heyyitsnica · 3 years
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Love is an intense affection for another person. It is a feeling of strong and constant affection for a person, such as motherly love, fatherly love, and family love. It is also a solid and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate, and fulfilling relationship. Love has many different senses, both as a verb and a noun. It can also be expressed in many ways, such as through verbal and nonverbal love.
Nonverbal actions/expressions are the use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate nonverbally with your loved ones which are often done instinctively rather than consciously. Nonverbal behaviors include the gestures that you make, your posture, your tone of voice, and how much eye contact you make. These simple behaviors can send strong and deeper messages/meanings to your significant other/loved ones. They may either put people at ease, develop trust, and attract others to you, or they can offend, confuse, and detract from what you're attempting to communicate. These signals continue even if you stop speaking. Even when you're not saying anything, you're communicating nonverbally.
Among the many nonverbal ways of showing love to other people, my way of showing my love to people who matter to me the most are through simple gestures such as hugging, smiling, eye contact, facial expressions, and by giving small gifts. I use these gestures to my family, friends, and significant other. These nonverbal cues help me express myself when words can’t. These are more important than words because this really shows how grateful and how lucky I am to have them in my life. These gestures are what make me express my emotions and feelings that cannot be expressed through words.
I believe that actions speak louder than words. The saying “actions speak louder than words” emphasizes that what you do is more important and shows your intentions and feelings more clearly than what you say. Words can be said without actually meaning them. However, actions cannot be done without wanting to do it. There are a lot of things we say that we don’t necessarily mean, such as the “I love you’s”. A lot of people say this without actually meaning them or showing it. A simple “I love you” means nothing when you don’t show that person how much you love them. You can’t just ‘say’ love, you have to feel it and mean it by showing it. Simple gestures can have a deeper meaning when you genuinely mean it and show them to the people you love.
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heyyitsnica · 3 years
Sports Blog
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The Women’s Rhythmic individual all-around competition at the 2016 Summer Olympics was held at the Arena Olimpica do Rio. The competition consisted of a qualification round and a final round. The top ten gymnast in the qualification round advanced to the final round. In each round, the gymnasts performed four routines (ball, hoop, clubs, and ribbon), with the scores added to give a total. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaxT2vguGXQ)
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Court Dimensions
An Olympic floor exercise mat is required to be 12 meters by 12 meters, which equals 39.37 feet by 39.37 feet. The standard distance from one corner to the opposite corner is 1,697 cm or 55.68 feet. Allowances are made for competitions in case the floor exercise measurements are not precise. For the length and width, the 12 meters has a 3 cm margin of error. For the measurement from corner to corner, the floor has to be within 5 cm of the standard measurement.
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Sportswear/Leotard – in order to move freely, a gymnast is required to wear leotards, especially in classes and during competitions. This is the most important thing that is needed.
Ribbon – band that the gymnast must keep constantly moving by forming very precise figures, such as serpentines, spirals and circles.
Hoop – rigid apparatus used in a wide variety of manipulations, such as rotations, throwing, rolls and passing through.
Ball – is a sphere that a gymnast manipulates to bring out suppleness and corporal expression, as well as the contrast between power for throwing and gentleness for catching.
Rope – apparatus whose length is proportional to the gymnast's height. It is mainly used for jumping.
Club – apparatuses that are manipulated in a choreography made up of rotations, throwing and asymmetrical movements.
Basic Skills
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon or rope. The sport combines elements of gymnastics, dance and calisthenics. The basic skills that you would need to acquire is to be strong, flexible, agile, dexterous and coordinated.
Rules of the game
No jewelry of any type can be worn.
Hair must be tied away from the face at all times.
No shoes are allowed on the gym floor. Bare feet or gymnastics shoes (i.e., beam shoes) are recommended. Socks and tights are unsafe in the gym because they are slippery on the apparatus/equipment, mats, and hard floors, therefore they are not allowed.
Girls attire: Gymnastics leotard or biketards only. No skirted or dance leotards, buckles, belts, or zippers. Fitted shorts or pants may be worn during warmups. (Gymnasts may be asked by the coach/instructor to take them off during equipment time.)
Boy's attire: T-shirt tucked into shorts or pants that are not too baggy. No buckles, belts or zippers.
How to officiate the sport
On an international level, all of competitive gymnastics is governed by the International Gymnastics Federation which was founded in 1881, and is the oldest established sports federation in the world. Each country then has its own national governing body which is affiliated to the International Gymnastics Federation. In Australia this governing body is called Gymnastics Australia. Underneath the national governing body each state has their own state association and this state association in co-operation with the national governing body coordinate and provide for the participation by Australian athletes, coaches, and officials in gymnastics and approved national and international competitions.
The International Gymnastics Federation is the international governing body whose policies and guidelines each national association must abide by, which is utilized for officiating within the Commonwealth Games. Officials are made up of the competing countries to ensure equality and unbiased outcomes in terms of judging within the games.        
Nationally according to Gymnastics Australia - the main organization of governance, coordination of event and management of the Gymnastics image, reputation and athletes, officials within Gymnastics, whom comprise of both coaches and judges, must attain a national Gymnastics Australia Accreditation in order to officiate and coach at the Commonwealth Games. This of course is just in terms of Australian officials. This accreditation can be achieved through the attainment of competencies and testing through numerous courses available. In terms of major events, further qualifications must be attained to then achieve a Technical Membership of Gymnastics Australia.        
This technical membership will then lead to the acquisition of regular information updates in regards to the organization and furthered education such as educational courses and workshops. Additional attainments will include Insurance and Risk Protection - in terms of liabilities and Communication with all members of the organization at all levels (which can be seen as a positive in terms of networking and building business relationships). This henceforth leads to officials and judges agreeing to abide by Gymnastics Australia’s Policies and Regulation, which comprises of policies and ethics.
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heyyitsnica · 3 years
Sports Blog
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The Full Women’s Figure Skating Short Program competition of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held at the Gangneung Ice Arena in Gangneung, South Korea. The short program was held on 21 February, while the free skating was held on February 23.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEtYYtwX1sM)
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Court Dimensions
Figure skating has different dimensions of ice rinks. Olympic-sized rinks have dimensions of 30 m × 60 m (98.4 ft × 197 ft), NHL-sized rinks are 26 m × 61 m (85 ft × 200 ft), while European rinks are sometimes 30 m × 64 m (98 ft × 210 ft). The ISU prefers Olympic-sized rinks for figure skating competitions, particularly for major events. According to ISU rule 342, a figure skating rink for an ISU event "if possible, shall measure sixty (60) meters in one direction and thirty (30) meters in the other, but not larger, and not less than fifty-six (56) meters in one direction and twenty-six (26) meters in the other.”
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In figure skating, there are 9 essential equipment's that are needed which are:
Ice Skates – are the most important piece of equipment that will be bought by a figure skater. Without these, a skater could not skate.
Socks - Many people are scared their feet will be cold when ice-skating, so they want to use thick socks. However, the thinner the socks the better. At high level, some skater even skate barefoot because socks cause friction. With thin socks, you can feel your sole better and control pressure to control your movement.
Ice Skating bag – one of the most popular and most used skating bags is the Zuca bag. The Zuca bag is made in different sizes and colors and is an effective and easy way to transport skates and other equipment. Most Zuca skate bags will have wheels. Other than the Zuca bag, there are several other different kinds of over-the-shoulder bags that are comfortable to hold and carry a skater’s equipment safely.
Skate guards - It is absolutely critical to have a pair of skate guards. As soon as you get off the ice, you should protect your blades with the guards. The smallest impact on your blade means that you can't skate anymore, and you would have to buy new ones. The blades are only supposed to be on the ice.
Absorbent cloth or towel - You should always have something to dry your blades and mounting surfaces after a practice. It is mandatory. If you don't want rust to appear on your blades, you have to spend some time drying them thoroughly before packing them.
Skate soakers - When packed in a bag, your skates should not be left unprotected (as the blades will get damaged) and should not be protected by the guards as they will keep moisture and rust will appear. In the bag, your blade should be covered with skate soakers that will keep absorbing humidity. They are also a non-negotiable figure skating equipment.
Appropriate clothing which are:
layers - (top, jackets, gloves...) that you can add or remove as your practice progresses - make sure you wear a jacket after practice. You will have been sweating and the rink is cold, so make sure you keep warm.
flexible - jeans are not a good option. You need to have a good amplitude of movement.
water reaction - the other reason jeans are not a good idea is that once wet, they hold the water and freeze. It is not enjoyable. Wear clothes that dry fast
form fitted - if you are not a leisure skater but being coached, your coach will need to see your lines and how your knees are bending. Therefore, you should not be wearing large clothes.  
