highwayhoss · 5 years
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Rest in peace, Patricia. </3 [X]
In lieu of flowers it was Patricia’s wish for those that loved her to make a donation to https://freeforlifeintl.org/.
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highwayhoss · 5 years
Limp Lizards
An all-girl grunge band with a lizard motif as their gimmick. They’re actually a group of herpetologists from the Los Angeles Zoo, and the profits from their music go to various charities for wildlife preservation and research.
Blonde Caucasian. Keytarist and lead vocalist.
Thai brunette. Lead guitar.
African-American. Bass guitar.
Latina Redhead. Drummer.
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highwayhoss · 5 years
Jem-Transfromers-GI Joe Crossover Dialogue Excerpt
Aja: Okay, so let me get this straight – you’re telling me that our Synergy was made using an alien space-probe belonging the giant-ass robots that change into cars (points to the Transformers), and there’s and evil version of you guys out there who want to use her to take over the world or something.
Optimus Prime: That is correct, the Deceptions will–
Aja: And Techract (points to him) is the clone of some super-villain dictator wannabe leader of an secret evil snake-cult who also wanna take over the world.
Techrat: You left out the part about me being a clone for organ parts. That has implications you know.
Aja: (points to team Joe) And you guys are like some super-secret military branch who deals with the snake freaks.
Duke: Well, uh, yeah, basically…
Aja: Oh. My. God.
Jem: Okay, Aja, just calm down–
Aja: Calm down? CALM DOWN!? Reality as we know it has been flipped on it’s freaking head, and now we’re facing the freaking Apocalypse, dammit! Giant alien robots, secret military groups, snake people, I mean what’s next, a giant ancient lava-demon rising out of the ground to attack New York!? (Inhumanoids theme plays in the background as Team Joe and the Transforms glance around awkwardly.)
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highwayhoss · 6 years
“...and the American way”
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This piece by Harebrained Schemes art director Mike McCain is so gorgeous and I love it and if you want a print of it, you can buy it here. 
100% of proceeds go to the ACLU.
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highwayhoss · 6 years
I fully agree. Orange works better with her.
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Hot take: Raya shouldn’t have had pink hair because Jem already had pink hair. Nobody else in the Holograms, Misfits, OR Stingers had orange hair, and goddamn it why can’t Raya have a color all to herself???
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highwayhoss · 6 years
Note: Christy Marx tried to kill this episode according to the Jem chapter in the book “Totally Awesome”. Therefore IMHO it is OOC.
Can we talk about how when TechRat sends Jem and the Holograms back in time and they meet Mozart who cackles at everything and insists they call him Wolfie; Then they land in Woodstock and trip Johnny Beldrix (obviously Jimi Hendrix) to which he replies "Foxy Lady!" (Later they name check Lennon and Elvis alongside Johnny Beldrix as the some of the greatest musicians to exist so I'm not sure why they had to make a fake Jimi Hendrix but) ?¿?
we dont talk about journey through time
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highwayhoss · 6 years
1. Worst Jem episode? 2. If you could rewrite the episode, what would you have done diffrently?
Oh god, now that’s a hard question. ‘Cause there are some episodes I just didn’t want to watch, like Homeland, Heartland because the animation put me off, but it doesn’t necessarily make it a bad episode. I can stomach bad writing longer than I can stomach ugly animation or bad songs, so when it comes to least favorites, it’s not usually because of the writing. I guess, if I had to pick, the worst written episode is probably Journey Through Time.
I just think time travel plots are usually unnecessary and are too confusing. Fortunately there isn’t the usual time travel kerfuffle in this episode the way there normally is in a show that does time travel, but it’s still annoying. How in the goddamn hell does Jimi Hendrix use Synergy and nobody notices? If there’s evidence of Jimi’s concert at woodstock, those photos Eric got of Synergy in the first 5 episodes shouldn’t mean anything. It would clearly have been an old prop from Woodstock, nothing that needed snooping or spying over!
If I had to rewrite it, it’d be an entirely different episode. The general plot would be the same, of course, but it’d have to go about it differently. Jem and the Holograms want to honor music at a music event, but only have a song about rock n’ roll. So they learn about all kinds of music throughout history to get a sense of appreciation for all music, but maybe instead of going back in time and meeting the musicians personally, they could do a holodeck episode with Synergy putting them in the kind of mindframe that led people to create that kind of music.
Idk, just a thought.
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highwayhoss · 6 years
I can see Mirage as a former secret agent and/or spy who went freelance to work for Syndrome.
While it makes more sense that Mirage probably has a long list of supers already tracked down due to just how fast Syndrome works, I honestly prefer the headcanon that she’s Just That Good and can hunt anyone down in under two weeks off of nothing sheer skill
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highwayhoss · 6 years
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Daily reminder that Gizmodo is a piece of shit website that doesn’t let people enjoy anything.
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highwayhoss · 6 years
1. Weapons sales are ALWAYS lucrative; besides, how else is he going to get money? Supervillian lairs are not cheap, you know.
2. Battlefields are excellent places to field test weapons and designs. Such testing helps Syndrome improve his design skills.
3. Contacts: a successful arms salesman will have lots of contacts and influence.
A good example of a successful arms dealer in cartoons/comics would be Destro, the head of MARS Industries and Cobra’s chief weapons supplier.
I wonder why Syndrome decided to get into weapons manufacturing. Was it just because it was lucrative or he knew he had the skills to do it/was trying to further develop his skills for when he started making the Omnidroids, or perhaps a more personal reason?
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highwayhoss · 6 years
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Pocket Princesses 258: Spice Hoarde
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highwayhoss · 6 years
Jerrica had stated the main reason for her secret identity was to protect the secret of Synergy and her holographic technology from falling into evil hands. She was also concerned that Eric Raymond would accuse her of conflict of interest. In the IDW comics, she took the Jem identity to help her cope with stage fright; the comics show her struggling with the consequences of that decision. In the Jem: Infinite miniseries, we see what could happen if Synergy was revealed to the world.
Know what? I take back everything about Miraculous Ladybug and their frustratingly obvious disguises. Jem is worse, like look at this…
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No mask, no big change in stature, literally the same person
I’ll never get why Jem had to have an alter-ego in the first place? It wasn’t like Hannah Montana where she’s trying to live a normal teenage life while being a famous singer. She was a singer disguising herself as a singer, with larger hair and make up. What was stopping her from just being herself? And why were the holograms necessary? It wasn’t that big of a disguise, again, just large hair and make up. 
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highwayhoss · 6 years
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highwayhoss · 6 years
That is one cute plushie!
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It’s that cute little fluffball, Madmartigan from the Jem comic! Asked my friend at Emberfall.com and she did a great job, eh @thefingerfuckingfemalefury ? ;) Kudos to Sophie, Kelly and Emberfall :)
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highwayhoss · 6 years
Its finally out! A film that truly captures the spirit of Jem! Glamour and Glitter, fashion and fame! Guest starring the Misfits, the Limp Lizards and Riot!
Also features a crossover guest appearance by the evil BARONESS of Cobra!
BTW check out Chickbait’s channel for a video discussing the film.
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highwayhoss · 6 years
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And that’s why I also can’t wait for the sequel!!!!
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highwayhoss · 6 years
… Anyone else remember when Amanda Waller was 5'1" and 200 pounds, played in a “fat and heavyset as physically imposing” manner that’s usually off-limits to women? Good times.
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