hhcpune-blog · 4 years
What Is Constipation?
Being constipated means your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. Almost everyone goes through it at some point.
Although it’s not usually serious, you'll feel far better when your body is back on target.
The normal length of your time between bowel movements varies widely from person to person. Some people have them 3 times each day. Others have them just a couple of times every week.
Going longer than 3 or more days without one, though, is typically too long. After 3 days, your poop gets harder and harder to pass.
 What Are the Symptoms?
You may have:
• Few bowel movements
• Trouble having a movement (straining to go)
• Hard or small stools
• A sense that everything didn’t begin
• Passing fewer than three stools every week
• Having lumpy or hard stools
• Straining to possess bowel movements
• Feeling as if there is a blockage in your rectum that forestalls bowel movements
• Feeling as if you cannot completely empty the stool from your rectum
   How is Constipation Treated?
After serious illnesses are ruled out, a medical aid of the patient who is acutely constipated involves a mixture of enemas and laxatives, preceded by manual disimpaction of stools if necessary. This then is followed by an elective evaluation of the causes of constipation.
Avoiding constipation altogether is simpler than treating it, but involves equivalent lifestyle measures:
• Eat more fiber (at least 30g per day is suggested for adults. See foods below).
• Drink many fluids every day (at least 8 glasses of water per day).
• Exercise regularly.
• Go to the toilet once you have the urge. Don’t wait.
 Constipation and intense, chronic abdominal pain
If you’re constipated, experiencing some abdominal pain is common. Often, it’s just the result of needing to have a bowel movement or a a buildup of gas.
Intense, constant abdominal pain, however, could be an indication of a more serious condition that demands immediate medical attention. These include:
·         perforated intestine or stomach
·         intestinal obstruction
·         appendicitis
·         pancreatitis
·         mesenteric ischemia (blockage of blood flow to the intestine)
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
 What Is An Anal Fistula?
An anal fistula may be a tunnel that runs from inside the anus -- the opening your body uses to urge obviate solid waste -- to somewhere within the skin around it. it always follows an infection that didn’t heal the proper way. Your doctor can repair the fistula, but you will need surgery for that.
Occasionally, bacteria can clog an anal gland and cause an abscess cavity to make, from which in some cases the abscess may drain on its own. Some anal glands might not drain on their own though, and need medical attention, otherwise, the anal fistula, or tunnel, might not getaway.
 Anal Fistula Symptoms
Some common anal fistula symptoms include pain, redness, or swelling within the area around the anus. Other symptoms can also include fatigue, some general physical discomfort, a fever and chills, also as some possible drainage from the world around the anus. If this sounds awkward or uncomfortable - it’s because it's, which is why numerous patients that suffer from anal fistula consider finding a top-notch colorectal surgeon to be so important.
What are the symptoms of an anal fistula?
• Frequent anal abscesses.
• Pain and swelling around the anus.
• Bloody or foul-smelling drainage (pus) from a gap around the anus. ...
• Irritation of the skin around the anus from drainage.
• Pain with bowel movements.
• Bleeding.
• Fever, chills and a general feeling of fatigue.
 Anal Fistula Treatment
The treatment process begins with treating the anal gland infection or abscess. This typically involves surgical drainage, which can be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. Once the abscess is drained, the surgeon can affect the fistula. The surgery for a fistula may be a fistulotomy, which may be a procedure that involves connecting the interior opening within the anal canal to the external opening, creating a groove that will heal from the within out. Typically, the procedure includes placing material within the fistula to occlude it, or to change the encompassing tissue so as to be ready to close the fistula.
Advancement flap procedure
An advancement flap procedure could also be considered if your fistula passes through the sphincter ani muscles and having a fistulotomy carries a high risk of causing incontinence.
This involves cutting or scraping out the fistula and covering the opening where it entered the bowel with a flap of tissue taken from inside the rectum, which is the final part of the bowel.
This features a lower success rate than a fistulotomy, but avoids the necessity to chop the sphincter ani muscles.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
All You Need to Know About Piles
Many people have suffered from piles, but the symptoms aren't always obvious. Hemorrhoids cause noticeable symptoms for a minimum of 50 percent of individuals in India before the age of fifty years.
This article will explore the piles, and their causes, the way to diagnose, grade, and treat them, and what effects they could wear the body.
What are piles?
Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue within the anal area.
They can have a variety of sizes, and that they could also be internal or external.
Internal piles are normally located between 3 and 4 centimeters (cm) above the opening of the anus, and that they are the more common type. External piles occur on the surface fringe of the anus.
Symptoms of piles
• In most cases, the symptoms of piles aren't serious. They normally resolve on their own after a couple of days.
• A hard, a possibly painful lump could also be felt around the anus. it's going to contain coagulated blood. Piles that contain blood are called thrombosed external hemorrhoids.