Gloves - When practicing, gloves are a good idea. Some skaters may not enjoy them, but most do appreciate the warmth and the protection when falling.
Water bottle - It is essential to keep hydrated during ice skating practice, for your health and your performance. You should always bring a bottle of water to the rink.
Basic Skills
Basic Skills forms a strong foundation for skaters to explore the world of skating. Each level introduces new skills and techniques, encouraging skaters to advance while having fun in a healthy and social environment.
Basic Skills 1
Sit on ice and stand up
March forward across the ice
Forward two-foot glide
Forward swizzles — 6–8 in a row
Backward wiggles — 6–8 in a row
Beginning snowplow stop on two feet or one foot
Bonus skill: Two-foot hop in place
Basic Skills 2
Scooter pushes — R and L
Forward one-foot glides — R and L
Backward two-foot glide — Glide the length of skater’s height
Rocking Horse (one forward swizzle, one backward swizzle) — Repeat twice
Backward swizzles — 6–8 in a row
Two-foot turns from forward to backward in place — clockwise and counterclockwise
Moving snowplow stop
Bonus skill: Curves
Basic Skills 3
Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade
Forward half swizzle pumps on a circle — 6–8 consecutive clockwise and counterclockwise
Moving forward to backward two- foot turns on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Beginning backward one-foot glides — focus on balance
Backward snowplow stop — R and L
Forward slalom
Bonus skill: Forward pivots – clockwise and counterclockwise
Basic Skills 4
Forward outside edge on a circle — R and L
Forward inside edge on a circle — R and L
Forward crossovers — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward half swizzle pumps on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward one-foot glides — R and L
Beginning two-foot spin — Up to two revolutions
Bonus skill: Forward lunges — both legs
Basic Skills 5
Backward outside edge on a circle — R and L
Backward inside edge on a circle — R and L
Backward crossovers — clockwise and counterclockwise
Forward outside three-turn — R and L
Advanced two-foot spin — 4–6
Hockey stop — both directions
Bonus skill: Side toe hop — R and L
Basic Skills 6
Forward inside three-turn — R and L
Moving backward to forward two- foot turn on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward stroking
Beginning one-foot spin — 2–4 revolutions, optional free leg position and entry
T-stops – R and L
Bunny hop
Forward spiral on a straight line — R or L
Bonus skill: Shoot the duck — R or L
Technical and Tactical skills
Technical skating refers to biomechanical principles applied to maximize all skating skills required in figure skating. It is the fundamentals of skating. Players need to skate in a proper figure stance with good knee bend, balance and edge control. Technical skating consists of forward and backward: balance, edge control, starting, stopping, striding, tight turns, crossovers, pivots and progressions to agility and mobility skating. The fundamentals of all aspects of forwards, backwards and all direction skating requires specific technical practice to achieve mastery.
The teaching of technical skating over the last 40 years can be categorized to power skating. Power skating programs vary often from a figure skating base, to a specific curriculum to just a conditioning component or combinations of all three. It is often deliberate practice.
When taught properly, the on-ice instructor demos the skating skill, explaining the key teaching points, the players then try the skill and corrections are made to their skating technique. This deliberate teaching offers players better technique through proper repetition of skating drills. The drills involve thinking as well as skating. The instructor is reinforcing good skating techniques and attempting to get rid of bad skating habits. The objective is to make each player a better all-round skater, smoother, and more efficient skater.
Rules of the Game
In ice skating, you are scored by a panel of judges, and the job of the ice skater is to get the highest possible score. Athletes can be judged based on the amount and quality of spins, jumps, and steps. This is the same in pairs, except both athletes are judges based on their coordinated movements. Here are some lists of the rules:
Athletes must wear approved figure skates
Men must wear pants or trousers
Women must wear tights, trousers, and/or unitards
Athletes must vary their performances from routine to routine
Certain types of music are not allowed
Athletes can be disqualified for not following time regulations
Costumes cannot be too decorative or revealing
How to officiate the sport
Officials are valued members of the Association. They are volunteers who donate their time, knowledge and expertise to assist in the development of our athletes. In figure skating there are many different categories of officials – evaluators, technical controllers, technical specialists, judges, referees, and data specialists each with a specific job to do.
Skate Canada officials must be at least 16 years old, meet certain criteria and complete certain task and activities to become qualified. Activities include:
– Clinics and seminars, – Skill and Knowledge Assessments and Exams, – Trial officiating, – and actual officiating
Evaluators - assess skaters at assessment days arranged periodically by Skate Canada member clubs, so that their skaters can be assessed and move on to the next level or test. Evaluators are responsible for assessing the following levels:
STAR 6 – Gold Free Skate Assessments STAR 6 – Diamond Dance Assessments STAR 6 – Gold Skills Assessments STAR 7 – Gold Artistic Assessments
Technical Specialists and Technical Controllers - are former athletes, coaches, Skate Canada judges or referees recruited for the correct identification of elements and levels of difficulty of these elements when attempted by skaters and teams in competition.
Judges - officiate at all levels of competitions, and are responsible for assessing the quality with which a skater performs in competition and also assess competitive tests.
Referees - oversee the ice conditions, ensures that all rules applicable to an assessment or competition are followed and acts as chairman of the judges’ panel and arbiter in policy or procedure disputes. At smaller events, the referee will typically act as both referee and one of the judges.
Data Specialists - are the individuals responsible for calculating the marks awarded by the judges and tabulating the final result. If open marking is used at an event the data specialists are normally found at ice level. At other events, they will be in the result calculation center.
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heyyitsnica · 3 years
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The synchronized swimming competitions at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro were staged from August 15-20 at the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center. There are a total of 104 athletes that competed in two medal events, namely the women’s diet and the women’s team.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRGQDubSAqw)
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Court Dimensions
The Maria Lenk Aquatics Center is an aquatics center that is part of the City of Sports Complex in Barra da Tijuca district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. An Olympic sized pool measures 50 meters long, 25 meters wide, and a minimum of 2 meters deep.  
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Synchronized swimming and Competitive swimming is different from each other, which means that synchronized swimming also has differen equipments to be used which are:
Swimsuit – in order for you to swim well in a pool, you must wear a swimsuit. Like many other things, technology has entered the swimsuit arena as well. Fabrics are designed for minimal resistance through the water, they tend to last a long time, and they resist fading even when used repeatedly in chlorinated pools.  
Nose clip - In synchronized swimming, the athletes have to perform a lot of underwater movements. There are chances of water entering into the nose of the players. In order to avoid that, the athletes use a small clip of hard plastic or wire. It also has a thin rubber coating.
Bathing Caps - Bathing caps can serve several purposes. Some pool managers will require individuals with long hair to wear caps to keep hair from getting into the pool, and some people just like to protect their hair from the chlorine in the water. You may also decide to wear a bathing cap to cut down on resistance in the water.
Underwater Speakers - The most important equipment for synchronized swimming is the underwater speakers. Swimmers cannot perform under water if the music is not audible. Music plays an important role in synchronized swimming because it is a rhythmic sport.
We know that impedance of water is 3600 times more than that of air. There is also a 62 dB (decibel) offset between the sound that travels in air and that in water. To overcome this problem, the underwater speakers used in synchronized swimming depend on Piezoelectric Technology.
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Basic Skills
Since swimming and synchronized swimming are different, synchronized swimming has another set of basic skills that you need to learn which are:
Sculls - Sculls are hand movements used to propel the body and are essential to synchronised swimming. Some commonly used sculls are support, standard, torpedo, split-arm, barrel and paddle scull. The support scull is most often used and is made up of two repeated movements. You need to hold your upper arms against your body and your forearms at 90-degree angles. Then, you move your forearms back and forth to create enough water pressure to hold your legs above the water.
Eggbeater -This move is much like how a manual eggbeater works, with one leg rotating in a clockwise manner and rotating the other leg in an anti-clockwise manner. Synchronised swimmers use this kick because it leaves their hands free to perform strokes. Due to the opposite motion of the kick, it is a stable and efficient way for swimmers to attain the necessary height to perform moves above the water.
Positions - There are hundreds of positions that can be used to create infinite combinations. However, six most common positions are:
Crane Position - Hold your body in a vertical position with one leg held vertically above the water surface, while the other leg is held parallel under the surface in a 90-degree angle or "L" shape.
Ballet Leg Double Position - From lying flat on the water surface, draw your knees towards your chest with shins parallel to the water surface. Straighten your legs above the water surface to assume a Surface Ballet Leg Double position.
