hhughes · 8 minutes
and when daisy cancels on him friday night, and he sees that she went to quinn’s game instead with their group of friends, he decided to take trevor up on that offer.
Damn that was kinda mean of Daisy
she was planning on going to jack’s game, she really was. but then all her friends was going to quinn’s game, and he asked her to come and she just couldn’t say no.
she really didn’t think jack would be that upset about it and she could always try to go and watch another one of his games! but he was really upset . . .
he watched the stands for her the whole night. she could’ve at least texted him. and jack makes sure she knows he’s upset too. doesn’t smile at her in the hallways at school. doesn’t bother greeting her when she’s at their house to see quinn. just kinda seems very uninterested until daisy addresses it one day.
he was already in the kitchen when she came down from quinn’s room to grab a drink. and when jack sees her entering, he immediately moves to leave but she stops him before he can.
“can we talk for a sec?” daisy asks, a hand on jack’s arm to halt him and jack resists the urge to lean into her touch more, trying to remember why he was upset with her
“is there any point in talking when I can’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth,” jack snaps, and feels immediately bad for it when she flinches a little
“okay, I deserve that. jack I really am sorry,” daisy says and jack clenches his jaw slightly
“when you say you’re gonna do something, do it. and if you change your mind or something comes up at least have the decency to text someone and let them know,” jack mumbles leaning on the kitchen counter and daisy sighs, moving her hand up to his shoulder and jack gets funny feeling in his chest when her thumb moves back and forth across the fabric of his T-shirt.
“you’re right. what I did was really rude but I promise I didn’t do it on purpose. I wasn’t planning on going to quinn’s game but something came up and I really had to go to that game. and I totally forgot that I had promised you I would go to yours. which is my fault 100% and I’m really sorry I bailed on you and didn’t text, it totally slipped my mind. which isn’t an excuse, I know I messed up okay? and I really am sorry. And I’m also sorry it’s taken me like a week to apologize. to be fair you have ran away from me every time I’ve wanted to,” daisy says and jack huffs
“I wasn’t running away,” jack mumbles in protest but daisy just sends him a look
“the point is i’m sorry okay? I don’t want you to be mad at me,” daisy says and jack sends her a soft smile
“I’m not mad anymore dais. I honestly forgave you already. I just had a bad day and it’s making me more irritated than usual, sorry,” he admits a little shyly and daisy squeezes his shoulder gently
“s’okay, we all have bad days. anything you wanna talk about?” daisy asks and jack sighs
“not really, it’s just hockey stuff,” jack says and daisy knows he’s not gonna talk about it with her, but even if he did, she wouldn’t be able to relate so she probably wouldn’t be of much use anyway, but there was someone else who could help.
“you should talk to Quinny about it,” she says
“I don’t know, he has a lot going on too. I don’t wanna add more things to his plate,” jack says and daisy smiles, finding him endearing
“Quinn is such an older sibling. he loves taking care of other people, especially those he loves. I bet you he’d love being able to give you advice. and he just so happens to be pretty decent at it,” daisy says, and jack just nods, acknowledging he heard what she said, but not committing to doing it. which was fine. daisy wasn’t one to push, which was one of the things he loved about her. liked about her.
“so we’re good?” daisy asks one more time
“yeah dais, we’re good,” jack says and laughs softly when she kisses him on the cheek
“perfect. I know you’re about to make yourself a ham and cheese toastie, make me one? I’d love you forever,” she teases, and makes her way back up the stairs before jack could respond
if only it was that easy, he’d make her all the ham and cheese toasties she wants.
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hhughes · 21 minutes
That’s definitely not how I meant it nor is it even remotely close to what I was saying. Don’t know where that non got that idea from?
I simply meant that since there has been so much attention on the oilers being the last Canadian team, it would be fair to assume a lot of Canadians would want them to win.
And americans would want Florida to win, bc let’s be real who’s an edmonton fan except the people actually from edmonton?
I didn’t even necessarily mean the hate, just the support the two teams are going to be getting
that’s fair!