• After passing a stool, an individual with piles may experience the sensation that the bowels are still full.
• Bright red blood is visible after a movement.
• A hard, a possibly painful lump could also be felt around the anus. ...
• After passing a stool, an individual with piles may experience the sensation that the bowels are still full.
• Bright red blood is visible after a movement.
• The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore.
• Pain occurs during the passing of a stool.
• fecal incontinence, or an inability to regulate bowel movements
• anal fistula, during which a replacement channel is made between the surface of the skin near the anus and therefore the inside the anus
• strangulated hemorrhoid, during which the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is stopping, causing complications including infection or a grume
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
All You Need to Know About Pilonidal Sinus
What is Pilonidal Sinus or Pilonidal Cyst?
Pilonidal Sinus is a small sac in the skin. It develops at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. It doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms until or unless it becomes infected. Signs of infection include pain, swelling, and redness.
Why does Pilonidal Sinus occur?
The main causes of Pilonidal Sinus are as follows:
Sedentary Lifestyle
Thick and curly body hairs
Previous injury in the affected area
Having deep cleft between the buttocks
What are the Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus?
Discharge of pus from the tailbone area
Recurrence of pain and swelling in the infected area
Painful lump under the skin
Activities like bicycle riding, doing sit-ups may be uncomfortable.
How is Pilonidal Sinus Treated?
Pilonidal Sinus can be treated through self-care if it is not infected. In the case of an infectious pilonidal cyst, surgical treatment is required.
The following care should be taken to prevent Pilonidal Sinus:
Keep the area clean and dry.
Avoid sitting for a longer period of time.
Remove hairs from the affected area using razor or hair removal cream.
Surgical Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
In the case of discharge from the pilonidal cyst, surgical treatment is required. Laser Pilonidoplasty (LPP) is the latest technique used for the treatment of pilonidal sinus. This procedure is minimally invasive done using Leonardo laser. It was firstly introduced in India at Healing Hands Clinic. In this small incision is made and pus is drained out. After that entire tract is sealed using laser fiber.
Advantages of LPP:
It’s a painless and day-care procedure. A patient can start a normal work routine within 2-3 days after surgery.
Complete wound healing takes 6-8 weeks.
There is a negligible recurrence rate using this method.
At Healing Hands Clinic, we have the best team of doctors and surgeons for Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in India. In addition to that, we have state of the art facilities to provide holistic treatment for Pilonidal Sinus to make sure our patients get a solution to their health problems as soon as possible and get back to a healthy life. The clinic has centers at Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Jaipur, Nashik, and Bengaluru.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
11 Self Care Tips to Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen blood vessels near the anal opening and can cause severe pain while passing motions. The common symptoms of piles include bleeding, itching around the anus (Pruritus Ani) or feeling of lump outside the anus. Depending upon the severity of the disease hemorrhoids can be classified into 4 grades. In grade 1, there is bleeding or itching but there is no prolapse. In grade 2, hemorrhoidal mass comes out while defecating but goes back after the completion of the process. In grade 3, hemorrhoidal mass doesn’t go back on its own but needs to be manually pushed back. In grade 4, hemorrhoidal mass doesn’t go back even after manually pushing. Initial stages of hemorrhoids can be easily cured through medications or physiotherapy but later stages require surgery.
Dr. Ashwin Porwal, colorectal surgeon and founder surgeon of Healing Hands Clinic, demonstrates some self-care tips to cure hemorrhoidal pain.
Here are some self-care tips to avoid hemorrhoids or piles pain:
1.      Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle: Sitting for a long period of time, increases the pressure on the blood vessels near the anal area which may lead to hemorrhoids. So, one must go for a walk for at least 30 minutes every day. If you have a sitting job then you should stand up and roam around for 1 minute after every 1 hour.
2.      Increase Intake of Fluids and Fiber Rich Diet: As constipation is the main cause for piles. To avoid constipation, drink enough fluids and take fibrous food.
3.      Avoid lifting heavy objects: Lifting heavy objects on a daily basis only increases the pressure on veins. So, avoid lifting heavy objects to get rid of piles.
4.      Faulty toilet habits: You should not spend more than 10 minutes in the toilet. So, avoid using smartphones and reading newspapers while defecating. As straining for long hours lead to skin tags and bleeding. Using Indian toilets facilitate bowel movements.
5.      Maintain Hygiene: Keep the anal area neat and clean otherwise, it will lead to itching around the anus. Gently clean the area with water and then dry it with toilet paper. Don’t rub the towel or toilet paper as it may cause irritation.
6.      Don’t ignore the urge to pass stools: Whenever you feel like going to the toilet, don’t ignore it. As it will put pressure on blood vessels near the anus. So whatever task you are doing, leave that and go for bowel movements.