Side Fishtail Position - This is a position similar to the crane. One leg remains vertical, while the other is extended to the side parallel to the water, creating a side "Y" position.
Knight Position -The body is held vertically with your head in line with the hips and pointed to the bottom of the pool. One leg is lowered to create a vertical line perpendicular to the surface.
Flamingo Position - Similar to the ballet leg position where the bottom leg is pulled into the chest so that the shin of the bottom leg is touching the knee of the vertical leg.
Split Position - With the body vertical, one leg is stretched forward along the surface and the other leg is extended back along the surface.
Lifts - Lifts are formations that are formed underwater and as swimmers propel themselves towards the surface, they stay in formation and add more elements like acrobatics. There are three parts to a lift in synchronized swimming: The Flyer, the Base and the Pushers.
The Flyer - Flyers are agile and flexible and are usually the smallest member of the team. It is preferable that they have a gymnastics background as they need to perform complicated moves while on the top of the formation.
The Base - Base swimmers tends to be small in size, but should have good leg strength and a solid core as they make up the structure of the formation.
The Pushers - Pushers are the bigger and stronger swimmers because they need the strength to propel the formation to the water surface.
Types of Lifts
The Platform Lift - The base lays out in a back layout position underwater, where they lie on their back to form a platform of interlinked bodies. The Flyer sets in a squatting position and stands once the lift reaches the surface. The remaining teammates use the eggbeater kicks to hold the platform and the flyer out of the water.
The Stack Lift - Considered to be an updated version of the Platform, the Stack Lift begins with the base squatting while underwater, supported by the pushers. The flyer then stands on the shoulders of the base. The pushers and base gradually stretch out their limbs, elevating the flyer. A rotating descent is usually added to this lift.
Technical and Tactical Skills
There are 4 competitive swimming techniques which are the front crawl, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. Many competitive swimming races are decided by hundredths of a second. The race tactics a swimmer employs can be the difference between a gold and a silver medal.
Many young and less experienced competitive swimmers enter their first competition without any idea of how they are going to race.
It’s important that together, the coach and the swimmer develop effective swimming race tactics, as it’s an important means
Rules of the game
While there are a range of rules and penalties for specific routines, the basic rules of artistic swimming are.
No Touching the Bottom - One of the things which makes the lifts all the more impressive is that artistic swimmers are not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool at any point during their routines.
No Bling - Presentation is a unique and important part of artistic swimming but there are certain restrictions on what swimmers can wear. For example, artistic swimmers are not permitted jewelry, theatrical make-up, or inappropriate costumes.
No Goggles - Another restriction during artistic swimming routines is goggles. However, swimmers in figures competitions are permitted to wear them.
Team Means Team - Teams normally contain eight swimmers, but the minimum number for a team is four. Teams lose marks for every swimmer they have under the full complement because it is easier to synchronize the fewer people there are in a routine.
Stick to the Schedule - Routines can be anything from two and a half minutes to five minutes long, depending on whether they are performed alone or as part of a team. However, swimmers are penalized if they take 15 seconds fewer or longer than the specified time.
How to officiate the sport
There are many judges and officials working during a synchronized swimming competition. There are two 5-member panels of judges, with one panel scoring technical merit and the other scoring artistic impression and capabilities.
The judges award points on a scale of 0.0-10.0 (in tenths). The judges watch for the difficulty of each movement, how well the routine is executed and synchronized, and how easy the swimmers make it look (easier looking but actually very hard is better!).
Besides the two 5-judge panels, there is a head referee, clerical staff to record scores, and backup judges. There is even an official sound center manager to make sure the music is right.
The Olympic medals are awarded based on total points earned by the swimmers. The scores for each routine are totaled, and the highest score wins gold, second wins silver, and third win bronze. There could be ties in scoring, in which case both earn that medal.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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The women’s singles tennis tournament at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro was held at the Olympic Tennis Centre in the Barra Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from August 6-13, 2016. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-iONJOk4NM)
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Court Dimensions
Tennis courts are about 23.77m long and for single matches, 8.23m wide. For doubles, the court is about 10.97 wide. The court is divided into two equal areas by a net suspended by a cord or metal cable attached to two net posts. The net is 1.07m high and is fully extended to that it fills the space between the two nets posts. The net is 0.914m high at the center, where is held down tightly by a white strap. A white band covers the cord or metal cable and the top of the net.
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There are 7 basic equipment’s that are used in tennis which are:
Racket – Rackets can be made of many alloys or wood. There are no restrictions on the size or materials used in making a racket. It has an oval head and a gradually widening throat that connects the narrow handle with the head of the racket.
Ball - As per ITF rules, Tennis balls are yellow-colored spherical balls, with a diameter between 2.5 and 2.625 inches. They weigh between 2 and 21/16 oz. Pressurized rubber is used to make semi spherical half shells. They are then joined with compressed air between them.
Net - A rectangular net is used to separate the two sides of a Tennis court. The net should cover the space between the two net posts. The net is woven in such a way that it does not allow the Tennis ball to pass through. It is usually tied in about 3 feet above the ground at the center.
Wrist Bands - Wrist bands are worn around wrists to prevent sweat from wetting the players’ palm or the racket. A wet grip might not be strong.
Head Band - Headbands are used to absorb sweat. They also tie player’s hair away from their face. Any tight cap made of absorbent material can also be used instead of a head band.
Tennis Shoes - Running shoes don’t provide enough lateral support to players. Tennis shoes are designed to give players better stability and prevent them from sliding while moving sideways. Shoes shouldn’t damage the court when players move briskly across the court
Dress - Men wear T-Shirts or shirts made of materials like polyester that does not absorb sweat and keeps the player cool. They wear shorts that do not cover their knees. Though women are advised to wear just any comfortable dress, of late many Tennis champions try to make a style statement with their carefully designed clothes. Many players prefer wearing a tank top or a T-shirt on a short skirt.
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Basic Skills
There are 6 basic skills in tennis which are: the serve, forehand groundstroke, backhand groundstroke, forehand volley, backhand volley, and the overhead smash.
Serve - A serve in tennis is the stroke used to start every point in a match. It is the only stroke in tennis that a player has complete control over and is therefore one of the most important shots in the game. A good serve allows the player serving to assert some control over how the point unfolds. This is because the server gets the first strike and based on the power, spin and shot placement can limit what the returning player can do.
Forehand groundstroke - A tennis forehand is one of the two types of groundstrokes. It refers to a shot performed from the baseline with the racket held in your dominant hand. For a right-handed player the forehand swing starts on the right side of your body, continues forward and across your body as you contact the ball (at this point the palm of your hand is turned away from your body), and finishes on the left side of your body.
Backhand groundstroke - A backhand in tennis is the other of the two types of groundstroke. It can be a one-handed and/or two-handed stroke. Like the forehand, the basic swing pattern starts on one side of your body, moves forward and across, and ends on the other side of your body. But unlike the forehand, the backhand is hit with the back of your dominant hand facing the direction of the stroke.
Forehand volley - The forehand volley is one of the two types of volleys. It is generally played closer to the net than other strokes. Like the forehand groundstroke, a forehand volley is hit with the racket in your dominant hand palm facing away from your body.
Backhand volley - The backhand volley is the other type of volley. Just like the forehand volley it’s usually hit quite close to the net.
Overhead smash - an overhead smash is a stroke where the player contacts the ball with the racquet above his or her head using a serve-like motion. This shot is commonly referred to as simply a smash or overhead and the two terms are interchangeable. The term smash or overhead usually refers to the “forehand smash” or “forehand overhead” as this is the most common form of the shot.
Technical and Tactical skills
From the practical perspective, a tennis player’s technique/skills will determine what that tennis player is consistently capable of doing with the tennis ball through different types of strokes (forehand, serve, backhand, slice, etc.), in a variety of practice situations and then during a variety of match situations. Some key words and terms here are “consistently” and “variety of practice and match situations.” This is because something could be classified as “highly-skilled” or “proficient,” only if it can be successfully repeated multiple times under different conditions (situations).
To be able to compete well in a match, a tennis player needs (besides specific tennis skills as described in the paragraphs above) to consider some of the tactical aspects of the game, such as understanding patterns of play (the geometry of play), higher versus lower percentage choices of plays/shots, and an opponent’s strengths and/or weaknesses, to mention a few important ones.
Rules of the game  
A ball must land within bounds for play to continue; if a player hits the ball outside of bounds, this results in the loss of the point for them.
Players/teams cannot touch the net or posts or cross onto the opponent’s side.
Players/teams cannot carry the ball or catch it with the racquet.
Players cannot hit the ball twice.
