heyo-its-beth · 3 years
Making Lists :)
There are lots of things I need to do and want to do, so planning is my next step. My room is clean and I have a clean organized desk. I grabbed a clean notebook (laptop, computer, etc. could also work if you don’t like your handwriting) and began to just make a quick list of things I need to do.
I find it pretty helpful to make lists, whether they are for short term or long term plans.
I use lists when I'm feeling down and when I'm feeling inspired! Lists are my go-to's and of course not every list will be used, but they are a great way to get your thoughts organized.
If making a list is hard for you, try setting a 1-10 minute timer (I would do 3 or 5 minutes) and just jot down lots of ideas and hopes, basically anything that comes to mind. No erasing or marking out anything, use this time to just get everything out of your brain. You could even do this a couple of times, once for things you need to do and another time for things you want to do/learn.
I’m on summer break right now, so I’ve almost got unlimited time, if you have a job and/or school then I recommend putting that on your “Need To Do” list so you can make sure to allot the proper amount of time in your schedule.
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heyo-its-beth · 3 years
Steps I’m Taking to Become a Functional Human (WIP)
Step 1. Taking Care of Pet Peeves
Well, I started with one thing that was bothering me the most, buying hand soap.
Step 2. Cleaning My Bedroom
Now that I have completed that, I feel a bit better and I’m going to start cleaning my room which sounds terrible. I looked up how to clean a room and while I’m sure the steps they provided helped some people, I hated it and decided to start with my clothes/dirty laundry.
Find all the clothes I can and put them in the laundry basket
Wash them all if you’re like me and have them in the floor, on the bed, on a dresser
Take sheets, pillowcases, blankets, etc to wash next, after your cycle(s) of clothes.
Febreeze your bed
After I do that, I can see more of my floor now, so let me pick up all the shoes I can find, put them in a box or just on the floor, and move them out of the room.
Now I can start going through all the random papers and bags on my floor and decide what’s trash and what I need to keep. This is a great place to get distracted and if you really need a break, listen to a playlist/song and set a 15 minute timer before you start cleaning again. It’s tiring if you’re like me.
At this point I want to organize my desk and the top of my dresser, which is where I keep all my hair product, facial care, and candles. I need to actually throw away some of the bottles. I need to accept the fact that I’m never going to use the rest of that product and that’s alright! I’m learning what works for my hair.
If you went ahead and organized your surfaces, great! If not, also good job that you’ve accomplished something, even if it’s just reading this. It can seem daunting, but I know that for me, having a clean room feels better even though it absolutely sucks doing it sometimes.
Next I would maybe check on my laundry just to see if cycles need to be switched. If you’ve still got some time and you haven’t already, get some Febreeze or something similar and spray your bed. I know some people will cringe at this but I sleep aggressively and pull off the fitted sheet so half the time I sleep on my naked mattress, so I think this step is really important.
This is probably my least favorite step of cleaning, but try and dust your fan blades. This is probably one of the things to do first, but I’m a rebel and I’m forgetful. If you have allergies or you’re sensitive to dust, try and wear a mask during this step and go grab a coffee, tea, water, or food if you want while you wait for the dust to settle a bit.
After relaxing my next step is going to be sweeping, which can stir up the dust a bit, so mask up if needed! Sweeping is probably my favorite part, because if you have a hardwood floor like me, it’s nice to appreciate a nice clean floor that isn’t gritty or crunchy. If that made you cringe or worry about me, I apologize, but if you have this avoidance of cleaning like me then just know you're not alone and it’s ok. :) We all deal with something like this.
Now is the time for final touch-ups and bringing our shoes back in and maybe even moving furniture around. This is my second favorite part, because once you finish this step, you’re most likely done cleaning your room! Congratulations! And if you haven’t made it to this step, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can get your room clean soon! I believe in you. :)
*I completely forgot about the closet, but I basically took everything out, divided the stuff into three sections: Keep, Questionable, Trash. I determined how to sort questionable by asking myself the following questions*
When was the last time I used this/thought about this item?
More than 3 months ago? Probably trash
What will I need this for in the future and do I currently have something serving that function?
If you already have another Item that you use frequently then Trash
What even is this?
IDK → Trash
There may be some other factors, but evaluate your items harshly. You probably don’t owe that item anything so throw it out! If you find old clothes (not underwear) keep them in a separate pile/bag/box and wash them and donate them! Even some toys or items could be donated if they are still in good condition. Or if you’re looking for extra cash then you may even want to consider listing it on Ebay or having a yard sale.
Step 3. Cleaning the Bathroom
I hate cleaning the bathroom. I basically just take everything I can out of the drawers, cupboards, and shower and leave it somewhere else.
If you’re like me, you might get hung up at this step as you furiously clean bottles and read labels. That’s alright, take your time with this. It’s hard to clean.
Next I would start in the shower or the farthest place from the door and just scrub and rinse until it’s as clean as you can get it. Don’t stress too much as cleaning the bathroom can come with many smaller projects than you need to take on right now, unless you think you can, then go for it!
Now if you have a small bathroom like mine, there are small nooks and crannies that can be hard to get to, so make sure to check thoroughly if you want to. I’m going to scrub the toilet and sink next, but feel free to start on the floor. I like to work from farthest from the door (which is my shower) then the walls if they’re dusty, then the toilet, then the sink, and finally the floor. I’m sure some people may need to sweep frequently, and that’s fine, do what feels right. After all that, I’ll probably end with the mirror before I start organizing.
Again, dusting the fan blades may need to be a beginning step, but it’s up to you if you even want to take on this task! I recommend it though.
After putting everything back into place, you’re done! Organizing may take a while as you might have to trial and error where things belong, just try and focus and relax when doing this step.
*I’m sure some people may have other rooms to clean as well, but I’m a teenager, so unless I just really have a lot of extra energy, I won’t be cleaning the rest of the house or buying groceries any time soon. Good luck to anyone who does need to do this! Start with the most obvious problem in a room or just remove clutter and start from there!*
Step 4. Finishing Touches
While I only have trash bags from the bathroom and my room, I recommend cleaning other rooms if you live on your own. I've thrown away empty bottles of product that I never use and probably never would have used, old razors, random wrappers, obvious trash, and other things I had been hoarding but didn’t need from my closet.
On your trash run, make sure to recycle and donate during this trip if you have time. Donating can be a good way to help the community and a way to help you feel better.
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heyo-its-beth · 3 years
Tumblr media
This is going to be one of the quotes that helps me through my journey, I hope it helps you guys too :)
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heyo-its-beth · 3 years
This is my first time using Tumblr, but here's my first post! I plan on posting how I'm trying to better myself and I want to use this to inspire others and to help me stay motivated! I'm thinking about posting my journey to becoming a happier and more productive person because I feel like I have the potential to be great! I want to encourage others too! Feel free to reach out if you have advice or want to share your story with me :)
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