high-lady-of-dreams · 5 years
Yes! Same!
studyblr asks (feel free to add to the list)
What year are you?
What’s your major/what do you think you want to major in?
If applicable, what is your thesis about?
Do you think you picked the right major?
Ultimate educational goals?
Career goals?
Do you think your goals are realistic?
What classes are you taking right now?
Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?
Least favorite class ever and why?
Current favorite class and why?
Current least favorite class and why?
Favorite STEM field?
Favorite humanities subject?
Class that you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance?
Do you use caffeine and if so how much daily?
What’s your preferred method of taking in caffeine?
Have you ever tried study drugs?
Are you a homework-in-the-morning kind of person?
Do you listen to music while you study?
Crowded area or quiet place?
What’s your preferred writing implement?
Do you need to work out before you can study well?
Describe your perfect study environment.
Are you procrastinating right now?
What was the last thing you procrastinated?
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you like easy classes or do you feel bad if you’re not working hard?
Are you a good test taker?
What are you the proudest of out of all the assignments you’ve ever had?
Do you talk to your teachers/professors a lot?
Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them.
Describe your least favorite teacher/professor and why you dislike them.
Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher/professor?
Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?
Best feedback you’ve ever gotten on something academic?
Worst study habit and how are you working on it?
Are you an in-class fidgeter?
How’s your handwriting?
Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and post a photo.
Neat or messy notes?
A lot of notes or the bare minimum?
Post a photo/scan of your notes from your favorite class.
Are you a doodler?
Post a photo of your doodles if you have any.
Do you have pre-test rituals and what are they?
Are you a tangent-question asker?
Do you make jokes in class?
How many hours do you spend on academics per day?
What’s something more important to you than school?
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high-lady-of-dreams · 5 years
honestly same
i just want a group of friends where i can randomly shout things like “it’s not murder, it’s redistribution of matter,” or “i’m sad—basil, paint my undying youth,” or where i can randomly start crying about the prejudice against oscar wilde’s homosexuality, or the fact that socrates didn’t leave any written works, without being judged
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high-lady-of-dreams · 6 years
types of readers
hardcore: gets through a book a week (at least) and still has the time to re-read favourites AND study! could read all night if given the chance. everyone wants to know their secret.
softcore: takes their time but still gets through an obscene amount of books per year. their books have a lot of folded corners and their bedside table is basically just a stack of books.
wanna-be: spends hours browsing bookstores and reading reviews but doesn't actually read that much. often found making lists of all the books they plan on reading. have a pile of books they want to read in the corner of their room (but it's been untouched for a year).
stress-reader: they MUST read books practically as soon as they're released and must read them before everyone else so that they can tell everyone about them. their wishlist is massive and they spend all their money on pre-orders. will become a critic someday.
the reader everyone aspires to be: can be found in bed reading classics at 10am on a sunday (coffee and a croissant in hand), their parisian apartment window open with a light breeze drifting inside. they're under no pressure, no time restraints, and can read peacefully all day.
the student: has a pile of about 60 books they REALLY want to read. however, they also have a pile of about 100 books they don't want to read but have to for their course. often found asleep over a textbook at 2am. all their books are coffee-stained and smudged with ink. some are stolen from their school's library (accidentally of course).
the expert: has a comprehensive (and highly organised) collection of antique books, first editions and classics. they rarely read anything less than 20 years old and make sure to tell everyone that. has the phone numbers of local antique dealers memorised.
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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Know what would heal my wounds? More time with my fae-baes. How many days until ACOFAS?
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
Henry Branwell and Magnus Bane’s friendship is disgustingly undervalued.
Magnus was the first person to meet Henry’s eccentricity with equal enthusiasm and support and Henry was one of the first Nephilim to treat Magnus as an equal with no motive or ties to the Clave involved
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
god my absolute favorite feeling is devouring a book, when you get so into the pages and the words that you have to stop your eyes from skipping lines and force yourself to read every word, when you’re so impatient for what happens next that you can’t sit still while reading, when you have to re read whole pages because you were too busy predicting and anticipating that you missed the actual events, when you read a part that’s too good for words and you have to close the book and scream into your pillow, that’s what reading a truly great book is about and the feeling is even better when you haven’t found a book like that in a long time and then you stumble across one and something inside of you awakens
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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I’m also getting back into lettering and hoping to do a few of my favourite book quotes all nice and pretty. Maas is still my queen and so I’m sure a few of them will show up.
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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Big hug: season two edit
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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Sharing the RIGHT version. Layers, duh, Charlie. 
Cassian & Nesta for @blackbeak! 
Available in my shop. 
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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[CROSS-OVER] How about some love for our long-haired dudes? Here’s Cassian teaching Aedion the art of the man-bun. As to how this happened, I dont know, and I need a good backstory for this 😂 . And I’ve also thrown in a little moon-moon on the side which may or may not be Lysandra. 😅✌
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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Sat on this one till the season ended, but yea, painted Danerys with her favorite son :D
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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✅ Done! I still have a few things to do before I print the test version but all in all it’s finished! Characters belong to Sarah J Maas!
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
When Chaol gets back
Chaol: So what have I missed?
Aedion: Well Dorian got a new girlfriend.
Lysandra: Dorian and his girlfriend also have two wyrd keys.
Aedion: Lysandra is pretending to be Aelin.
Lysandra: Aelin managed to muster up an army from nowhere.
Aedion: Then Aelin got captured by an evil Fae queen and has been taken in an iron casket.
Lysandra: But before that Aelin and Rowan got married.
Chaol: Dorian has a girlfriend?
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
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So excited for tonight’s episode so thought i’d sketch something out!
more on
https://www.instagram.com/snatti89/?hl=sv http://snatti89.deviantart.com/
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
-I’m Jace. Jace Herondale Wayland Morgenstern. -I’m Jon. Jon Snow Stark Sand Targaryen. -Bro. -Bro.
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
Following all studyblrs!!!!
Hey, just went through a huge unfollowing spree, since I found out that half of the people I followed, were inactive. :( So, if you an active studyblr, hit up the reblog button and I’ll follow you! Need to fill up my dash before the academic year starts! ha
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