Players must wait until the ball passes the net before they can return it.
A player that does not return a live ball before it bounces twice loses the point.
If the ball hits or touches the players, that counts as a penalty.
If the racquet leaves the hand or verbal abuse occurs, a penalty is given.
Any ball that bounces on the lines of boundary are considered good.
A serve must bounce first before the receiving player can return it.
How to officiate
Tennis officiating is comprised of a variety of different functions:
Line umpire - This official is primarily used at professional events. As a member of the on-court officiating team, the line umpire assists the Chair Umpire in determining if a ball falls within or outside of the boundaries of the court.
Chair Umpire - Responsible for all aspects of the match to which he/she is assigned, the chair umpire applies the Rules of Tennis, Code of Conduct, and Tournament Regulations on court, either as a solo chair umpire, or working with a lines crew.
Roving Umpire - The roving umpire exercises jurisdiction over more than one court at a time, in the case of matches played without a chair umpire. His/her duties are similar to those of a chair umpire – and also include working with the Tournament Committee to ensure that assigned courts are ready for play, resolving scoring disputes, controlling spectators, parents, and coaches.
Referee - The referee is the final on-site authority for the interpretation of the Tournament Rules, Code of Conduct, Rules of Tennis, and all aspects of play. The referee is an integral part of the Tournament Committee and ensures that the event is organized in a fair manner according to the Tennis Canada guidelines. All sanctioned events are required to have a referee on-site while play is in progress.
Chief of Officials - At larger, or professional events, the line and chair umpires are often hired and managed by a chief of officials, who may also be responsible for training and evaluation of the officials during the event.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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Men’s Single Table Tennis | Rio 2016 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5H-Eq_Kcxw)
Ma Long stood victorious over fellow compatriot Zhang Jike in the Men’s Singles final, as Chima won their second Table Tennis gold metal of the Games. With the top two seeds going head-to-head there was potential for a thrilling final, however, after edging the first end in deuce, Ma thundered past Zhang in the following three games to win the gold medal on his Olympic singles debut.  
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Table tennis are regulated playing surfaces designed specifically for the game of table tennis, which is also known as ping-pong. Table tennis tables measures 9’| 2.74 m long by 5’ | 1.525 m in wide. The playing surface of a ping-pong table must be set at a height of 2.5’ | 76 cm and is equipped with a center net that is 6” | 15.25 cm high and stretches 6” | 15.25 cm beyond the width of the table.  
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There are only 4 basic equipment's that are needed for tennis which are:
Racket/Paddle – a racket is used to hit the ball back and forth on the table. Although this looks similar to the ones used in long tennis, this model is smaller and is made of different materials. It is often made out of wood and rubber.
Ball – one of the most crucial table tennis equipment to play a ping-pong game is the ball. Ping-Pong table ball is made with celluloid or another plastic. The celluloid composes of nitrocellulose and camphor that is produced in a sheet and soaked in a hot alcohol solution unitil it is soft and easy to play with. These are often used in the color white or orange.  
Table Tennis Table – the list of basic types of table tennis equipment would be incomplete without the tennis table. It is often regarded as a Ping-Pong table. This is a wooden or metal equipment in which the game is played.  
Net and Post – although these units enjoy little or no attention, a ping-pong game cannot be played without the availability of these units. These are used to divide the table into two so that each player has their own side.
There are four basic skills used in table tennis which are the forehand drive, the backhand drive, the backhand push and the forehand push.
The Forehand Drive – The forehand drive is divided into four parts which are:
The stance – this is the first thing that you need to worry about since this is all about your positioning or your preparation before hitting the ball.
The backswing – It is the first movement after you’ve seen the ball.
The strike – It is the forward movement towards the ball.
The finish – it is the end point of the shot.
The Backhand Drive – As with the forehand drive, the backhand drive is also divided into four parts which are:
The stance – should be ‘square to the line of play’ which means that your feet should be facing the direction of the play.
The backswing – a backhand does not involve any rotation of the body nor weight transfer, instead, you just bring the bat back towards your body.
The strike – it is when you more your bat forward and, towards the ball from your elbow.  
The finish – is the same as the forehand drive wherein the bat should follow the ball and finish in the direction it has just been hit.
The Backhand Push – it is arguably the easiest of the four basic table tennis strokes. It is also divided into four parts which are:
The stance – is the same as that used for the backhand drive. Feet and body must be square to the line of play.
The backswing - the backhand push requires the bat to be brought backwards and slightly upwards, towards the chest.
The strike - simply involves ‘pushing’ the bat forwards and down from the elbow.
The finish - should have the bat out in front of you and down towards the table. The angle at the elbow should have opened but the arm should still be slightly bent.
The Forehand Push – is probably the toughest of all the basic table tennis strokes, these are also divided into four parts which are:
The stance - needs to go back to the forehand ready position you used for your forehand drive. If you’re right-handed that means right foot slightly back and then as always, knees bent, body crouched, both arms out in front of you.
The backswing - for the forehand push is not as extreme as for the drive. The push is a softer shot and therefore requires more feel and less weight transfer/power. However, you will still need a small amount of twisting backwards in preparation.
The strike - requires you to twist your body forwards with a slight transfer of weight onto your front foot. You may also need to step in with your playing foot if the ball is short.
The finish - should leave the bat in front of your body, having followed the line of the ball. As you’re putting backspin on the ball the bat should be down towards the table.
By contrast, technical and tactical skills are more specific to particular sports (Fernandez-Fernandez et al., 2011). In tennis, they include factors like ball and racket handling, recognition of on-court tactical situations and appropriate decision making (MacCurdy, 2006). Technical skills in tennis are mostly demonstrated through serves and groundstrokes. Two important variables of a serve include ball velocity and the percentage of correct first serves (Knudson, Noffal, Bahamonde, Bauer, & Blackwell, 2004). Tactical skills are defined as knowledge about in-game adaptations and decision-making activities on court (Elferink-Gemser, Kannekens, Lyons, Tromp, & Visscher, 2010). Compared with other factors, the combination of technical and tactical skills is more likely to differentiate players whose performance levels differ (Vaeyens, Lenoir, Williams, & Philippaerts, 2008). This hypothesis is supported by the findings of other studies, suggesting that these skills may be important for identifying talent and for sporting prowess (Meylan, Cronin, Oliver, & Hughes, 2010; Strecker, Foster, & Pascoe, 2011).
A Game is played to 11 points. A Game must be won by two points. A Match is generally the best three of five Games.  
Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time. EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point. Can you lose on a serve in ping pong? Yes! There is no separate rule for serving on Game Point.
How do you serve the ball in ping pong? Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table. Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the other side. NOTE: Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit.  
There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge.  
The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court (NOTE: landing on center line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their team serves twice.
Can the ball hit the net in ping pong? Yes, during a RALLY, if it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit. BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is no limit on how many times this can happen.  
Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the ball lands on the table.  
Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may “volley” the ball (hitting the ball before it bounces on your side of the net). But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent. NOTE: When your opponent hits a ball that sails over your end of the table without touching it and then hits you or your paddle, that is still your point.  
If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your opponent touching it, that is your point.
What happens if the ball hits your finger or hand during a ping pong rally? If the ball touches your PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and hand area below the wrist. But what if the ball touches a player’s body anywhere else during a ping pong rally? You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand for any reason. It will result in a point for your opponent. BUT if your opponent’s hit sails over your side of the table without touching it, and hits any part of you or your paddle, that is still your point.
You may touch the ball or the table with your paddle hand (after reaching in to return a short serve, for example), or other parts of your body. NOTE: If the table moves at all from your touching it during a rally, that is your opponent’s point.  
An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT part of the legal playing surface.
If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong carries a tradition of fierce but fair play. Help us keep it that way!
Officiating the sport provides the opportunity to be involved in the conduct of Table Tennis competitions at many levels including club, regional, state, national and international, including World Championships, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Table Tennis officiating can be divided into two sections including Refereeing and Umpiring. Referees control the conduct of tournaments and umpires control the conduct of matches. Both sets of officials have their own responsibilities, with the referee in overall control while umpires have their own powers in relation to their match duties. At a major tournament, there will be one referee and a varying number of deputy referees, and a group of umpires. However, at lower levels of tournaments and club competition, players are often required to umpire matches for other competitors. Therefore, it is not only useful to have a good knowledge and understanding of the rules as a player but also to have some knowledge of umpiring procedures and duties. Currently in Australia, there are four levels of umpires and these are Association Umpire, State Umpire, National Umpire and International Umpire. And there are currently three levels of referees and these are State Referee, National Referee and International Referee.
