hihienna · 5 years
At first, I want to say "thanks" to @jennyzloch for tagging me. Thanks mom, love you:3
Top 3 ships: Adam Groff/Eric Effiog, Miles Monro/Debora, Steve/Brock/Baki.
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick or some unusual lipstick.
Last song: "Pretender" Pentatonix.
Last movie: The Listener (2009). I almost finished first season.
Reading: Ernest Hemingway "A moveable feast".
3 random things to make me happy: smile, marshmallow, funny randomness))
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hihienna · 5 years
At first, I want to say "thanks" to @jennyzloch and @dancing-frog-goddess for editing the story. It'll never be done without these persons.
They call the wind Tayu
My best friend is in love with the wind. No one knows why but me. We were childhood friends, so I know the whole thing about the wind. 
Long time ago, I think maybe it was forty years ago, when we were seventeen years old it happened. But now I think it wasn’t a story; it was life.
I had moved to rural Florida several months before where I met the guy. He was incredibly strange and some kind of crazy, but nice. We soon became friends and thought that it would last forever. Well, we were right.
Nate was tall and thin, but was somehow super strong. This struck me as hilarious. His skin was so pale that everyone thought he was sick, but that was just Nate. Bright blue eyes sparkled on his pale face. We always joked about his brown hair, that it had to be blond. However, he was beautiful with the brown. 
And then we met the girl; his first and last love. The love of his life. Tayu. She was a tomboy. Tayu always wore jeans with oversized sweaters. She smiled and laughed a lot. Tayu had an athletic build and nice, grey hair. Her warm, light green eyes often smiled. 
I remember her. Young and cheerful, such a beauty! I was totally obsessed with her and so was he. 
No one knew that she was dying. However Tayu was sick. She could live only a few years. None of doctors knew for how many. 
Nate & I didn't care about this. We' became her friends. We loved her. Well, he loved her a little differently than I did, but that doesn't matter. 
She lived with us ten happy years then passed away with the widest smile on her lips. 
She said it before she died: 
"Nate and Rita. Don't bury me in the ground. Please. Just burn me into the cinders and give the ashes to a wind. And then, I will become the wind. I always be with you. When the silence will come, I will be the shawl to cover your shoulders." 
I remembered her words. I will remember it forever. I know that Tayu became the wind. And that's why my best friend in love with the wind, because, you know, the wind’s name is long T. 
Love always becomes something new. It may be the wind. Or an another love. Nobody can predict these changes. And when love changes its shape, sometimes it's showing your new love by gust of the wind or drop of the rain.
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hihienna · 5 years
The Cat whose name is Samsara
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At first, I want to say "thanks" to @jennyzloch and @dancing-frog-goddess for editing the story. It'd never be done without these persons.
The Cat Whose Name is Sansara
There are cats that walk on their own. There are cats that have funny names. There are stray cats. There are cats that are actually dogs. In the end, there are so many kinds of cats that I can’t list them all.
I want to tell you about one particular cat; the cat called Samsara.
It was a long time ago; I seem to recall it was a windy, rainy day. I don’t remember clearly and it really doesn’t matter. What I do remember, though, is that this story began with the boy.
If I recall correctly, his name is Kate. It is an unusual name for a boy. However, Kate loves his name. He thinks that if you want to live properly, you should love your whole self. Kate is a strong boy; psychologically, he is older than children his own age.
It’s no surprised he was bullied. What was a surprise is that, while Kate absolutely ignored the humiliations, which could be mistaken for a weakness, but wasn’t – the bullies let him be after some time.
Ah, I almost forgot to tell you how he looks. Except for his stupid school uniform, Kate mainly wore baggy jeans, sneakers, and sweaters with high collars. It was a cool, odd outfit for a 10-year-old. What's concerning Kate's exterior. He’s a tall boy, about 150 centimeters. He had wide shoulders, reddish hair, and pale green eyes that could be quite stubborn, but most often are soft, attentive, thoughtful and lively.
I remember a lot about him, but more about that later. So...
It was a cloudy day in late autumn.
Kate waited in front of his school’s building for the older children’s classes. Winnie had one more lesson than he did today. But the boys wanted to discuss some important things, so they decided that Kate would wait for Winnie.