7.      Take a sitz bath: Sit in warm water for 10-15 minutes for 2-3 times in a day to get rid of hemorrhoidal pain. As it helps in easy evacuation of bowel movements.
8.      Elevate your feet: Elevating your feet with step stool while defecating changes the position of the rectum and it helps in easy passage of the stool.
9.      Avoid stress: Stress may lead to anxiety which may further lead to hemorrhoids. Always keep yourself calm or avoid high levels of stress.
10.  Don’t scratch anal area: Don’t scratch the anal area with nails or hands as it will increase irritation. Use oil or anoac creams to avoid irritation of anus.
11.  Avoid Caffeine: Drinking caffeine leads to dehydration which may further cause constipation and constipation is the main cause for piles or hemorrhoids. You should avoid drinking caffeine to get rid of piles.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
5 Ways to Cure Varicose Veins | Healing Hands Clinic
Varicose Veins commonly observed in legs are twisted or swollen veins that have lost their elasticity. It occurs when valves of veins are unable to prevent backflow, thus causing the pooling of blood. Varicose veins are quite often a cosmetic concern, especially in women. They can be easily cured by following simple lifestyle modifications. If the disease advances then active treatment is required.
1.      Compression Stockings
Compression stockings or venous stockings are tight-fitting socks that helps to maintain blood flow in the legs. They also reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the legs. These stockings are worn during the day time only and are removed before bedtime.
2.      Avoid Sitting or Standing for longer period of time
If you have the job of standing for a long period of time like nurses, teachers then there is undue stress on your leg veins. Similarly, if you have sitting jobs like drivers and office workers then there is the pooling of blood in the veins. So, you must walk for 1-2 minutes after every hour to regulate blood flow in the veins.
3.      Elevate Feet
While sleeping at night keep your feet elevated by placing pillows under your legs. This helps in the regulation of blood flow in the legs.
4.      Do Physical Activities
To avoid pooling of blood in the legs you must do physical activities like swimming, walking or exercising. It will also help to reduce body weight, as a result, there will be less pressure on the legs.
5.      Varicose Veins Treatment
Varicose veins can be cured through laser treatment if the disease advances. Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) procedure is used for the treatment of varicose veins. In this Leonardo Laser is used and the entire procedure takes 25-30 minutes. The advantage of using Leonardo Laser over other Lasers is that there is a negligible recurrence rate and it’s a painless procedure. During the procedure as well as after the procedure patient hardly feels any discomfort.
Healing Hands Clinic has state of the art facility for treatment of varicose veins. Dr. Paresh Gandhi is the expert vascular surgeon at Healing Hands Clinic and has successfully treated a large number of cases using EVLA procedure. The clinic has centers at Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, and Bengaluru.
 For detailed information, regarding Varicose Veins, you may also visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/varicose-veins/
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Pilonidal Sinus Treatment and Prevention Methods
“Pilonidal Sinus” is an Italian term, which means a nest of hair, highlighting the main cause of the disease – ingrown hair. It’s a less known ailment but is common among the young generation, especially males between an age group of 20 to 30. A pilonidal cyst is a cystic structure developed along the coccyx region (tailbone) in the cleft of the buttocks, located almost 4-5 cm from the anus. This cyst is filled with hair, bacteria and skin debris.
Causes of Pilonidal Sinus
·  Sedentary Lifestyle
·  Sitting for a long period of time
·  Obesity
·  Thick body hairs
·   Having deep the cleft between the buttocks.
Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
If there is no infection in the cyst then pilonidal sinus can be treated through medication, otherwise, surgery is recommended. Conventional surgery is performed under local anesthesia to remove all the debris and abscess from the cyst. However, recurrence is common, as it is estimated to occur in approximately 40%-50% of individuals. At Healing Hands Clinic, Excision & Primary Closure and LPP (Laser Pilonidoplasty) are provided for successful pilonidal sinus treatment in Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nashik and Bengaluru.
1.      Excision with Primary Closure: In this procedure, abscess and sinus are removed surgically and the wound is closed with stitches. The advantage of this technique is healing is faster and takes only 4- weeks. The main drawback is the infection rate is 20-25%.
2.      LPP (Laser Pilonidoplasty): This the procedure is done using Leonardo Laser and the laser was introduced the first time in India at Healing Hands Clinic. A small incision is made and pus is drained out. After that tract is sealed with a laser fiber.
Advantages of LPP:
· Patient is discharged within 24 hours and can return to normal work within 5 days of surgery.
· Healing is done within 6-8 weeks.
· Recurrence rate is negligible.
Pilonidal Sinus Prevention Methods
Pilonidal Sinus can be prevented if the following care is taken:
· Keep the area clean and dry.
· Avoid sitting in one place for long hours.
