other times I thought I was seeing straight into the true heart of things.” in the draft script becomes"most of the time I was convinced that I’d lost it. But there were other times,I thought I was mainlining the secret truth of the universe". The later one provides a sense of cosmic horror, a boarder worldview, and imply two of the themes of “TD”: “illusion and reality” and “false illusion of subject-object ego”. It will be a ridiculous line when it come from a lesser actor’s mouth, but omg you just delivered the line perfectly, made episode two"Seeing Thing” ended in a solemn atmosphere.
Before I saw the first two episodes in the draft script,I had already admired you greatly for 12Rust,but now,I can’t help admiring you with all my heart.
But for your performance,I know 12Rust would have been anybody but not the one I love deeply.
From the original script,I can’t find appreciable distinction between 12Rust and 95Rust.But on the screen,the manner and posture of 12Rust are totally changed,he alternates humor with severity,which is so charming and cool.
No wonder Nic was surprised for your emotional and physical changes, even he might not have had such a specific picture in his imagination.
According to the craft script,the detectives’ first impression of 12Rust was aggressive,dangerous and lupine.
The script mentions that 12Rust became semi-relaxed with his beer until the episode two,which means he was tight before.
However, in your performance,he was unmistakably dangerous, but he was also very laid back all the time. It seems everything is under his control.
Maybe he is belligerent, but not hostile,not out of pressure.He was like playing cat and mouse with the detectives.He was quite cooperative,but kept look down to the detectives out of fearless and careless. (Or “pretended” to be careless)
It looks like he was not being interrogated,they were.
That’s why Cary said he can’t micromanage a performance like that, you have your own ways of locating your character, bringing yourselves into character and letting yourselves out of it. All of those interrogation scenes were on your shoulders—he just let the camera go.No doubt, your performance turns a obvious room into a stunning showcase.
I found Nic used"I believe", “I think” and “perhaps” sometimes when talk about Rust. In contrast, you always so certain you know Rust inside out. Creators may like to left something unknown about the character, leaves enough imagination room for himself and audience.
However, a performer must think more than the creator wrote to make the character real, clarify the vague image in the creator’s mind:“He IS Rust!”. And realise that there is no anyone else can play this part. I am sure you made Nic feel such a great happiness.
I’m really curious about when did you want to add “I consider myself a realist”, If you have this idea before Nic finish the final episode, you are a genius for real.
但我相信你和Nic在Crash和12Rust两个阶段是有分歧和冲突的。原剧本中“ 三年了,我无法让我公寓的墙壁停止窃窃私语,或者令地毯的纤维不再高声尖叫” 被删去了,不知道这是不是跟你认为Rust其实更享受Crash的生活形式有关?或者这是Nic根据你的voice而改写的?Rust确实不应该在两警探面前示弱。而取而代之的那段 “没有他妈的刑满之日,宝贝” ,你屌屌的神态真是太迷人了。Crash没有刑满之日,你对自己的惩罚也没有刑满之日,对此你选择自嘲而非自怜。
I believe there are some conflict between you and Nic though. For example, in the draft script, 12Rust said “Three years of that and I couldn’t get the walls in my apartment to stop whispering. Or the carpet fibers to quit their high-pitched shrieking…” It was deleted, I’m wondering if it was because you thought Rust enjoy Crash’s life even more? Or it was Nic decided to retool it for your voice? Rust indeed should show no weakness in front of the detectives. This line replaced by “And there is no fucking expiration date, baby”, which showed a charming swagger.Yeah, there is no fucking expiration date for Crash, and there is no fucking expiration date for Rust’s punishment on himself as well.12Rust choosed self-deriding over self-pity.
I’m glad that the flashbacks of Crash’s life were deleted, it kept the history mysterious. Although Crash was the least favourite Rust’s stage of mine, he still make my imagination run.
Your command of words is fascinating, but the blank-leaving in your performance are amazing as hell too. When 12Rust was talking about the death of his daughter, that silence, that blanked eyes and face showed the deepest sorrow. Your power of wordless is as powerful as your command of words.
爱死你说北岸精神病院时那张嘲讽脸了。这种嘲讽态度也是原剧本没有的。或者这是Nic 加的?因为同样增加的还有95Rust跟Lucy说那段"I can do terrible thing to people with impunity",我想这就是12Rust轻蔑北岸的原因。他不后悔杀了那几个流氓,但警察可以以精神病为由逃避法律制裁还是令Rust觉得很讽刺。
I love the scorn you showed when talking about “North Shore”, there is no such an attitude in the draft script. Maybe it is Nic’s intent, because there is one more related scene add: “I can do terrible thing to people with impunity” 95Rust said. Maybe that’s why Rust contemned “North Shore”, he did not regret that he had killed those outlaw, but a police officer run away from legal sanction is very irony to him.
