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I won’t be role playing as Hikari lately. I thought to come back and try to muster up muse for her, but it’s not happening. I have muse focused on fanfictions from other fandoms. So sorry!
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In celebration of #Pokemon20 , doing some pokemon sketchs ! Starting with Dawn/Hikari
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the first thing i thought was this when i saw this post so oop s
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“ ‘sup sun mom?”
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Soothing Sentence Starters
“It’s okay. I’m right here.” “Just take a deep breath.” “You can hold my hand if you need to.” “Everything’s all right.” “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” “Shhhh. You’re fine.” “Do you want me to stay with you?” “Let’s count to ten together, okay?” “Concentrate on my heartbeat. Don’t listen to anything else.” “I’ve got you. You’re going to be fine.” “Look at me. Just look at me and nowhere else.” “I won’t leave you behind.” “I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”
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Pika-Pika Power? || Open Rp
“Piiiiikkkkaaaaaachuuuuuuuu!” The mouse Pokemon ran at Hikari’s traveling companion, a strong electrical current surging from his cheeks. He jumped up and shocked the stranger as he came into contact with them.
“Pikachu, what are you doing?!” Hikari yelled, ducking quickly to avoid the electric charge that was aimed at her new friend.
“Pika, pi pi Pikachu! PIKA!” The mouse yelled as he jumped off the human, scurrying off before anyone could scold him.
“Oh, no! I’m sorry about that. Pikachu’s usually friendly.” Hikari hoped Satoshi would return soon– taking care of his Pokemon wasn’t easy. Pikachu acted out whenever his trainer wasn’t around.
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I went with fluffy appealshipping. Where are their vests? Zoey’s clearly a little nervous, Dawn must have teased her into a kiss.
1/3 requests done.
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Hikari found it amusing that the king was so talkative. Plus, it was nice that Dedede certainly had brains as well as being brawny. "That's fascinating. I wouldn't expect someone who didn't grow up in one of the Regions to know so much. Yes, indeed. Red is Pikachu's trainer. They've been together for a long time-- or so I've heard. Can't believe he'd register Pikachu for the Smash Tournament and not enter himself. They're supposed to be a team!"
There's No Place Like Home || Closed RP
While Dedede was around his late teens, he could act like a child. Why? aybe he was a kid in heart? Who knows? “Oh, heck no! I’m trainin’ those rocky ones! They’re tha true men ‘round the Poke-place, what I’ve heard!” he declared as the Waddle Dee rolled over and placed its face against the girl’s chest, adoring her warmth delivered to him as Dedede never gave them any. 
“The Smash Mansion…? Uhh, yeah, I lived there when I fought in tha good ol’ tourney.” he said, flexing a little. “An this friend…?” The boy who was always with Pikachu? Hmmm, the only one who never fought but allowed his Pokemon to do it for him. “Was dat Red?” 
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"Well, think about it for a moment. Not all people are the same size, right? The same can be said for Pokémon."
Had she just made her new acquaintance's nervousness increase? Full lips formed into a noticeable frown, as sapphire hues looked to the anxious merchant. Hopefully, the other hadn't taken too much of what she'd said to heart.
"Of course your feelings matter. Don't ever say otherwise! And I'm sure your father can put the past behind him if you both made up somehow. Believe me, it's not always easy seeing eye to eye with family, but they're all you've got for the most part."
“Pokémon come in all shapes and sizes, so while a lot of them might be smaller than Mamoswine and Quilava, there are still some that are larger. I heard that legendaries like Dialga and Palkia are gianormous!”
The boar-like mammoth sensed the other trainer’s uneasiness as he continued smelling the article of clothing. Once he had the scent memorized, he pulled away, and began sniffing the ground. Glameow had definitely been here earlier.
“Why’s that? You don’t wish you’d have stayed home instead of visit Sinnoh, do you?”
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"Pokémon come in all shapes and sizes, so while a lot of them might be smaller than Mamoswine and Quilava, there are still some that are larger. I heard that legendaries like Dialga and Palkia are gianormous!"