· Remove hair from the affected area with razor or hair removal cream.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Pruritus Ani: The Embarrassing Itch
Itching of the skin around the anus can be agonizing especially if one is stranded in a public place with no escape in view. More often than not the cause behind this itch is easily addressed. Occasionally, however, persistent severe itching can cause psychological stress to the sufferer and needs in-depth evaluation.
What is Pruritus ani?
Pruritus ani is defined as chronic, moderate to intense itching of the skin around the anal opening.
It affects 1-5% of the population and is more commonly found in men. Once itching occurs, it can lead to a vicious itch-scratch-itch cycle.
Causes of Pruritus ani
·         Fecal Contamination
Prolonged contact of the skin with fecal matter can cause irritation with resultant pruritus. Inadequate cleansing can leave stool and sweat residue which acts as irritant. Most of these individuals have loose stools or mucous seepage. Abnormal anal sphincter relaxation can also cause soiling. This kind of itch is usually relieved by washing the area. However, underlying pathology, if any, needs to be addressed.
·         Anorectal disorders
Anorectal conditions like Hemorrhoids (Piles) and Fissure can precipitate peri-anal itch. External hemorrhoids that are large can interfere with post-defecation cleansing. Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, can cause mucous seepage or fecal soiling and resultant pruritus. Anal Fissures can also cause itching due to inflammation. Anal Fistula or Fistula-in-ano with an external opening in the region can lead to a discharge of pus or fecal matter and consequent itching.
·         Infections
Fungal infections are common in the area, especially among diabetics who are prone to Candidiasis.  Infection with threadworms/pinworms is also common, especially among children. Viral infections can also cause pruritus
·         Allergy
Chemicals found in creams, wet wipes, soaps etc. can cause Allergic Contact Dermatitis.
·         Skin conditions
Psoriasis, lichen sclerosis, Paget’s disease, peri-anal Bowen’s disease etc. can also can pruritus ani.
·         Other factors
Certain foods like caffeinated drinks, spices, peanuts, tomatoes etc. can cause peri-anal itching. Relief is attained within 2 weeks of stopping the causative food.
Aggressive cleaning can cause dryness of the skin and thus itching.
Psychological factors like anxiety, stress or depression may be associated with pruritus ani.
Similarly, aggressive cleansing can cause dryness in the area and itching.
 Dealing with Pruritus ani
To get rid of peri-anal itching, the underlying cause needs to be addressed. One should wear loose, cotton clothing, especially at night, which gives an opportunity for ventilation. Following a bowel movement, the area should be gently cleaned with water or simple tissue moistened with water or with peri-anal wipes. One should avoid the use of soaps in the area. Associated symptoms, if any, point to an underlying pathology. Anorectal conditions like piles, fissure and fistula are treated by a Proctologist. Peri-anal skin conditions, infections , and allergies are treated by a Dermatologist.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
पायलोनिडल  सायनसवर लेसर उपचार
संगणकाच्या समोर किंवा स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षेच्या तयारीसाठी तासनतास बसल्यामुळे युवकांमध्ये पायलोनिडल साइनस होण्याचे प्रमाण दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहे. जीप ड्रायव्हरचा रोग म्हणून कुख्यात असलेल्या याआजाराची लक्षणे माकडहाडांच्या भागात आढळतात, आजकाल ही शहरी तरुण लोकसंख्येची वाढती समस्या आहे. 
पायलोनिडल साइनस म्हणजे काय?
पायलोनिडल म्हणजे माकड हाडाच्या बाजूला एकत्र असलेला केसाचा पुंजका.  साईनस म्हणजे शरीतातील कोणत्याही जागेस असणारा अरुंद मार्ग. तसेच पाईलोनाईडल साईनस म्हणजे माकड हाडाच्या खालीअसलेल्या घळातला गळू/ उधभवणारा मर्ग. ह्या गळू मध्ये जीर्ण झालेली त्वचा व केस आढळतात. हा आजार कोणत्याही वयात होऊ शकतो व पुरुषांमध्ये जास्त प्रमाणात दिसतो, तसेच लहान वयोगटात जास्तदिसून येतो.
या परिस्थितीमागची कारणे कोणती?
ही परिस्थिती, पुरुषांमध्ये विशेषत: तरुणांमध्ये अधिक सामान्य आहे. ही अवस्था जास्तीत जास्त तास एकाच जागी बसून राहणाऱ्या म्हणजेच माजी विद्यार्थी, आय. टी. प्रोफेशनल, ड्रायवर वगैरे लोकांमध्येआढळून येते. जाड, कुरळे आणि अंगावर अति केस असलेल्या पुरुषांमध्ये हे होण्याची संभाव्यता जास्त असते. नितंबांच्या आतील खोल फट त्याला प्रवण ठरू शकते. लठ्ठपणा आणि कौटुंबिक इतिहास ही इतर कारणेआहेत.