Another possible conflict between you and Nic is: Did 12Rust want to kill himself ?
Nic说: “科尔让马蒂很清楚地明白,他想死亡,并将这个案子作为死前必须先解决的事”后来似乎Marty是知道Rust想死所以瞒著Rust找警探合作?Rust在轰掉Errol,救了Marty后拔掉刀子也像是求死。
Nic said “Cohle makes clear to Marty that he wants to die and views this case as something he has to solve first.” (at the end of episode seven?). Marty seems like he knew Rust wants to die, so he did not tell Rust he was cooperated with the detective? After Rust killed Errol and saved Marty, he pulled out the knife. It looks like he did want to kill himself, I mean, everybody knows such act will make you die faster!
但你在那本令我等粉丝垂涎的笔记中却写到 “…他绝不向失败低头。他不会发疯,也不会自杀。每一日,他都在与内心的魔鬼搏斗,他意识到这个过程会比他希望的长上很多” 似乎自杀这想法对12Rust来说没有95年时那麼吸引了。何况在他相信的永劫轮回理论里里,要是他自杀了,也只会在同样的人生中重生,不是依旧无法走出暴力和坠落的循环,依然失败了吗?
However, In you 450-page graph-which we fans wanted badly-you wrote “ …He will not accept defeat.He’s not going become a madman,he’s not going to kill himself. He wrestles the devil every day, and he realizes that this may last a lot longer than he ever hoped for.” It seems suicide is not as attractive as it was in 1995 to Rust. What’s more, in the theory(Eternal return) he believes, if he kill himself, he will reborn into the same life, so he will be failed to tie off the circle of violence and degradation, and it is defeat.
我知道"you own your man",但在对角色的理解跟编导发生矛盾时你是怎样处理的呢?Nic最令我费解的安排是让Rust离开案件整整八年,他逃走了,他「转移了视线」。这安排纯粹是为了让Rust过颓废的日子,且迅速衰老吗?很想知道你是怎麼理解的。
I know “You own your man”, the most confused plot made by Nic is let Rust left his case for eight years, he ran, he"averted his eyes". Is Nic just want to make Rust having decadent lifeand aged quickly? How did you understand this plot?
Having watch the interviews of you and Nic (Not all of them though), your Rust seems tougher than Nic’s. You give Rust so much energy, and enormous vitality, a kind of sick, unhealthy, rusting vitality, but remarkably indomitable, like the raging fire from hell.
这种生命力使得Rust最后的苏醒也没那麼突兀了。无论是基於遗憾还是不甘於失败,还是只想看看自己有没有还清债,在「最后的十亿分之一秒」,他无法let go。他强烈的求死意志被更强烈的求生欲击败了。他离开他爱的家人和死亡,选择回到他痛恨的人类和生命之中。
Such vitality makes Rust’s “reborn” more convincing. What’ the reason? Regret? Not accept defeat? Want to make sure the debt is paied? However, “in the last nanosecond”, he can’t “let go”. His strong death wish beated by his stronger instinct of being alive. He left family and death, which he loves, but come back to human race and ife, which he hates.
Nic want to write a nihilist before TD, he enjoy article about nihilism, but he is not a nihilist, so did Rust. Nihilism is “true”, but it is againest human’s emotion. And Rust was born to be an emotionally intense man.
Rust’s brain “knows” Nihilism is true. But his black and white sense of wrong and right, strict moral code, extreme sense of justice and guilt is inside his body, they are his nature,such nature againest the void and ruleless nihilism.Throughout his life, he always let his body, not brain, to make decisions and take actions. He is never a rational man.
Rust always take the side of justice, firmer than Marty did. Not by means of words or thoughts, but action. As Nic said, he is a true hero.
The contradiction of Rust’s words and action embodied the themes of TD: “chaotic nihilism” and “binary opposition”. To show such intensive opposition in one character, and make audience convinced that he is a real person, is really difficult. But you just marvelously made it.
I know you don’t like adjectives, in fact I’m almost run out of them. No matter how much adjectives I used, they cannot describe how great your performance is. Let’s put it this way, it is THE best performance I’ve ever seen, the second place may be one light-year away.
