hffrns · 7 hours
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Full cast interview, TV Guide September 2001 issue
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hffrns · 7 hours
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Band of Brothers 20th Anniversary ♠️ Currahee!
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hffrns · 24 hours
my favorite bits of web lore from parachute infantry:
he was a new deal democrat and voted for the first time during the war. “I had to walk almost 2 miles to cast my ballot, but I would have walked 10, if necessary, because this was my first vote—I was 22 in June—and I had always wanted to cast it for Roosevelt, the greatest president we had ever had, and the only one who ever gave the working man a break.”
he describes Doc Roe as having “a warm, brave heart.” has anybody ever considered webroe…? there’s about as much basis for it as webgott, historically speaking 💀
he seemed to have lone wolf tendencies. “Actually, I was quite happy to be on my own. Looking out for myself was something I always liked to do. It was the one thing I could do better than anybody else.” 
he was sooo dramatic. “I should have known better than to dream, for whatever dreams I might have had all ended when I was sixteen, and had run away to Gloucester to ship out on a fishing schooner. The schooners were diesel hulks, so I went back to school. That was the way my dreams always ended. The army was no different.”
noted fan of springtime. “It’s going to be an early spring, I thought, feeling a great relief. Maybe things will be better now; they are always better in the spring.”
believed in/was spooked by the stories of a ghost horse cart following them around the front. “It must be the ghost that’s followed us through Europe, I thought with a shiver, for the sound did not seem wholly real—who would have the nerve to walk a horse drawn wagon along the front in a city under such heavy artillery fire? …Some of the men used to speculate about it. They thought that it was the ghost of a supply cart that had gotten a direct hit, and that the driver was homesick for his old outfit. So every night he’d come back and visit his buddies on the line.” apparently Nixon also believed this… where my ghost story fics at?
allergic to change: “The essence of life is change, not stability, but I can’t get used to it; I want everything to stay the way it is.”
thinks the reason lieb is the way he is is because “he was from the far west.” he and joe actually have very little interaction at all and he doesn’t have much to say about him. Tom Hanks rpf is fine strikes again
was drunk on iced tea and gin all the time at the end of the war
gets so mad about doing a final parade when his points came through that he “was in a mood to bayonet babies and roast both colonels over small fires.” immediately after that says what he “planned for peacock was unprintable.” this is the final time peacock is mentioned… guess they never made up
he really hated the army and the Nazis in a way that I feel like the show dropped by the final episode. like I think the real web would’ve shot the guy on the mountain. but that’s a discussion I’d like to have later
anyway he was smart and funny and a good writer and so full of life and i’m very sad about what happened to him
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hffrns · 24 hours
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sparky speirs doodle
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hffrns · 24 hours
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From "What's your problem, bitch?" to "Best friends for life because we're from Philly!" is the most authentic televised speedrun in history for people stuck in a place with shitty food.
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hffrns · 24 hours
(When Winters was inquired about his relationship with Nixon) "You seem to have been polar opposites. You didn't drink, nor did you swear. Nixon did both and in huge quantities. He would have been the last man whom I think you would have befriended. What was the foundation of your friendship with Nixon?”
Dick's eyes shone as he recalled his old friend. "It is hard to explain. I had first met Nix when we were at Fort Benning, Georgia, in officer candidate school. Later we served as platoon leaders under Sobel's command. A special bond always exists among the platoon commanders in any military company, particularly when they perceive their own commander as 'the enemy. I stayed in Easy Company, but Nix was transferred to higher headquarters. He drank too much, but he was also very conscientious.
He was conscientious in his own way, on a man-to-man basis, and he always looked at what would best benefit the battalion. His contribution cannot truly be measured. There is no question in my mind that Nixon was the best combat soldier in 2nd Battalion. By the time we jumped into Holland, I was so lonely that I needed someone in whom I could confide my inner thoughts. That someone was Nix.
Whenever the bullets began to fly, I could turn and there stood Nix.
He always walked on my left side, one or two steps behind me. This was his token of respect for me as a commander."
Dick continued, "I also had the opportunity to observe how he handled himself under fire. The best way to illustrate this was in Holland when we encountered a German roadblock. As the 2nd Battalion peeled off to the left, Easy Company was placed on the extreme left flank, crossing a flat field in broad daylight. About two hundred yards before we encountered the roadblock, we came under intense machine gun fire. The Germans stopped us dead in our tracks. Nixon and I hit the ground simultaneously. When he did, he took off his helmet and saw that a bullet had pierced it. Nixon had a smile on his face. Here's a guy who came under enemy fire and laughed about it. Of course that night, Nix got roaring drunk.
In hindsight, Nix probably needed me as much as I needed him. He was undoubtedly the coolest man under fire whom I ever encountered in combat."
From “Conversations with Major Dick Winters.”
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hffrns · 24 hours
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hffrns · 24 hours
“who’s gonna tell egan” line is crazy bc that was in response to someone asking what happened to gale. someone asked crank what happened to buck on a mission and crank’s first thought was about john egan. something fucked up and gay happening in the air force.
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hffrns · 24 hours
carentan ep you will always be famous for two things: "the night of the bayonet" and giving us babe heffron
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hffrns · 24 hours
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easy company and grabbing the fanny of the man in front of you
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hffrns · 24 hours
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hffrns · 24 hours
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I’ve not even watched Band of Brothers yet but I love this guy with eggs in his hat
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hffrns · 24 hours
Nixon didn't need a weapon in combat... that eyebrow of his was cocked and loaded from d-day to v-day
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hffrns · 24 hours
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I spent that night trying to come up with a roster... ..for the Company, to see who we had left. We'd come into Belgium with 121 men and officers... ...plus 24 replacements. That's 145 total. We were going out with 63. Guarnere was badly wounded and Hoobler died accidentally. Joe Toye had lost his leg. Among the dead were Herron, Mellet... ...Sowosko, Kenneth Webb, Harold Webb... ...Alex Penkala, and Skip Muck. Our month in Belgium cost us one good officer, Buck Compton. And one bad one, Norman Dike. But we gained a good one in the end, so I guess we came out ahead.
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hffrns · 24 hours
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hffrns · 24 hours
my favorites ever
happy pride to these two and these two only !! they were kinda crazy for staring longingly and wrapping hands tenderly !! i wonder if they knew that everyone else caught on to them so quick because they weren’t subtle at all.
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hffrns · 1 day
and now over to nixon for a gay little eye roll
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