highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Selecting a policy that you have analysed in this subject (check assessment 2), write a report for the imagined agency including the following. • An overview of relevant and specific theories of policy change that could guide your work. • A brief scan of responsible government departments, non-government organisations, research organisations and peak bodies working in that policy area and the policy changes they are working on. (Make sure you clearly identify and reference specific organisations/departments that are working in the area of the policy change for the policy area you have chosen. • An aspect of the policy that you think is worth changing and a justification for that change. • A beginning plan for policy change: o With whom in the sector would you work, what kind of campaign, actions or strategies do you think would suit your agency and this policy change? o Which groups, individuals, public officials or organisations would you target for your policy advocacy plan?
Selecting a policy that you have analysed in this subject (check assessment 2), write a report for the imagined agency including the following. • An overview of relevant and specific theories of policy change that could guide your work. • A brief scan of responsible government departments, non-government organisations, research organisations and peak bodies working in that policy area and the policy changes they are working on. (Make sure you clearly identify and reference specific organisations/departments that are working in the area of the policy change for the policy area you have chosen. • An aspect of the policy that you think is worth changing and a justification for that change. • A beginning plan for policy change: o With whom in the sector would you work, what kind of campaign, actions or strategies do you think would suit your agency and this policy change? o Which groups, individuals, public officials or organisations would you target for your policy advocacy plan?
Advocacy Report (35%) Due Date: Week 9 Word count: 1800-2000 words Imagine you are working for a non-government organisation in a front-line case work position. For several months, you and your fellow workers have had discussions about extending your practice to policy advocacy. You approach a manager who agrees to provide a 6-week full time project (out of philanthropic funds). They ask you to…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Submission of a reflective essay summarising discussions, activities & learnings online & in class, which must include: • Demonstrating your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia • Considering the conceptual frameworks for family violence • Demonstrating your ability to identify impacts of family violence and, • What different practical responses in dealing with family violence issue can be organised.
Submission of a reflective essay summarising discussions, activities & learnings online & in class, which must include: • Demonstrating your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia • Considering the conceptual frameworks for family violence • Demonstrating your ability to identify impacts of family violence and, • What different practical responses in dealing with family violence issue can be organised.
Assessment 3: Individual Reflective Essay (30%) Due Date Week 11 Word Count: 2000-2200 words Submission of a reflective essay summarising discussions, activities & learnings online & in class, which must include: • Demonstrating your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia • Considering the conceptual frameworks for family violence • Demonstrating your ability to identify…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
In this practical assessment, students are required to conduct a risk assessment and safety plan as per the Adult Screening Tool found in Moodle.
In this practical assessment, students are required to conduct a risk assessment and safety plan as per the Adult Screening Tool found in Moodle.
Assessment 2: Risk Assessment and Safety Planning (30%) Due Date: Week 9 All professionals working with victim-survivors should use a Screening and Identification Tool, either applied routinely when this is a part of their professional role or service, or when indicators of family violence are identified. Screening is not an activity that occurs only once by a single professional or within a…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Students are required to choose one client group out of the following: Young People · People experiencing Homelessness · Indigenous Australians You are required to investigate the impacts of stigma on your chosen group, particularly relating to the following areas: 1. Public perception of substance use 2. Opioid Replacement Therapies (ORT) 3. Dual diagnosis
Students are required to choose one client group out of the following: Young People · People experiencing Homelessness · Indigenous Australians You are required to investigate the impacts of stigma on your chosen group, particularly relating to the following areas: 1. Public perception of substance use 2. Opioid Replacement Therapies (ORT) 3. Dual diagnosis
Assessment 4: Individual Essay (35%) Due Date: Week 11 Word Count: 1800-2000 words Students are required to choose one client group out of the following: · Young People · People experiencing Homelessness · Indigenous Australians You are required to investigate the impacts of stigma on your chosen group, particularly relating to the following areas: 1. Public perception of substance use 2. Opioid…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Apply critical thinking and judgement in identifying an appropriate AOD program and rehabilitation suitable for Mary’s needs. For example, would Mary benefit from a full-time rehabilitation program or a part time rehabilitation program and why?
Apply critical thinking and judgement in identifying an appropriate AOD program and rehabilitation suitable for Mary’s needs. For example, would Mary benefit from a full-time rehabilitation program or a part time rehabilitation program and why?
CASE STUDY You are the case worker for a single mother (Mary) who has a 15yr old son (Toby). Mary is struggling with alcohol addiction and states she often smokes marijuana when her son is at school. Mary has said that she hasn’t worked since her son was born and had previously managed by doing odd jobs for friends and neighbours. However, Mary has said that now her son is older she would like to…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
You are required to clearly demonstrate your understanding of what addiction is, in terms of your what you have learnt, how the Cycle of Addiction impacts as well as giving a very clear understanding of ONE evidence-based model.
