I prefer the term Classical Satanist when describing my Path, but I very much lean to the Old Ways of Devil Worship . . . and as with many Devil Worshipers of Old I Work exclusively with My Infernal Father Satan and recognize inversion and blasphemy as powerful tools of adversity. Unlike more recent Paths within the realm of Satanic Philosophy and Practice that of Classical Satanism embraces evil, the insidious, the primal, the nefarious and the carnal. It embraces the rawest elements of what forms all the Beasts of the Earth which we are also a part of, the evolutionary leap of humans has been degraded and distorted into a method of repressing and shackling those raw elements when in truth it should have been a passageway into exaltation, a state where the individual could excel and revel in the rapture of our primal and carnal will. The rise of Classical Satanism in this World is needed now more than ever to fight against the oppressive grip of the conformity and orthodoxy which has for too long driven humankind into the banal embrace of denial. It is said by some that the Catholic Church is the ultimate symbol of that oppression, if this is so then Classical Satanism is the ultimate symbol of the adversity against the repressive tendrils of that monument forged in the name of the God of Tyranny. It is time for the Dark Churches to arise that their shadow may extinguish the blinding light of Orthodoxy!
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Know of the power of blood in the Rites of Satanism, of the infinite energy carried within that scarlet wine which is the life force of our existence, the spilling of blood at the Grand Altar of Our Lord Satan releases a force which Satan Himself can gestate into Infernal Servitors, can manifest into Demonic Doorways by which the Dark Spirits of Hell may enter into our World. When harnessed with the force of sexual energy the power released from given blood in the hands of the Unholy is ineffable!
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The Seven Deadly Sins, The Ten Commandments Of God, The Beast Of Revelation And The Daughter Of Satan
A former Mentor of mine by the Name of Father Berith once spoke to me of how he had learned from a secret German Satanic Order known to outsiders as the Cabal Of Eleven that the Beast of Revelation was symbolic of the Seven Sins and the Ten Commandments of God. That the Seven heads of that mighty Beast represented the so called Seven Deadly Sins and the Ten Horns/Crowns represented the Ten Commandments of God overthrown by those Sins at the command of the Scarlet Whore who is the Daughter of Satan. This theoretical discourse on the Beast of Revelation became more clear to me in its truth during a Communion with Satan during Ritual in which He spoke to me of the Ten Commandments as being as locks barring the way through the Nine Gates of Hell. As the first Nine Commandments are broken these locks become Keys to open those Gates, the Tenth and most heinous Commandment broken presenting the Satanic Apostle with the Key to the Inner Court of Satan which lies beyond the Ninth Gate. All Ten Commandments may be broken it is said by the motivation and carnal and primal instincts which lead one to commit any of the Seven Deadly Sins and so by surrendering ourselves to our natural natures we shall break the banal Commandments of God and be presented after death with the Keys to the Gates of Hell, our descent leading us directly before the Dark Throne of Satan. I believe these theories to be true having always believed the Ten Commandments of God to be as shackles placed upon us to halt us from our natural exaltation and merging with Our Lord Satan who is True Master of this World. To sin, to indulge in the Seven Deadly Sins is to Honour Satan, to break the Commandments of God is to be free of the tyrannical Heavenly Father . . . by completing this Quest we release the Seven Headed Beast within us forged by the Black Flame of Satan . . . when this World is governed by those Sins rather than the Commandments of the Pale God then the Beast shall rise from the Sea of Chaos released by these Quests and the Scarlet Whore - who is indeed the Daughter of Satan and the Antichrist - lead the Dark Witches and Warlocks who have Satan’s Mark upon their Soul to the Aeon of the Infernal!
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I took the Name Mocata from the character in Dennis Wheatley’s Black Magick novel The Devil Rides Out which I first read at the age of Ten, I shall always have a deep fondness for that book, for along with another of Wheatley’s Occult novels The Satanist it awakened my mind to the path which I have traveled for the past forty-five years and the many experiences and powerful knowledge that path has bestowed upon me. Above all though these book lead me upon a journey in which I have gained union with my true Spiritual Father Satan for which I shall be eternally grateful!
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