hghtwrs · 9 months
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hghtwrs · 2 years
im focusing on my carrd tonight but?? shipping call?? mains call?? plotting call??
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hghtwrs · 2 years
❝  you wanna know how i know you’re a good friend— not just for me but in general?  i always feel better after hanging out with you.  ❞
❝  sometimes things aren’t alright and they’re not gonna be okay for a while.  and that’s alright.  as cliche as it sounds it’s okay to not be okay.  give yourself time.  ❞
❝  have you even taken the time to let yourself feel it?  everything that’s been happening.  eventually,  you have to slow down and let it feel real.  ❞
❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞
❝  was this not what you expected?  ❞
❝  i think the whole idea of ‘finding yourself’ is kind of bullshit.  we are what we chose to be.  we make ourselves.   ❞
❝  did you come by for a reason or did you just want some company?  ❞
❝  i’m going to tell you this,  once,  because i think you need to hear it.  you deserve more.  you should expect more from the world and put in the work to get what you deserve.  ❞
❝  i brought some seeds for your garden.  i thought about bringing a bouquet but— this way you can grow them and enjoy them longer.  ❞
❝  please,  stay for dinner?  i enjoy your company.  ❞
❝  come sit a little while with me.  tell me how you’ve been?  really.  ❞
❝  you don’t know how glad i am to see you made it.  here,  let me get you a drink.   ❞
❝  if you’d like to discuss it in private,  we can step outside?  ❞
❝  whatever it is you wish to tell me,  it won’t leave this room.  ❞
❝  well,  i’ve been wanting to talk to you.  but i don’t really know how to put it all in words.  ❞
❝  how have you been sleeping?  ❞
❝  don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.  ❞
❝  don’t feel bad for not knowing—  i was trying not to bother anyone.  you didn’t know because i didn’t let you.  ❞
❝  miscommunication is a shitty trope in sitcoms and it’s even shittier in real life,  so let’s just take a moment to breathe.  and let’s get on the same page.  alright?   ❞
❝  is this a time for me to listen or fix it?  ❞
❝  i don’t really have anything to say,  i just know that i don’t really want to be alone.  ❞
❝  could you just…talk to me?  it doesn’t have to be anything important.  i just like listening to your voice.  it calms me.  ❞
❝  honestly,  it was a long time ago.  i don’t really remember the details.  ❞
❝  i’m rather proud of you.  i don’t say that often,  so believe i mean it.  ❞
❝  you seem content here.  happy,  even?  ❞
❝  i’m not here to drudge up the past.  i’m just hoping we could have a future.  ❞
❝  i see you’re not getting much sleep either.  should i make us both some tea,  then?  ❞
❝  are you sure you didn’t want to mention something to me?  ❞
❝  are you sure you’re alright?  ❞
❝  i’m a fan of your work,  actually.  ❞
❝  you have more of a reputation than you might think.  ❞
❝  you haven’t heard of me?  how refreshing.  ❞
❝  go on,  tell me what’s on your mind.  ❞
❝  something is troubling you,  yes?  ❞
❝  with a smile like that,  i can’t help but want to know your secret.  what’s got you so cheery today?  ❞
❝  come on,  you’re clearly upset.  and i’m not the asshole who pretends not to notice.  ❞
❝  oh,  i’m going to enjoy making my first impression with you.  how am i doing so far?  ❞
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hghtwrs · 2 years
and a meme call before i go to bed ♥
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hghtwrs · 2 years
im focusing on my carrd tonight but?? shipping call?? mains call?? plotting call??
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hghtwrs · 2 years
a selection of some of my favorite underrepresented lines and phrases for one of my favorite tropes! feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.    
“let them go.” / “let me go.”
“take me.” / “take me instead.”
“don’t hurt them.” / “i’ll do anything you say.”
“what do you want with me?”
“where are you taking them?”
“what did you do to them?”
“where is receiver?”
“give them back.”
“get away from them!”
“get off them!”
“can you hear me?”
“wake up… please, wake up.”
“are you with me?”
“stay awake.” / “you have to stay awake.” / “please, stay awake… please…” / “promise me you’ll stay awake.” 
“don’t close your eyes.” / “open your eyes for me, name.”
“there you are.”
“just a little longer, okay?”
“i know it hurts, i’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.”
“shhh, it’s alright.”
“i need you.” / “i still need you.” / “i need you to be okay.”
“do you remember what happened?”
“name?! name! what happened?!”
“what did they do to you?” 
“if they lay a finger on him/her/them/you…” 
“if they touch a hair on his/her/their/your head…” 
“those bastards.” / “if i ever get my hands on them…” 
“i’m gonna get you out of here.”
“let’s get you out of here.” / “let’s get you out of this.” 
“we gotta get out of here.” / “it’s alright, name. we’re taking you home.”
“can you stand?” / “can you walk?” 
“i won’t let anything happen to you.”
“you’re safe.”
“it’s gonna be okay.” / “you’re gonna be okay, just hold on.” 
“you’re hurt.” / “did they hurt you?”
“i’ve got you.” 
“lean on me.”
“stay with me.”