For every table tennis competition, a referee is appointed with a deputy who can act on their behalf. The referee is required to be present at the venue throughout a tournament and is required to uphold the rules.
During a table tennis match, an umpire is appointed to decide on the result of each point or rally. The umpire is required to use their judgement when applying the laws and regulations of the ITTF. Where the umpire is officiating alone, their decision is final and they should be seated about 2–3 meters from the side of the table and in line with the net.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Sports Blog
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The 2019 Southeast Asian Games, individual event for badminton was held in Muntinlupa Sports Complex, Metro Manila, Philippines on December 5-9, 2019. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTm2dbteyt4)
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The badminton court is 13.4 meters long and 6.1 meters wide. For singles, the court is marked 5.18 meters wide. The lines marking out the court are easily distinguishable and colored white or yellow. The lines are also 40mm wide. A court may be marked out for singles only. The back boundary lines also become the long service lines and the posts or the strips of material representing them are placed on the side lines. The diagonal full length of the full court is 14.366m.  
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In playing badminton, there are four basic equipment's and gears for this game, which are:
Badminton Racket - Badminton rackets can be made from several types of materials. Depending on the material selection, this can result in different combinations of racket weight, balance points and string tensions. Some popular badminton brands are Yonex, ProKennex, Wilson, ProTech and Li-Ning.  
Shuttlecock - There are two types of shuttlecocks, plastic and feathered shuttlecocks. Plastic shuttlecocks are far more durable compared to the feathered types, which are commonly used. However, plastic shuttlecocks are only recommended for beginners. This is because feathered shuttlecocks are expensive and fray easily, especially if the wrong technique is used. During tournaments, badminton players usually used feathered shuttlecocks.  
Badminton shoes - Badminton shoes are designed to give you better traction and grip to stop in time to return a shot. They should be lightweight and have good cushioning to absorb impact when you jump or land. This is also used for safety precautions instead of using slippers which could cause injuries.  
Badminton Attire - For casual non-competitive players, a comfortable pair of shorts and cotton or dri-fit t-shirts will do. Some players may want to equip themselves with hand grips, wrist bands and ankle guards. Each of them serves different purposes which might also add a dash of color to the outfit.  
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Basic Skills
To be good at any sport, you must master the basics. Mastering the basic techniques and skills allow you to play better and consistently. Which is why Badminton has some basic skills which are:
Knowing how to warmup properly – warming up is a combination of skill and a bit of know-how. Player of any level should know how to warm up properly before stepping on court for a match. It is very important to help us avoid injuries.
The basic forehand and backhand grip – learning the forehand and backhand grip is a fundamental skill. It’s very important to get this right as it is the building block to learning every shot in Badminton.
The basic six corners footwork – footwork is crucial in Badminton. It has been known that some coaches in China do not teach the players any racquet skills until the players have mastered the basic footwork's.
The split step/ the ready stance – the split step is a technique used to get ready for the next shot. It’s the basis of building good footwork and speed around the court.  
The basic shots – there are many varieties of shots in badminton which are the serve (forehand or backhand), the lift, the net shot, the block, the drop shot, the smash and the clear.  
The hand-eye coordination – this is very essential for badminton since you cannot play badminton if you cannot connect the racquet and the shuttle.  
Playing catch – it is a simple but effective way of improving the hand-eye coordination. This is when you practice throwing or catching with someone else or with the wall.
Rhythm and timing – badminton players must get the natural rhythm of the game to develop a good footwork and to create consistency in the game. It can serve as a huge purpose for playing matches.
Technical and Tactical Skills
The technical skills in badminton learning the basic skills which are the grip and serving. Once you have learned that, you move to the next techniques which are the overhead clear, overhead drop shot, low serve and high serve. These are the 4 technical skills used in badminton.
The tactics of the game are hitting to the corners, central base position, and moving opponent around the court. These are very important in the game since they help benefit your performance during the game.  
Rules of the Game
A match consists of the best of three games of 21 points.
The player/pair winning a rally adds a point to its score.
At 20-all, the player/pair which first gains a 2-point lead wins that game.
At 29-all, the side scoring the 30th point wins that game.
The player/pair winning a game serves first in the next game.
A badminton match can be played by two opposing players (singles) or four opposing players (doubles).
A competitive match must be played indoors utilizing the official court dimensions.
A point is scored when the shuttlecock lands inside the opponent's court or if a returned shuttlecock hits the net or lands outside of the court the player will lose the point.
At the start of the rally, the server and receiver stand in diagonally opposite service courts.
A legal serve must be hit diagonally over the net and across the court.
A badminton serve must be hit underarm and below the server's waist height with the racquet shaft pointing downwards, the shuttlecock is not allowed to bounce. After a point is won, the players will move to the opposite serving stations for the next point.
The rules do not allow second serves.
During a point a player can return the shuttlecock from inside and outside of the court.
A player is not able to touch the net with any part of their body or racket.
A player must not deliberately distract their opponent.
A player is not able to hit the shuttlecock twice.
A 'let' may be called by the referee if an unforeseen or accidental issue arises.
A game must include two rest periods. These are a 90-second rest after the first game and a 5-minute rest after the second game.
There are three types of officials in the sport of Badminton, which are:
The referee
The Referee takes responsibility for making sure the tournament is run according to all the rules, is fair and that sportsmanship is being upheld.  There must be one Referee at all MBA Sanctioned Events.
The Umpire takes responsibility for running individual matches.  He or she is responsible for making all final decisions for points awarded in a match.  Umpires are mandatory for final matches in the MBA Provincial Closed and Junior Closed, as well as any Badminton Canada or World Badminton Federation tournaments.
Linesmen take responsibility for making line calls on shuttles that land on the floor of the badminton court.  They are there to assist the umpire in making the best decision possible.  Linesmen are not mandatory for any provincial tournaments, but are frequently used in more important matches.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Sports Blog
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Rio Olympics 2016: USA beat Serbia in men's basketball to win last gold of Games (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtm0khT1qec)
The 2016 Serbia Olympic basketball team represented Serbia and won the silver medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. They were qualified for the Summer Olympics by winning the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Belgrade. The United States' men's basketball team thrashed Serbia 96-66 to win the final gold medal of the 2016 Olympics. The Americans led 52-29 at half-time on their way to winning the title for the 15th time in 19 staging's.
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The court dimension used in the Olympics is the Olympic sized court which is 49 feet by 92 feet. In turn, the 3-point line is slightly closer all the way around.  
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Ball- is considered to be the most important equipment for training. There are certain guidelines which one needs to follow when buying a basketball. For practicing, one can play with a rubber ball. For professional competitions, one needs to use an inflated ball made of leather.  
Shoes- one needs specialized shoes when playing basketball. It should be able to give better support to the ankle as compared to running shoes. The basketball shoes should be high-tipped shoes and provide extra comfort during a game.
Basketball Shooting Equipment – the hoop or basket is a horizontal metallic rim, circular in shape. This rim is attached to a net and helps one score a point. This rim is mounted about 4 feet inside the baseline and 10 feet above the court.
Basketball Court – the basketball court is the next important thing for shooting balls in this game. The court is usually made of wooden floorboard. The standard court is rectangular in shape and has baskets placed on opposite ends.
Backboard – the backboard is the rectangular board that is placed behind the rim. It helps give better rebound to the ball.  
Uniforms – when one starts coaching a basketball team, the most important requirement for a team is to have a uniform. This helps one differentiate teams from one another. A uniform consists of a jersey (shirt), shorts, numbers on the front and back of the shirts for identification.
Shot clock – The offense is allowed a maximum of 24 seconds to have a ball in hand before shooting. These 24 second are counted on the shot clock. If the offense fails to shoot a ball that hits the rim, they will lose the possession of the ball to the other team.
Whistle – the coach or referee uses a whistle to indicate the start or end of a game. They can even use the whistle to stop the play in the middle of a game. It also helps to indicate fouls, timeout, or out of bound balls to the players.
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Dribbling – this is the very first skill that you should learn, since you can’t move around with the basketball without dribbling the ball. It is the easiest way to put yourself in a position to score. This allows you to maneuver past defenders, initiate the offense, and create for your teammates if you know how to dribble or handle the ball.
Shooting – like dribbling, you can practice shooting alone. However, if there are fundamental errors to your shooting, such as bad form, it would be best to have someone who can help tweak your shot. Otherwise, you need to be practicing thousands upon thousands of shots to become a good shooter.  
Passing – among the three, passing is the most challenging skill to develop. It requires a certain mindset and a level of perception and intellect to deliver the ball to a teammate on target and on time while being under duress.
