hi-im-awkward-sorry · 3 years
Female Character: *Everybody is immediately drawn to her for no discernible reason*
Female Character: *Extremely powerful compared to all of the other characters within the story; there’s no reason as to how she became so powerful*
Female Character: *For some reason is able to quickly pick up new skills in a period of time comparable to a genius; no explanation for this too.*
Female Character:  *has virtually no weaknesses except she’s clumsy teehee :)*
Person: Isn’t this kind of a mary-sue?
Tumblr: why do misogynists like to invalidate strong female characters???????????
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 3 years
For anyone who doesn't know what's going on in Canada right now (which, let's be real, is probably everyone who's not in Canada):
This week, a mass grave was discovered at a former Indian Residential School, in Kamloops, BC. The grave contained the bodies of 215 Indigenous children.
For people outside of North America, residential schools were places that Indigenous children were sent to, to have their language and culture stripped away from them. They were literally stolen from their families, and scattered across Canada, to ensure that they would be surrounded by children who didn't speak their language. They were given Christian names and forced to speak English. They were horrendously abused, and the survivors have been traumatized.
Hundreds of children never returned. The assumption has always been that they died. This has now been confirmed.
The school in Kamloops closed in 1978. They are now trying to identify bodies to inform family members. The last residential school closed in the 1990s. There is growing demand to search all of them, but the government hasn't responded to that, as of yet. Ottawa JUST gave in to pressure to fly the Canada flag at half mast. They weren't even going to do that.
This is the reality if anti-Indigenous racism in Canada. The residential schools may be closed, but that hasn't stopped the abduction of Indigenous children, let alone the hundreds of missing and murdered Indigenous women.
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 3 years
please donate to the palestinian children’s relief fund or any of these other organizations doing work in palestine! any little bit, even just $10, can help relieve some of the suffering under the settler-colonial occupation!
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 3 years
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I have been saving this since last year. Happy Earth Day everyone.
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
jk rowling may not have caused transmisogyny in the uk, but by being a high-profile figure who actively supports transmisogyny and funnels money into transmisogynistic groups she is a huge influence in keeping it both alive and, more dangerously, seen as a legitimate viewpoint and ‘acceptable’ in the eyes of the media. it is dangerous to ignore this and to ignore her significant influence
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
When I was little my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay
Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe
4-6 lbs of Hamburger/turkey burger
1 pk onion soup mix OR ranch mix
1 TBs ketchup
1 Tbs spicy brown mustard,
1 Tbs bbq sauce
1 Tbs steak sauce
1 egg
mix, shape into a loaf in a big pan, and bake at 350 for 2 hrs (maybe 2 and a half if you’re feeling dangerous)
You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it’s just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
So someone pointed out to me recently that in a few years, maybe a few decades, the history of the us during covid is probably going to get twisted. The fact that we all had to make and wear cloth masks is going to be hailed as a symbol of how we “"came together as a nation”“” or whatever the fuck propaganda spin they try to put on it.
So I just want to say, for the record, the time of the corona virus pandemic was not a time when america came together.
This was a time when people hoarded toilet paper and sanitizing supplies either for themselves or to sell at absurd prices to the desperate people who didn’t get to the store soon enough during the shortages
This was a time when scared parents were sending their kids to finish school in the spring in plastic trash bags because they couldn’t think of any other way to possibly keep their families safe
This was a time when grocery store and retail and service workers were forced to keep working whether they wanted to risk their health or not because they couldn’t make rent otherwise and the people with enough privilege to have remote jobs tried to repay them with applause instead of fair wages
This was a time when nurses had the hold the hands of multiple dying people every day as their families watched their loved ones die over a video call because the hospital couldn’t risk having visitors
This was a time when city governments had to handle so many eviction hearings that they rented out convention centers and called in the national guard instead of doing a rent freeze to stop predatory landlords
This was a time when racism and police brutality were so unbearably horrible that people protested in the streets for months even though there was a god damn pandemic that our federal government wasn’t doing shit to stop and the cops were so mad that they were being asked to stop beating up black people that they were beating up everyone
This was a time when schools being forced to reopen in the fall or lose their federal funding had to draft templates for letters if a teacher or a staff person or a fucking child died from exposure to corona at school
This was a time when the president of the United states demanded that the cdc stop releasing data about all the people who were dying because of the warnings he ignored for months were making him look bad
This was a time when some state governments didn’t mandate masks and forced businesses to reopen because they didn’t want to pay unemployment to people trying to stay safe at home anymore
This was a time when Jeff Bezos was on track to be a fucking trillionare because everyone was ordering things on amazon instead of going to the store and the people he worked to death to get it didn’t see a single cent of it
This was a time when instead of providing homeless people with housing, we painted boxes on the ground to show homeless people how far away the had to be on the street to maintain social distancing
We did not come together to make cloth masks. Cloth masks represent nothing less than the absolute and utter failure of a nation’s government to inform and protect its citizens
This was not a time when we came together. This was a time when we survived, and not all of us made it.
This was a time when people casually talked about how many human lives the economy was worth without considering the evil that had just come out of their mouths.
This was a time when thousands of us died for profit and the ego of a cheating narcissists con man who scammed his way into the white house
This was a time that we survived. Most of us tried to do the right thing, stay home, limit trips to the store and socializing, wear a mask. And still, so many of us were lost. Thousands every day.
But that wasn’t a good enough reason for some people, for those among us who were too selfish to recognize the responsibilities we have toward one another as human beings.