He looked at the wall with the school gate in it. But it had been as though he was daydreaming. That could be seen in his eyes, which stared at nothing beyond the grey concrete wall.
There was the sound at some point. It was a cat, sitting atop the wall to the left of the school gate. Kate focused pale green eyes on the cat. The brown cat returned Kate’s intense gaze from bright, reflective yellow eyes, mewing as she did so. The boy immediately thought, ‘This cat is female.’
Kate mused on few seconds. Then, he smiled at the cat, mewing in greeting. The students, who had just come out of the gate, gave him startled looks.
The cat snorted, tilting her head over her right shoulder, ears twitching. She glanced at the boy once more before disappearing.
Kate rubbed his eyes; then, just in time, he looked at the gate. Winnie had already come out and was looking for Kate. Not seeing him at first, he listened for their special whistle. Winnie heard it coming from his left and turned to see his friend!
Winnie got to his friend quickly and hugged him tightly. Kate smiled and patted his shoulder as Winnie let got, smiling widely.
Not saying a word, they turned and walked in a certain direction. While the boys passed over the sidewalk, near the road, Kate told his friend about the cat. Winnie listened with interest. When the boy finished the story, his friend reminded him that they wanted to discuss some problems.
The boys decided to talk about their problems after they crossed the road. However, something happened while they crossed the road to make them forget about their planned conversation.
Winnie dropped something and stopped to pick it up just at the center of the crossing.
It was so dumb!
Time slowed down in Kate’s perception. He couldn’t scream, even though he was horrified at what was happening to Winnie and all around him. Kate desperately jerked forward to pull his friend out of harm’s way, but failed to catch him in time. Kate let out a cry of pain, the scream merging with the squeal of a car’s brakes.
Winnie lay on the road, motionless. Kate, exhausted, sat beside him, covering his face with his hands. People on the street froze; the air seemed to, as well. Someone shouted, breaking the moment – it seemed to be the driver, and with that, the whole street started to move again. A woman called an ambulance while another man examined Winnie.
Kate pulled himself together for when the ambulance came. Since he knew Winnie’s medical information, he knew he could help the emergency medical team when they arrived.
Winne’s parents arrived at the hospital, where they were told their son was in the ICU. Eir and Chad ran to Kate. They were out of breath and seemed very nervous. Eir patted Kate’s shoulder. While Chad talked with the doctor, who had just come out of the ICU, Eir tried to calm Kate down, even though she was about to cry herself.
The doctor reported that Winnie’s condition was stable, but that it wasn’t stable enough, yet. As a result, he transferred the boy to a normal room.
The doctors continued to treat Winnie, but nothing helped. His parents almost lived in the hospital. And Kate visited his friend almost every day.
And once...
The boy, as usual, sat near his friend’s bed and peeled an apple. He was distracted by some movement on the window ledge. There was the cat. The cat who had been on the school wall. Even though her eyes were gray and her fur paler than before, it was the exact same cat. Kate recognized her as soon as he saw her.
The cat gazed on sick Winnie and sneezed. Then she sneezed one more time, and again. While she sneezed, her eyes were watering and filling with darkness.
Surprised Kate inhaled sharply and couldn’t take his eyes from the cat. It seemed to him that a thin gray veil was sent to Winnie from the cat, but then, at the next moment, the veil disappeared.
Winnie moaned and opened his eyes. At this, Kate sobbed, crying loudly. The cat sneezed one last time and jumped into the room. She walked smugly to the bed and jumped onto it, stomping her way to Winnie, to lay on his legs, where she purred loudly.
The boys looked at each other and laughed. Winnie sounded weak while Kate laughed through his tears.
When Winnie finished laughing, he asked his friend about the cat. Kate told him: ‘this is the cat I was telling you about’ and slightly smiled. Winnie offered to take the cat home with him.
Kate was silent several long seconds. But in the end he agreed.
The boys looked at each other again. And Kate, after looking at the cat, said that her name is Samsara.
Winnie raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought about it for a few minutes, smiled, and said it is a strange name, and maybe we don’t know the correct meaning of it, but that he completely understood Kate’s choice.
