hhao3 · 2 years
In an alternate universe a cafe owner and a florist fall in love
(Florist!Mika and Barista!Zaheer, featuring the twins)
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hhao3 · 2 years
Kami could not have provided an ideal home for him and his brother, and perhaps he did not need to. Ergon had found it, or at least, the foundations of it. And from the nether of his soul, he vowed he would protect it. No matter what.
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hhao3 · 2 years
Mika learns on one spring evening that apparently, he belongs to Jellie. He doesn't remember ever belonging to anyone but Kami, but apparently, that's what happens when you kiss one person and one person only.
(For my one friend who keeps reading It Started As A Joke, here's your salad-)
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hhao3 · 2 years
If push came to shove, Fauta could always tell the truth: that he had no idea how, and when he ended up in some twisted world where he was married to Roush and everyone else was dating each other. He might as well enjoy it.
Part 1 of the Heveapolis Series
Status: Completed
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hhao3 · 2 years
No one really liked Jellie.
His behavior made him untrustworthy in the eyes of many, and he was fine with that. Most people were boring anyways until he pulled something to get an interesting reaction from them. But while they would run after him with the tenacity of an angry mob with pitchforks, Mika was one person who usually appeared unfazed. This made Jellie wonder: what could be the most ridiculous thing that would involve Mika losing his dignity and simultaneously entertaining him?
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hhao3 · 2 years
Zaheer tries to deal with bad memories after writing and presenting DROPPIN'. Ergon tags along.
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hhao3 · 2 years
Please take caution that the HeavenlyHelly Ao3 tag is still considered an unofficial fandom tag, which is why it's considered uncategorized
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