Aside from True Detective,I think “Dallas Buyers Club"&"Killer Joe"are your best performances.
They are two contradictory performances, but both of them maintained the highest quality.(playing Ron must be more difficult though)Your acting was very natural, despite the roles are very dramatic.
The performance in DBC intended to let audiences come into Ron’s heart,share his will and woe.You showed Ron’s emotions delicately and powerfully in every moments, Thus the audiences are totally understood and moved,their contempt to a "redneck” shaded into admiration.
But the acting in Killer Joe is completely different from DBC,as you said,Joe didn’t need to get on well with anybody,actually,including the audiences.
His mission is frighten the audiences,keep them out of his door.
He must be unfathomable,cautious to express feelings,and even if he did,it’s in an abnormal way.
The more unfathomable and unpredicable he is,the more terrified audience are.
我想对表演者来说,在《杀手乔》这种角色、这种电影,比起挖掘内心,更要考虑的是自己在观众眼中的效果。可能这也是你在sag的conversion with Matthew McConaughey中说乔没有repertoire的意思?比起流露感情,维持那股神秘感和气势似乎更重要。
I guess when an performer act such a role in such kind of movie, he may consider more about how to maximize his effect on audience than explore the character’s heart. May be that’s why you said Joe did not have repertoire?To keep mysterious and awesome seems more important than express emotions.
Aside from that classic cult scene, the chicken scene, there are two scenes I like in particular. First is, from Joe gently encourage Dottie come out the room, to order her to exchange clothes…….
OMG there are several minutes I truely believe he was a gentle man who seldom in love with anyone did in love with Dottie……..
The contrast , the unpredictability you showed scared me out of my wits. Just a second before, he was so nice and sincere, and treated Dottie like she is the most valuable treasure he ever found, then he did the most terrible thing to her. Your shift from gentle to scary was incredibly natural.
Another scene is the dinner scene. It is obvious that you didn’t play Joe as a flat freak, we can see Joe really yearn for family from this scene. He want to make it like a family dinner, but it was just an illusion build up by his orders. Of course they are not his family, he was like a child have no idea what a normal family look like, and force others to playing house with him.
Therefore, when Joe knew the woman he loves will give born to his real family, you think it will be a deliverance to Joe, so he looks ecstasy, but not scared, which suggested by the director.
By the way, I must thank Mr. Friedkin, you look gorgeous in “Killer Joe”……..
Performance is everything in “Dallas Buyers Club”, and your performance is heartbreaking, Ron is my favourite character in your films. Ron had hundreds of defects for sure, but I love strong man, and he is almost invincible.
He was so vulgar and noble at the same time. He was fighting for life with all his strength, illuminated the most primordial brilliance of humanity. I can’t point out one best scene, it was so unforgettable from the beginning to the end, your eyes did a great job.
A coarse redneck was appeared vividly on screen when the first time Ron showed up. Such great performance followed by serial amazing scenes: confirmed he was HIV-positive in library, negotiate with the doctor, desperated in the car, bounced back in mexico and drive to Texas, pretended to be a priest, suffered in theairport toilet, do Rayon justice in the supermarket, gone mad in hospital after Rayon died, gone painfully clear-headed from give-up absent-minded in front of a prostitute, confessed with the doctor at the end……
Every scene is wonderful and real, the emotion of the character was bleeding. No wonder it was unbearable for Ron’s family, even audience who know nothing about Ron would be deeply deeply touched.
Although I think “Killer Joe” and “DBC” are two contradictory performances, but you actually combine these two kinds of acting in TD, Rust was oppressing and expressing, unfathomable but emotional.
纯粹以演技来说,你是我最爱的演员。你每个表演都充满力量,活力四射,你沉静的力量更是愈来愈强大。热切期待你往后演的所有角色!Just keep acting!祝你和你家人幸福美满!
In terms of acting, you are my favourite actor. All your performance is so powerful and dynamic. You power of silence is getting greater and greater. I would love to see you act in every character.Just keep acting! Wish you and your family all the best!
P.S. Would love to see you play Matthew Scudder particularly. Or maybe play a dumb in a european historical movies?(lol) Seriouly, I do think you have a classical face to play such movies.
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
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THE BOOK MADE IT! IT’S THERE, HE HAS IT, HE LOVED IT, I’M SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF ALL OF YOU WHO CONTRIBUTED AND HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN 💖💖💖 it took three long years on the grind but the @heymcconaughey project is complete my friends! thank you!!!!