I do think even a lot of canadians are rooting for florida to win!
I know a lot of stars fans that are also canucks fans so it’s like “double homicide” yk? but I do think it’s more of a team preference rather than country thing imo. since a lot of other canadian teams’ fans also don’t like the oilers!
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hhughes · 36 minutes
Implying the Oilers hate is all Americans is a bit wild…
Yeah, not sure if that’s the way anon meant it. . .
maybe anon was refereeing to the fact that there’s been a big narrative around the oilers being the last canadian team left and therefore all canadian’s should cheer for them bc they want the cup back in canada (which i’ve seen most canadians disagree with actually😭)
Most of the hate I’ve seen directed towards the oilers has been bc of two players specifically though (which is totally valid)
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hhughes · 54 minutes
The oilers hate is insane. I don’t think I’ve seen one person except you even a little bit happy that they made it. Do you think it’s a canadian vs american thing?
I honestly don’t know🤷‍♀️😭
I will say that I do find it interesting how many leafs and bruins fans I’ve seen cheer for florida though!!
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hhughes · 1 hour
Same. I know a lot of people are hating on them rn but connor and leon deserve to win a cup, and if it’s not this year, it’s gonna happen eventually. He’s too good for it not to happen. And this will shut all those people up who always say “yes he scores x many goals but he has no cup” or “he’ll never win a cup in edmonton”
Like as a hockey fan you have to be a little excited that the best player of our generation has the potential to win it all
I don’t know how many people will feel the same way nonnie but I definitely understand and agree with what you’re saying!
either way it’s gonna be a good series and I can’t wait to see who wins it
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hhughes · 1 hour
so excited that a canadian team made it to the final and the cup has a chance to be back in canada. and honestly i’m really excited for the opportunity to see connor potentially win a cup.
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hhughes · 1 hour
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⤫ fem!reader x will smith
✰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⤫ in which will’s gf (lauren - sorry if ur named lauren) doesn’t treat him right and you’re waiting for Will to realize he belongs with you! you could probably already tell but it’s based on you belong with me by taylor swift!
✰ 𝐜𝐰 ⤫ unedited writing🫣 fluff. language. I think that’s it, as always lmk if I should add something else!!
✰ 𝐚/𝐧 ⤫ as always feedback or criticism is appreciated! i hope you like it <3
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You open the door to your apartment, kicking your converse off and lining them up neatly on the shoe rack at the front door. You sigh when you see two pairs of shoes lying on the floor, bending down to pick those up and placing them there as well. You immediately go to your room and change into comfy clothes quickly, wearing shorts and one of Will’s shirts. A small smile forms on your face when you hear laughter coming from your living room, walking towards the sound and being met with a familiar sight. Gabe, Ryan and Will lounging on your couch.
“Hey, look who’s finally here!” Ryan yells and you grab a slice of pizza from the box before taking your seat on the same couch as Will, placing your feet on his lap and his hands automatically fall to your calves, caressing them softly.
“You don’t get to complain that I’m late when you two left your shoes laying around again,” you say and Will smiles, shaking his head, knowing what a big pet peeve that was for you.
“How do you know it’s ours and not Will’s?” Ryan asks
“First of all, I know every pair of shoes he owns and he doesn’t own the ones that were laying around. Secondly, Will would never let his shoes get that dirty, it’s the pretty boy in him. One speckle of mud and he has to wash them. And lastly, he knows better than that.” you say and Will squeezes your knee in retaliation for the “pretty boy” comment.
“What are we watching?” you ask
“IT,” Gabe answers and you immediately protest.
“Absolutely not,” you say and Gabe laughs.
“It’s not even that scary,” Gabe says
“It’s not scary, it’s just creepy. I hate clowns, they shouldn’t exist, especially not to amuse kids,” you mumble and grab a pillow when Gabe starts the movie anyway. It was his turn to pick and if you were gonna make him watch all your movies then you had to watch his.
Movie nights were something you and Will started when you were still in highschool, and the tradition carried on to college. You can’t really remember when Gabe and Ryan joined in but they haven’t missed one since.