Offensive skills – the skills involved in this category are shooting, passing, dribbling and offensive rebounding.  
Defensive skills – there are many skills involved in defense but the three most basic skills are stealing, which is taking the ball away from an offensive player. Blocking, which happens when a defensive player swats a shooting attempt from an offensive player. And defense rebounding, which is collecting and securing a missed shot from an opponent.
Technical And Tactical Skills
The technical skills that the players have used in the video are dribbling, passing, shooting, defensive technical skills and offensive technical skills. While the tactical skills on the other hand, are their spacings and positioning.  
Rules of the Game
The rules of basketball can vary slightly depending on the level of play (for example professional rules differ from college rules) or where the game is played (international rules are different from USA professional rules). Here is Dr. James Naismith’s Original 13 Rules of Basketball.
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands. 2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist). 3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at a good speed if he tries to stop. 4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it. 5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute allowed. 6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules 3,4, and such as described in Rule 5. 7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the mean time making a foul). 8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall count as a goal. 9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side. 10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according to Rule 5. 11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee. 12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five minutes' rest between. 13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.
How to Officiate the Game
In order to officiate the sport, a game of basketball is presided over by a referee and an umpire, along with a timekeeper, a scorer, and a thirty-second operator. The officials should wear uniforms distinct from those of either team. They should report on the playing court at least 10 minutes before game time.
Referee - A referee is the official in charge during and after the game. He is the official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to and sometimes to arbitrate on matters. He has the full responsibility to enforce the rules and maintain the order of the game. The referee has the final say on disciplinary matters. He also controls the game and takes up positions on opposite sides of the court.
Timekeeper - The timekeeper also called Timer is charged with certain duties, according to the rules of basketball. The timekeeper should be familiar with all of the rules and obligations in the game. Mastering these rules and regulations can help avoid confusion during the game for both the officials and the timekeeper. He keeps a record of playing time and stoppages in play, and times the time-outs, and indicates when each half or overtime ends.
Scorer - The scorer also called scorekeepers keeps a record of points scored, all fouls called against each player, timeouts charged to each team, notes the starting line-ups, and keeps a record of all substitutions. Scorekeepers should also refrain from any other distracting activity, such as texting, chatting, or talking during play. It is also advised that the responsibilities for bookkeeping and timekeeping not be delegated to just somebody else for the protection and confidentiality of the scores.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Sports Blog
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The Philippine women’s volleyball team starts its uphill climb in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games as it takes on Vietnam on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at the refurbished PhilSports Arena in Pasig City. Led by the veteran leadership of usual stalwarts Alyssa Valdez and Aby Maraño, the national team is set for a difficult debut against the Vietnamese led by 22-year-old sensation “T4” Tran Thi Thanh Thuy.
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This event was held at the PhilSports Arena in Pasig City. The court dimension used inside the arena is 18 meters (59 feet) long and 9 meters (29.5 feet) wide, divided into two 9 m × 9 m halves by a one-meter (40-inch) wide net placed so that the top of the net is 2.43 meters (7 feet 11 5/8 inches) above the center of the court for men's competition, and 2.24 meters (7 feet 4 1/8 inches) for women's competition.
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The volleyball equipment used in the game are solid balls (volleyballs), knee pads, proper footwear, volleyball duffle bag, and a volleyball net.  
Solid balls - are the most important piece of pieces of equipment in the game. A good ball will alleviate the pain caused by hitting it over the net or between teammates.  
Knee pads – volleyball players use this to prevent injuries. They work well to prevent bruising and burns. This also saves a player from injuries when diving for the ball.  
Proper footwear - which are rubber shoes. These shoes are designed to protect the foot during side-to-side movement. This provides top support and helps prevent sprains as well.  
Duffle bag - to keep the player’s belongings safe and organized. This is also where they store their extra or used clothes, shoes and other necessities.  
Volleyball net - serves as the separation of the two teams and over which the volleyball must pass.  
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I have observed that the players have used the 7 basic skills which are forearm passing/bumping, volleying, setting, attacking, diving, blocking and serving.  
The forearm passing is one of the most basic skills in volleyball is passing which is also known as bumping. This is when a player contacts the volleyball with their forearms and redirects the ball to one of their teammates.  
Volleying - can be used on your own side of the court, or it can be used as an offensive way of getting the ball back over the net.  
Setting – a set is a specialized type of volley. It’s usually the second hit, and it’s intended to set up one of your teammates to attack the ball. So, it’s basically volleying the ball in a way that means the attacker can hit the ball over the net.  
Attacking- as seen in the video, most players attack the ball by hitting or spiking it. The intent of a hit is pure power jumping helps generate more power and momentum. A skilled player also aims the ball around the block and targets the area of the opposing team’s playing area that they think has the weakest defense coverage.  
Diving – it is basically crashing to the floor in an all-out attempt to keep the ball from touching the floor. Using a good technique will not only help you save your body some aches and pains but using some skill and coordination means you have a better chance of actually keeping the ball in play. When diving for the ball, remember that you want to contact the ball before you hit the floor.  
Blocking – it is one of the most straight-forward named skills, a block is a defensive play when a player jumps at the net to block the hit from coming onto their team’s side of the net.  
Serving – every play in volleyball starts with a serve. It is the only time in the game that you start with full control of the ball. This is why you’ll often see a lot of strategy used by servers. There are many different techniques and strategies for each, so it’s really about which the player prefers.
Technical and Tactical Skills
The proper execution of the technical skills in volleyball is, obviously, crucial to successful performance. Most coaches, even those with little experience, know what the basic technical skills of volleyball are: serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking, and digging. The tactical skills on the other hand is the mastery of the technical skills of volleyball is important, but athletes must also learn the tactics of the game.  
Rules of the Game
There are 12 main rules of the game which are:
6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
Maximum of 3 hits per side.
Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the rally (rally-point scoring).  
A player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
A ball is out if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on the level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and the third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and the fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets.
Rule Violations
The rule violations result in a point for the opponent.  
When serving, the player steps on or across the service line while making contact with the ball.
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
Ball-handling errors. Contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball.
When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. Exception: if it is the hand or foot. In this case, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation.
Serving out of rotation/order.
Back-row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back-row player is near the net and has part of his/her body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
Back-row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.
And last but not the least, is how to officiate a volleyball game. Volleyball officials have lots of different responsibilities in which they must keep a watchful eye on every point for the duration of the match. Two people form an officiating team for each match, with one acting as the head referee who stands on the referee stand, while the other is "down" referee assisting with monitoring substitutions and plays at the net.  
Referees typically have to pass written tests and receive the approval from the USA Volleyball region chair and commissioner to become certified. Practice the hand signals and understand when to make them. Referees need to know the signals for substitutions, illegal contact and fault. They also need to know how to signal whether the ball landed in or out of play.  
Officials are expected to make the correct call in a convincing matter almost immediately after each play ends. You must also maintain order throughout the match. Be in constant communication with your assistant referee and the scorekeepers to make sure that both teams are following the rules about substitutions and formations. Be open in communicating with the captains for each team. Understand when is appropriate to give a yellow card for a penalty or a red card for an expulsion. Start the game by marking down the lineup and rotation for each team, flipping a coin with the captains to see which team serves first and signaling the game to begin by blowing your whistle.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Sports Blog
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The 2016 PSL season was the fourth season of the Philippine Super Liga (PSL). There were three indoor conferences and one beach volleyball tournament for the season, however, the video only shows the indoor tournaments. The PSL was also chosen to organize two international volleyball tournaments for the year - the 2016 Asian Women's Club Volleyball Championship and the 2016 FIVB Volleyball Women's Club World Championship - both of which were staged in the Philippines.  
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The arena used to conduct this game is at the Mall of Asia arena. The court dimension used inside the arena is 18 meters (59 feet) long and 9 meters (29.5 feet) wide, divided into two 9 m × 9 m halves by a one-meter (40-inch) wide net placed so that the top of the net is 2.43 meters (7 feet 11 5/8 inches) above the center of the court for men's competition, and 2.24 meters (7 feet 4 1/8 inches) for women's competition (these heights are varied for veterans and junior competitions).  