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
he was so amazing and I STAYED CALM and oh mygod I don’t even know what to say lmao………he called from a restricted number and I saw it on my screen and I was just like “this is it, this is fucking it” and took a deep breath and answered it. I DID FINE, I was so calm and I didn’t cry, I didn’t stutter, I managed to ask everything important I needed to say. I’m actually shocked I did so well, my mom was watching me and was even impressed with how collected I was so bitch we lived!!!!!!!!!! I fucking lived.
HE’S WITH WOODY RIGHT NOW HE TOLD ME WOODY IS AT HIS HOUSE, I WAS LIKE “OH MY GOD” and he laughed oh my goodness you guys. I’m dead. he told me they were playing poker at fucking Willie Nelson’s house last night until 7:00 this morning. can you believe!!!!!!!
oh god what else? THE BOOK. he said it was incredible and “brought a tear to my eye”–specifically he mentioned the Chinese fan (sorry I don’t recall your name) who translated everything in their little notepad about Rustin’s lines and Matthew’s improvisation for True Detective and stuff. also @margoleon he specifically mentioned your artwork and hollered “JEEEEEZ LOUISE” about your Rust portraits!!!!!!!!!! I wish you could have heard him, he LOVED your artwork. 
okay here’s the thing–I told him it was wonderful to get a phone call but I really wish we could share the gratitude and experience with everybody else who submitted, so I asked if he could take a photo with the book so I could share it with you guys. he was like “yeah, yeah that’s a great idea!” and told me he’d take one and send it to Mark, so in turn Mark could send it to me. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. I don’t have a photo yet but I am PRAYING he comes in clutch for you guys.
I’m just in disbelief, I’ll have to collect my thoughts and add more specific points later. this was wild!!!!!! I’m so happy it got to happen and thankful for everybody involved. Matthew is such a gentleman and a blessing, what a wonderful gift of a person <3
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
have you heard anything back from matthew's team or something?
I checked in with Mark (Matthew’s childhood friend and somebody who works with his older brother Rooster, etc.) on January 3rd to see if he still had the book with him or not. he told me Matthew’s been out of town and that he was going to give the book to him sometime around mid-January when Matthew “returns to LA.” as far as I can tell, Matthew spent the first couple weeks of January in Argentina doing a hiking trip, so I’m not sure if he’s home from that yet or not, or if he’s even seen Mark in person. I’m still waiting to hear back on that front! he told me he’ll let me know when he finally gets the book into Matthew’s hands. so fingers crossed for now :)
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
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10/04/2017: REALLY good news, guys! at long last--I have finally managed to get a response from somebody in Matthew’s inner circle. Mark, whose account I’ve long since verified, is somebody who works alongside Matthew and his team and has sent me an address associated with the McConaughey family business endeavors in California.
I wrapped the fanbook up today and it’s ready to get mailed out tomorrow! I asked Mark to send me a message when the book gets passed into Matthew’s hands, but I can’t promise we’ll get anything more than that. I don’t want to push my luck with this, you understand, since I consider this such a huge favor from Mark already. if we got a response at all we would be very lucky indeed--please be respectful of Mark and Matthew about this and understand that they’re busy dudes.
let’s pray for it’s safe arrival and that Matthew enjoys your submissions ❤️ thanks so much for being patient these past two years, I can’t thank you enough for participating and supporting this project!
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
Hey famous folks! I’m here trying to recruit some support on behalf of a special gift for one Mr. Matthew McConaughey that contains the incredible artwork and heartfelt letters from people all around the world. 🌏 This is a multidimensional fanwork scrapbook called the “Hey McConaughey Project” that I’ve compiled using submissions from fans from all walks of life in China, Mexico, Romania, Scotland, France, and more! I’ve spent TWO whole years since January 2015 putting this book together using contributions mailed from abroad and have spent the past six months trying to reach out to official management and office headquarters with zero luck, even planning to evacuate my home with this special one-of-a-kind gift when Hurricane Irma hit Florida earlier this month—so I’m here today asking for your help in some small capacity that will hopefully have a positive impact. This is a small and humble book but there’s a lot of real heart in it, and we want to make sure it finds Matthew so we can share some love for his talent and overall body of work, most notably his performance in True Detective. That’s all I’m asking, I’m not looking for any reward or return or a handout: I just need somebody who can help me get this gift into his hands, safely and securely, through the mail. That’s all! Thanks for reading, peace and love to everybody out there. ✌️💕
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
any september updates? hah
I’m gonna be honest…it’s been rough going, dude. I’ve sent physical inquiry letters to Matthew’s manager, his Just Keep Livin office headquarters, and his official fanmail address in Louisiana now. all of those have been duds in the respect that I haven’t gotten a response back at all despite including both my home address and email address as points of contact :( some of those letters I sent six months ago.I’m not really sure what I can do at this point. I’ve tried tagging Camila and JKL on several instagram posts since March and haven’t been acknowledged by either. The only thing left I can think to try is sending a letter to Matthew’s talent agent instead of his manager, but I think these people just laugh at me LOL. I probably look crazy to them, even if I try to keep my letters as professionally sincere as possible. any suggestions are most welcome! this book has now officially survived Hurricane Irma in Florida. makes for a good story, huh? too bad nobody is willing to listen to me so I can get this gift to Matthew after such a long time.
