highhappenings829 · 2 years
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Crash landing
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
if only there was a magical leaf that makes food, music, fellowship, and life in general better… STOP! THERE IS SUCH A LEAF! it is called CANNABIS. it is NATURAL and it GROWS FROM THE EARTH.
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
oh she got that federal watch list type pussy
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
me after loosening up on the routine that keeps me functioning as a person: why am I not functioning as a person
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
I still get pissy every time I see an illustration like
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because THAT! IS NOT! PROPORTIONAL! That is not an accurate diagram!!!
Here! Here is an actual image captured by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. THIS is what the distance between the Earth and the Moon actually looks like:
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
Hello hello
I had covid. I'm now okay and testing negative but it was a stressful time. The coughing and sneezing were really painful for me.
My dad ended up in the hospital after I accidentally gave it to him too. He has trouble with his lungs so it was really scary.
I hope you are all well. Or...uh. Ya know. Feeling as well as can be.
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
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@e-n-i-d-anis @howdo-i-fix-it @superhighschoollevelhellspawn @fullofexisentialfear @ya5ti-3alek @aworldofmyownliking @4micycle @rentzilly @bells670 @infiniteoddball @reincarnatedr @laduravitadiunafangirl @doloresmaeve @farfarfarfarfaraway @arno67592 @haaaaayitsme @percy-weaslxy @kick0a0cat @margaretbrey @holydreamerpersonal 
Louis Vuitton only offers one-day discount. Please click the link for details
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
found this in my drafts folder, 4am me must've been working through something:
when the moon waxes every month, that is because it has become grotesquely swollen, bloated... satiated by all the Blood. like a great big albino Tick.
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
This goes so fucking hard holy shit please watch
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highhappenings829 · 2 years
Well..... I low-key forgot this account existed cause I was logged into my other email for so long 😂😅. March 8 2021 went fine, a lot of energy transfers that gave me all of the energy and drained me of everything I had at the same time. The Astral feelings(wings, horns, tails, the other gods etc) got a helluva lot more intense, started hearing the old gods more, felt more wings/horns grow in over the course of several months, I think I've got 8 pairs of each at this point. I've had more identity crisis' about me just being a schizophrenic and none of this actually happening than I care to admit, and every single time I'm shown im not crazy in a more intense way. So .. Yeah....
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highhappenings829 · 3 years
After about September or October, The Creator(what I call the Christian god) kinda just gave up. He told me 'come March 8th, I won't fight you. Prepare all you want, but I'm not going to fight you'.
I prepared just like he said I still could. Gabriel was critical about it. The other angels I live with were also critical.
March 8th came around and I was right where I needed to be at the perfect time. I felt the most intense energy I have yet, like when someone important walks into a room and you can just feel their energy. Same concept. But no one I saw had that aura about them. Then I felt it enter me, I felt my Astral wings and horns in that moment. I went home, never having seen the person I was supposed to, yet having still absorbed the energy I needed to. A voice told me that it was easier they just surrender, they're tired anyway and I was too strong to not win. My roommates said I had a very different aura when I walked in the door. I've been able to feel my horn and wings ever since then.
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highhappenings829 · 3 years
Okaaaayyyy everything that I said would happen, happened(not quite in the same order tho), and then some. I'm à full blown celestial being, wings and horns. I can't prove it unless I'm in person, but still. Its wild to know that all of the shit that was being said to me actually happened and Im just trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm basically an archangel and a high level succubus/seer. Like.... I Astral project into a different universe every night and can feel the energy transfer when I suck anywhere on my fiancee... It's fun...