याची लक्षणे काय आहेत?
पायलोनिडल सायनसग्रस्त व्यक्तीस सामान्यत: माकडहाडाच्या खालच्या भागात सतत वेदना किंवा सूज येत असते. तिथूनच कदाचित पिवळसर दुर्गंधीयुक्त पू किंवा रक्त स्त्रावही होऊ शकतो. कधीकधी, तिथूनकोणताही स्त्राव होत नसला तरीही त्या भागाच्या त्वचेखाली वेदनादायी गुठळी असू शकते. सायकल चालवणे किंवा सिट-अप्स करणे यांसारख्या काही हालचाली करण्यात अस्वस्थता जाणवू शकते.
याचे निदान कसे होते आणि यावरील उपचार कोणते?
गत इतिहास आणि दृश्य परिक्षणांवरून निदान करणे अगदी सोपे असते. पायलोनिडल साइनसवरचा निश्चित उपचार म्हणजे शस्त्रक्रिया, परंतु ज्यांनी कोणी पारंपरिक पद्धतीची शस्त्रक्रिया करून घेतली आहे त्यांनात्याचा होणारा त्रास आणि त्याच्या पुनरावृत्तीच्या उच्च शक्यतेविषयी चांगलीच माहिती असते.  औषधांमधील प्रगतीसाठी धन्यवाद, लेसर ही उपचारांची उत्कृष्ट पद्धत म्हणून सिद्ध झाली आहे. लेसरपायलोनाइडोप्लास्टी नावाची पद्धत जुन्या तंत्रांपेक्षा कमीत कमी कापाकापी करून वेगाने जखम भरून काढणारी अशी आहे. रुग्णांना त्याच दिवशी  घरी सोडण्यात येते;  ते आपले सर्व कामकाज सहजपणे करूशकतात आणि दुसऱ्या दिवशी कार्यालयातही जाऊ शकतात.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Novel Laser Cure for Anal Fistula Treatment
Fistula-in-ano, a silent yet agonizing ailment, has always posed a treatment challenge to surgeons worldwide. The refractory nature of Fistula along with its tendency to recur continues to leave the best doctors perplexed. Consequently, those suffering from this condition find themselves anxiously searching for a definitive cure. In light of this scenario, Dr. Ashwin Porwal, renowned Proctologist and founder of Healing Hands Clinic, India, set out on devising a technique called DLPL that provides an assured and lasting cure. 
Anal Fistula aka Fistula-in-ano is an abnormal track that forms between the anal canal and the skin around the anus. It is commonly associated with a collection of pus in the bottom area called Rectal Abscess. Symptoms include throbbing pain, oozing of pus/watery fluid, swelling, itching and foul odor. Diagnosis is confirmed by a simple test called Proctoscopy. For a detailed study of the abscesses and track branching, Dr. Porwal introduced 3D Endo-anal Imaging. This imaging can also be used intra-operatively thus increasing the precision of the surgery. 
Until recent times, Fistula was treated using different techniques like Fistulectomy, VAAFT, LIFT, Ksharsutra, Fistula Plug, etc. However, these conventional techniques were quite painful or had high recurrence rates. Being a Proctologist, Dr. Porwal would come across a large number of previously treated Fistula cases who were rendered helpless after recurrences. Subsequently, he developed his own technique DLPL (Distal Laser Proximal Ligation).  In this procedure, any abscess cavity along with the internal opening is first excised. This is followed by the closure of the distal tract. The proximal part of the fistula track is then sealed with the Laser energy. With the radially emitting fibre of the laser, energy is applied circumferentially to the track ensuring it’s complete ablation. Complete healing takes about 8 weeks on average. 
Using this technique Dr. Porwal has treated Complex and Recurrent Fistulae with noteworthy success. Patients from across the globe come to Healing Hands Clinic in hope of a cure. Dr. Porwal has presented numerous research papers at national and international conferences. The benefits of DLPL will definitely bring hope to despondent patients of Fistula who muddle along for years in search of a cure. 
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Best Hernia Treatment in NIBM Kondhwa
A Hernia is a sac formation due to weakness in the abdominal muscles. A Hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained. Any activity that increases pressure on the abdominal area can worsen a hernia.
We at Healing Hands Clinic provides the best treatment for Hernia. The clinic is certified as ���Center of Excellence in 3D Mesh Hernia Repair” by Dr. John Murphy. Dr. Deepak Kulkarni is the leading Hernia surgeon in Kondhwa Pune and has operated more than 1000 successful such cases of Hernia with advanced 3D Mesh technique. Surgery is the only best option for treatment of Hernia.
Hernia Causes:
The main cause of Hernia is any activity that increases the pressure of the abdominal cavity over a prolonged period of time. These include:
· Persistent cough
· Obesity
· Straining during a bowel movement or long-term constipation.