This was not a time that we came together
This was a time that we survived
Not all of us made it
And those of us who did survive will never forget the evil we saw daily in our politicians and those around us
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
how to live life like a ghibli film
1. go out in nature more. every studio ghibli film has some aspect of nature intertwined with the storyline. sometimes its hard to get the energy to go outside, but just going out on your deck or opening the window in your room or taking a walk around the block is enough. if you feel like it, go for a hike! go into the woods and look at every flower, and every tree. look at the mushrooms and streams and notice the beauty of them. look at nature like you’ve never seen it before. wake up at 4 and watch the sunset. put plants around your room. realize how beautiful the world is around you. appreciate it. 
2. get a hobby! this step is certainly easier said than done, but its so worth it. struggling with mental illness makes it especially hard to get a hobby, but its very important that you don’t spend the majority of your time on social media. Start small. If you want to start drawing get a coloring book and fill in a picture with beautiful markers! If you want to write find a random prompt online, give yourself 30 minutes and see what you can come up with. Want to try baking? Start with an easy recipe, like chocolate chip cookies, and share them with your family or friends, or just yourself! Try out a bunch of hobbies, and see what you like best. Maybe you like making jewelry or writing poems or creating digital collages or making video edits or decorating your room or riding a bike or sewing or reading. The possibilities are endless, and getting a hobby you enjoy is very important, and fun.
3. start appreciating small things and noticing details. I don’t know how to explain this step, but in studio Ghibli films, small things always stick out. There are beautiful tiny details that make the story so much more magnificent. small details make the studio Ghibli films what they are. maybe on your way to school/work the sky was a really pretty color. Or the tea you made in the morning was perfectly steeped. appreciate small details of life that you don’t normally notice.
4. appreciate food. Pay attention to your food. If you can, try and make/bake your own food! But if you can’t, just be mindful of your food. Try not to eat while you’re on your phone. Dedicate times to just eating. Appreciating the food in front of you. Make yourself the ponyo drink with milk and honey, or ponyo ramen! Make yourself your own blend of tea like the Baron!
5. be kind and help others. Being kind doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, it can be smiling and waving at a baby in a café, or helping your mom finish the dishes, or paying for a friend’s coffee. Small gestures not only put good out into the world, but they also make you feel better. When you can, help others. Try volunteering at an animal shelter, or babysit for your aunt without charging her, or just listen to your friend when they’re going through something and be there for them. In every Ghibli film, the main character is always helping others, and being kind. Try to be like kiki, when she returned the pacifier to the mother who forgot it, or like chizuru from the cat returns, who risks her life to save a cat. Kindness comes in all shapes and forms, so just try your best to do what you can!
6. be your most authentic self. Stay true to who you are. dress how you’d like. Cut your hair like you’ve always wanted to. Stay confident and true to yourself. We all feel insecure sometimes, but we need to remind ourselves that we are great. Don’t try and force yourself to be someone you aren’t. Kiki felt insecure in her abilities as a witch, but she stayed true to herself, and believed in herself, and it paid off. Love and appreciate yourself, just the way you are.
7. (not really a tip but a fun suggestion) start collecting something! This is just an extra step that I wanted to include because I think its nice. But start a collection of things that interest you. It could be anything! Candles, stamps, teacups, antique figurines, 19th century photos, lip balms, books, key chains, flowers, hats. The choices are endless.
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
Here’s my advice to everyone who thinks that the election will be so fraudulent that it won’t matter, who thinks 45 will not cede power, etc, etc:
Vote so that the history books know it was fraudulent. -
Vote so the contemporary world knows it’s fraudulent. -
Vote so that he is actually committing the crime, and not just attempting it but winding up not needing to. -
Vote not because you like Joe Biden (ew), but because the establishment as it stands will take low votes against 45 as approval. Vote to communicate the crime that is happening in the most severe degree. Vote so that if he pulls some bullshit, it has to be the most obviously illegal bullshit possible.
These are not just talking points. These are steps to make action against a fraudulent government, if it happens, easier. To make it possible. To make the public understand.
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
Help a Latina Trans Lesbian get Bottom Surgery
The first post lost all traction and donations have completely stopped, and I won’t shut up till she has the help she needs so here we go. 
My girlfriend is a very dysphoric trans woman. She needs to start electrolysis in order to get neo-vaginoplasty, which would save her from so much anguish. However, insurance absolutely refuses to cover this procedure, and her family is lower income so they cannot cover the costs by themselves, so we need your help.
You can donate to her gofundme here
Can’t donate? just watch this video to help me raise money
I am a smaller account. I need help spreading this. Please reblog. 
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
Hey guys,  I am asking for help getting through this month and I desperately need your help to get groceries and keep my water and electricity on. My son and I haven’t been able to get enough formula we were declined WIC and I’ve been rationing milk and rice so I really could use help getting food for kahlil.
I’ve been struggling a lot these past few months and I have regularly skipped on eating (often for several days in a row) to try and make ends meet due to losing my job at the salon, I have struggled with bill payments and getting groceries/household supplies with absolutely no income, I could use anyone and everyone’s help in boosting/donating to my post so that I won’t lose him to social services. I have to have food in the house and utilities turned on by the end of this week or my parental status will be revoked.
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just $1, it would literally save my life and sharing definitely helps just as much a donations and nobody has to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, thank you.💖
                                  PayPal or CashApp
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
My friend from Lebanon wrote up a really good thread on Twitter I thought I should share here, just to clear up some of the inaccuracies floating around:
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And here are some of the links they provided:
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hi-im-awkward-sorry · 4 years
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So much this.
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