You miss half the movie anyway since your attention is focused solely on Will, as it is most of the time. He looked good tonight, but then again he always looks good. He was wearing grey sweats and a tight fitted white T-shirt, his hair a little messy as if he took a nap earlier and just came over without fixing it. His hand was still absentmindedly tracing patterns on your leg and you shivered when his hand slipped to the inside of your thigh.
“You cold?” he asks and you nod, not wanting him to know you were shivering because of something else.
“C’mere,” he says and you move closer as he grabs his hoodie he took off earlier, pulling it over your head.
“Thank you,” you say as you cuddle into his side more, his arm around you and hand resting on your hip.
You spend the next thirty minutes or so there, nearly falling asleep when Will’s phone rings. You sit up a little as he reaches for his phone, letting out a big sigh as he stands up and answers the call.
“Hey baby,” Will answers and your chest tightens at the soft way he speaks to her.
“I’m watching a movie with the boys and yn,” he says and lets out a big sigh at whatever she’s saying.
“Yeah okay, I’ll be there soon,” Will says and you frown when he starts collecting his stuff.
“Where are you going?” Gabe asks, beating you to it.
“Lauren invited people over to her place tonight and apparently we’re hosting together and people have been asking for me,” Will explains, grabbing his keys from the coffee table.
“She didn’t tell you earlier?” Ryan questions
“No. I told her I was busy tonight,” Will says and Ryan scoffs
“And she still hosted it tonight? Without you knowing…and now she’s telling you to leave?” Gabe asks, trying to get Will to see how weird that is but he just shrugs.
“I don’t know man, she probably just forgot. I’m fucking exhausted though. I gotta go,” Will says but stops right beside you on his way to the door, bending over so he can speak softly to you.
“You’re not upset with me are you? I hate when you’re upset with me,” Will says and you shake your head.
“No, it’s all good. Do what you gotta do,” you say
“Rain check on movie night? Maybe next week it can be just you and me, like old times. Feel like I haven’t spent much time with you since these two are always around,” Will says, kissing your cheek before making his way out of your apartment. You’d have liked to tell him that it wasn’t because of Gabe and Ryan that you guys weren’t spending as much time together, it was because of her.
Will met Lauren at the first tailgate you guys had attended at BC, after that they went on a few dates and after a few dates they were together.
It wasn’t one of those classic situations where you were in love with your best friend and hated every girl he paid attention to but you. It was about the fact that she treated him terribly, and he deserved so much better. And maybe it did hurt your feelings a little bit that he was dating someone like that. Because if he was dating a girl that gave him all these things that you couldn’t because she was just that great then maybe you’d understand why it wasn’t you he was dating. But you didn’t understand why he would be with someone like Lauren, when you were right here, where you’ve always been.
“I’m not the only one who doesn’t like her right?” Gabe asks when Will is gone.
“I can’t stand her. She’s so rude and she treats him so badly. I don’t know what he sees in her honestly,” Ryan says with a frown on his face and they both look at you expectantly.
“I mean as long he’s happy I don’t have anything to say,” you say and both of them scoff
“He’s obviously not happy. All of us can see that, you probably most of all with how well you know him,” Ryan says and you just flick your attention back to the TV.
“When are you two gonna stop pretending you don’t have feelings for each other and just get together?” Gabe asks
“He doesn’t have feelings for me, if he did he would have acted on them a long time ago,” you say
“What if he was holding back cause he didn’t know if you felt the same way?” Ryan asks and you just shake your head.
“It doesn’t even matter now. He’s got a girlfriend and whether we like her or not, we still have to respect that,” you say, your tone making it clear that you didn’t wanna talk about this anymore.
The next time you saw Will was later that week, you were sitting at a table at your favourite café, reading a book when he took the seat across from you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, immediately noting the annoyed expression on his face.
“The beanpot is next week,” Will says
“I know. Everyone’s been talking about it for weeks, I had four people corner me in the hallway this morning asking if I could hook them up with tickets cause it’s already sold out and they know i’m friends with you,” you say and Will frowns, taking your hand in his and rubbing circles on your palm with his thumb.