· Lifting heavyweights
· Poor nutrition.
· Physical exertion
· It appears as a lump or bulge in the abdominal area. The lump increases in size on standing, coughing and may be pushed back on lying down.
· If left untreated, hernia usually increases in size.
· The loop of bowel that has herniated becomes obstructed. This can cause extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and needs immediate treatment.
· At times the hernia becomes 'strangulated' in which the person appears ill with/without fever, nausea, vomiting and extreme pain.
Treatment for Hernia – 3D Mesh Repair – The Game Changer:
Surgery is one of the most common solutions for Hernia repair with millions of cases being treated every year. In the pre mesh era recurrence rate of Hernia was up to 30%. Efforts to tackle this issue led to the invention of 3D mesh repair. The technique uses a Polypropylene mesh that covers the hernia defect from 3 sides; above, below and center. This tension-free repair is suitable for treating large sized and even recurrent hernias.
Benefits of 3D Mesh Repair:
Minimal     number of stitches
It  provides the benefits of strong posterior repair like a laparoscopic     procedure
There is no groin pain as stitches are not taken to fix the mesh
Negligible recurrence rate
Can be done under local anesthesia
Daycare procedure – a patient is discharged from the hospital within 24 hours
Shorter recovery time compared to older techniques.
At Healing Hands Clinic, all the hernia surgeries are performed by highly qualified experienced surgeons. Till date, more than 3500 cases of hernia have been successfully treated by our experts at all the centers including Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Nashik and Bengaluru.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Best Treatment for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are swollen or twisted veins under the skin. They are usually found in the legs or feet and are common in now a day due to lifestyle issues. They don’t create any serious problem but are of cosmetic concern in females.
Causes of Varicose Veins:
· They are usually found in females as compared to males due to hormonal factors such as puberty, menopause, pregnancy, and the use of birth control pills.
· Common in people who have to stand for long hours eg. Bus Conductors and Teachers.
· Some other factors include obesity, aging, lack of exercise or physical activities and leg injury.
Treatment for Varicose Veins
The following methods can be used for the treatment of varicose veins:
Lifestyle Modification:
Varicose veins can be prevented by losing any excess weight and doing physical exercises such as walking, swimming or running. Avoid standing for long periods of time. Keep legs elevated while sleeping by placing pillows under the legs. It helps in emptying pooled blood from the veins.
Venous Stockings/Compression Stockings:
They help to maintain the blood flow in the veins and also helps to reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the veins. They should be removed before going to the bed at night and are worn only during the day time.
Tab Daflon increases venous tone, it improves lymph drainage, and it protects the microcirculation. It also helps to reduce the leg swelling, improve the skin changes and also helps in the healing of ulcers.
Ligation and Stripping:
In this, the affected vein is completely removed. A small incision is made at either end of the vein and the junction where affected vein joins a larger vein is tied off. During the procedure, flexible wire is inserted and withdrawn removing the vein in the progress.
EVLA (Endovenous Laser Ablation):
This procedure uses the Leonardo Laser and the complete process takes only 30-35 minutes. During and after the procedure patient hardly feels any discomfort. The advantage of Leonardo laser is that it uses the dual-wavelength and thus reduces the recurrence rate to almost negligible.
At Healing Hands Clinic, we have the best team of doctors and surgeons for the treatment of varicose veins at all the centers including Pune, Kondhwa, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Chinchwad, Nashik, Chakan, and Bengaluru. Proper care is provided to the patients and it is also ensured that patients get the solution to health problems as soon as possible.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Laser Treatment for Piles in Bengaluru
Piles or hemorrhoids are veins around or inside the rectum that have become inflamed. Piles can be classified into Internal or External hemorrhoids depending upon their location. External hemorrhoids are found outside the anus while internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum.
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids:
· Feeling of lump outside the anus.
· Itching around the anus.
· Pain around the anus.
Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
· Bleeding while defecating.
· Prolapsed hemorrhoids
Depending upon the severity of the disease piles or hemorrhoids can be further classified into 4 grades.
Grade 1: In this stage, a person may have bleeding or itching but no prolapse.
Grade 2: In this stage, while defecating the hemorrhoidal mass comes out but goes back by itself after the completion of the act.
Grade 3: In this hemorrhoidal mass doesn’t go back on its own, it needs to be manually pushed back.
Grade 4: In this hemorrhoidal mass doesn’t go back even after pushing it back.
Grade 1 and Grade 2 hemorrhoids can be easily cured with medication or MCDPA procedure. While Grade 3 and Grade 4 require laser surgery.
Laser surgery for piles:
Grade 3 hemorrhoids can be easily cured using LHP (Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty) procedure. In this Leonardo laser is passed through the anal and laser energy is applied, causing a hemorrhoidal mass to shrink. The whole procedure takes about 20-25 minutes. There are no cuts and no stitches. Healing is very fast and the patient can resume normal work routine from the next day of surgery.
