hibiki-kuze · 10 years
hey u arent using this blog u shoudl GIV E THE URL AWY
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hibiki-kuze · 11 years
He listened quietly to Yamato's speech. It seemed that he managed to get the desired effect after all; to take Yamato's mind off his preoccupations and current work... even if it could only work for that brief period. Things were pretty hectic, but then again he could not blame Yamato for any of it. 
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- "I know we will," he started with a small smile on his face as he accepted Yamato's invitation to sit on the chair next to him. He could feel his tired muscles finally relaxing after the long day... although his guard wasn't exactly down. They both had learnt it by attempts to get them together, by attempts to get them when their guard was finally down since they felt secure with each other's presence.
Such a dirty tactic for such a small goal... to take over a world that was fated to ruin. Perhaps with their efforts, they could still change something. Perhaps... perhaps.
Sometimes that seemed like such an impossible dream.  But leaving this man to fight and shoulder the whole world alone was something that he would absolutely not to. Not out of loyalty, but because he had promised Yamato. That he would support him, that he would be his strength. 
That from now on he did not need to shoulder everything alone, even if the Chief never really did let go of this annoying habit. No... not that he could let go. They were both fighting for the world and for themselves, to earn that utopia so sought for... to earn that peace of mind they so deserved now. 
... Surely, things would change for the better. 
- "Hey, look who is talking. You seem like you could simply fall asleep at your desk at any minute... you haven't been getting enough rest."
Neither had he, but Yamato always pushed himself too hard. He had to be in good condition... to fight and to protect. Ah, this was such a stressful situation they both were in... 
- "Come on now..."
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- "...You don't want me to get worried over you, do you? If I do, maybe I'll get so worried about you in one of my missions that might end up actually getting me killed! ..."
A brief minute of silence.
Before he opened a small smile again.
- "So to prevent my death, the least you could do is to take care of yourself."
The Original Timeline
'…As good as you can expect. I do not assume they will stop anytime soon, so please keep your guard up.'
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So that was that? Another failed attempt to pause the corruption of the masses… those damnable dregs; Uprisal was spreading like wildfire but the more incredulous realization came from how easily tainted by Polaris’s influence these people were. Just attempting to conceive some other method of approaching them to stand down was taxing… It was looking fruitless to use just their words at this point in time. Sooner or later, brute force would have to be exerted, whether they liked it or not…  ”I see… Thank you or your efforts then.” Perhaps all of this blind sighted wishful thinking was poisoning their rationality after all. Of course things wouldn’t settle themselves so easily; Raising a gloved hand to his dully throbbing temples, Yamato applied a bit of pressure to the bridge of his nose, sleep depriven eyes regaining their usual clarity. Right, maintain focus, even if it was Hibiki in his company right now, he refused to show weakness—-He was the pillar of functionality for this broken system; If he faltered here, then there really was nothing else to hold this pathetically built structure together.
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Such a dangerous trapeze act, attempting to walk across this fine wire without even a balancing weight…  But Hibiki had the endless supply of persistent hope that they needed to press forward with; Even Yamato could draw more stability from it. Though the plan wasn’t going as smoothly as they had hoped, there was still some progress, regardless of the string of failures. (Albeit it was all still very insignificant in a broader perspective.)  ”Hah… Don’t ask me such a thing with that smile of yours; have you become so pessimistic too?” A curt sniff left Yamato, something close to a laugh if anything, as he attempted to raise the spirits of the talk. Why not humor it? He was exhausted and if the cold coffee in his mug couldn’t suffice, then this was as good a pick me up as any. "—If I regret things now, then it would only equal the equivalent to surrendering to the fact that everything up until this point has been for naught—as you say, there is still hope. There’s a lot of work to be done but… we will endure until my vision is recovered. Especially with you by my side, I have nothing to fear. I promise, we will eventually live in that ideal world I spoke to you of, Hibiki.” His glory laden statements were powerful, but only because it was something of a traditional recital—words that have been reiterated time after time for sanity’s sake. It was those same words that kept the despair at a minimum, and offered for a topic of conversation that even Yamato could feel at ease with. Such childish ploys… but very much effective.   ”—But enough of that… Why don’t you take a seat? You look tired.”
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hibiki-kuze · 11 years
It is true that both of them wanted a different outcome. Hibiki was unsure if the pain tugging at his chest was for the current state of the world, or for how Yamato had been reacting to all of this. Hibiki had been busy himself, buried under loads and loads of paperwork or going on missions that were assigned to him. It was pretty hectic, but he had no room to complain... even if he wanted to.
This was the world they desired, after all.
Also, this was a lie.
He knew those two things way too well. The time he spent with Yamato Hotsuin on that fateful week made it clear to him, that this was the opposite of what he desired. However, nothing would come from questioning "How things ended this way?", nor any way of begging would open the path to Polaris again. They had to struggle and change the world that they were in currently. It was a hard task, but after you go through that veil of bitterness that insisted on enveloping both of them... perhaps it wasn't that impossible after all. 
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- "...As good as you can expect. I do not assume they will stop anytime soon, so please keep your guard up."
The other thing he had noticed was that Yamato seemed even more tired. They both had to spend several nights awake, all for the sake of this new world. 
Hibiki still had hope, despite the grim circumstances. He accepted Yamato's ideologies, and that is why the world is like this right now. If he did not do that, then who would? Would the man, the boy in front of him crumble alone? It was something he could not admit nor accept. His concerned look was substituted for a gentle smile, always good at realizing and understanding his surroundings. What Yamato... no, what they both needed was a more positive view to this mess. Even if it were not completely true, nothing would come from bickering and pointing fingers. It wasn't Yamato's fault.
It wasn't his fault either.
Did it lie on the faulty side of people, the way they could be easily corrupted and turn wicked? He had answers to none of these questions, but the least he could do is support him. Is to be by his side and work on a way around this, as he had always done.
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- "...Hey, Yamato.
Do you regret your decision?"
On purpose. This way, Yamato would be allowed to talk once again about his dream... even if it did not turn the way they expected. And if per any small chance he did, there would be an answer for that, too. 
The Original Timeline
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Only but a few weeks had passed since their succession over Polaris had been recorded in history, not that it was prevalent in the current established society. Seeing through to Yamato’s wish did not come without its sacrifice, and because of Polaris’s cunning will, the once thought perfected meritocracy was now falling apart at the seams…. Meaning another late night alone in his personal office and nothing but the scratch of Yamato’s pen against his papers. Mind you, they were no longer the outdated system of official government documents to fill out—no. These were now plans—maps—to route out possible insurgents, traitors to the new world, where further corruption could, and would, spread. The stress was tolling; The Chief never spoke to a soul besides those of whom he gave orders and of course Hibiki. Though given at times they didn’t see one another for days, so long as he was alive, that was a small sense of reassurance that Yamato could be content with.  Feeling his restlessness rise from the over exposure of exhaustion, he sighed and leaned back into his desk chair listlessly. It was going to be another sleepless night, he knew. The people on the outside were just so horriblyinsatiable much to his own frustrations. As much as there were those who wanted a more peaceful means to thrive, those that were glad enough to step down at the rational voice of reason, the violence continued in many instances—There was no time for pity at these times; the core concepts of a meritocratic society remained in this sense—if you truly wanted something then it must’ve been earned through one’s own volition and strength (or brute force in this extreme case). It seems that it could not have been stressed enough given the amount of corpses that showed up on the streets here and there… albeit, despite his bitter attitude of the escalating tensions, the unexpected sight of his right hand, the said Hibiki Kuze, allowed for the young Hotsuin to feel more at ease, even if just temporarily.  ”How have your efforts been…?”
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