hikato-chan · 1 day
An AU where SY actually was SJ is so interesting, especially with it's implications about the system!
So the villain of the story the system is trying to fix dies. That's not it's fault! Likely, that was a butterfly effect from having dragged the writer into Shang Qinghua's body. No one could have expected this! They barely even talk!
But it happens- and the System tries it's best to fix it. It manages to keep the body alive, but the soul slipped away. That's fine, it's fine! The System just has to find it before it... Nope, it got reincarnated already. Damn. But, it will be fine. It can manage!
It keeps the body asleep and goes to find just where the soul ended up. It will be able to return back with no time passed, it's sure! And it does find the soul. In a sickly boy who is constantly reading.
That's... Not so great. Because the System will have to catch the soul before it reincarnates again, and this boy barely even knows how to run! But it's fine, the System can work with this. It just needs to figure out how to get the theoretical knowledge to him. The rest it can figure out once he's back where he should be.
So, what better way than to let the soul read the story? That would surely be helpful for more than one reason! But the story doesn't exist yet. But that's fine. It knows the Author! Just a nudge or two so he starts writing, and just a nudge or two so the Soul starts reading! It works great!
So it waits, and the story goes on and on before coming to a close. That's as much knowledge as that soul can have, it supposed. Now it just needs to go and retrieve it.
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hikato-chan · 1 month
What kind of face was Mo Ziyuan even making when he stole the flag! He looked so scheming, only to end up dead on the next page!
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hikato-chan · 1 month
Quick drawing of my comment:
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gently grabs u by the shoulders ,,, wwx with a huadian !!! WWX WITH A HUADIAN IM BEGGING
god im just so !!! huadians embellished w pearls !!! wwx w a huadian and eye makeup made to look like flowing clouds !!!
tearing up let me put makeup on wwx PLEASE
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hikato-chan · 2 months
Oh, wait, wait, consider. Slice of life, but with occasional peeks into LWJ getting more and more disillusioned about the cultivation world. They keep blaming WWX for things, they keep hunting him, and whatever else unrighteous that they would declare is totally righteous actually.
Maybe one day his uncle and his brother do something and he can't take it anymore. I don't think he would defect yet, but he could go on long night hunts trying to find WWX first.
And if he's so done with the cultivation world and only wants to see WWX, I can imagine where he would eventually find himself!
Obviously on WWX's side we would see a lot of found family and him pining for LWJ, because of course he would.
And so the illustrious Hanguang-Jun disappears on a night hunt and Baoshan Sanrens gains another disciple.
grabbing myself by the collar of my fancy shirt and shaking myself like a maracas, demanding more thoughts about found family wei ying wen ning and wen qing !! they have seen each other at their lowest and theyve crawled through hell together and— and genuinely they deserved more time together. they deserved to enjoy peace together. they deserved to watch a-yuan grow together.
they. them. yes.
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hikato-chan · 3 months
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this poem is about being nonbinary.
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hikato-chan · 5 months
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Fight Like a Fool! A comic about a court jester that goes on a quest :o)
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hikato-chan · 7 months
So based on that last ask with King Arthur is he choosing to fall in love with Gwen even if she has a high chance of falling for Lancealot? If so, it's tragic. Doomed to love another that won't fully love you back.
Does Arthur even just tell Lancenalot to get the hell put of the kingdom some loops?
I think it's more like-
You become aware of your existence somewhere around the age of 3. You were born under mysterious circumstances you don't know the details of. The first time through, you were growing up in a castle. Lately you find you are growing up among peasantry.
Maybe you have brothers. Maybe you have a sister. Maybe you're an only child. Your family is distant either way. They speak welsh. They speak latin. They speak french. They speak english with american attempts at british accents.
The first few times through, there wasn't a sword. Now it's a consistent presence - a shimmering blade stuck in a plain anvil or a large boulder, haunting your hometown or a nearby forest glade. It looks different every time, feels different in your hands. It was made for you.
There are more trials every time. In the first stories the crown was yours from birth. Lately it's been further and further away, behind more tribulations and tournaments and beasts to slay. More guidance from the ageless old man you remember from the earliest days, the welsh days. He's different every time. Everything's different every time. And still nothing changes.
The crown is yours. It's inevitable. And when the crown passes into your hands, it carries the kingdom with it. It's yours now. And it's going to thrive! You hardly need to do anything. Heroes flock to you and pledge themselves as knights, then spend the decades tearing off on wild quests and adventures, getting into the kind of trouble that serendipitously always keeps the kingdom safe. The adventures feel familiar, but never quite play out the same way. Chalices, black knights, fairy women, questing beasts. You rarely see them for yourself. You're too important, after all. You're the kingdom's beating heart.
You have a queen. You don't spend much time with her. It's jarring how much she changes every time. You hate how much it surprises you the times she genuinely loves you; you never really get to enjoy it. The kingdom doesn't run itself, even if just having you around seems to make the forests grow thick and the rivers run clear. Mostly you spend time with her when you're rescuing her from abduction. You very rarely have children together. You miss them.