Grade 4 hemorrhoids are treated using MIPH (Minimally Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoids) or STAPLER Surgery. This procedure is performed using the circular STAPLER, the mucosa which is responsible for the prolapse of Haemorrhoids is circumferentially excised and the prolapsed Haemorrhoids are pulled up back to their normal position.
Risks Involved with STAPLER Surgery:
This procedure may have some drawbacks as follows:
· Bleeding
· Feeling of needing to rush to the toilet
· Infection
· Staple line stricture
But these risks are uncommon, only 5-10% of patients suffer from these risks.
Laser surgery has remarkable benefits. Leonardo laser was first introduced in India at Healing Hands Clinic and number of patients have been successfully cured using this procedure at all the centers including Pune, Baner, Chinchwad, Chakan, Kothrud, Kondhwa, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, and Bengaluru.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
मूळव्याध आणि फिशर हे दोन वेगळे आजार आहेत
आपल्यापैकी बहुतेक लोकांना गुदद्वाराच्या भागाशी संबंधित कोणतीही समस्या असली तरी ती एकतर मूळव्याध असणार किंवा मग फिशर असे वाटते. आपल्या शब्दसंग्रहामध्ये या दोहोंपैकी कोणता शब्द रुजलेला आहे, त्यावर स्वतः केलेले हे निदान ठरते. निष्काळजीपणे केले जाणारे हे निदान फक्त वेदनाच वाढवत नाही, तर सोपी समस्यादेखील गुंतागुंतीची करून ठेवते.
मूळव्याध आणि फिशर यांच्यात काय फरक आहे?
मूळव्याध किंवा हमोऱ्हॉईड्स या गुदद्वाराच्या तोंडाशी असलेल्या सुजलेल्या रक्तवाहिन्या असतात तर फिशरमध्ये गुदद्वाराच्या तोंडाशी असलेली नाजूक त्वचा फाटलेली असते.  आजाराच्या तीव्रतेवर मूळव्याधीचे 1 ते 4 यानुसार वर्गीकरण केले जाते. पहिल्या श्रेणीमध्ये रक्तवाहिन्या फक्त सुजलेल्या असतात तर चौथ्या श्रेणीमध्ये गुदद्वाराच्या तोंडातून एक गोळा बाहेर आलेला असतो.
या दोहोंच्या लक्षणांमध्ये काय फरक आहे?
शौच करताना तीव्र वेदना होणे, हे फिशरचे प्रमुख लक्षण आहे.  या वेदनेची तीव्रता इतकी असते की रुग्णाला शौचास जाण्याची भीती वाटू लागते.
विष्ठा विसर्जित केल्यानंतर होणारा वेदनारहित रक्तस्राव, हे सामान्यतः मूळव्याधीचे लक्षण असते. काही वेळा एखाद्या रुग्णास गुदद्वाराच्या तोंडाशी एखादा गोळा बाहेर आल्यासारखे वाटू शकते.
मला एकाच वेळेस मूळव्याध आणि फिशरचा त्रास होऊ शकतो का?
हमोऱ्हॉईड्सच्या खूप जुन्या प्रकरणांमध्ये फिशरचा त्रास उद्भवतो. सामान्यतः, दीर्घकालीन बद्धकोष्ठता मूळव्याधीस कारणीभूत ठरू शकते. अशा प्रकरणांमध्ये, एखाद्यास फिशरबरोबर मूळव्याधही होणे अगदी सहजशक्य आहे. खरंतर, बद्धकोष्ठतेमधील सगळ्यात जास्त सर्वसामान्य गुंतागुंत म्हणजे फिशर होय. कारण कठीण झालेली विष्ठा जोराने बाहेर ढकलल्यामुळे गुदद्वाराजवळील नाजूक त्वचेस भेग पडू शकते.
निदानासाठी कोणत्या तपासण्या करणे आवश्यक आहे?
लक्षणांचे वर्णन आणि प्रत्यक्ष तपासणी या गोष्टी फिशरचे निदान करण्यासाठी पुरेशा आहेत. हमोऱ्हॉईड्स असेल तर जास्त अचूक निदान आणि वर्गीकरण करण्यासाठी त्यासोबत प्रोक्टोस्कोपी नावाची साधी वेदनारहित प्रक्रिया करण्यात येते.
फिशर आणि मूळव्याध कायमची बरी होते का?