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The volleyball equipment used in the game are solid balls (volleyballs), knee pads, proper footwear, volleyball duffle bag, and a volleyball net. The solid balls (volleyballs) are the most important piece of pieces of equipment in the game. A good ball will alleviate the pain caused by hitting it over the net or between teammates. In this video, the players used a leather ball (that is shown above) since it works best when used indoors. Most players also used knee pads to prevent injuries. They all work well to prevent bruising and burns. This also saves a player from injuries when diving for the ball. As you can also see in the video, the players are wearing the proper footwear which are rubber shoes. These shoes are designed to protect the foot during side-to-side movement. The front padding of the shoes is thick, so the legs do not suffer pain from continuous jumping. This provides top support and helps prevent sprains as well. When tournament volleyball players attend their matches, they always bring a duffle bag with them in order for them to keep their belongings safe and organized. This is also where they store their extra or used clothes, shoes and other necessities. And last but not the least is a volleyball net. A volleyball net serves as the separation of the two teams and over which the volleyball must pass.  
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There are 7 basic skills used by the players which are forearm passing/bumping, volleying, setting, attacking, diving, blocking and serving. The forearm passing is one of the most basic skills in volleyball is passing which is also known as bumping. This is when a player contacts the volleyball with their forearms and redirects the ball to one of their teammates. Next is volleying, which can be used on your own side of the court, or it can be used as an offensive way of getting the ball back over the net. The third is setting. A set is a specialized type of volley. It’s usually the second hit, and it’s intended to set up one of your teammates to attack the ball. So, it’s basically volleying the ball in a way that means the attacker can hit the ball over the net. Fourth is attacking. As seen in the video, most players attack the ball by hitting or spiking it. The intent of a hit is pure power jumping helps generate more power and momentum. A skilled player also aims the ball around the block and targets the area of the opposing team’s playing area that they think has the weakest defense coverage. Fifth is diving. Diving is basically crashing to the floor in an all-out attempt to keep the ball from touching the floor. Using a good technique will not only help you save your body some aches and pains but using some skill and coordination means you have a better chance of actually keeping the ball in play. When diving for the volleyball, remember that you want to contact the ball before you hit the floor. The sixth is blocking. Blocking is one of the most straight-forward named skills, a block is a defensive play when a player jumps at the net to block the hit from coming onto their team’s side of the net. And last but not the least is serving. Every play in volleyball starts with a serve. It is the only time in the game that you start with full control of the ball. This is why you’ll often see a lot of strategy used by servers. There are many different techniques and strategies for each, so it’s really about which the player prefers. As seen in the video, most players have the same serving technique.
The proper execution of the technical skills in volleyball is, obviously, crucial to successful performance. Most coaches, even those with little experience, know what the basic technical skills of volleyball are: serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking, and digging. But the ability to teach athletes how to perform those skills usually develops only over a long period, as a coach gains knowledge and experience. The tactical skills on the other hand is the mastery of the technical skills of volleyball is important, but athletes must also learn the tactics of the game.  
Tactical skills are defined as “the decisions and actions of players in the contest to gain an advantage over the opposing team or players” (Martens, Successful Coaching). Basic volleyball resources might focus on the technical skills of the game and may overlook the tactical aspects. Coaches even omit tactical considerations from practice because they focus so intently on teaching technical skills. For volleyball players to develop better as overall players, they need to learn techniques and tactics together. One way you can approach tactical skills is by focusing on three critical aspects, “the tactical triangle”.
There are 12 main rules of the game which are:
6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row 
Maximum of 3 hits per side  
Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the rally (rally-point scoring).  
A player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.) 
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve. 
A ball hitting a boundary line is in. 
A ball is out if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area. 
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball. 
A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line. 
After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net. 
Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on the level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and the third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and the fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets. 
Since there are rules in the game, there would also be rule violations. The rule violations result in a point for the opponent.  
When serving, the player steps on or across the service line while making contact with the ball. 
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully. 
Ball-handling errors. Contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.) 
Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. 
When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball. 
When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net. 
Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. Exception: if it is the hand or foot. In this case, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation. 
Serving out of rotation/order. 
Back-row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back-row player is near the net and has part of his/her body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block. 
Back-row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack. 
And last but not the least, is how to officiate a volleyball game. Volleyball officials have a number of different responsibilities, and they must keep a watchful eye on every point for the duration of the match. Two people form an officiating team for each match, with one acting as the head referee who stands on the referee stand, while the other is "down" referee assisting with monitoring substitutions and plays at the net. Referees typically have to pass written tests and receive the approval from the USA Volleyball region chair and commissioner to become certified. Practice the hand signals and understand when to make them. Referees need to know the signals for substitutions, illegal contact and fault. They also need to know how to signal whether the ball landed in or out of play. Officials are expected to make the correct call in a convincing matter almost immediately after each play ends. You must also maintain order throughout the match. Be in constant communication with your assistant referee and the scorekeepers to make sure that both teams are following the rules about substitutions and formations. Be open in communicating with the captains for each team. Understand when is appropriate to give a yellow card for a penalty or a red card for an expulsion. Start the game by marking down the lineup and rotation for each team, flipping a coin with the captains to see which team serves first and signaling the game to begin by blowing your whistle. 
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Should schools use electronic textbooks to save paper?
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As a student, I have always dreamed of using electronic textbooks in school, however, I have come to realize that it is not necessary. Children, at a young age should not be influenced in using electronic devices because of the radiation that may damage our eyesight. Technology may be useful in making our lives easier and saving the trees, yet, there are still pros and cons that it may bring. People nowadays have been too dependent on technology which is why others think that schools should just use electronic textbooks rather than textbooks itself. We can save papers in many ways, not just by using electronic textbooks. There are a lot of ways that we can reuse them and that is why it is better if we use papers instead of electronic textbooks.  
Electronic textbooks cost more than textbooks, since this is a high-class technology. However, not everyone could afford to buy electronic textbooks, especially children in public schools. It would be such a hassle for the parents to be putting their child in school and paying extra just to buy the child an electronic textbook. In my opinion, I think that it would be better for children/students to read books rather than use electronic devices such as the electronic textbooks to read since it could damage their eyesight's. Using electronic devices too much can cause physical and mental damage to the children. Studies say that people who spend too much time on their gadgets are most likely to become overweight, develop seizure, and have vision problems.  
Therefore, I conclude that schools should not use electronic textbooks rather than textbooks itself because I think that it is not necessary. As much as I want to save the trees and papers, I would rather save the mental and physical health of a child. Trees could be replaced by new ones, however, a child’s health cannot. Once your mental and physical health are damaged, it is very hard to bring them back. Electronic textbooks may be useful to us, but it is not necessary for schools to use them instead of books. A lot of kids may actually love reading books if they are not influenced to use electronic devices. If children start to use electronic textbooks/devices at such a young age, then it would be earlier for them to acquire health problems. Our problem then wouldn’t just be saving the trees and papers, it would be saving the mental and physical health of a child which is caused by the electronic devices that they are using every day.  
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
Speech Analysis
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SPEECH ONE: Nelson Mandela: “Freedom and Justice”
The first speech is by Nelson Mandela which talks about the freedom and justice in his country. This speech is to be considered a Persuasive Speech because based on his words and basically on his speech, you could understand that he was giving information to the citizens on what is happening in their country. He achieved the purpose in nforming the audoence because it was clear that everyone was listening to him while he was talking and that on every meaningful lines that he has read, the audiences would cheer as a sign of approval. Nelson Mandela’s manner of delivery is by reading from a manuscript. As seen on the video, while Nelson was speaking, you could see him take quick glances of his script to help him remember the words he is supposed to say and since his speech is quite long, he could not memorize it all that is why reading from a manuscrip is very convenient for him.
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SPEECH TWO: Emma Watson: “Gender Equality”
The second speech is by Emma Watson wherein she delivered a speech based on Gender Equality. This speech could be considered as an Informative and/or a Persuasive Speech because based on her speech, she gave out information on what feminism is and her experiences on feminism and at the same time, persuaded people to double think about Gender Equality. Emma achieved the purpose of informing the audience because in her speech, she talked about her experiences during her childhood and how she has experienced Gender Inequality, that is why she decided to be a feminist. Emma Watson’s manner of delivery is by speaking from a manuscript, which means that her speech was memorized because as you can see, she was not holding any script.