It didn't used to end in fire, but lately it never ends in anything but, and you never know when it's going to start. You're never home when it starts, but you spend so much time out tending the kingdom or questing anyway. But you always learn too late - treachery. Your knight, your vassal, your bastard child, your lady love. Camelot is burning. You watch your life's work precede you into the grave.
You die. You sleep under the mountain. You dream. It's quiet.
Somewhere in the world, a writer picks up a pen, and you become aware of existence somewhere around the age of 3.
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hikato-chan · 7 months
i like consuming media too,
but you must. rest.
go to bed , p lease. it is bed time .. please ,
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hikato-chan · 7 months
Hey y’all wanna see the worlds most appropriately unhinged phantom of the opera as it came up on my FYP?
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hikato-chan · 8 months
Marius von Taube
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Oh my god it’s him. it’s Marius
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hikato-chan · 8 months
I got to hold a 500,000 year old hand axe at the museum today.
It's right-handed
I am right-handed
There are grooves for the thumb and knuckle to grip that fit my hand perfectly
I have calluses there from holding my stylus and pencils and the gardening tools.
There are sharper and blunter parts of the edge, for different types of cutting, as well as a point for piercing.
I know exactly how to use this to butcher a carcass.
A homo erectus made it
Some ancestor of mine, three species ago, made a tool that fits my hand perfectly, and that I still know how to use.
Who were you
A man? A woman? Did you even use those words?
Did you craft alone or were you with friends? Did you sing while you worked?
Did you find this stone yourself, or did you trade for it? Was it a gift?
Did you make it for yourself, or someone else, or does the distinction of personal property not really apply here?
Who were you?
What would you think today, seeing your descendant hold your tool and sob because it fits her hands as well?
What about your other descendant, the docent and caretaker of your tool, holding her hands under it the way you hold your hands under your baby's head when a stranger holds them.
Is it bizarre to you, that your most utilitarian object is now revered as holy?
Or has it always been divine?
Or is the divine in how I am watching videos on how to knap stone made by your other descendants, learning by example the way you did?
Tomorrow morning I am going to the local riverbed in search of the appropriate stones, and I will follow your example.
The first blood spilled on it will almost certainly be my own, as I learn the textures and rhythm of how it's done.
Did you have cuss words back then? Gods to blaspheme when the rock slips and you almost take your thumbnail off instead? Or did you just scream?
I'm not religious.
But if spilling my own blood to connect with a stranger who shared it isn't partaking in the divine
I don't know what is.
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hikato-chan · 9 months
Love to be on a website where I can join such hit 2022 fandoms as “century old public domain novel being read very slowly” and “half-century old mafia film that does not actually exist.”
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hikato-chan · 9 months
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hikato-chan · 9 months
Podcast listeners! Do you usually do stuff while you listen to podcasts or listen to podcasts while you do stuff?
This was going to be a poll, but I'm going to keep it as an open answer thing! Do you usually set out to listen to a podcast as the primary activity and do something (play a phone game, play with a stim toy, etc) to keep your focus on the podcast? Do you set out to do chores and put on a podcast as background listening? Do you do both about equally often? Do you have different podcasts for either balance? Tell me about your podcast-listening routines!
I'll go firet - I often "do stuff while I listen to podcasts." I have certain games on my phone that are mindless enough that they serve the need of having something to do with my hands and leave enough focus for the podcast itself to be the primary activity. For some podcasts, especially more episodic ones, I also like to "listen to podcasts while I do stuff," particularly cleaning or cooking. When I have something that needs to get done that can be a little hard to focus on or get started, a podcast can keep me company!
Feel free to use this as an excuse to tell me about your favorite podcasts too! Let's get the word out! :D
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hikato-chan · 9 months
WIP Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil Mechanisms animation thingy
@rocksanddeadflowers you gave me this idea here's how it's going so far, incredibly low quality quick doodles but you get the point
There's blank spaces because idk what to put there yet, and the end will have all of the mech's deaths for each repeat of the lyrics but I haven't done that yet lol
I haven't tried to animate anything in Years...
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hikato-chan · 10 months
Oooh yeah ok headcanon time!
In order: Thor is probably bleeding because he and Sigyn forced access to the Engine room, maybe by knocking out some guards or similar.
Loki is getting dragged to Odin's chamber because the lock on her chamber is broken, which is the reason why she was wandering around in the first place. There might have been nothing that happened, seeing as Loki wasn't thinking very clearly.
And lastly, I do think that the Odin of the present was watching Lyf as they were watching the black box. Knowing Jonny it could be seen as an influenced conduit or something similar, or maybe a part of her that was bound to the train by design, so I do think she was just weirdly staring at them. Seems like an Odin thing to do.
real footage of me 5 minutes ago
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ignore the typos
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hikato-chan · 10 months
Elsa's song from The Amazing Devil is such a sad song, and then the last line is sung and all I can imagine is this sad soldier ghost being mad that his love didn't bring his favorite flowers
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