hiddlestaan · 3 months
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HE TAXED HIS PEOPLE TO DEATH? His provided lots of flexibility in his tax system.
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When Lucien was explaining Feyre he said if they don't pay in 3 days Tamlin is expected to hunt them down.
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But during tithe Tamlin said they have 3 days or the offer double next tithe. He don't want to hunt them down.
Plus they can literally give anything. Money is not necessary.
Girly thinks Rhysand have a tree that grows money or maybe they got occasional money rain in Velaris. Huh? How do you think he is running his court.
Lo jiii now their fae tradition that they've been doing for thousands of years is now suddenly Tamlin's fault.
Girly make it seem like he is dragging women to sleep with him. All the women participating in Calanmai is there on their own.
Yes he locked her in, biggest mistake but did he controlled what she eats?,did he forced her to do physical training?,did he forced her to work with no salary? Did his people in the mansion was verbally lashing on her? When she locked Nesta in the name of therapy they forced her to do all of these things.
Pls don't start saying that in Nesta's case all these things helped her. Bcoz in Feyre's case staying in the mansion will make sure she is still breathing. Do I need to remind you that Attor & Hybern were still lurking in the SC borders ready to snatch her any moment they got. Yes in SC borders bcoz at this point everybody knows she is in SC they don't exactly have to find her. They are more closer to her than she thinks.
I thought this one is clear. Looks like I still need to talk about this. Tamlin & Lucien didn't know about Ianthe's plan. How did Ianthe know about her sisters? Almighty Feyre herself told her in details.
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And also didn't they visited her sisters when Rhysand was fully aware that Attor was tracking them. And then they invited those Queens who betrayed them later in the same house.
And don't even think about saying If Tamlin hadn't made that deal none of these would have happened bcoz he made the deal after Ianthe was already in the SC. That woman has her own agenda so it doesn't matter if he made the deal or not she still would have carried out her plan.
And also Tamlin's deal was not only to bring Feyre back. 1st of all the deal allowed him to spy on them and 2nd the other part of the deal was that he'll allowed them to cross the wall if they don't attack anyone in SC. Let's just say What if he hasn't made the deal then the war will still happen, they'll still cross the wall, the first court they'll attack will be his but without the deal they'll kill each & every person in SC. I would say it was a thoughtful idea but unfortunately not everything thing was fulfilled.
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(putting this here bcoz I commented it somewhere & atleast 10 people said they don't remember & even more people said that this never happened & that I'm a crazy girl making fake scenes in my head)
okay fine he didn't give her HL title (the title that didn't even existed) but he was marrying her in front of his people that means he is basically introducing her as the lady of SC ( if not HL) to his whole court . That still gave her lot of power plus respect. 
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What exactly Rhys did? Married her privately with only one witness ( I'm guessing) that is the priestess. And then he introduced her as a whore in his court.
What kind of leader? Like Rhysand?      Haah Funny coz that dude can't even rule the other half of his court properly.
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hiddlestaan · 3 months
Tamlin bringing back Rhysand in ACOWAR just for Rhysand to pettily insult and taunt Tamlin in ACOFAS.
Who's the better man again?
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hiddlestaan · 3 months
Feyre demanding that the High Lords bring Rhysand back and them just obeying her??
That's why I honestly believe SJM forgets what she writes or flat out, ignores it in favor of her favorites.
The High Lords are supposed to be cunning and calculated, each one looking out for their people and their Courts first and foremost.
Fine, them bringing back Feyre UTM can be chalked up to their gratitude towards her and Tamlin since they did free them of Amarantha. They only gave her kernels of life essence to bring her back. The powers that came with them were unexpected, a whole big oversight, whatever. What's done is done.
For Rhysand, It can be reasoned that it was gratitude for fixing the Couldron, but frankly, I don't think he and Feyre had any other choice since the whole thing happened because Amren went rogue and because the world was falling apart?
The HLs bringing back Rhysand makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever politically, though. Why would any one of them want to keep 'the most powerful High Lord in history' alive? Let alone taking the chance of giving him even more powers if the same thing that happened with Feyre happened again? Especially when the High King theory had already been brought up, albeit discarded, but it was still there. The NC had been a terror even before Amarantha. It was the perfect way to destabilize it and keep an eye on whoever new HL was chosen.
Or if they were going to bring him back, why weren't there bargains with Feyre? I'm pretty sure she would have given them anything they wanted. Like Beron, of all people, gave another kernel willingly and for free? Really? Or Tarquin, who had every right to demand full restorations to the damages that were done to his court in exchange? Or Kallias, who should've demanded that 'other' daemati's name?