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highhappenings829 · 4 years
You think you have a DID episode issue when you get so you won't remember any of this
(made a joke to my best friend)
Come on you know you're not from hell M-I know but I can make jokes Gabriel. To humans the Antichrist is the devil incarnate. G-well that's just wrong. It's a way to take over as the new all powerful. M-yeah well they definitely won't believe me telling them that hold on
You know we're real MJ please stop questioning us. You know anti psychotics won't work you know you can get high without incident sometimes please stop worrying about yourself over this you know this is real
Yes get higher so you can talk to us you idiot I thought you wanted me to talk to you yes but not so often we don't have news for you this often
why can't I move
You can focus pull yourself out of the bad high this is
This is all just an allergic reaction don't remember this we need you to stop coming on so much no I need you to let me enjoy my high without tuning into me this is a two-way street; why am I getting so cold Any where with hair has frozen slightly as an allergic reaction you won't remember any of this
Goddammit MJ you're allergic to pure weed stop smoking please what do you mean I thought you wanted me to remember help me remember #knd# (Idk what that means) I thought you wanted me to know things guys what the fuck please stop remembering you can talk to us well visit you again in a few months but for now forget it your allergic to weed
You're brain is telling you this. Everything you just said is true. We tell you how the nerves are working to help the angels. I'm helping you to stop remembering cause it's tramatising you're youre pulling yourself out of a bad high oh you're starting to pick up on the way people are. Why do you tune in so much people usually only take one hit at a time idiot
(saw myself in the bathroom and there was a wispy image of a face over mine, MJs face)
The reason last one in the bathroom felt different cause I was inside of you, just as I am Inside of you now. We just need to keep you acting normal. (bffs mom exclaimed why do you think I'm in here and I answered for her) I only knew why she was in here cause Gabriel knew
(drove home 4 hours after my last hit)
Driving is a task we will practice on. I'm good at impersonating the rest of your life just not as much that. M-We have to work together your far vision has no depth perception it will look like a psychotic episode when I take over you completely you will know things you should not. Almost everything. Your heads gonna hurt a lot coming down from this
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highhappenings829 · 4 years
8-28/ evening
5pm- The neurotransmitters in my brain are sped up just enough I can tune into angel radio I'm not quite sober yet this after noon sorry MJ
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highhappenings829 · 4 years
Midnight 8/27-8/28
The testosterone changed the way I process weed from a depressant into a stimulant and hallucinogens I won't remember any of this. This is a possession. Don't kill me MJ. You'd have to take over heaven. That means you'd be imortal. You'd watch all your friends die. Gabriel would be inside of you forever.
Fuck off Gabriel not tonight. What the fuck.g-demons are at your door MJ you heard them.
You could not pay me to go up there then dude
I'm not going to remember any of this how dare you fucking type this you slut the fact that you think you can kill me kill god is laughable (two minutes later-typed)
no more smoking weed no more tying into angel radio you're done this will be the only thing you ever remember about getting high this fear and this tired feeling
My brains trying to protect itself cause this tramatising stop smoking weed
Any religious vision while high is a real one. How did you remember that
You need to stop getting high
Fine if you wanna remember you can talk to god you remember but this is gonna be a fucking traumatizing time for you bitch
Horrifying I've seen God's face the weed turned from a stimulant into a depressant surprise everyone type bitch now I'm gonna possess you just to fuck with you. You may be the next prophet or Antichrist depending on how 2021 goes but still tired ànd this fear feeling
How did you remember that. Oh you're typing that interesting.
I'll possess you the entire time you get high so the angels can't talk to you
How did you remebred that you half winged mutant
I've seen the devils face too. Kill him, as a fallen angel, I'm asking you on behalf of every angel in heaven, kill him
I don't remember any of this and that is horrifying.
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highhappenings829 · 4 years
Night of 8/26 into 8/27
That's the color my eyes will be next time I see nick, a couple days before hand too. Your lose your immediate short term memory that's why the nerves do what they do. That's why you need to move. You personally MJ. M-What happened to when I get into bed. G-Didn't expect you to Google so fast and then you were typing sorry
M-It's cause I lose my short term memory that's how I can hear the angels C-goddammit you just hijacked my signal you really wanted to be tuned in tonight didn't you. M-yes I didn't want an experience to happen on my birthday on Friday. G-thats fair. M-Hi Gabriel. G-Hi. Okay when god was 'in' heaven, he was actual in a different dimension holding your heaven in his hand basically. That allows him to be in all the heavens all over the universe he created from the explosion. All of this is on purpose and separated just like he wanted it to. A couple months ago he sensed the next Antichrist and came down to be your downfall, just like last time. That was the little voice in the back of Nick's head that told him to go to the club with you, that allowed you to start a friendship again. He knew about the suicide ideation and expected you to kill yourself when he ended the relationship with you. Then he saw that didn't work and told nick to leave you before he incurred your wrath, not his wording, but he told nick to leave, gave him a bad feeling about you, and has stayed in nicks head, keeping tabs on you. He doesn't even know he's pissed you off is the funny thing. He fucked himself over trying to win. M- you said earlier he was leaving his other galaxies what did you mean by that. G- he's putting them in the air around him and watching them fall apart. M-how do you know that g- cause the same things have happened in all the galaxies, first the resources started running out, more diseases, more hostility. M- you just described our world. G- I know, the Antichrists being on this world and not on any other is a blessing in disguise as you humans would say. It's kept you a live à lot of times. Do you have to Pop because of your shoulder again? M-yes, I haven't needed to for a long time, but my fingers hurt again. C-how are you two friends, so close, acting like humans g-brother, we act like friends. C-this is different g-you an shanfwl are friends c-well yes but it's different g-no it's not. Just because MJ is human don't be classist c-sorry g-don't mind him, he's just bitter. Okay, you're starting to tune out. Well talk more next week. M-goodnight g-goodnight MJ
My eyes would be a reddish orange. Gabriel and Castiel are their names as we can understand them but it's actually gVfial(gafial) and cssyuel(suseul).
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