“They cornered you? Who?” he asks, the furrow between his brows deepening
“It doesn’t matter, Ryan took care of it, but the point is trust me everyone knows the beanpot’s coming up,” you say and Will’s frown doesn’t disappear but he allows you to divert from that topic
“Not everyone apparently. Lauren told her parents I’d be coming up to New York to meet them that weekend,” Will says and your jaw drops
“She did not. Why? How can she not know? You’ve told her like 20 times, you even bought her and her 50 friends tickets to go,” you say exasperated and Will sighs shaking his head
“I don’t know, but she wants me to tell coach I’m missing it and still go to New York,” he says and your jaw drops even further if that’s possible
“Oh my God, she’s insane. There’s no way you’d miss any game, but especially not the beanpot games. You’ve been dreaming of playing in the beanpot since you were a little kid,” you say and Will smiles at you
“Yeah that’s what I told her and we got into a pretty big argument about it. It’s okay I know she’s not that into hockey so maybe she really did just forget,” Will says, the frown back on his face
“You’re not that into reality TV, or dance, or any of the things she’s into really, but you still make time to see her or do those things with her, or at least remember when it happens because what’s important to her is important to you. That’s just what a good partner does,” you say and Will nods
“Yeah, it’s fine though,” he says but you know him better than that. You can obviously tell it really hurt his feelings that she forgot and then she argued about it with him too? What was he doing with a girl like that?
“For what it’s worth, I’m really excited to watch you play in the beanpot. I know you’re gonna do amazing and I think it’s the coolest thing ever that you get to do something you’ve dreamed about doing for so long. And I’m so excited to be there and cheer you on,” you say and Will grins, bring your hand up to his lips to press a kiss against your palm.
Later that night you were laying in bed, watching a show on your laptop, your eyes drooping closed every few seconds before you peeled them open again, when you heard a knock on your door.
“Will, it’s the middle of the night, what are you doing here?” you ask as he steps into your apartment, closing the door behind him.
“I called my mom, and I told her about stuff with Lauren and you know what she told me?” he asks and you shake your head.
“She said I'm with the wrong girl. That the right girl would listen to me, and support me, understand me. Make me laugh when I feel like I’m gonna cry. The girl who knows all my favourite songs, and I tell about my dreams. The one who feels like home. So I went to see Lauren, and I broke it off and then I sat there for about three hours because I realised that the girl I’m looking for is you. And I feel like an idiot because you’ve always been there, and all this time how could I not know that you’re the one I belong with,” Will says and you take a deep breath trying to keep your tears from falling as you let out a little laugh
“I’ve been giving you the biggest heart eyes the last three years, it’s about time you noticed,” you joke, and he smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his forehead against yours.
“Well can I be your oblivious boyfriend, instead of your oblivious best friend?” Will asks teasingly and you nod, connecting your lips to his in a soft, long-overdue kiss.
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hhughes · 3 hours
Who’s story is that from?
connor joyce’s! he’s private though. jacob reposted it on his story which is how I saw it!!
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hhughes · 3 hours
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jacob sighting! 🥰
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hhughes · 4 hours
loved this! communication and her little kiss on his cheek😮‍���😮‍💨 he's so down bad for her
when can we see jealous daisy? excited!!! - 👩‍⚕️
the little kiss on his cheek😩🥰
we wanna see jealous daisy? do we have any particular scenarios in mind??
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hhughes · 4 hours
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hhughes · 4 hours
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hhughes · 4 hours
omgg i love ur new theme!!
awe; thank you so much !!
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hhughes · 7 hours
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via joshreynolds24 on instagram
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hhughes · 12 hours
hi bb, how are you feeling?😚😭
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hhughes · 22 hours
I can’t wait until you wake up and see these tomorrow😭🫶🏻
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hhughes · 22 hours
Your gonna make a drunk girl cry!
I love you Cami!!🥰🥰
love you🥰
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