“i can’t lose you.” / “i’m not losing you.”
“oh, name…” / “oh, kid…”
“receiver? receiver, it’s me. it’s sender.”
“i’m here.” / “i’m here. i promise.”
"...where am i...?"
“what happened…?”
“i’m with you.”
“it hurts.” / “make it stop.”
“you came for me…” / “you came back…”
“you found me…”
“where were you…?”
“i’m sorry…”
“i was so scared.”
“i thought you’d never find me…”
“what are you doing here?”
“just go. you can still make it. don’t worry about me.”
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hghtwrs · 2 years
im here but today is apparently a day for autistic anxiety so bear with me ♥
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hghtwrs · 2 years
decisions and attempts were made. regrets are had.
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hghtwrs · 2 years
basically i was rewatching a load of shows while i was sick for the last two weeks, and it just dawned on me how beautiful a notion it is to miss someone, or miss something? so before i go headfirst into the emotional motivation behind these prompts, i’ll post them, and hope you’re all having a fantastic week, and that you enjoy these prompts as much as i enjoyed writing them!
“ i miss you. “
“ i’ve missed you. “
“ i’ll miss you. “
“ you’re coming back, right? “
“ when will i see you again? “
“ please don’t go… “
“ i could go with you! “
“ when will you be back? “
“ you know you can’t come with me… “
“ i didn’t wanna leave without saying goodbye. “
“ i hate goodbyes… “
“ i’ll always find my way back to you. “
“ hey… no tears, alright? this isn’t goodbye. “
“ don’t leave me. “
“ i’ll see you soon, okay? i promise. “
“ this isn’t goodbye, you know. “
“ this isn’t goodbye. this is… until we meet again. “
“ i have to go now… “
“ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? “
“ i don’t think i’ve ever missed anyone, or anything, the way that i miss you right now. “
“ hey, where’d you go? i was starting to miss you! “
“ why? do you miss me? “
“ stay with me… “
“ you know that i can’t stay here… “
“ what will i do without you? “
“ look outside your window… you see the sky? good. so do i. because we’re looking at the exact same sky right now, okay? so no matter where we are, or how far apart we are… we’ll always be underneath the same sky. so we’re not that far apart at all. “
“ i’m gonna miss you, you know. “
“ i didn’t expect myself to miss you as much as i do/did. “
“ i wish you were here. or i was there. just… i wish we were back together again. “
“ what’s it like over there? “
“ i couldn’t leave without seeing you again. “
“ if… if this is the last time i’ll ever see you, i need you to know… i have loved, and will never stop loving, you. you hear me? i love you. beyond whatever happens next. i love you. “
“ no matter where you are, where you go, where they take you… i will always find my way back to you. i promise. “
“ stop! stop lying! you left, and you’ve taken a part of me with you, so i want to know! i want… i deserve an answer. i deserve the truth! where are you? and why did you have to go there? “
“ i’ll hold you in my heart, until i can hold you in my arms. “
“ in case you ever foolishly forget; i am never not thinking of you. “
“ my heart never knew loneliness until you went away. i am missing you. “
and a few ACTION PROMPTS !
[ HUG ]:     sender, upon reuniting with the receiver after being apart for a lengthy duration of time, rushes over to them and pulls them into a tight, desperate, emotional embrace.
[ KISS ]:     sender, having just reunited with the receiver after being apart for a lengthy duration of time, catches them and pulls them in for a passionate, long-awaited kiss that tells all the things they’ve been bottling up in their absence.
[ FOREHEAD ]:     before parting ways, sender rests their forehead against the receiver’s, a possible final touch as they go their separate ways.
[ BURY ]:     before parting ways, sender pulls the receiver in for what they privately believe to be their final hug, giving them an embrace filled with heartache, desperation, and unspoken apologies.
[ GRAVE ]:     after going their separate ways, the receiver learns that the sender has died. upon travelling to their graveside, how do they respond to this tragedy?
[ COLLECT ]:      sender arrives at the airport/docks/other location to collect the receiver after being apart for a considerable length of time.
[ INTERVENE ]:     sender surprises the departing receiver by intervening before they leave, in the hopes of changing their mind.
[ REUNITE ]:     sender and receiver reunite after being apart for a long length of time.
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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I  AM  MORE  than  just  a  copy  of  you.      indie  laura  kinney,  aka  the  wolverine.  highly  selective.  heavy  headcanon  influence.  written  by  charlie.      psd.  temp.
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hghtwrs · 2 years
my brain is a little clearer after the very emotional weekend ive had so! who would like to plot?
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022- ) Emily Carey & Olivia Cooke as ALICENT HIGHTOWER
Alicent staring at Rhaenyra while Rhaenyra isn’t looking.
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hghtwrs · 2 years
ive got a lot going on this week, a load of government mandated job search shit and then on saturday its my nans not-funeral/not-party/not-wake thing so honestly lots of emotions this week. i may end up hiding in the sims 4 longer than planned ♥
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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hghtwrs · 2 years
the only thing i know for sure about laura’s hotd verse is that she would 100% put herself in front a dragon. she probably wouldnt bond with any of them but she’d wear any scars with pride
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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