hiiri25 · 3 years
Plagiarism Alert: Author Romilly King Plagiarized Destiel Fanfic
eHey ya'll - reposting this on Tumblr, on behalf of a the OP on Twitter, who gave me permission. The original thread is here: https://twitter.com/KokomRoily/status/1422965705167806471
(if you have trouble reading the side-by-sides check Twitter)
FROM TWITTER (I am NOT the "I" in these! But I know who is, they're a friend, and this evidence looks pretty iron-clad to me)
>I'm what you'd call a voracious reader. I read all the time, everywhere. I read non-fiction, fiction, & fanfiction. I don't discriminate great stories. What I do despise is plagiarism. Color me surprised when I bought "Paid to Kneel" by Romilly King. It seemed so familiar.
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>By chapter 2, I realised I could mouth along with the lines, because this is almost verbatim "You can hurt me, it's okay, baby" by Blue_Jack.
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>All of these screenshots are of "Paid to Kneel" (with yellow highlights of plagiarised text) next to "If you hurt me, that's okay, baby" by Blue_Jack on Ao3.
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(unforth's note: ...I've hit Tumblr's image limit, but you get the idea. There are even more images on Twitter, but even just these ten prove the point. Here's the rest of OP's commentary from the thread)
>I contacted Blue Jack to see if they're Romilly. They're not. They filed a plagiarisation claim with Amazon, who pulled the book. The audio book still remains, for the moment.
>Romilly has published a book approximately once a month during 2020 and into 2021. It's entirely possible she's been writing ahead of time and is only publishing now. It's also entirely possible she's plagiarised more fic.
>The plagiarisation isn't even remotely subtle.
>This was a work put out into the world to be enjoyed for free. Blue_Jack spent *hours and hours* writing and editing this *for free*, for people to enjoy *for free*, and someone tried profiting from it. That's not okay.
>If this fanfiction has been plagiarised so thoroughly, how can I trust other books by Romilly aren't also plagiarised fic? If this fanfiction has been plagiarised so thoroughly, how can I trust other books by Romilly aren't also plagiarised fic?
>I suggest you go read the fanfic, if you like kinky Destiel. It's *most* excellent. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5200685
And a little more from me -
Romilly King has almost 23 books out since early last year up on Amazon. They've got thousands of reviews on Goodreads. Given how often they publish, and how flagrantly they plagiarized this one, whatcha want to bet they've stolen wholesale from many different authors in different fandoms? This is major, guys, and totally unacceptable.
Spread this like wild-fire, and let's bring this plagiarist down in flames!
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hiiri25 · 6 years
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hiiri25 · 8 years
We all have ships we don’t like. A lot of us even have ships we hate- but that doesn’t make it okay to tell someone not to ship something, and it certainly doesn’t make it alright to send someone hate/shame them for what they ship!
Ship wars can really hurt people, and leave lasting issues with fandom/shipping as a whole, or even drive people out of fandoms entirely! Tag blockers exist for a reason- so please reblog this to let folks know your blog is a safe space, and you’ll use them instead of sending hate!
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hiiri25 · 8 years
So happy to see someone thinks the same, Jon Snow is the worst choice ever for a king. Let’s be realistic, without Sansa, the battle against Ramsay would have been a disaster. He may be a good warrior, but certainly not a good ruler, he doesn’t know the game at all.
Sansa should be queen in the North !
is anyone else fuming that jon snow was made king of the north and not sansa??? he’s such an idiot and i’m praying to the old gods that she sides with littlefinger and gets rid of that moron next season
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hiiri25 · 9 years
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Voting ends TODAY!! (JAN 31st) You have till Midnight CST
Winners will be announced on February 4th.
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hiiri25 · 9 years
Yes it does =)
Imagine Person A of your OTP+ is a fallen star.
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hiiri25 · 9 years
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Can’t get enough of Bethyl? Neither can we! We will be hosting the first annual Bethyl Alternate Universe week January 24-30.
We hope everyone will contribute; be it in fics, gifs, edits, art, videos or whatever else you come up with! Just be sure to only post your own original content and to please use the tag #bethylauweek so that we can see everything and reblog it here on the network.
The main prompt for the day is bolded and we’ve included some suggestions for each day. You are free to use the suggestions or anything else you come up with!
Sunday January 24//fairy-tale AU
Maybe Beth is a mermaid and Daryl sees her from his ship? Or perhaps Daryl is a werewolf and Beth runs into him on the full moon. Is one of them royalty under a curse that can only be broken by true love’s kiss?
Monday January 25//time period AU
What would happen if Beth and Daryl met in the fifties? Or in the future? Maybe even in the Victorian age? 
Tuesday January 26//crossover AU 
See how Bethyl would act in another established universe such as the Harry Potter series or the Hunger Games. 
