hihelloheyyyy · 11 days
Have A Nice Day!
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hihelloheyyyy · 18 days
Two days ago my husband said "...and he was pissed" and I said "don't say that around the kids!" so he corrected himself to "and he was liquid angry" and I've been laughing since
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hihelloheyyyy · 18 days
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hihelloheyyyy · 1 month
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Dark vs Jackie (priest dark and vamp Jackie)
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hihelloheyyyy · 1 month
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Fallen priest Dark (full image hidden)
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hihelloheyyyy · 1 month
An Actor's Inferno.
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
Wizard: Oh, I like your Goblin detecting sword! That's funny.
Goblin who thought they just had a cool glowing sword: ... My what now?
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
if the muppet show was still airing chappell roan would guest star and thered be a running bit of miss piggy thinking shes trying to steal kermit but shes actually trying to flirt with miss piggy the whole time
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
I haven't seen dancing pumpkin guy ONCE this year, are you guys okay?
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
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I'm so enamoured with this man
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
I swear to god raspberries get moldy so fuckin fast you just look at them wrong and they immediately go bad
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
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Guess what media i'm getting dragged back into
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hihelloheyyyy · 2 months
reblog with two or more random facts about yourself and I'll assign you a sanders sides character :)
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hihelloheyyyy · 3 months
Keep in mind I’m a cis woman writing this.
So I was debating posting this but I think it needs to be said.
So I’m a student teacher and this week, we started at a new school district. Now I won’t presume to begin to pretend that I know what everyone’s political ideologies are in this school district but keep in mind that it’s in rural New York State and rural New York State tends to run red. Not as red as some other places but definitely not blue and not even really purple. 
Anyway yesterday was my first ever professional development day. So I’m all dressed up, introducing myself to other teachers, and I shake hands with the superintendent who seems like a really nice guy.
And about halfway through the day, he goes up to the front of the theater and he starts talking about the best ways to talk to and help transgender/nonbinary students. It’s the basic things we all learn in our education classes. And you can tell that he’s a bit uncomfortable and so are some of the teachers. And at last, he stops and says, “Folks, I have to be honest. My father is rolling in his grave right now.”
And I’m in the back like, “Oh no.”
And so he pauses again and then he starts implying that he was raised to have a very negative opinion on the transgender community. And he continues to say that he had to unlearn a lot in the past few decades and then he admitted that he still doesn’t get it. He outright admitted that he personally doesn’t understand how someone comes to the conclusion that they’re not their assigned gender. And he admits that of course he doesn’t because he’s never had to go through that.
Another pause.
And then he says, “But I don’t have to get it.”
The theater fills with whispers and then he says [and I’m paraphrasing here], “I don’t have to get it. I don’t even have to agree with it. Because it doesn’t matter what I think or what I feel or what my beliefs are. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that I respect that student and I respect their choice.”
And then he reminded the teachers of every single policy that the school district follows from letting any student use their bathroom of choice to changing the students’ names per the students’ requests to not telling the parents anything unless the student gives consent to do so.
And at the end, he brought it back by saying, “My father just rolled in his grave again. But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter what you believe, because it’s not about you. It’s about your kids. And you need to love your kids! Love your kids! Love your kids!”
Long story short, this looks like it’s going to be a good placement.
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hihelloheyyyy · 3 months
1. I have hypermobile shoulders so I can do contortions and touch my elbows together
2. I have extensive knowledge on cuttlefish for no reason other than they are the best species on the planet
3. I don't know lefts and rights
reblog with two or more random facts about yourself and I'll assign you a sanders sides character :)
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hihelloheyyyy · 3 months
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if you knew what knew if you saw what i see, youd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream
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and other background because im an indecisive bitch
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