highyenas · 6 years
why do u hate ariel so much like what did we do to you
???? have you not been reading anything about her past actions that's ive brought up to her ?? and she continues to make remarks n arguments like that - i don't hate her i don't hate anybody but i can voice my opinion as much as i like, im sorry you don't agree with it.
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highyenas · 6 years
You’re so clear headed and you handled the argument with Ariel well!! Good job! :)
Oh thank you hahaha !
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highyenas · 6 years
Leave Ariel alone dude
im only having an argument/debate with them, and its over now so
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highyenas · 6 years
*clapping hands* GO OFF, QUEEN
lmAO thanks
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highyenas · 6 years
if this is @ me i dont bring my friends into it, they do it themselves, and i havent made accounts specifically for you, we’ve had these accs.. they’re spams.. not for harassing u.. lol - that’s a bit much
Don’t you have anything else better to do other than stalk my account and yell at me and bringing your friends into this to attack me over and over again? And then make accounts when I block you and do it all over it?
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highyenas · 6 years
Extreme Trump supporters, sure, but not people who are just trying to be positive about the president that they have.
But that’s you, not FOB. I personally can agree with parts of a person. Do I like him entirely? No. There are middle grounds.
The illegal immigration detainment stuff has been going on since Bush, and Obama supported it. (you can fact check it on Snopes.com, it’s true) It wasn’t  Trump. The media has only just now started talking about it. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but it’s not just him.
I don’t believe it’s in your power to tell people that they’re hated by people they idolise just because they like some things their president has done and are trying to keep a positive outlook on the situation, bc, y’know, being positive is actually healthy. - Nazis, alt-rights, extremists? That’s a different story. But there is absolutely no reason to put down reasonable people with an average mindset. Especially for people you don’t even know personally.
Joe Trohman hates Trump and all of his followers. We do judge in this fandom based on political views. If you support Trump, you are a bad person, wether you like it or not. You support him and what he stands for. Joe is Jewish and Pete is part black, how are you just going to support Trump and love FOB?
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highyenas · 6 years
Idk how I’m still able to see your account if you blocked me, but I see your shit because people post about it on Instagram, that’s how. You’re kind of a laughing stock in places, dude. You act as if you haven’t done anything wrong - yeah I was the person you came at on your private account and argued with me about how Meagan was sleeping with other dudes and how you basically called her a bimbo for no reason. How she’s taken “injections” and all this bullshit. You realise that’s bodyshaming, right?? You’re putting other women down while you’re spewing all this incorrect stuff about her body. Me “yelling” at you was well deserved if you ask me. - You called her a bad mother too because you never see her with her kids, and yet, you don’t see anything from Elisa and somehow you don’t say shit about her. I don’t have anything whatsoever against Elisa, but that’s the logic you’re using here.
I can come and give my opinion as I see fit, you’re putting your stuff on a public blog, expect it to be criticised. 
Give me sources? And if they did say that, I’m sure they’re talking about the alt-righties, not the people who just say “oh this was a decent decision!” every once and a while.
You can support some parts of a person and some things they do, you can acknowledge the wrongs. You don’t have to support them entirely. The stock market and economy has improved under him and unemployment rates are down. I can appreciate that! As well as the efforts to negotiate with North Korea. I’m sure the boys appreciate it too. Do I support the “grab her by the pussy” and shit like that he’s done ?? of course not. - Anyway you’re not in a position to judge people for them. They’re not kids, stop treating them like it.
You’re just stressing yourself out by whining and having to deal with all these complaining voices, but alright.
Joe Trohman hates Trump and all of his followers. We do judge in this fandom based on political views. If you support Trump, you are a bad person, wether you like it or not. You support him and what he stands for. Joe is Jewish and Pete is part black, how are you just going to support Trump and love FOB?
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highyenas · 6 years
ur the one to talk dude, why are u trying to tell kids that their idols hate them bc of their political alignment
they don’t even care or know that you exist, stop making decisions for them
Someone who stalks my blog: ur so childish 😪
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highyenas · 6 years
imagine being this fucking stupid pete, joe, patrick, and andy are the ones to judge people, not your dumbass. you can support trump for what things he’s done politically without supporting him as a person. in case you didn’t know that. he’s our president, whether u like it or not, and you can either be a little bitchy baby about it or accept it and hope for the best.
you just get worse and worse, don't you?
Joe Trohman hates Trump and all of his followers. We do judge in this fandom based on political views. If you support Trump, you are a bad person, wether you like it or not. You support him and what he stands for. Joe is Jewish and Pete is part black, how are you just going to support Trump and love FOB?
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highyenas · 6 years
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i’m actually p proud of this wowe 
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highyenas · 6 years
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i love it when you do that on me
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highyenas · 6 years
Patrick’s solo stuff > fob’s whole ass discography
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highyenas · 6 years
Oh I see, I’ve read into it now. But you do realise that this happens with tons of musical artists out there, right? This doesn’t make Pete a bad person or lyricist or anything, it isn’t uncommon.
Hey kids did you know
Golden wasn’t written by Pete, supposedly
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highyenas · 6 years
Check your IOH CD pamphlets. Credit is given to Wesley Eisold on the back of the page with Joe on it. Artists are ALLOWED to reference things. They’re ALLOWED to sample. As long as credit and legal acknowledgements are given. And Pete doesn’t have to write everything, just like how Sia featured to write Champion. All of their album pamphlets have these. It isn’t illegal.
Hey kids did you know
Golden wasn’t written by Pete, supposedly
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highyenas · 6 years
at least this furry doesn’t bodyshame meagan and accuse her of sleeping with another man  ❤
Patrick’s solo stuff > fob’s whole ass discography
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highyenas · 6 years
ding dong your opinion is wrong uwu
Patrick’s solo stuff > fob’s whole ass discography
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highyenas · 6 years
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my boy dallon (name may change idk)
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