Honestly, it would've made more sense and would've been more believable to keep one of the death gods alive and have them bring him back. Or Nesta's death magic accidentally bringing him back because her emotions were reacting to her sister's cries. Or the Couldron bringing him back because it was grateful he had sacrificed himself to restore it.
There could have been so many other things to use instead of recycling that scene smh.
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
I weep everyday thinking off how SJM killed the potential Tamlin had. He was clearly written to be the hero of the series at the start, the one who fights tyranny, the one who’s ready to do anything for love, the one who cared for his people, the one who fought every threat sent to his land, the one who buried a lesser fae alone by himself, the one who played the fiddle with his friends. He was supposed to be a whole other person and SJM killed that potential to suck Rhysand’s dick.
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
Imagine Tamlin fighting & trying to protect as much of his people as he can alone when Hybern attacked. The same people for whom he made a deal with the Devil to keep them safe even during war. Just because of a lie spread by someone else who also swore to make the life of the same people better.
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
the more you think about you realize the night court is just a mess
rhysand is the mayor of velaris. he doesn’t care about the court of nightmares (that is ruled by this whole other dude) or illyria (where he doesn’t even enough moral for to his laws to be respected)
he doesn’t have any political allegiances because all the other high lords (except maybe helion) lowkey hate him.
the high lady fucked the sprint court because their high lord is her ex and there’s no real consequence for her. and rhysand loves to just?? invade his court?? to annoy the high lord?? like sir??
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
"Sat on his ass while you were shredded apart"
OK Rhysand. I see your petty ass. Because that's really rich coming from the Male who actually retained a considerable amount of power. Who had a secret city to hide her in. Who had darmarti powers to aid in escape. Who had 50 years to destroy Amarantha/Hybern from the inside. Or at least gain some insider information to help with a rebellion.
Smh. Tamlin's out there using his drained powers to shape-shift his loyal friends into wolves so that they can break the spell. Tamlin's out there helping injured, dying fairies. Taking in refugees. Fighting off Amarantha's monster cronies. And maintaining a strong stance against tyranny.
They did you dirty Tam.
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
I’m actually begging people to stop playing dumb about the Ember and Randall bonus chapter.
The problem isn’t Rhys being angry, the problem isn’t even Cassian agreeing with him over Nesta.
The problem is:
Ember comparing Rhys to her abuser
Cassian’s “eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn’t know who to side with in the brewing fight.”
Rhys snarling at Nesta and her flinching over something that she said was UNRELATED to the mask incident
Nesta showing “surprise, gratitude, and longing” after Ember defended her (why is she surprised that someone is defending her, Cassian? 😃)
Nesta not being sure whether or not they would execute her 😃
So much for “You come between a male and his mate, Nesta Archeron, and you're going to learn about the consequences the hard way.”
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
SJM really gave us a beutifully complex character who fights against oppression, slavery and classism, would do anything for his people, is a poet & musician and we were supposed to root for Rhysand because he *checks notes* has black hair and tattoos
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
It's only evil when Tamlin does it.
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Reminder: Lucien's mom saved Feyre's ass UTM, Nesta was right and Tamlin has mental overload and does not actually hurt her.
Doesn't make it cool, but neither are Feyre and Rhysand's actions.
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hiddlestaan · 4 months
the day people stop calling tamlin “traditional” or “not progressive” or just misogynistic is the day i can live in peace
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
The fact that Rhysand never apologizes for anything he ever does in the text is infuriating and indicative of the preferential treatment Maas gives to her male love interests. She could NEVER have her beloved Rhysand debase himself by reflecting on his actions and making an effort to mend his relationships with others because she’d rather just give him a convenient excuse to absolve him. Having him apologize would be an admission of wrongdoing, and in her eyes Rhysand can do no wrong.
It makes Rhysand incredibly unattractive in my view, he seems incapable of humility and self-reflection to the point that he’ll so casually dismiss the pain and distress of other characters for “the greater good” as if that makes his actions any less harmful. Meanwhile, Maas will GLADLY take any opportunity to make Nesta grovel on her knees for forgiveness and indulge her obsession with “humbling” her to the point of absurdity.
He never even apologized to Feyre for what he inflicted on her UTM. Having good intentions doesn’t magically absolve you of all your crimes and negate their harmful consequences.
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
I wonder what it's like to be the heir to a tryant High Lord.
A child to a horrible parent.
To grow up by their side, knowing as a kid what they're doing isn't right, but not knowing what's wrong.
To never be good enough, strong enough, powerful enough, brave enough, to never be right just existing .