Wednesday January 27//canon AU
Still set in the zombie apocalypse but with canonical facts politely(or angrily) ignored. What do you think would have happened if Daryl never opened the door for the dog or if Beth had gotten out of Grady with Noah?
Thursday January 28//college AU
Are Beth and Daryl both students? Maybe one is an instructor? You tell us!
Friday January 29//Rivals AU
Beth and Daryl are at odds with each other because they both work for rival companies or maybe they are competing for the same competition. Maybe its even something as simple over a contest of who can eat the most donuts, it’s your choice!  
Saturday January  30//Anything you want!
Got an AU idea that we didn’t cover? Share it with everyone today! 
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hiiri25 · 9 years
Au fanfiction
Rencently, I read a lot of fanfiction where character’s gender change and I thought, Why not a bethyl fanfiction with some change of gender ?
Wich one would be the best, Daryl as a girl, Beth as a boy or both a the same time ?
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hiiri25 · 9 years
Reblog if you want a shitty summary of your blog in your inbox.
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hiiri25 · 9 years
If you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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hiiri25 · 9 years
Thank you it is probably one of the best meth story i ever read !!
I just read your Yondu/Dary prompt and... I kind of ship them now. I mean, the idea is awesome so could you write the prequel if you have some time ? before they crashed the ship XD Or if you can't , number 25-Merle/Beth =)
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(Holyshit, hiiri25 feel lucky because this turned out sooo much longer thanI freaking meant for it to! It’s twelve damn pages for christ sakes!Twelve pages! Shit… I was on a role lol!)
Thefirst time he came in, Beth had been startled and had turned to lookat her boss, Lori, with an expression of pure disbelief.
Aleather vest with angel wings, wrap around and tinted shades, facialscruff, muscles, a mean scowl, and probably standing around six feetas he drove around on a loud piece of metal and chrome… Not exactlythe kind of person you expect to walk into a library on a sunnySunday afternoon.
Afficher davantage
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hiiri25 · 9 years
It MUST become a fanfiction !!! It would be soo amazing !!! 
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Howlin’ For You – A Bethyl AU —————————————— Mockingbird Can’t you see Little girl’s Got a hold on me Like glue Baby I’m howlin’ for you [x]
In the small town of Blackwood, Georgia there lies a terrible problem with livestock going missing or being killed off. But nothing can prepare the town for the spotting of huge animal footprints and the death of officer Dawn Lerner.
Now the whole town is in a hush… Everyone except Ethel Greene and her granddaughter Beth Greene who live at the edge of the forest, much to the towns and Beth’s sister - Maggie Greene-Rhee - dislike.
“Arn’t you frighten, grandma?” Beth asked, settling down into the goosefeather bed of her small room as Ethel sat in Beth’s old rocking chair and worked on sewing the red fabric in her aged hands.
Ethel tutted. “Nothing to be afraid of, Bethy. Why I bet you anything that the poor beast is more afraid of us and what we can do than we are of what it can do. Only natural for an animal to kill for food or when it’s scared. that Dawn Lerner never could back down.”
Beth watched her grandmother sew and felt herself being lulled by the rhythmic movement. “You talk as if the beast is human, grandma,” Beth murmured, sinking into her covers and feeling herself lull to sleep.
As sleep dragged her down, Beth barely caught her grandmothers reply. “He’s more human than we ever will be, dear.”
I got the idea when I saw unbadgr‘s art for a werewolf!Daryl and I had the idea of Little Red Riding Hood, but I’m making my own twists to it… I don’t know. i kinda like the idea of Beth as a modern time fairytale with a twist, you know?
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hiiri25 · 9 years
clap your hands if your favorite characters were destroyed or completely disrespected by their own show
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hiiri25 · 9 years
This fanfiction is absolutely amazing =) Original, funny, full of mystery and well written =) 
I can’t wait until the next chapter !!!
Fallen (Chapter 7)
Read More
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hiiri25 · 9 years
Reblog if you’re still Team Beth
(Not) just out of curiosity, trying to figure out how many people are still willing to fight for her)
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hiiri25 · 10 years
The Vikings
Last episode let me speehless... because i was SO disappointed !!!
Why ? I don’t see what it brought to the general plot. Maybe it is because I missundertsood something, If it is the cas can someone explain it to me ?
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hiiri25 · 10 years
AU fanfiction
Ok, I had this weird idea this morning (when I was supposed to work... i really think too much about Bethyl when i’m supposed to work)
Merle and Sophia are listening to the radio in Carol’s kitchen.It is Sophia’s favourite program “To repair a broken heart”. This emission’s purpose is to reunite childhood sweetheart. And this is what they heard 
“Hey, we have a new call ! Who are you, and why are you calling?”
“I’m Maggie Greene and i’m looking for my sister’s childhood sweetheart.”
Merle knows exactly who the guy is : his baby brother, the one and only Daryl Dixon.
What do you think about it ?
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