You are required to clearly demonstrate your understanding of what addiction is, in terms of your what you have learnt, how the Cycle of Addiction impacts as well as giving a very clear understanding of ONE evidence-based model.
Analysis of AOD foundational knowledge (15%) Due Date: Week 6 Word Count: 1200 words This assessment is designed to help you develop the foundational knowledge in alcohol and other drugs and demonstrate report writing skills. Assessment Analysis of foundational knowledge Format Students must complete this assessment in Moodle. This assessment requires that you write a 1200-word analysis on…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
How did Colonisation impact Indigenous Australians (including the Lost Generation)? Why is it important to understand Indigenous Australian culture when working with these consumers? What are the risk and protective factors for Aboriginal mental health?
How did Colonisation impact Indigenous Australians (including the Lost Generation)? Why is it important to understand Indigenous Australian culture when working with these consumers? What are the risk and protective factors for Aboriginal mental health?
You are a Homeless Outreach Support worker for CAAPS Aboriginal Corporation, working with the CAAPS Homelessness Outreach Support (HOS) Program that supports those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and their families.   Your primary objective is to assist clients to access mainstream agencies to secure or maintain stable accommodation. Another key focus of your work is the positive…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Write a script of the exact words you would say to explain confidentiality to Bonnie at the start of your first session 2. What principles will you use from Rogers’ Person-Centred therapy to develop a person-centred counselling relationship with Bonnie?
Write a script of the exact words you would say to explain confidentiality to Bonnie at the start of your first session 2. What principles will you use from Rogers’ Person-Centred therapy to develop a person-centred counselling relationship with Bonnie?
Assessment 2: Individual Written Assessment (25%) Due Date: Week 7 Word Count: 2000 -2200 words Students will research and write a report based on a case study that will be provided. Your response requires you to provide at least 8 reference sources. These must be peer-reviewed academic articles, not websites. PROVIDE NO MORE THAN 2 SENTENCES TO INTRODUCE THE CASE STUDY SCENARIO- IF YOU WRITE…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Identify a theory that could be used by management to respond to the consultant’s observations and to motivate staff. (1 marks) Q 4. Describe in detail the key characteristics of each theory of motivation identified above. (3 marks) Q 5. Apply expectancy theory to motivate the Safety Central staff by explaining what you would do as a manager to respond to the consultant’s observations above.
Identify a theory that could be used by management to respond to the consultant’s observations and to motivate staff. (1 marks) Q 4. Describe in detail the key characteristics of each theory of motivation identified above. (3 marks) Q 5. Apply expectancy theory to motivate the Safety Central staff by explaining what you would do as a manager to respond to the consultant’s observations above.
INT204 Introduction to Management in Community Services   Instructions to Students: Address the questions listed below. This is an open-book In your answer, include only the content covered in lectures and required textbook readings. Include referencing for any textbook content cited in your answer. The assessment duration is limited in time. This assessment is worth 25% of the overall grade for…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Provide a brief history of this policy in Australia, key moments of change in either the problem and/or the policy and key social and political drivers of that change. Describe and discuss the ideological influences apparent in the policy as it stands today (use the Fenna reading from assessment 1). Justify your selection. Provide an example of a similar response to this issue in another jurisdiction e.g. UK, USA Evaluate the extent to which this policy contributes to a more “socially just” Australia - this may require a definition of Social Justice found in the key readings.
Provide a brief history of this policy in Australia, key moments of change in either the problem and/or the policy and key social and political drivers of that change. Describe and discuss the ideological influences apparent in the policy as it stands today (use the Fenna reading from assessment 1). Justify your selection. Provide an example of a similar response to this issue in another jurisdiction e.g. UK, USA Evaluate the extent to which this policy contributes to a more “socially just” Australia – this may require a definition of Social Justice found in the key readings.
Assessment 2: Individual analytical essay policy analysis (30%) Due Week 6 Select a single policy topic from the list provided. Income security, either Parenting payment Income management: cashless debit card/ basics card NDIS Homelessness policy (state e.g. WA, NSW, Vic) Family Violence policy (state e.g. WA, NSW, Vic) Clearly choose a key policy, using the concepts and literature provided in…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Why is family and domestic violence considered to be a gender-based issue in Australia? What conceptual frameworks can be applied to confront the challenges of domestic and family violence?
Why is family and domestic violence considered to be a gender-based issue in Australia? What conceptual frameworks can be applied to confront the challenges of domestic and family violence?