आधुनिक औषधोपचार गुदद्वार आणि गुदाशय यांच्याशी संबंधित समस्यांवरील विश्वासार्ह, जलद आणि प्रभावी उपायांची हमी देतात.  प्रारंभिक अवस्थेतील मूळव्याध आणि तीव्र फिशर बरा करण्यासाठी औषधे, आहारातील जीवनशैलीतील बदल पुरेसे आहेत. फिशरच्या जुनाट प्रकरणांमध्ये लेझर हमोऱ्हॉयडोप्लास्टी (एलएचपी) किंवा स्टेप्लर शस्त्रक्रिया (एमआयपीएच) या सुरक्षित, कमीत कमी वेदनादायी आणि प्रभावी उपचाराच्या पद्धतींचा वापर करण्यात येतो.
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Chronic constipation complications and constipation cure
What is Constipation?
Constipation is having less than 3 bowel movements per week. It also means passing hard stools or difficulty in evacuating the bowel. When constipation occurs for several weeks then it becomes chronic constipation and then it may cause significant pain and discomfort and can affect one’s life.
Healing Hands Clinic is a certified center of excellence for constipation treatment in India providing care in Pune, Baner, Chakan, Kondhwa, Kothrud, Chinchwad, Thane, Mumbai, Nashik, and Bengaluru. A number of patients have cured through advanced medications and laser treatment for constipation at all the centers of Healing Hands Clinic.
How Does Constipation Happen?
It occurs when the stool in your colon gets dehydrated. When there is less water in the body then the stool becomes very hard and it becomes very difficult to poop. It happens when our water intake is reduced and we include less fiber in our diet. The other main causes of constipation are a sedentary lifestyle, obesity or lack of exercise.
How can I cure constipation?
Drink Plenty of Water: Constipation occurs due to dehydration in the colon so keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will keep stools soft and it will be easy to evacuate the bowel.
Get fiber through fruits and vegetables: Increase fiber intake in your diet. Take natural fiber from fruits and vegetables. Having a diet rich in fiber will make the stools soft and keeps the bowel movement easy. Also, fruits and vegetables contain water so it helps to prevent constipation.
Do physical activities: Keep yourself active throughout the day by doing physical activities such as walking, exercising, swimming or running. When you keep yourself moving then it puts force on intestines and it then helps to evacuate easily.
Be stress-free: Stress is the other main cause of constipation. So be stress-free and positive to be constipation free.
Complications of Chronic Constipation:
Hemorrhoids or Piles: Due to constipation there is increased pressure on veins or blood vessels so it may lead to hemorrhoids or piles.
Fissure: Hard stools may cause tear near the anal opening which makes passing stools very difficult.
Rectal prolapse: Straining to have a bowel movement for long period of time may cause the rectum to stretch and protrude from the anus.
For more details you may also visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/constipation-treatment-centre/
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hhcpune-blog · 4 years
Anal Fissure vs Hemorrhoids: Symptoms and Treatment Methods
Going to the toilet in the morning is a nightmare for some people. If going to the toilet is painful for hours or days then there is something serious. If there is blood in the stool or on toilet paper or there is pain near the anal area then people may consider it as piles or hemorrhoids. But there is another common possibility of Anal Fissures. Though symptoms of both the piles and fissure are similar but both the conditions are quite different.
Anal Fissure vs Hemorrhoids - Symptoms
Anal fissure is a cut near the anal area and are painful only during the bowel movement whereas hemorrhoids is swollen blood vessels.
Anal Fissures usually occur when a person has tight sphincter muscle and suffers from frequent constipation or diarrhea. Hemorrhoids or piles occur when there is increased pressure on the blood vessels and can occur internally within the anal opening or externally near anal area.
Treatment options for Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures
Both hemorrhoids or piles and anal fissures can be treated using medications or ayurvedic treatment if they are at initial stage. At Healing Hands Clinic, MCDPA regimen is used for treatment of piles and fissures. In this medication, diet, physiotherapy and ayurvedic oils are used for the treatment. Pelvic floor exercises are recommended for strengthening of pelvic floor muscles.
But if the disease advances, then laser surgery is recommended.
Depending upon the grade of piles or hemorrhoids, grade 3 can be treated using LHP (Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty) procedure, grade 4 using MIPH (Minimally Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoids). Grade 1 and early stages of grade 2 are treated through MCDPA.
Chronic Fissures are treated using Laser Sphincterotomy. This laser procedure is done using Leonardo laser.
One should not figure out the disease at home. If you are facing any of the symptoms like blood in stool or pain during bowel movements then you must consult the colorectal surgeon on time.
Healing Hands Clinic has been certified as the center of excellence for the treatment of piles and fissure providing care in India at Pune, Baner, Chakan, Chinchwad, Thane, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Nashik, and Bengaluru. More than 50, 000 patients have been successfully cured through advanced medicines and laser treatment.
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hhcpune-blog · 5 years
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Healing Hands Clinic wishing you all a very Happy, Prosperous and Safe Diwali!
To know more about Healing Hands Clinic you may visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/
or Connect with us at: +91 8888288884
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