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SPEECH THREE: Darren Tay: “Outsmart; Outlast”
The third speech by Darren Tay is an Entertainment Speech that talks about how he has faced his former bully. Darren achieved the purpose of informing the audience about his speech because although his speech might be an entertaining speech, he still managed to give the audince brief informations and stories about his past wherein people should stand up to their bullies. His manner of delivery is by speaking from a manuscript which means that he has memorized his speech because based on what I have seen, he was not holding nor looking/reading from any script.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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Ang mga taong naninirahan sa Cebu ay tinatawag na mga Cebuanos. Ang mga Cebuano ay minsan tinatawag na mga Sugbuanon o Sugbuhanons. Sila ang pinakamalaking subgroup sa mas malaking pangkat etnoliggwistiko ng Bisaya na bumubuo ng pinakamalaking pangkat ng etnolinggwistikong pilipino sa bansa. Ang kanilang pangunahing wika ay ang wikang Cebuano o “Bisaya” na isinasaalang-alang bilang isang wikang Austronesian. Nagmula ang mga ito sa lalawigan ng Cebu sa rehiyon ng Gitnang Kabisayaan (Central Visayas), ngunit kalaunana ay kumalat sa iba pang mga lugar sa Pilipinas katulad ng Siquijor, Bohol, Negros Oriental at marami pang iba. Maaari rin itong tumutukoy sa pangkat etniko na nagsasalita ng parehong wika sa kanilang katutubong wika sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng arkipelago.
Ang wikang Cebuano ay tinutukoy ng karamihan sa mga nagsasalita nito sa simpleng “Bisaya” o “Binisaya” (isinalin sa English bilang Visayan), ay isang wikang Austronesian, na sinasalita sa katimugang Pilipinas. Habang ang Filipino (ibig sabihin, Tagalog) ay mayroong pinakamaraming bilang ng “tagasalita” sa mga wikang ng Pilipinas, ang Cebuano naman ay ang may pinakamalaking populasyon na “nagsasalita ng katutubong wika” sa Pilipinas, mula 1950s hanggang 1980s. Ito ang pinakamalawak na pagsasalita ng mga wikang Bisaya (na kung saan ay bahagi ng mas malawak na lahi ng mga wika ng Pilipinas).
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Ang Lungsod ng Cebu ay kilala bilang “Queen City of the South” at madalas itinuturing na pangkulturang kapital ng mga Cebuano. Ang lungsod na ito ay nagsilbing daan para sa Katolisismo sa Pilipinas, kaya sinasabi na mataas ang pagiging Kristyano ng mga Cebuano. Karamihan ng mga Cebuano ay Romano Katoliko (Roman Catholic), kasama ang marami sa mga lugar sa kanayunan na sumasabay sa Katolisismo sa katutubong Anitismo, napapanatili ang mga paniniwala at ritwal sa paligid ng mga santo bilang mga avatar para sa mas matandang diwata. Isang minorya ng mga Cebuano (partikular ang mga nasa Mindanao) ay Muslim, o sa magkahalong mga pamilyang Tsino-Cebuano, na nagsasama ng mga paniniwala ng Katoliko sa mga aspeto ng Budismo o Taoismo.
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Ang pangunahing magpagkukunan ng kabuhayan sa Cebu ay ang malawak na karagatang nakapalibot dito. Dahil dito, ang mga Cebuano ay nasisiyahan sa pagkaing-dagat. Ang pangingisda ay ang kanilang pangunahing mapagkukunan ng kita ng isla bago naimbento ang mga teknolohiya. Ang mga cebuano ay sikat sa kanilang mga gitara, basket, sumbrero at banig ng lahat ng uri. Ipinagmamalaki nila ang kanilang pagiging artistic at pagkamalikhain, iba’t ibang anyo ng sining (pagpipinta, paglilok at pagguhit), pag-aawit, sayawan at pagsusulat ay mga batayan ng kulturang Cebuano. Maraming tanyag na mga pangunahing artista sa Pilipinas ay mula sa Lungsod ng Cebu, kasama din ang mga pintor, mag-aawit at manunulat ay mula din doon.
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Nang yumakap ang mga lokal na Pilipino sa Kristiyanismo, isinalin nila ito sa karamihan ng kanilang mga katutubong gawi. Nangyayari din ito sa wika, lutuin at kultura, na lumikha ng isang natatanging pagsasanib. Ang taunang pagdiriwang ng Sinulog na nagaganap sa Cebu tuwing ikatling linggo ng Enero, ay sentro ng pagdiriwang ng Santo nino sa bansa at sagisag ng syncretic nature ng Filipino Catholicism. Ipinaghalo dito ang mga Kristiyano at katutubong mga elemento ng kultura. Ang buhay na pangkulturang Pilipino at ang mga sining ay nabuo bilang isang hybrid form, na may mga lokal na ipinagmamalaki ang kanilang mga katutubong ugat. At ang bilang ng mga artista na ginalugad ang kanilang mga pinagmulan sa pamamagitan ng kanilang paggawa ng sining.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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David Jason Muir is a 46-year-old American journalist and anchor of the ABC World News Tonight. He has won multiple Emmy and Edward R. Murrow awards for his national and international journalism. David Muir acquires a lot of skills that news anchors must have, some in which are his great personality, his good communication skills, his proficiency and more. He never fails to give the public the correct informations that they need. He is very confident in delivering his speeches and that is one of the things that I look up to him about. By the way he delivers his news, I can tell how much he loves his job. I can see how much effort he has put just for him to reach where he is now. 
My family and friends commented that he has a lot of good qualities in his personality and the way he speaks. His pronunciations are perfect, he voice has a good quality and he speaks enthusiastically. You can never get bored of watching and hearing him live on the news. And you can really tell how serious he is on his job.
He was very effective in communicating on what he needed to say. During his live performance on the news, he never fails to give the public the right and full information that they truly need. He makes sure to speak with clarity in order for the viewers/listeners to understand what he is saying. He never speaks too fast nor too slow, just moderately in order for the listeners to catch up to him. And most importantly, it was very clear that he loved doing what he was doing. He loves his job and that’s what matters the most. Because of that, he always manages to deliver a very successful news to his listeners.
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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Conic Section is a curve formed by the intersection of a plane and a double cone and it is one of the oldest math subject studied. I find this topic interesting because I this can also be applied in real life especially since it can be seen in our surroundings. The circle conic sections were taken in my room. The horizontal Ellipse’s were taken in the kitchen and in the parking area. The two parabolas were taken inside the house in the living room. 
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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The King’s Speech is based on the true story of Queen Elizabeth II’s father and his friendship with his unorthodox speech therapist, Lionel Logue. The movie started after the death of King George ‘Bertie’ VI’s father, King Geroge V and the scandalous abduction of King Edward VIII. Berite, who has suffered from a deliberating speech impediment all his life, was suddenly crowned King George VI of England. Bertie loathed public speaking and was quite embarrassed of his stutter, however, with his country in the middle of a war and in a desperate need of a leader, his wife Elizabeth, decided to arrange her husband to see an eccentric speech therapist named Lionel Logue, an Australian actor and speech therapist to help Bertie overcome his stammer problem. During their sessions, they have experienced unconventional methods and relationships, which made Bertie give up on the first day. However, after listening to the session that was recorded by Lionel, Bertie decided to return to the treatment. After a rough start, the two begin to form an unbreakable bond. With the support of Logue, his family, the government and Winston Churchill, the King overcame his stammer and delivered an extraordinary speech that inspired his people and united them in battle. This true story follows the Royal Monarch’s quest in finding his voice.
This movie is very inspiring to people, especially to those who are not as confident as others and to those who have communication problems. As a student and as a teenager, I am very shy and quiet just like Bertie that is why his character in this movie is very inspirational to me. Prince Albert (Colin Firth) or mostly known as “Bertie”, is a character in this story who portrays a middle-aged man who has a stammer problem. His character shows us what it looks and feels like to have communication problems. Due to his condition, Bertie has developed glossophobia, which means having a fear of public speaking. A lot of people can relate to this because not everyone in this world is confident, and that is something that we need to work on. A lot of things have happened in the movie, however, there is one part of the movie that has inspired me to be confident and to speak up. My favorite part of the movie was when Lionel Logue said “Why should I waste my time listening to you?” while Bertie screamed “Because I have a voice” and that was when Lionel Logue replied with a “Yes, you do”. This part of the movie gave me chills. It has made me realize that even if you have speech anxiety or a fear of public speaking, you can always overcome this if you are really willing to speak up. In Bertie’s perspective, I understand how he felt when Lionel Logue said that line. He was hurt on why he would say something like that but Lionel on the other hand said that to make Bertie more confident on speaking up so that his fear of stammering would lessen. Lionel did everything he could to help Bertie overcome his stammer problem which in the end, was a success.  
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heyyitsnica · 4 years
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                      Chua, 2020 - Models of Communication
My model of communication shows the flow of having the speaker, message, audience and understanding. The speaker serves as the person who is talking or who is giving out information to his/her audience. The next one is the message, as the speaker is talking he/she is giving the message that he/she wants to convey to the audience. The third is the audience since the audience receives the message that the speaker has given to them. And lastly understanding since after the audience has heard the message given by the speakers they then understand the point of view of the topic the speaker has explained to them.
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