The boar-like mammoth sensed the other trainer's uneasiness as he continued smelling the article of clothing. Once he had the scent memorized, he pulled away, and began sniffing the ground. Glameow had definitely been here earlier.
"Why's that? You don't wish you'd have stayed home instead of visit Sinnoh, do you?"
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"Oh my goodness! I don't even know how old she is in Pokémon years, I'm not the best at math, you see. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why it's called evolution."
Mamoswine stared back at Kokuka when she looked to him. Instead of waiting for her, the friendly Pokémon ambled over to her side, before his snout sniffed the coat.
"Well, if you ever need help with your projects, let me know. My Pokémon and I will be your guinea pigs, if you'd like. Hm? Oh, no. Mamoswine won't eat anything unless said items are some sort of food. He's trying to pick up Glameow's scent..."
She relaxed, quite visibly, at the general explanation. A sigh escaped her lips before she spoke.
“He’s not a ghost type, then…a-alright, huhm…I guess…I’ll grab that coat…are lots of Pokémon this…big? Back home we only have cat-types…”
She gestured the overall stature of the two creatures in front of her.
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“She’s been with you a long time, hasn’t she? If she was only two years old then, how old is she now? I don’t mean in Pokémon years, either. That gets confusing since you have to multiply their Human age by seven. As for Esper knowing when you get into trouble– that’s a good thing. She’s kept you in line through the good and bad times."
The coordinator chuckled lightly, and followed her new friends’ gaze to her team.
"Surprisingly, no. I was used to the fact that Pokémon grow up to be different because of television. I would watch any battles that were on channel eighty-eight, and witness all kinds of evolutions then. Needless to say, it wasn’t much of a shocker when my Pokémon began metamorphing.”
Sapphire orbs fell on the dying embers of a campfire, and before the girl realized what she was doing, and was tending to the flames to keep the fire from going out. It was chilly out as it was, so perhaps what was left of the fire would warm everyone up somewhat.
When Kokuka spoke again, Hikari focused her attention on said girl once more. “Why, it’s beautiful! You’ve got a talent for this.”
She relaxed, quite visibly, at the general explanation. A sigh escaped her lips before she spoke.
“He’s not a ghost type, then…a-alright, huhm…I guess…I’ll grab that coat…are lots of Pokémon this…big? Back home we only have cat-types…”
She gestured the overall stature of the two creatures in front of her.
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"Aww! That's really something! I'm glad you find comfort in taking care of felines. If I may... which kitten bonded with you the most while you were caring for them? Was it Glameow or Espeon?"
She turned back to look at her Pokémon, just to make sure they were behaving to the point of obeying her. Mamoswine didn't always listen, even when his trainer bribed him with a generous amount of treats.
"I promise they're friendly. I had Quilava when he was just an egg, so I raised him from a hatchling Cyndaquil to a Quilava. As for Mamoswine? I caught him when he was an infant Piloswine-- he's always had a big appetite, and even though he only listens when he wants to, he's a big softie."
She relaxed, quite visibly, at the general explanation. A sigh escaped her lips before she spoke.
“He’s not a ghost type, then…a-alright, huhm…I guess…I’ll grab that coat…are lots of Pokémon this…big? Back home we only have cat-types…”
She gestured the overall stature of the two creatures in front of her.
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It was a relief to say the least when the other girl began to calm herself. Not often did Hikari come across trainers who were easily spooked.
"Nope. None of my Pokémon are Ghost-Types. I once came across a wild Misdreavus, but I didn't get the chance to capture her since she disappeared right away. You've only got Cat-Types where you're from? Oh, my!"
Nodding in understanding, the girl chuckled lightly. "You've nothing to fear with these two. All of my Pokémon are softies. You could say they learned to be friendlier from socializing often."
She relaxed, quite visibly, at the general explanation. A sigh escaped her lips before she spoke.
“He’s not a ghost type, then…a-alright, huhm…I guess…I’ll grab that coat…are lots of Pokémon this…big? Back home we only have cat-types…”
She gestured the overall stature of the two creatures in front of her.
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