Assessment 1: Individual Essay (30%) Due Date: Week 6 Word Count: 1600 words (Minimum 1450 words / Maximum 1760 words) In this assessment, the students will be assessed on their knowledge of the role of  gender inequality and on  domestic and family violence frameworks in working with specific vulnerable groups. This assessment builds on students’ theoretical knowledge and aims to put that…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Describe pathophysiology of Influenza A with an in-depth discussion of immunological mechanism/s responses. What immune cells are involved/affected? How does the pathogen overcome the immune system?  How does the infection alter normal homeostatic processes (i.e. Influenza impact on respiratory processes)
Describe pathophysiology of Influenza A with an in-depth discussion of immunological mechanism/s responses. What immune cells are involved/affected? How does the pathogen overcome the immune system?  How does the infection alter normal homeostatic processes (i.e. Influenza impact on respiratory processes)
NUM1203 S2 2022: Case study assignment – Influenza A Write an essay covering; 1) Introduction and overview of Influenza A and include a definition, Australian incidence data (who is affected, how many) and known risk factors (age, gender, ethnicity etc.). [250 words] 2) Describe pathophysiology of Influenza A with an in-depth discussion of immunological mechanism/s responses. What immune cells…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Identify the three main components of evidence-based practice (EBP) and discuss the relevance of EBP in the delivery of safe and quality patient care Discuss one organisational barrier that can prevent the implementation of evidence-based practice in a healthcare setting?
Identify the three main components of evidence-based practice (EBP) and discuss the relevance of EBP in the delivery of safe and quality patient care Discuss one organisational barrier that can prevent the implementation of evidence-based practice in a healthcare setting?
Step 1: At the point of registration, you will be an accountable health professional who is expected to provide person-centred care following the principles of evidence-based practice. With this responsibility you must be able to demonstrate resilience and emotional intelligence and be capable of explaining your rationales for your clinical practice. Being involved in implementing evidence-based…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
During your interview with Angelo, you note that he is not forthcoming with personal information. What communication techniques would you use to obtain a clinical history. (400 words) 2. Angelo appears to be experiencing symptoms of depression. Outline the main symptoms of depression, and how these impact quality of life (400 words). 3. Discuss the link between physical health and depression. You can focus on one of Angelo’s physical health conditions (diabetes, chronic pain or cancer) if you would like to (400 words). 4. Explain one therapeutic and recovery-focused intervention that you could use to help Angelo with his anxiety or low mood (400 words).
During your interview with Angelo, you note that he is not forthcoming with personal information. What communication techniques would you use to obtain a clinical history. (400 words) 2. Angelo appears to be experiencing symptoms of depression. Outline the main symptoms of depression, and how these impact quality of life (400 words). 3. Discuss the link between physical health and depression. You can focus on one of Angelo’s physical health conditions (diabetes, chronic pain or cancer) if you would like to (400 words). 4. Explain one therapeutic and recovery-focused intervention that you could use to help Angelo with his anxiety or low mood (400 words).
Health Nursing S222 Assessment 2 Description: Four short essay questions Due Date: 2359 hours (CST) Sunday, 13th November 2022. Value: 40% Length: 1600 words +/- 10% (1440 – 1760 words) Clinical scenario Angelo is a 50-year-old man. He has type 2 diabetes mellitus and has chronic back pain and a recent diagnosis of colon cancer. Angelo presented for assessment at his local hospital after being…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
The obligation of government to promote and protect the human rights and freedoms of your chosen group (i.e., the obligations of governments to act in certain ways or refrain from certain acts).
The obligation of government to promote and protect the human rights and freedoms of your chosen group (i.e., the obligations of governments to act in certain ways or refrain from certain acts).
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of sex, race, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, age, disability or any other status. For this assessment task, you are required to write an essay (1200-1500 words) that is based on one of the following groups who, at various times and in various contexts, have not had their huma rights protected or promoted: Aboriginal…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Explain the extent to which you would describe Australia as an egalitarian or class society. Explain the concept of social inclusion and outline the strategies and/or measures adopted by Australia to achieve social equity.
Explain the extent to which you would describe Australia as an egalitarian or class society. Explain the concept of social inclusion and outline the strategies and/or measures adopted by Australia to achieve social equity.
The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research a topic of study so you can learn to: Apply your knowledge that you have learned in class Analyse information found in scholarly journal articles Synthesize new knowledge into a written response Minimum of 3 academic journals must be used Use APA 7 reference style. You are required to complete a 1000-word essay…
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highgradewriters22 · 2 years
Determine if the theory was a grand, middle-range, or situation-specific nursing theory. Discuss.
Determine if the theory was a grand, middle-range, or situation-specific nursing theory. Discuss.
Instructions: Search online for a nursing research article on a nursing topic that interests you. Write a 2 page paper addressing the following: 1. Explain the Nursing Theory represented by the journal article. 2. Determine if the theory was a grand, middle-range, or situation-specific nursing theory. Discuss. 2. Summarize the findings of the article. Paper must be written in APA 7th edition…
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