No son of theirs would play an instrument made for people lesser than them, he should know he is above that.
No son of theirs would fly over their court using the wings he was born with, wings that showed his lesser heritage, he should know it isn't right to.
No son of theirs would grow to be kind in a court that wasn't made to be kind, he's the eldest of 7, he should know better than that.
No son of theirs would never just be a son, a child.
Forced into their position, no court would accept a half breed as High Lord, not unless he forced them, not if he wore a mask of his father, turning into him without even realising it with every passing day till he forgot who he was and became his father. Forgotten was the boy who liked to fly outside at night, the one who befriended others way below him as his father would say, gone was the boy who gave bastards a chance at friendship.
What would the court think if they knew their High Lord never even wanted to be one? He had to keep up his appearance, sit on a throne and demand a family with no home to give him something every two years. He hadn't learn anything on how to be a High Lord, he'd never wanted to be, content on being in a warband writing poetry, playing his fiddle for his friends to enjoy, friends his father would not consider good enough. Gone was the boy who felt joy at the simplest of things, not a little boy but still not a right man, even after knowing what he shouldn't do, ended up doing most of it while wanting to be different.
Then there is the heir who wears his own mask of indifference, he knows what his father does is wrong, and his act is to protect himself the best he could from the father who tortures his sons, the husband who beats his wife. Ordering his younger brothers like they are his hounds, losing his relationship with his favorite one because "Half" comes before brother. All he can do is hope he doesn't end up like his father.
But when does a mask turn into who you are? Who you were lost in the ruins of what was meant to be your childhood.
A victim in their story, a villain to whoever sees from the outside.
I wonder what it it's like to be the heir of a tryant High Lord, because from outside, it just looks like a High Lord who will never be good enough.
Because for me, that box is already crossed, to never be good enough, a child to a horrible parent, I can feel myself slipping behind my own mask.
A phrase that shouldn't be an insult is already coined as one.
"You act like your father"
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
Lucien glowed once as a child while he was with his big bro Eris and Eris knew from then exactly who his father was.
It was also the day that Eris decided Lucien could never be happy enough to glow again.
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
Lucien when he becomes the next male love interest after seeing how Rhysand and Cassian treat their mates:
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
TERRIFYING!! and you knowwwww sjm will go with the rhys as high king route 😩😩
The scariest part of acosf wasn’t the blood rite or feyre almost dying or cassian getting controlled by the crown it was actually amren introducing the idea of high king.I already despise the idea of high king so much as it is but RHYS as high king??? Yeah I think I speak for all of prythian when I say I’d rather die than have that happen.
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hiddlestaan · 5 months
it makes so so so sad that tamlin’s story isn’t going to be a happy one
@lorcandidlucienwill I cannot stop thinking about your tamlin post of him possibly abdicating his throne so I wanna share my two cents on this.
While you’re probably gonna end up being right, I really do hope you’re wrong lol.The main thing I wanna see with tamlin is him healing and tamlin abdicating his throne and “quitting” just feels like he’s giving up on his people,his court and himself and nothing about that screams healing to me.I think tamlin is deeply connected to his people and his lands and a big part of his healing journey should be him embracing and making peace with his high lord position—as well as regaining the trust of his people and rebuilding the spring court.Tamlin has shown that he cherishes his people deeply and everything he does is for them and I don’t believe he’d abandon them so easily.He is a good high lord,he just needs to accept his place and find some peace and enjoyment in it.I believe tamlin healing is deeply connected to the spring court healing and vice versa.One won’t happen without the other.
Right now tamlin’s too deep in his own shit to see what’s really going on around him so I think it’s a lot more complicated than “he has no interest in ruling over spring anymore”.He doesn’t want to be alive anymore and him living in his beast form is basically his way of fulfilling that without completely fucking up the spring court and leaving his people with nothing.Once he’s out of this depressive episode(because really that’s what it is)the one thing that’ll keep him going will be his court and the effort of trying to be better for them after failing them so terribly.Tamlin healing through the SC and the SC healing through tamlin is what I wanna see happen and it would be much more fulfilling than him giving up and handing his court to someone else —or worse him dying.
And as much as I love lucien and I know that he would make a great high lord,I don’t believe spring would flourish under the rule of some guy whose half autumn half day.They need tamlin— someone who has spring literally running through his veins and blood, someone who is connected to the very lands and core of the spring court.Tamlin has lived in the forests and has dug his hands through the literal ground of his lands.He IS the spring court.
Now do I think SJM will do tamlin’s story justice? Absolutely not but a girl can dream 😁!!
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