But if the boys knew that Samsara is the word Buddhist use to describe the wheel of many lives or souls... And it is usually a Bodhisattva who stays on the wheel to save lives or souls. And the Bodhisattva can reincarnate in any sort of body… So it’s entirely possible that The Cat is, indeed, such a being, she healed Winnie by sneezing and gazing… Knowing all that they would agreed that it is a perfect name indeed.
When Winnie left the hospital, Kate was waiting for him on the first floor, Samsara in his hands. While Kate waited, an old woman came to him. She smiled softly and said that she was very happy for this wonderful cat. She thinks this cat has probably saved a lot of people’s lives. When Winnie arrives, the old woman wishes both he and Kate good luck. She reminded them to take good care of the cat, and then she left them.
They boys say goodbye to the old woman as she leaves and then they also leave the hospital. They talked about cat's stuff. The boys smiled and laughed while talking and Samsara purred loudly.
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hihienna · 5 years
Maybe all the twentysomethings are obsessed with cartoons because all the “adult” shows show the same traumas, frustrations, and anxieties we already have to deal with 24/7.
Sometimes you just wanna watch a princess of power or a magical alien child do fancy magic stuff in a lower-stakes world where you can be reasonably sure you won’t be subjected to depictions of extreme violence, gore, assault, and sex without warning, ya dig?
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hihienna · 5 years
21 21 Tag Game
I was tagged by @jennyzloch. Thank you, mom. I never engaged in this kind of things before. And that's exciting and make me a little nervous. Moreover, I write a post in social networks (except little stupid vk)) first time in my life. But now, since even my mom playing that funny game I trying too.
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
Nickname: I liked to imagine a lot of names for me in my childhood. But now it's Hienna D Jeo. Or abbreviated it's Hel.
Zodiac sign: Saggitarius. But I don't really believe in astrology)) Although, sometime I wonder who I to horoscope today. And I not always saggitarius. That's funny.
Height: About 164cm. Don't remember.
Hogwarts house: I don't like Harry Potter very much. But some characters pretty cool and I like them)) So, it's Hufflepuff.
Last thing googled: Seems it was anime "Devil May Cry". I wanted to watch it and looked some information about it. It's pretty good))
Favourite musicians: Hmmm. I have a lot of them. I like Japanese musicians who play opening and ending theme in my favourite animes. And I like some foreign (I'm from Russia) group like: All Time Low, Nickelback, Bastille, The Score, Three Days Grace, Nine Lashes and many others. And I like some russian group. However I can't say that I have the most favourite musician)) I like each of them.
Song stuck in head: Rungran - Takeshi Hama (Devil May Cry opening).
Followers: I beginner in tumblr) So...
Do I get asks: Nope.
Amount of sleep: Differently. Sometimes I can sleep about fifteen hours. But it's on weekends. On week I made mode for me: I sleep from four till six hours. And it's perfectly normal for me))
Lucky number: Don't know. Maybe it's 42, 'cause that's sense of life. But I totally adore by 4 (it's number death in Japan and lucky number in other countries)) or 6 or 13. Maybe I like some kind of unfortunate numbers. But I don't think that these numbers is bad)).
Wearing: Jeans and shirt with print where one of my favourite anime characters Sakata Gintoki))
Dream job: I think it's quite a simple job and then I will have a lot of hobbies and free time. But, maybe it's jeweller)
Dream trip: Around world. And I want go most of the way on my feet.
Instruments: I don't play. But I want play on guitar someday.
Languages: I'm from Russia, so russian as native)) And I like English, but I don't know it enough, yet. And the same with Japanese language)
Favourite songs: And again as and musicians I have a lot of them) If Today Was Your Last Day (Nickelback) is one of them.
Random fact: I write poems))))
Aesthetic: I love all world. Concrete jungle of city. I like gray sky and all another colors that it have. I like rainy, crying sky. And I love ocean, 'cause it connect people hearts. This world and everything that it have damn incredible beautiful.
Tagging: @blueboxballad, @notanandalitebandit, @megszie, @annjonesbooks, @maria8yavanna, @miasheer, @cuteonewordname.
I'm beginner in tumblr and I don't know many people, so there's so little tagging.
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