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
May 2017 update:
Not much to say, folks--I’m still trying! I’m mailing an inquiry letter to Matthew’s agent at the Just Keep Livin’ headquarters based in Beverly Hills today. Because the turnaround time for the fan mail address is both ridiculously long and probably won’t deliver the results I’m hoping for, we’re going to try for this route next. I’ll keep you posted!
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heymcconaughey · 7 years
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hey folks, here’s a little update on the fanbook project:
I’ve spent the past month or so reaching out to Camila on different social media platforms and haven’t managed to catch her eye or anybody else’s it seems, so this is Plan C action taking place. Matthew has a fan mail address based in Louisiana, so I’m sending along a sort of “business” inquiry about whether or not I can send the fanbook to that address and if it’ll be received by the proper parties. I’ve heard the turnaround time for this address is anywhere from 3-6 months, but those people were only asking for autographed photos, so I’m not really sure if I’ll get a response anytime soon or if ever at all, but I’m going to go ahead and give it a shot. this has been a very long process but I’m still trying to make it work. thanks for understanding and being patient with me. maybe we’ll hear something good back later this year! :) --H
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
WE’RE ALMOST THERE! I just need to do a few finishing touches and glue down two more things and then we’ll finally be squared up and ready to go 👏 Thank you again, guys, for all your patience and understanding. I know quite a bit of time has passed but without getting into the nitty gritty and any more excuses, I’m just happy to say this fanbook has some beautiful stuff in it and I’ve been privileged to see and handle your words and your art. Thank you to everybody involved! You helped make this project special. Updates will be posted here as they come down the pipeline. Hopefully I can mail this off sooner than later, depending on where Matthew and family is globetrotting at the moment and who I get in contact with :) Fingers crossed!
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
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I stenciled out the fanbook’s title page in gold paint today! here’s a little preview for you guys~
I know it isn’t perfect but just keep livin and alright alright alright, am I right? lol. the book’s almost done! hopefully I’ll have video uploaded tonight or tomorrow showing you the finished product :)
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
progress is being made!!! 🙌
I have the fanbook about halfway done right now in terms of things being definitively put together. I should finish in the next few days! Keep an eye on this space for a video of the finished product 😄
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
Sorry for the perpetual frog in my throat, I might be getting a little bit ill so if I sound weird there’s a possible reason. I just wanted to briefly go through and show you guys the tentative mock-up arrangement for the fanbook’s layout. If anybody has questions or wants me to move something around on your behalf, please let me know!
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
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hey everybody! I printed out most of the email submissions for the HeyMcC fanbook project today. there were only two letters sent to me in total but all the fan art is very beautiful, and I thank you for taking the time to make it :) @audpaints @groovy-tiger @oddly-drawn-thoughtss @greenteapea @lunaticbale @suitfer
because it has already taken me so long to get this done, and because I still haven’t written my own letter quite yet, I wanted to propose an offer to those of you who weren’t able to send your letters and projects last year:
if you would like to email me a typed LETTER expressing your love or admiration for Matthew and his work, I will still take them in my email inbox for the next TWO WEEKS until Monday, November 28th. you can send your text in the body of the email and I will print it out as-is and include it in the finished fanbook. please email me at [email protected] if you’re interested!
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heymcconaughey · 8 years
here’s a brief update post on the HeyMcConaughey fanbook to prove that I’m actually still alive and the project hasn’t flat lined on the table 👍 
I definitely meant to say “sorry it’s been such a long time since I’ve updated” in the beginning, but.....words, etc.
if you have any questions, Allie and I will be happy to answer them :) I’ll be working on printing out the email submissions this weekend!
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heymcconaughey · 9 years
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Just Keep Living
Digital Paint 
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